Tranxending Vision

C930 Spy Games

C930 Spy Games

About two hours later, Jack woke up and opened his eyes. He gently shook his head. His vision was clear, but he did not see Xia Lei or Catelyn. He thought back for a moment and then suddenly stood up from the ground. He opened the bottle and took a sniff, but there was no particular smell. He picked up the cup again and sniffed, but he didn't find anything strange. After that, his gaze shifted to the side of the sofa. He saw Xia Lei's jacket and Catelyn's pants.    


Jack picked up Xia Lei's coat and then rummaged through Xia Lei's pockets. He found a billowing wallet full of money, dollars, euros, and pesos. Other than the money, there was also a Mexican driver's license with Costa's name on it and a fake photo of Xia Lei's Mexican brat. Then he found another passport. He examined it carefully, but there was no problem. He stuffed these things into Xia Lei's pockets, and then entered the hallway.    


In the hallway, he saw Catelyn's bra and a black inner part, but that was a male's inner part. He frowned for a moment and could not help but scold, "A pair of bitches. They only know how to enjoy themselves. Even when I'm drunk, no one cares about me!"    


In such a cold day, Costa had left him all alone on the floor. It was whatever that Costa did not care about him, but Catelyn was his own little sister. Was she her own sister?    


Jack reached for the doorknob, but just as he was about to open the door, he gave up and turned toward his study. He entered the study and carefully observed everything in it.    


The study room was quiet, without any signs of being overturned.    


Jack walked over to the computer desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out a highlighter. He turned on the highlighter and aimed the beam at the mouse.    


He was a very cautious person. Every time he finished using the computer, he would wipe the traces on the mouse and keyboard clean. When he used it again, he would use the highlighter to check if anyone had touched his computer. If someone had touched it, the highlighter would be able to make that person's fingerprints appear. Catelyn had once touched his computer, and after being discovered, he scolded that person.    


After Jack checked the mouse, he checked the keyboard again. The mouse and keyboard were very clean, there were no traces of anyone touching them.    


But even though he didn't see any trace of it, Jack still woke up the computer, entered the password, and logged in to see if there were any traces of being scanned or copied.    


The results came out very quickly. His computer didn't have any trace of being browsed or copied at all.    


"It seems like he really has no problems. I was being too careful." With that thought in mind, Jack left the study and once again arrived in front of Catelyn's door. This time he opened the door and went in.    


Her sister and the Mexican kid were lying naked on the bed. The heat was on, and it didn't take much electricity. But this was not what embarrassed him. What embarrassed him was that his sister was covered in that white, viscous liquid, both on her chest and between her legs. What was even more ridiculous was that even the floor was covered in that disgusting liquid.    


"F * ck!" Jack cursed in his heart, "Is this guy a stallion?" Or some other animal? "    


Just as Jack was cursing, Xia Lei suddenly turned over and pressed a leg on Catelyn's body. Then, one of his hands also pressed on Catelyn's neck.    


When Xia Lei's leg pressed down on his body, she wasn't even awake yet, but when Xia Lei pressed his hand on her neck, his breathing was immediately affected. In an instant, she opened her eyes and woke up.    


She saw Jack and screamed the next second, "Ah ? Jack, what are you doing? Get out! "Get out!"    


"I just came in and brought you the clothes." Jack shrugged his shoulders, threw Xia Lei's and Catelyn's clothes on the bed and turned to leave.    


However, Xia Lei was still sleeping soundly, and he did not even wake up when Catelyn screamed at Jack. That was right, he had sprayed a third of a carton of milk. That amount would make even a bull exhausted.    


"Costa? Costa? "Stop sleeping, wake up, I want to talk to you." Catelyn shook Xia Lei's shoulders, wanting to wake him up.    


Xia Lei continued to pretend to be asleep as he muttered something in Spanish.    


"Costa, what are you saying?" Catelyn obviously could not understand Spanish.    


Xia Lei did not speak anymore, but he started snoring.    


Catelyn looked at her body, especially her lower abdomen and other places on her body, and then she saw that large amount of things. When he saw her, he was so shocked that his mouth was wide open, "Costa, you ? "So strong?" What she actually wanted to say was' perverted '.    


Catelyn's line of sight once again landed on Xia Lei's body, and upon seeing this, he couldn't help but become secretly excited. She didn't feel anything from it at all. It was like being fed a plate of delicious food with a plastic tube directly to her stomach. It didn't taste anything at all.    


Catelyn pouted her lips, and she reached out to push Xia Lei away, "You made me so dirty, but now you're only concerned with sleeping. Wake up, let's talk."    


Xia Lei did not react at all.    


"Alright, you took advantage of the fact that I'm drunk and messed with me, so I won't be polite to you anymore." Catelyn moved closer to her.    


Ten minutes later, she gave up and pulled the blanket over her head in frustration.    


Under the blanket, the corner of Xia Lei's mouth curled into a cold smile. The current him, as long as he wanted to control her, there was no woman in this world that could do anything to him.    


