Tranxending Vision

C906 Bring it on!

C906 Bring it on!

Folson's words could actually be said in a different way, that is, we want to kill you, what can you do?    


A ball of fury was brewing in Xia Lei's heart, but his expression was still calm.    


"Xia Lei is still that person's example." Mei Hattori interrupted and said, "American intelligence agencies and special forces had been tracking him for more than ten years, but he still died in the end. I think you should think carefully about your future. Your people can protect you now. But have you ever thought about what your people would do to you if you lost your value? "    


Xia Lei looked at Mei Hattori, "To sow discord? Do you think you can achieve your goals just by doing this? I don't think you're that childish. "    


Mei Hattori shrugged her shoulders, "There is an old saying in your Grand China, 'good medicine is bitter, but good words are always heard'. '" You should understand what I mean. Rayma Group's development will always reach a peak, and the weapons you research will eventually have a bottleneck. You won't be able to keep on breaking through. "Think about it carefully. Once this day comes, how much value do you have left?"    


Folson said, "At that time, your only value would be your body. You would become a lab mouse. AE capsule, advanced evolution, even I was moved by it, let alone the national machine. You're not going to be facing someone's opponent, you're going to be facing a national machine. "    


"I see." Xia Lei sneered, "The reason you invited me over was to convince me to betray your country, right?"    


"Human society will eventually be unified, and this is the inevitable result of evolution. Maybe everyone was like you then. So, why do you care about the Grand China, or the United States? You should look at your future from the height of humanity and make the right choice. " Folson said.    


Mei Hattori said: "As long as you come to the United States, you do not need to consider that your assets cannot be transferred. The United States will give you a hundred billion dollars to rebuild your Rayma Group. You can even run for president of the United States and lead the most powerful country in the world. "    


"Hahaha ?" Xia Lei could not help but laugh.    


"What are you laughing at?" A hint of anger flashed past Folson's eyes.    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "You guys drew me a very big cake, and lured me to eat it. Am I, in your eyes, the kind of man who would betray my country and my people for his own good? "    


"Patriotism?" Mei Hattori sneered: "You make me feel funny. Patriotism is a human virus, and many great people have wonderful descriptions of it. As Ambrose Pierce said, patriotism is a pile of flammable rubbish that can be ignited at any time by any wild man to illuminate his name. "In that case, with your IQ, it shouldn't be hard to understand, right?"    


Xia Lei said lightly: "Perhaps what he said is true, but there will always be some fools who are willing to love his country, his people." He thought of Long Bing, the woman he loved the most, the woman who was willing to sacrifice everything for this country. As for him, although he would not be able to achieve this, he would absolutely not betray his country and his people. Not to mention a hundred billion dollars, even a trillion dollars wasn't possible.    


Money, money ? for someone who might only have a little more than two years of life, was there any difference between 100 billion Chinese dollars and 100 billion Chinese dollars? Is it important?    


"Mr. Xia, I hope you think about it." Folson said, "You should be clear about the United States' current position and the goal that you want to achieve. You have threatened our strategic balance and our national interests. So, either you become one of us or you become an enemy. What happened in Russia, and what happened today, is just the beginning. You cannot afford the rest of the operation. "    


Xia Lei understood. This was why Folson had used the opportunity to debate with him to reveal his secret in the Boo Forum. The U.S. government wanted to force him into a corner and throw him a life buoy. Moreover, this life buoy was also inlaid with dazzling diamond jewelry. He also believed that the United States Government had actually sent out the CEO of the Lockheed Martin Corp. This was because they wanted him to send a signal, and that was the signal of a strong attack!    


First a bat, then a carrot. That's the way the U.S. government is best at it.    


Mei Hattori said: "There's no need to give a reply now. We can give you some time, but we do not wish for too long. It would be best if you could give us an accurate answer when Lady Folson leaves Hainan. "    


Xia Lei replied: "There's no need to wait for that day to come. I can give you an answer right now."    


Folson and Mei Hattori looked at each other, then moved their gazes towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei replied: "My answer is very simple, come at me!"    


Folson coldly snorted, "Do you really think you are someone who can fight against America?"    


Xia Lei said: "You all want to kill me, but I have witnessed your methods. You all can even make the Japanese Self-Defense Army fire at me. You also have some so-called secrets about me in your hands, which put me in a very passive situation. But I've been through more difficult things than this, and I'm not afraid. Moreover, what I want to tell you is that I'm not the kind of person who would swallow his anger and refuse to fight back. If you hit me once, I'll hit you once. "If you hit me twice, I'll hit you twice."    


