Tranxending Vision

C917 Video Conferencing for the Arms giants

C917 Video Conferencing for the Arms giants

Night fell.    


A brown building with the Lockheed Martin Corp insignia was immersed in the night. Its lighting system made it shine in the night with a majestic atmosphere.    


In a multifunctional conference room, Folson was talking to someone on a video call.    


One display showed Boeing CEO Mike Lamm, one display showed GM CEO Foster, and one display showed Raytheon CEO McCulley.    


The four American arms magnate's held videoconferencing sessions, something that had never happened before, not even during the Gulf War, when the United States deployed troops to Iraq. This was the first time this had happened only because of one person and his company, and that was Xia Lei and his Rayma Group.    


These four companies, led by the Lockheed Martin Corp, had supported the entire United States defence and war system. From the land to the sea, from the sky to the space, these four companies had produced a total of four products. However, this lasted until Xia Lei and the Rayma Group appeared.    


Xia Lei and Rayma Group's appearance already caused these four world-class arms magnate s to feel an enormous pressure, as though they were stuck in their throats.    


"Ms. Folson, if not for your information on Boo Forum, we would not have known that we have an AE Research Center in the United States, and even developed AE Capsules. "Hmph, those idiots, they created a superhuman to be their enemy!" Boeing CEO Mike Lamu said.    


"Are those AE capsules the only ones?" General Dynamics CEO Foster raised his question, "If it's not the only one, then why don't we create more Superman like Xia Lei?"    


"Superman? I think it's the wrong definition. " "From what I know, he's just a person who has gone through an advanced evolution. I think he's a human that's decades, or even hundreds of years from now," said Thunder God's CEO McCulley.    


Folson said, "Whether it is the humans of dozens or hundreds of years later, they have already given us a lot of pressure. It's only been a few years? The Rayma Group has already surpassed us in the field of land-based weapons. If there is a fight in the future, would our troops dare to attack them from the ground? "    


The CEO of General Dynamics, Foster said: "We have already received the challenge. Our company's M1A3 capital tank is the world's most advanced capital tank, but when the Rayma Group's ZTZ100 capital tank came out, we were immediately left behind. At this rate of development, not only will our General Dynamics company be left behind by the Rayma Group, I'm afraid the Lockheed Martin Corp, Thunder God Company and Boyin Company will not be spared either. "    


"Isn't that a bit exaggerated?" Boeing CEO Mike Lamu said.    


Folson said: "It's not exaggerated in the slightest. Xia Lei and I have met before, his next step is to develop it without anyone noticing. Machine. With his style and the level of production that the Rayma Group has, he's very likely to be the first to find out that there's no one with us. "Machines."    


"Is this true?" Raytheon's CEO, McCulley, looked incredulous.    


"I don't know if what Xia Lei said was true or not, but what I want to tell you two is that Rayma Group possesses the most advanced intelligent machine tools in the world, the Raylong intelligent machine tool s and the second generation of Raylong intelligent machine tool s. In addition, Xia Lei had already acquired the artificial intelligence technology from the Japanese, this point had already been proven by the ZTZ100 capital tank's highly intelligent words. With these foundations and the support of the Grand China's country, the Rayma Group was still unable to create advanced people. is it a machine? "    


"I agree with Ms. Folson," said CEO Foster of General Dynamics. The Rayma Group has not been involved in the field of air warfare yet, but the weapons involved in land warfare have destroyed the American advantage in the field of land warfare weapons. No matter if it's the XL2500 sniper rifle, blast assault rifle, helldog single-military artillery, or the Scavenger infantry fighting vehicle and ZTZ100 type capital tank, either one of them is more excellent than our own kind of products. Once Rayma Group is involved in the air battle, we will most likely lose the advantage of this area. "This is a matter that threatens our leadership in this world, it's extremely serious!"    


"Ms. Folson, please be straightforward. What is Mr. President's plan?" Thunder God CEO McCulley said.    


"Mr. President has his own plans, but we should have our own. The term of office of the President is almost up, and then there will be nothing for him to do, but we still have to face the threat of the Rayma Group. So, we have to have a plan of our own. " Folson said.    


The U.S. government has always been controlled by Wall Street's consortia. However, the arms trade was the financial resources and even lifeline of those consortia. Whoever touched the interests of those consortia would get their revenge. In fact, even the president of the United States was wary of these consortia. They were actually the owners behind the world's hegemony. What about democracy? Isn't it the most straightforward explanation that a few presidents of the gun ban bill can't do it?    


"My plan is simple. We need an agent to do this." Folson said.    