"Siyao, Fan, Ah Bing, Ru Yi, if you knew what happened to me just now, you would definitely be proud of my perseverance. You would probably give me a good husband award, right?" Four faces appeared in Xia Lei's mind. Liang Shiyao's, Fan Fan's, Long Bing's, and Jiang Ruyi's.    


He thought like this, but if Liang Siyao, Fan Fan, Long Bing and Jiang Ruyi had witnessed what Catelyn had just done to him, his persistence and effort, then what they would have done was not to award him a good husband, but to tear Catelyn's mouth apart. They would even cut off Catelyn's tongue with scissors.    


Catelyn also fell asleep.    


Xia Lei's line of sight moved to the wall beside the door. His left eye slightly jumped, his gaze instantly passed through the wooden wall, and then continued moving forward. Once again, it passed through the wall and entered Jack's study.    


Jack was talking to someone in his study.    


Xia Lei's gaze locked onto Jack's lips.    


"Yes, I know what happened at the hotel, but I heard it was an accident. It was an explosion caused by a gas leak... Well, the Mexican? Are you talking about Costa? Yes, she's sleeping with my sister at my house... My God, I'm ashamed of my sister. He and that Mexican kid have known each other for less than a day, and now they're sleeping together... That Mexican kid was rich, that's why he gave me ten thousand dollars for nothing. He said he wanted to pay my sister's rent and water and electricity, and he said he wanted to give my sister one hundred thousand dollars so she could spend it. If I were a woman, I wouldn't be able to withstand such an attack ? Don't worry, I've investigated him clearly. He's not a problem, he's just a rich playboy. Because my sister looks like his mother, he had a good impression of her and wanted to pick up my sister ? Good night, Mr. Thorn. " Jack hung up.    


Mr. Thorn?    


This was the last word Jack said. When Xia Lei deciphered his lip language, the face of the middle-aged Caucasian man suddenly appeared in his mind. And the picture I saw in Jack's computer.    


"He really is from the CIA. This town is under CIA surveillance. Luckily, I'm pretending to be Mexican. If I were Asian, I would have probably set my eyes on me. Maybe he would have caught me and interrogated me?" Xia Lei secretly thought: "I can't stay in this place for long, I don't know when Jack will be able to complete the special Unmanned Aegis. Ji, if I leave like this, my plan will be ruined. If only Zhu Xuanyue was here, she could turn Jack into a puppet that I can control. Whatever I tell him to do, he would do it ? "    


The best plan was, of course, for Zhu Xuanyue to participate and turn Jack into a puppet. Something was going on on on the plane. As long as FA is unmanned. When the plane returned to Mexico, he would be able to direct Jack to control the unmanned one. The plane blew up the FA organization's nest!    


It was a perfect method to borrow a blade to kill at a price of zero, but right at this moment, Zhu Xuanyue disappeared.    


The plan could not keep up with the changes, this was an old saying, but Xia Lei had only just tasted it, the smell was filled with helplessness and bitterness.    


Footsteps in the corridor.    


Xia Lei's left eye pierced through the wall once again and saw Jack.    


Jack brought a book to the door of Catelyn's room. He stuck his face to the door and eavesdropped for a bit, then uninterested left, returning back to her room.    


"Pervert, you even want to eavesdrop on my sister's matters." Xia Lei secretly cursed in his heart, and then continued to look at Jack.    


Jack read for a while, then fell asleep.    


Xia Lei also closed his eyes, he needed to rest for a while.    


On the morning of the second day, Xia Lei woke up before Catelyn did. He had to be on guard against her suddenly wanting to do some morning exercises on the radio with him. Sure enough, Catelyn woke up the moment he put on his clothes.    


"Costa, you... Why are you up so early? " Catelyn looked at Xia Lei with longing eyes.    


Xia Lei said: "Darling, I'll go make you breakfast."    


"But I want to eat you." Catelyn's voice was lazy and enchanting.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Darling, didn't you eat enough last night? You have to give me some time to recover. "    


"Alright then, give me a kiss." Catelyn got up from the bed.    


Xia Lei left Catelyn's room with a sweet kiss.    


Jack was up early. He had already made breakfast. When Xia Lei went out of the door, he was already fully dressed with a briefcase in hand and prepared to leave. He said to Xia Lei: "Costa, I'm going to work.    


"So busy?" Xia Lei said: "I would like to invite you and Catelyn to Huasheng. "I'm going to buy her a car. Well, last night I heard she said you wanted a pickup truck and I wanted to give you the latest Ford F550. I wonder when you're free?"    


"Huh?" Jack froze for a moment before catching his breath. "You ?" You want to give me a F550? That car needs three hundred thousand knives. "    


Xia Lei said casually: "Are three hundred thousand blades a lot? I won five million in a game in Las Vegas. The dealer who dealt me the cards, I casually gave her a tip of ten thousand knives. "    


"I... I'll be free tomorrow. " Jack smiled. "Tomorrow, okay?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "No problem."    


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.