Tranxending Vision

C916 White House

C916 White House

Zhu Xuanyue's words caused Xia Lei to inexplicably recall his experiences on the snowy mountain in the Wangda. During that battle, he had taken off all of his clothes to Tang Yuyan, but his body had automatically adapted to the cold environment. When he slept with Zhu Xuanyue, Zhu Xuanyue's body was as cold as ice, but he still automatically adapted to it, producing heat to protect himself from the cold.    


"Uncle Xia, you're insignificant. Being near you makes me feel so comfortable and comfortable when I'm with you." Zhu Xuanyue placed her head on Xia Lei's shoulder. She called him uncle, but the way she walked with Xia Lei was like a couple in deep love.    


As Xia Lei endured her "harassment", he secretly thought to himself, "Before she had a body, she called me unique, and he liked to take a hot bath with me. Now that she has a body, she likes to sleep with me. Now that she said it again, is there some connection between her and me that I don't know about? No, even if it is related to me, it is because of the mysterious energy in my body. If not for that mysterious energy, I am afraid that I would still be at one of Hai Zhu's construction sites moving bricks or welding, right? "    


Zhu Xuanyue ignored the weird gazes that she sent over and grabbed Xia Lei's arm more intimately, as if she was a little kitten.    


However, Xia Lei was still thinking things in his heart, "Is the only one that is the same as before history? Is it the same? In the content of the Iron Book, there was only one person who had fought to the death with Zhu Xuanyue, and that person was none other than Zhu Xuanyue. Her armor was shattered, and Zhu Xuanyue's body was gone as well. If I was the only successor to history, then Zhu Xuanyue and I would be born to be mortal enemies. But why was Zhu Xuanyue so intimate with me? She even said that I was the only one who could keep her warm and that she seemed to enjoy being with me ? But why? "    


Zhu Xuanyue, the only person from before history, the black-robed figure, Da Vinci, and many other mysterious and odd memories flooded out from Xia Lei's mind, turning into a mess.    


Unknowingly, he had walked to the side of the white house. Some tourists were standing by the fence, taking pictures of the white house, but they couldn't get near it. In addition to the heavily armed guards, there were also special agents in black suits standing around the white house. Their expressions were serious and their eyes were sharp and alert.    


Xia Lei did not come closer. He stood far away.    


"Uncle Xia, do you want to go in and take a look?" Zhu Xuanyue said: "I have a way to get in."    


Xia Lei rolled his eyes at her, "The method you are talking about is to turn people into idiots, right?"    


"Well, how do you know?" Zhu Xuanyue looked very surprised.    


Xia Lei did not speak to her anymore, he moved his gaze to the white house. His left eye twitched a little, and after awakening the clairvoyance, his left eye pierced into the white house.    


He scanned the rooms and soon stopped in an oval office.    


The oval office was the office of the famous President of the United States, and the White-headed Eagle and the Stars and Stripes were prominent symbols.    


There was a black man sitting in the office. He was about fifty years old. He looked very dignified. In fact, Xia Lei didn't need to guess to know the identity of this black man. He was the current President of the United States, Barjoma. Anyone watching TV would know who he was, and his every move would affect the world's nerves.    


Barjoma was sitting on his swivel office chair, with his legs on the desk, looking very satisfied. He held a pen in his hand and was casually twirling it around, as if he was thinking about something or waiting for someone.    


This was the man with the greatest authority in the entire world. He was currently in Xia Lei's field of vision. The moment he saw Barjoma, Xia Lei suddenly had a thought that he wanted Zhu Xuanyue to go in and pay him a visit.    


Right now, if Zhu Xuanyue wanted to enter the Oval Office inside the white house, no matter whether it was these armed guards or the higher level presidential bodyguards and secret service personnel, they would be unable to stop her. Once Zhu Xuanyue entered the Oval Office, the life of the President of the United States was in her hands. She could make him into a fool, she could even ? Eat him!    


The idea was tempting, because if he said anything, the President of the United States would either become a fool or become a real person, and there would be no third outcome.    


This thought was very crazy, because once Zhu Xuanyue walked closer to the Oval Office, the world structure might change, and even cause the Third World War.    


"Uncle Xia, are you looking at that black man?" Zhu Xuanyue frowned, "He's really ugly."    


Xia Lei's train of thoughts was immediately interrupted. He, who was abruptly shocked awake, discovered that his hand had been pinched so tightly that he was breaking out in cold sweat. He had almost done that, and it was definitely not the right decision.    


The United States government was indeed assassinating him, even to the point of recklessness, with the tanks of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces firing at him as a clear example. Then, the United States Government ordered the Lockheed Martin Corp's Ms. Folson to expose his secret on the Boo Forum, putting him in a very passive position. From these two points of view, he completely had a reason to let Zhu Xuanyue into the Oval Office inside the white house and have a close contact with the President of the United States. And this, would probably give him a sense of gratitude and revenge.    


But would that solve the problem?    


Was that right?    


The answer is no.    