"Hiring a killer? If that's what your plan is, it's too childish. In Russia, three tanks were unable to kill Xia Lei, what kind of killer could kill Xia Lei in this world? You must remember, he is a human who evolved prematurely. " Boeing CEO Mike Lamu said.    


Folson said: "It's not a killer, but a secret service, FA. This organization has battling experience with Xia Lei, so FA can become our representative. "    


"What do we pay?" Boeing CEO Mike Lamu asked.    


Folson replied, "Money, weapons and equipment, as well as intelligence and political support."    


"Political support?" General Dynamics CEO Foster said, "Ms. Folson, what do you mean?"    


Folson said, "I will negotiate with the representative of the FA Organization later. He will propose the conditions that the FA Organization requires. I think the FA wants a legal identity and disappears from the U.S. government's strike list. If it were just money and weapons, I wouldn't be looking for you. The FA wants to have a legal identity and disappear from the U.S. government's strike list, which requires four of us to work together. "    


"No problem, I will get our council members moving."    


"I agree."    


"I agree."    


The other three bosses reached an agreement almost without thinking.    


Folson revealed a smile, "Then it's settled, once I've confirmed, I'll contact you guys. Good night, gentlemen. "    


The other three bosses disappeared from the monitor.    


Folson walked out of the conference room and was standing at the door waiting for her. When Folson came out, Mei Hattori helped her put on her jacket.    


"Lady Folson, how was the discussion?" Mei Hattori asked.    


Folson said lightly: "Since this is related to their own interests, do they not agree?"    


Mei Hattori revealed a faint smile, "I think it's because of this outcome, the development of Rayma Group is unstoppable, if you want to solve this problem, you can only take action early, the earlier the better."    


"Can your father support us? After all, Japan is very close to the Grand China. " Folson looked at Mei Hattori, her eyes sharp.    


Mei Hattori replied: "Of course not, my father told me before that as long as you guys and the FA team come to an agreement, he would ask them to cooperate with the FA team."    


"That's good." Folson changed the topic, "Has the representative from FA come?"    


Mei Hattori said: "Five minutes ago, I arranged for him to be in the guest room on the top floor. He is currently waiting for you in the guest room."    


"I'll see him." Folson walked towards the elevator.    


At the same time, a taxi stopped on the street opposite the building.    


The car door opened and a Chinese youth wearing a baseball cap got out. Then, a woman with an unreal beauty stepped out of the car.    


This couple was Xia Lei and Zhu Xuanyue.    


When Xia Lei was "visiting" the white house, he remembered Folson's license plate. He made his way into Huasheng with great familiarity. Dun's traffic control system had easily found their way here.    


"Five dollars, thank you." The driver stuck his head out the window.    


Xia Lei took out a hundred dollar bill from his wallet and handed it over to the driver, "No need to look for it, use the rest as your tip."    


"Thank you, sir! I hope you have a good time! " The driver drove away.    


"Uncle Xia, give me a tip too." Zhu Xuanyue pulled Xia Lei's hand and shook it.    


Xia Lei sighed, "Stop messing around, we'll give whatever you want back to us to take care of you, but right now we have to work."    


"Do what?"    


"See that building?" Xia Lei pointed to the building across the street and said, "Let's climb up from the drainpipe."    


Zhu Xuanyue said: "Isn't it convenient to go in through the door?"    


"Someone will find out."    


"Anyone who discovers me will turn out to be a fool."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Zhu Xuanyue wanted to say something, but he was pulled towards the side of the building. Walking through the gate was indeed a big deal, but Zhu Xuanyue could also turn anyone who found her into a fool. However, entering directly wouldn't be able to avoid the monitoring system in this building. Zhu Xuanyue had turned the guard into a fool in the living room.    


The two of them soon arrived at the corridor on the side of the building. The shadows cast by the building covered the entire corridor, making it very dark. But it was just right to be convenient for Xia Lei and Zhu Xuanyue.    


"Xuan Yue, you go up first." Xia Lei said in a low voice.    


"Yes." Zhu Xuanyue responded as she grabbed the drainpipe that was coming down from the wall and climbed up.    


When Zhu Xuanyue climbed to a height of about two meters, Xia Lei also grabbed the drain pipe and climbed up.    


Regardless of whether it was Zhu Xuanyue or Xia Lei, this kind of climb was a piece of cake for them. However, Xia Lei met with a little trouble that made him awkward. The stockings he wore were also suspenseful stockings. As she climbed on top of them, the scenery under the skirt was completely exposed in his field of vision.    


However, what he saw was not a beautiful scene, but a white inner pocket with a towel on it ?    


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