Tranxending Vision

C904 The Power of Love

C904 The Power of Love

Not even two minutes after Xia Lei left, Folson also walked down the stage.    


"Ms. Folson, can you accept the interview?" A reporter holding a recording pen followed. A group of reporters behind him also rushed forward. It was not only the reporters from Grand China, but also the reporters from other countries.    


Folson stopped and smiled, "Of course you can, but I do not have much time, I will give you five minutes."    


"Ms. Folson, was what you said true?"    


"Ms. Folson, is there really an AE Research Center in the United States? are you studying drugs that promote human evolution? "    


"Is Xia Lei your experimental subject?"    


"Did Xia Lei really kill a hundred people? Do you have evidence? "    


"Will the United States prosecute Xia Lei? If so, where will the prosecution take place? "What kind of charges would they be charged with?"    


"Ms. Folson, will Rayma Group be affected by this incident? Is this what Lockheed Martin Corp wishes to see? "    


Faced with a large group of reporters and a large number of messy questions, Folson asked calmly: "You have a lot of questions, but I am unable to answer them all. Let me briefly explain the situation. What I said on stage just now was all true. Xia Lei's father stole the medicine from our American AE Research Center and made Xia Lei into our Xia Lei. He should be the most evolved human being in the world at the moment, or his level of evolution is beyond what we know. It also created his ambition. The accusations I made against him are true, so he should stand up and take responsibility ? "    


After he finished speaking, Folson dispersed the crowd that were blocking the way, and quickly walked into a passage.    


At the exit of the passage, a woman was quietly standing there and waiting for Folson. This woman was Mei Hattori. She wore a black woman's suit that outlined her slender figure, and her ample breasts and buttocks were always alluring to the imagination.    


"The carriage has been arranged, Ms. Folson." Mei Hattori had a very respectful look on her face.    


"Let's go back to the hotel." Folson walked towards the car park.    


Mei Hattori followed closely behind, "Ms. Folson, will Xia Lei come to see you?"    


"Twenty percent chance." Folson said.    


"That almost won't come." Mei Hattori looked a little disappointed.    


Folson said: "No need to be anxious, what he is facing right now is not only us, but his own people. It doesn't matter if he doesn't come, let them fight. "    


"What if the infighting we expected didn't happen?"    


"Do you think that's possible? You know the people of Grand China, you should know that it's impossible. " The corner of Folson's mouth curled into a confident smile.    


Two minutes later, a Mercedes-Benz S Class sedan escorted by several Suburban SUV left Boo Forum.    


At the same time, in a room in a small courtyard.    


Fan Fan and Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei a little nervously, they were both very worried about his current state. The three of them did not speak, and the atmosphere in the room was heavy.    


Xia Lei hadn't spoken a word since he returned from the Boo Forum, as if he had something heavy on his mind. This time, Folson created a huge trouble for him, and this trouble was still in its infancy, it could erupt at any time.    


After a minute, Fan Xian could no longer sit still. She stood up to pour Xia Lei a cup of water, and then passed it to him. "Hubby, drink some water."    


"Thank you." Xia Lei held onto his water cup and did not drink any water, but he knew that Fan Fan was trying to make him speak and did not want him to let his imagination run wild.    


"The one behind that Folson must be the American government. If not for the American government's permission, she wouldn't have attacked you under such circumstances." Liang Siyao said. Amongst all of Xia Lei's women, she was the only one who knew the secret on Xia Lei's body. As such, she was more composed and unsurprised than Fan Fan.    


"Hubby, what Folson said..." In her mind, she couldn't help but see the images of Xia Lei getting along with his due to the rain, drop by drop. Especially when she thought about Xia Lei's high intelligence of 998, which was the result of her own testing. She couldn't help but suspect that what Folson said was all true.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly: "You want to know if what Folson said is true, right?"    


Fan Fan Fan became even more nervous, "No, no, I don't really want to know. If you don't want to say it, you can just not tell me."    


With Xia Lei's child inside her stomach, the first thing she considered was no longer the truth, but her children, his family, and her happiness. If the truth she wanted affected that, then she would rather not.    


Xia Lei remained silent for a while before saying, "We are one family, I should tell you the truth. That Folson, what she said... It's true. "    


Fan Fan paused for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders. "It's true, I don't care."    