The United States Government was the strongest national machine in the world, and Barjoma who was sitting in the Oval Office was only a part of the national machine, not even the core of it. If Zhu Xuanyue were to kill him, there would be a new person who would sit on the throne of the United States President soon. Then the American national machine becomes the machine of revenge. Which country in the world today can withstand the frenzied retaliation of the United States and its allies?    


Killing one person was easy, but could sshe still let Zhu Xuanyue destroy the entire United States? This was something that was impossible to accomplish and something that he absolutely could not do. He was not a demon like Zhu Xuanyue who saw humans as "food" he could harvest at will. He would never view the innocent Americans as enemies, nor would she harm them.    


"Uncle Xia?" Zhu Xuanyue shook Xia Lei's arm, "Why aren't you saying anything?"    


Xia Lei regained his senses and laughed: "What do you want me to say?"    


"Mm ?" "Say I'm good." Zhu Xuanyue looked very serious.    


"Hur Hur Hur Hur." Xia Lei replied: "Good girl, Xuan Yue is the most obedient."    


"Hehehehe." Zhu Xuanyue laughed happily, her laughter was as clear as a bell.    


Xia Lei's line of sight pierced through the oval shaped office, just at that moment, a woman walked into the office.    


This woman was none other than the CEO of the Lockheed Martin Corp who had attacked Xia Lei in the Boo Forum.    


Folson went up on stage. Almost without thinking, Xia Lei locked onto Folson and Barjoma and started to read the lip language at the same time.    


"Hello, Mr. President." Folson respectfully greeted her and then passed a document in both hands in front of Barjoma.    


"Please sit, Lady Folson." Barjoma opened the folder and took out the documents to read.    


Folson seemed to have specially come to deliver this document to Barjoma.    


Xia Lei's gaze then moved to the document and increased the power of his perspective. He saw a printed photo of the ZTZ100 capital tank, as well as him who was standing beside the ZTZ100 capital tank.    


This picture was taken secretly in Russia.    


"Mr. President." Folson said, "After the end of the Russian Tank Biathlon, we have obtained some information from the Japanese. I've asked our experts to do an analytical study. What you're looking at is the research report from our expert team. "    


Barjoma looked at the contents of the report and frowned, "Is the ZTZ100 capital tank really that good?"    


Folson said, "Mr. President, there is an excellent plate in the folder. Inside the plate is a video taken by a Japanese man. In that video, Xia Lei's ZTZ100 capital tank easily defeated the Japanese Type 10 Tanks and the Russian Type T90 Tanks. "    


"Japanese and Russian tanks are not good to begin with." Barjoma said.    


Folson said, "Mr. President, if you had seen the video, you wouldn't say such things. At that time, Xia Lei had already won. He and his ZTZ100 capital tank were in a motionless state. Three Japanese Type 10 tanks suddenly fired at him. He dodged one of them, but he was still hit by two armor-piercing shells. However, that ZTZ100 capital tank was still able to move quickly, and even managed to get rid of the three Type 10 tanks that sneaked at it. "    


Barjoma was immediately moved, and he sat down on the desk with his feet.    


Folson continued to speak, "Our expert team has reached a unanimous conclusion, and that is that the ZTZ100 capital tank is at least ten years ahead of our most advanced M1A3 capital tank. If we were to fight the Grand China on land, we would need at least two M1A3 tanks to contend against one ZTZ100 capital tank. "    


Barjoma took out the excellent disk that was stored in a document pouch, but he did not insert it into the computer's interface. He trusted Folson's words.    


"Mr. President, I have met with Xia Lei. He rejected the olive branch that we threw to him. He was deeply hostile to us. He said he would develop the most advanced unmanned. He's going to undermine our air combat advantage against China. No country in the world is willing to fight a land battle with the Grand China, and the advantages of the air force and navy is the last guarantee we can rely on to balance the Grand China. If we lose this advantage, our situation will become very passive, and we will not be able to protect the interests of us and our allies in Asia. " Folson said.    


"You have revealed his secret, does the Grand China not plan to touch him?" Barjoma said.    


"The CIA's intelligence agents have conducted an investigation, and currently, a special forces has entered the Rayma Group's Kyoto headquarter. However, they are only surrounding them, and there are no more aggressive actions." Folson said.    


"He has threatened the core interests of the United States, he is the enemy of the United States, he is more of a threat than the terrorist organizations in the Middle East."    


"Yeah, once Rayma Group's overall strength surpasses ours, we will bring about a dark history."    


"Xia Lei must die, the next operation must succeed, you all need to research and formulate a viable plan." Barjoma said: "You can go back first, I will get the person in charge of the CIA to contact you."    


"Yes, goodbye, Mr. President." Folson got up and left.    


Xia Lei withdrew his gaze and then pulled Zhu Xuanyue forward.    


"Uncle Xia, where are we going?" Zhu Xuanyue asked.    


"We're going to visit an old friend." Xia Lei said.    


"And then sleep?" Zhu Xuanyue looked at Xia Lei eagerly.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


After a short walk, a Suburban SUV came out from behind the fence and entered the road.    


Xia Lei's line of sight locked onto the license plate and remembered the numbers.    


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