Tranxending Vision

C921 Ugly TV

C921 Ugly TV

The entire city was on guard!    


Huasheng. There were gun-toting policemen and uniformed National Guard soldiers all over the streets of Dunton. Every vehicle that left the city would be inspected, and airports and subway stations would be included in the overall search and monitoring process.    


The terrorists attacked the Lockheed Martin Corp and killed CEO Ms. Folson. A statement given by the Press Officer to Huasheng. Suddenly, a terrifying aura was released.    


Almost the entire city was looking for the so-called terrorists, while the people they were looking for were watching the news programs in a high-end white community.    


The owner of the house was a lone Wall Street white-collar worker. He had been knocked unconscious by Xia Lei and thrown into the storage room with his hands and feet tied.    


Kacha, kacha ?    


Zhu Xuanyue sat on the leather sofa with her legs crossed, eating potato chips while watching TV. When a news host said that Lockheed Martin Corp's CEO Folson had been assassinated, she pointed at the television and said, "Uncle Xia, didn't we do it?"    


"Yeah, you still have the face to say that." Xia Lei rolled his eyes at her, "If it wasn't for you kicking Folson down the stairs, this wouldn't have happened."    


Everything had been under his control, but that kick had ruined his perfect plan.    


"Are you blaming me?" Zhu Xuanyue looked at Xia Lei eagerly.    


Xia Lei stared at her, "Should I not blame you?"    


Zhu Xuanyue closed her mouth, then began to eat the potato chips again, kacha kacha ?    


Xia Lei was also watching TV, but he was thinking about other things in his heart.    


With Folson dead, the entire American society was shocked. The investigation would intensify in the near future. Rushing into action carries a great deal of risk.    


It was unknown whether Mei Hattori was dead or alive. If she dies, Huasheng. The police and the CIA could not find any leads to investigate. If she didn't die, once she woke up, she would turn to Huasheng. The police and the CIA described what she saw. If not, she would have suspected his true identity.    


Mei Hattori was a problem.    


"If she was still alive, she would have been taken to some hospital for treatment. Huasheng. "With so many hospitals, which one will she be sent to?" Xia Lei quietly thought in his heart.    


Kacha, kacha, kacha ?    


Zhu Xuanyue continued to eat her potato chips. She seemed to think that the news program was not good to watch, so she took the remote control and pressed it back and forth, mimicking what Xia Lei did previously. However, she was clearly unfamiliar with the remote control. She pressed the volume increase button and the sound suddenly increased. All of a sudden, she pressed the button to switch the video signal, and the image disappeared...    


Xia Lei could not be bothered with her. He took out his hacker computer and searched for information related to the terrorist attacks on the search engine. A few minutes later, he found a piece of useful information: Huasheng. In several major criminal cases, the police had taken the wounded to a hospital where they had been treated in the course of a terrorist attack.    


The hospital was called Lincoln Hospital.    


Xia Lei followed to connect to the network and used the IP address of the hospital to attack that hospital's monitoring system. The security level of the monitoring system at Lincoln Hospital was very low. He entered almost without any trouble.    


On the screen of the hacker's computer, there were surveillance screens. There were both the monitoring screens in the hall and in the intensive care unit. In addition, there were also surveillance videos of corridors, elevators and doctors' offices. There was no ward's surveillance footage, but this was not surprising. No patient would be willing to be monitored by a hospital after they fell ill and entered the hospital.    


"Mei Hattori jumped down from such a high building. Although Folson's corpse helped her offset a portion of the impact, it was definitely not a light injury. So she's either in intensive care or on the operating table. " Xia Lei tapped on the keyboard a few times, causing the image on the display to change.    


The surveillance footage from the several intensive care units in Lincoln Hospital appeared on the computer monitor of the hacker. There were also the surveillance images from the emergency room.    


Just as he had guessed, Mei Hattori was currently receiving first aid on the operation table.    


One of her legs was broken, and a bone in her calf pierced through her skin. It wasn't just a single leg, but several of her ribs were broken as well. This caused her chest to become somewhat deformed. With just these two bone injuries, Xia Lei could already conclude that her internal organs were most likely severely injured, and that her brain definitely suffered from a very serious concussion as well.    


Two doctors with main blades and a few nurses surrounded the table as they tried to rescue Mei Hattori. An electrocardiogram showed the condition of her heart. Her heartbeat was weak, her wave chart unstable, but it was still beating.    


Mei Hattori did not die.    


Xia Lei stood up, and in that instant, a crazy idea emerged in his mind, which was to go to the Lincoln Hospital and kill Mei Hattori!    