"Listen to what I have to say first." Xia Lei continued, "It's been almost ten years, I think. My father gave me some pills to treat me. At that time I had a brain tumor in my brain that threatened my life. I thought I was going to die, but after taking the medicine my father gave me, the brain tumor in my brain miraculously disappeared. Afterwards, my father went missing, and I didn't have the ability to investigate the origins of those medicines. I lived with my sister, and it was really difficult during that time ? In fact, I still don't know what that drug is. It might be called an AE capsule, or something else. But what I know is that I've acquired some incredible abilities. I've been investigating the origins of this drug, but unfortunately, there hasn't been much progress up to now. "    


"What did you find out?" Fan Fan was filled with curiosity.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "That's all I can tell you. I can't tell you anything else."    


Fan Fan's expression immediately darkened. "You ?" "Can't you trust me completely now?"    


"Sister Fan, you misunderstood my husband." Liang Siyao said. Fan Fan called her husband, so she called him husband.    


Fan Fan still had an expression of being wronged and not being loved.    


Xia Lei grabbed her hands, pulled her into his embrace and pressed her against his thighs. Fan Fan Fan's buttocks were plump and fleshy, but his thighs were firm and strong as well. They were like a wooden bench, firmly holding the woman in his lap.    


Just this intimate act caused Fan Fan Fan to feel somewhat wronged. However, she still had her little mouth puckered, an unhappy look on her face.    


Xia Lei pinched her cherry lips, "When did you become smaller? You are my woman, the mother of my children. We are a family, so how could I hide what I tell you from you? The reason I won't tell you is very simple, because I don't want you and Siyao to get hurt. "    


Fan Fan and Liang Siyao looked at each other. Although the two women didn't say anything, they weren't ordinary women. Especially Fan, she was the director of ZN Bureau and had a very important position in Grand China. Who would dare to threaten her?    


"Are you talking about the U.S. government?" Fan didn't fear.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "The American government? No, I'm talking about something more terrible than the United States government. "    


"Huh?" Fan Fan and Liang Siyao spoke in an astonished voice at the same time.    


There were existences in this world that were even more powerful and terrifying than the US government. This clearly exceeded the scope of what Fan Fan and Liang Siyao could comprehend. No wonder they were surprised, no wonder they didn't believe it.    


Xia Lei waved his hand at Liang Siyao, "Siyao wants you to come as well."    


"What for?" Liang Siyao was a little hesitant.    


Xia Lei said: "If I told you to come, then come. I have something to tell you two."    


Liang Siyao then walked over, and the moment she walked over, Xia Lei separated his leg and pressed her down onto that leg. As a result, Xia Lei's legs became two benches, one for Fan Fan Fan and the other for her.    


The two women sat on the same man at the same time, but there was no longer that awkward feeling between the two. That was true. They had all slept together last night, so what was so awkward about sitting together on the thighs of a common husband?    


Xia Lei held the two women's waists, his tone was a little sad. "Let me tell you, if only ? If... If one day I'm not here anymore, you will have to raise our children well. "    


"What are you talking about?" Fan Fan glared at Xia Lei, "I forbid you to say such things!"    


Liang Siyao also threw a fist at Xia Lei, "If you keep talking, I'll ignore you."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "I'm saying if."    


"If not." Fan Fan said.    


"I don't allow such a thing." Liang Siyao said.    


The two women were somewhat domineering in this regard, but they were both filled with love.    


Xia Lei's heart softened, "Can you listen to what I have to say? I can't bear to leave you and your children, but... Some things are out of my control. They're going in the wrong direction. When I get back, I'll make a will and give my fortune to you and the children. As for the Rayma Group, I will give it to the country. If there are any other arrangements, I will think of telling you in the future. "    


The two women were silent, tears in their eyes.    


Xia Lei had already spoken about how to make a will, and only then did they realize the severity of the problem.    


"What are you doing?" Xia Lei laughed, "I at least have been prepared for this."    


The two women still looked at Xia Lei with teary eyes, but were unable to say anything.    


Xia Lei patted their butts, "You are all pregnant, crying will affect your child's health. Smile, smile, if you don't laugh, I will spank your butts again."    


Fan and Liang Siyao buried their heads on Xia Lei's shoulders at the same time. They still cried, just didn't want Xia Lei to see it.    


Xia Lei hugged them both. He seemed to have been infected by two women and his heart was also filled with grief. Actually, the Lockheed Martin Corp's attack would indeed bring him some trouble, but he did not care. What was threatening him was the black-robed man, who had given him three years. Right now, it was not even three years.    


As for Zhu Xuanyue, she was also a fatal threat to him, but she did not erupt ?    


But just when Xia Lei was thinking about these things that made him unable to see the sunlight, Liang Siyao suddenly raised his head from his shoulder, held his face and kissed him.    


Fan Fan paused for a moment, then joined in as well ?.    


Love can overcome fear, love can overcome sadness.    


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