Folson spread out her hands, "It looks like there's no need for us to continue our discussion."    


Xia Lei said: "I also don't think there's a need for you to stay in Hainan. Also, I want to tell you, you gave me a punch on Boo Forum today, I have to repay you. The Rayma Group will be activated and no one will be around. I want to make the best unmanned machine in the world. Machine. It is my biggest goal to eliminate the advantages of America's air force. "    


"Hmph." Folson didn't want to hear such words, so she glanced at Mei Hattori.    


Mei Hattori then made a gesture for Xia Lei to leave.    


Xia Lei stood up and walked towards the door. When he was at the door, he turned around to look at Folson, "Ms. Folson, I have one last question for you. Is the FA now serving the United States? "    


Folson said coldly: "I don't know what you're talking about."    


Xia Lei was not surprised by such an answer, but he caught a hint of an unusual meaning from Folson's eyes.    


"Please, Mr. Xia." Mei Hattori blocked Xia Lei's line of sight.    


"Do your best." Xia Lei opened the door and walked out.    


When the door closed, Folson said, "Who does this guy think he is? Superman? Or the leader of the automobiles? Even the Grand China did not dare challenge the United States, he did not care about the interests of the United States and dared to be hostile to the United States Government! He's dancing with death! "    


Mei Hattori only listened and did not interrupt.    


Xia Lei followed the crowd of bodyguards and entered the stairs. After walking down one floor, he suddenly said, "Wait here for me, I have something to do."    


"Mr. Xia, this ?" A bodyguard appeared to be in a difficult position.    


Xia Lei didn't explain anything as he walked quickly towards the end of the path. A large group of bodyguards stayed in the corridor to watch him, not daring to rashly follow.    


Xia Lei quickly arrived in front of a door and knocked twice.    


The door opened, and a man in pajamas looked at Xia Lei in surprise, "Who are you? "What do you want?"    


Xia Lei pushed him into the room, then squeezed him into the room.    


"Ya!" A naked woman on the bed exclaimed and hurriedly covered her body with a blanket.    


The man was angered and he said angrily, "You motherf * cking ?"    


Xia Lei pushed him onto the bed, "Don't make a sound, I'll just stay for a few minutes, then you can earn ten thousand."    


The man and the woman were stunned on the spot.    


Xia Lei took out his wallet, took out all the money from within and threw it on the bed.    


Dollars, Chinese dollars, and euros. A thick stack of colorful bills, the total had long since exceeded ten thousand. The man and woman quickly settled down and looked curiously at the man who had broken into the room.    


Xia Lei raised his head to look at the ceiling, and in the blink of an eye, the barrier in his left eye was removed, and Folson and Mei Hattori who were upstairs also entered his line of sight. He locked onto Folson and Mei Hattori, and activated lip language Interpretation at the same time.    


"Ms. Folson, I have already informed the captain, he has started to make the arrangements. Once he has made all the arrangements, we will be able to leave the Grand China. " Mei Hattori said.    


Folson nodded her head and said: "Why would Xia Lei think that FA is already serving the United States Government?"    


"I'm not surprised that such a clever man could guess that." Mei Hattori said, "I have interacted with him before, he seems to be..."    


"Like what?" Folson stared straight at Mei Hattori.    


Mei Hattori hesitated for a moment before replying, "He seems to have the ability to see through the situation. Usually, she would know about it before the danger has descended on him. I think that's probably why we tried to kill him so many times and he always got away with it. "    


"AE Capsule..." Folson's voice was full of excitement, "It used to be the highest level of national secret in the United States, but now it has become a secret known by the entire world. I'm afraid countless people would want to get AE capsules from it, right? Even those who once stood by his side, the pitiful him still doesn't know what kind of trouble he is going to face. "    


"Ms. Folson, I think, even if Xia Lei were to betray his homeland and become an American, his end probably won't be a good one, right?" Mei Hattori said.    


"An existence that can change the evolution of mankind. No matter where he goes, no matter which country he serves, his final destination will be the laboratory, and the cold surgical bed will be his final bed." Folson said, her eyes had an insight into the essence of things.    


"He really is ?" "How pitiful." Mei Hattori sighed.    


"After leaving the Grand China, I will give the people from FA a call. They should be doing something." Folson said.    


Mei Hattori nodded.    


Downstairs, Xia Lei withdrew his gaze and then left the room. His eyes were as cold as knives.    


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