At that moment, several people in plain clothes appeared on a surveillance screen outside the emergency room. They arrived at the emergency room door. Without any hesitation, they pushed it open and entered.    


There were no sounds on the screen monitor, but this did not stop Xia Lei from using his lip language to decipher the words of those people.    


A doctor looked at the people who entered the emergency room with a surprised expression and said angrily, "What happened to you all? Who are you? Don't you know that you can't enter the operating room during the operation? "    


A leading white man said, "We are from the CIA and this patient is very important to us. She was involved in a terrorist attack. Doctor, please tell me how she is. "    


"So that's how it is." The doctor said, "She is severely injured and she is in a very bad condition, but we are confident that we can let her live."    


"Can she talk?"    


"You mean now?"    


"Yes, now." The leading white man said, "I need to ask her something. Something about terrorists."    


The doctor shook his head, "That won't do. She is very weak and has been in a coma all this time. She can't possibly cooperate with your investigation right now."    


"Can you give him adrenaline?"    


"No, that would kill her." The doctor refused.    


"When do you think she'll wake up?" the leading white man asked.    


"In at least eight hours." the doctor said.    


"Okay, I'll be back in eight hours." The leading white man led his men out of the emergency room.    


When a group of CIA agents walked out of the emergency room, the leading white man stopped and said, "You stay here and protect that Japanese woman. She is the daughter of the Japanese army commander Masao Hattori, her identity is very important, the terrorist who tried to assassinate Ms. Folson might come back to assassinate her, your mission is to protect her. As soon as she wakes up, contact me. "    


After making this arrangement, the leading white man left.    


Xia Lei also dispelled the thought of going to the hospital to assassinate Mei Hattori. Although he had only seen a few CIA agents, but from Mei Hattori's identity, the protection for her was not limited to this level. Moreover, the reason he went to kill Mei Hattori was to silence him. He wanted to bring Zhu Xuanyue to the hospital to kill people, wouldn't that mean that even more people saw him and Zhu Xuanyue?    


Xia Lei's butt was about to return to the sofa once again. He looked at the Mei Hattori on the monitor screen and thought to himself, "I'll let you live a few more days. Next time we meet, I'll definitely kill you!"    


"Mm, ah, ah, ah, that's true, that's true ?" A strange sound suddenly came from the television.    


Xia Lei's line of sight was immediately attracted over, and with a single glance, he was completely dumbstruck.    


Somehow, Zhu Xuanyue managed to get her hands on the entrance. On the television, a strong black man and a sexy blonde were doing something shameful, and the scene was completely open.    


Zhu Xuanyue stared straight at the scene on the television, she asked curiously: "Uncle Xia, what are they doing?"    


"Uh, they ?" Xia Lei didn't know what to say, and frowned: "You're just a little kid, what are you doing watching this kind of television show? Change the channel! Change the channel immediately! "    


"I won't trade, I think it's pretty good." Zhu Xuanyue said.    


The same kind of 'also due to being busy being forced' came from the television. The actress' expression and actions were all extremely exaggerated.    


"Uncle Xia, isn't she in pain?"    


Xia Lei's entire being was in a bad situation.    


"She seems comfortable, doesn't she?" Zhu Xuanyue asked again.    


"I say, where did you get so many questions?" Xia Lei snatched the remote control board from her hands and switched off the TV.    


"Hehehe." Zhu Xuanyue laughed, "Uncle Xia, you must be embarrassed now, right? I actually know what they're doing. "    


Xia Lei was startled, "Do you know what they are doing?"    


"Yes." Zhu Xuanyue said: "They are training their bodies."    


Xia Lei let out a small sigh of relief. Zhu Xuanyue was a piece of white paper. He didn't want her to be dirtied by those messy things.    


"Uncle Xia, let's go to sleep. I'm sleepy." Zhu Xuanyue said.    


"You go to sleep first, I'm not tired yet. I still have something to do." Xia Lei said in all seriousness.    


"You liar!" Zhu Xuanyue pouted. "You promised me, so you want to sleep with me. If you don't sleep with me, I'll go out and eat. I'm hungry too. "    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly and braced himself: "Alright, then let's go to bed."    


If there was only one woman in this world, then he couldn't do anything about it, she could only be Zhu Xuanyue.    


Xia Lei put away the hacker computer, stood up and prepared to go to his bedroom. Just as he was about to stand up, Zhu Xuanyue suddenly jumped onto his back from the sofa. In a second, she had gone from a little kid to an octopus kid.    


"What are you doing?" Xia Lei felt very uncomfortable being squeezed by her softness.    


"Carry me to sleep." Zhu Xuanyue was so happy that she shouted directly, "Charge!"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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