Tranxending Vision

C876 controlling tigers to leave the mountain

C876 controlling tigers to leave the mountain

The yacht left the dock and headed for the vast Mediterranean.    


There were many such yachts at sea, carrying bikini girls, champagne and wine, and the rich liked to enjoy life at night. Once in a while, who would notice?    


At the same time, four guests came to a hotel in Valetta. The three women and one man were all very young. Two of the three women were identical twins, and the other was also beautiful. The three men who crowded around the women were Asian, handsome and sunny.    


The Asian man seemed to be drunk. He was walking in a wobbly way and was supported by three women to keep him from falling to the ground.    


"Mr. Xia, why are you drinking so much?" said a woman.    


"Yeah, you got drunk when you just arrived in Malta. How can you do that?" said a woman.    


The Asian man chuckled. Suddenly, he reached out his hand to grab a woman's chest and gave it an extremely indecent squeeze.    


"Ah!" "You're going too far!" The woman who was being toasted seemed very embarrassed and annoyed.    


The Asian man grabbed another woman's butt.    


"You really are a pervert!" The woman blushed. She reached out to hit the man's hand, but the man reached under her skirt and grabbed again.    


Many people in the hotel lobby turned to look at the four of them with curiosity. While the men envied the Asian man's luck, the women couldn't help but take a closer look at him. They rarely saw Asian men who were so good-looking.    


A woman got a room, and only one suite. Then the three women flocked the Asian man to the elevator, talking as they walked.    


"Mr. Xia, don't just randomly touch it. I'll satisfy you later, okay?"    


"Don't talk, it would be terrible if those people found out."    


"No problem, Mr. Xia's people will be here soon. We're very safe."    


The elevator doors opened and three women helped the Asian youth into the elevator.    


The front hall of the hotel was suddenly filled with discussion.    


"That Asian is truly blessed with three beauties. Will he be able to take them?"    


"He can't take it. How about we help him?"    


"Hahaha ?"    


"Stop joking, those three women look good stuff. Is that something anyone can sleep with?" Didn't you notice that the limited edition Patek Philippe watch on the man's wrist was worth half a million dollars? If those three women are willing to sleep with him, it's because they're rich. "    


"He seems to not only have money, but he also looks very handsome." A woman seemed to be fighting for the Asian youth.    


Amidst the murmurs of discussion, a bald man walked out of the front door. He took out his phone, dialed a number, and said excitedly: "Xia Lei has appeared! He was at the Mediterranean Hotel in Valetta. I also saw the women of Gray's and the Russo's, but I didn't see Giovanna, there was only Rosa, Stella and Theresa ? "Okay, I'll keep an eye on them."    


After ending the call, the baldy's lips curled up into a sneer, "That fellow is really bold, he actually came to Malta!"    


On the other side, three women helped the Asian youth into a room.    


As soon as the door closed, the Asian youth rubbed his face and took a piece of human skin. Mask. She was not a man, but the Giovanna the baldy spoke of who did not show himself. She had a chest injury and a bandage that would allow her to pretend to be a man.    


Tonight's mission was not only with Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan, but also with the women of the Gray's and the Russo's. As new members of the Zodiac Clan, they were clearly unsuitable to participate in the battle since they were injured, but it would not be a problem for them to act out a part in a hotel with Knights Hospitaller's spies.    


Theresa quickly walked towards the television set and inserted an Eureka into the interface behind the television set. Then, he played the audio files on the Eureka.    


"Oh, oh, oh. True as well ?" Giovanna's voice.    


"Mr. Xia, you're so awesome. I can't take it anymore." Stella's voice.    


"Even if you can't take it, you have to raise your butt, haha!" Xia Lei's voice.    


"You're so bad. I've already broken my skin, yet you don't even know how to be a bit more gentle. Ah, you're right." Theresa's voice.    


"Rosa, why are you hiding at the side? Raise your butt and I'll hit you a few times. " Xia Lei's voice.    


"You're so bad, I won't do it."    


Pa pa pa, pa pa pa ?    


Amidst the chaos, the four women's faces and ears were flushed red.    


"I can't believe we cooperated with him to record this audio file." Giovanna said with a red face.    


"It's not real. I think it's nothing." Stella said, but her face was also completely red.    


Theresa was in a daze, she seemed to be thinking about the scene when Xia Lei came to them in the afternoon to record this audio file.    


"That's enough. We need to leave this place quickly." Rosa said.    


The four women took off their clothes, revealing the clothes worn by the hotel staff. They quickly left the room, and when they did, they even hung a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the doorknob.    


As the four women entered the employee passageway, the yacht stopped at sea. It was still and unlit, like an abandoned ship without an owner. However, there were five people on the deck, all holding binoculars and looking in the direction of the Holy Mountain.    


A circle of light lit up in the direction of the Holy Mountain and moved quickly across the surface of the sea. It was a fleet of more than a dozen speedboats. They entered the Mediterranean from the foot of the Sacred Mountain, then sped along the coastline in the direction of Valletta.    


"They're out." Ye Liena said.    


"It's time for us to act." Xia Lei climbed up from the deck.    


"Boss, are you sure you want to only bring Kyoko Tsukino?" On the deck, Yasuya Khan looked at Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino who were already dressed in their diving clothes, with a hint of worry in his eyes.    


Xia Lei said: "Someone has to stay behind to support us. If we cross blades, you all know what to do."    


Yasuya Khan grinned, then glanced at the weapon case containing the helldog single-military artillery that was placed on the deck. "It's best if they don't do that, or else I will blow this place up."    


"Sayimu, remember to contact Giovanna and the others, tell them to retreat in time." Xia Lei warned.    


Sayimu nodded his head, "Rest assured, boss."    


Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino jumped into the water, and then drove the two scuba bikes towards the holy mountain cliff.    


Ten minutes later, the two of them arrived at the sea below the cliff.    


As expected, at the foot of the mountain, Xia Lei discovered a waterway that extended towards the belly of the mountain. The riverbed of the waterway was deep, about 20 meters or so, and could easily accommodate a yacht, or even a small cargo ship.    


Xia Lei pointed to the depths of the river for Kyoko Tsukino to see, then controlled the underwater vehicle to enter the river entrance, and they slowly proceeded forward.    


The waves above his head surged, leaving him in complete darkness. Xia Lei did not dare to turn on the light either, he activated his left eye to observe the surroundings clearly. This was also the reason why he was in front of them, he had to lead the way for Kyoko Tsukino.    


After about a hundred meters, they reached the end of the river, and there was light above their heads. Xia Lei's left eye twitched, and he quickly saw the situation on the shore.    


It was a dock on the inside of a mountain. A yacht, a freighter, and a few speedboats were parked on the dock. The dozen or so speedboats that had just left the dock were obviously not all of them.    


Behind the pier was a man-made platform. At the end of the platform was a stone staircase that led deep into the mountain. There was a man in a black robe standing at the foot of the stairs. He was bald and white.    


Xia Lei's gaze locked onto the bald white man, and he recognized him very quickly. That bald white man was one of the gunner in black s that was chasing him and Linda in Sicily the night before yesterday.    


Xia Lei withdrew his gaze. He fixed the diving motorcycle on a rock beneath the riverbed and then pointed it out to Kyoko Tsukino, telling her that there was a target above.    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded, and after fixing the diving motorcycle, she followed Xia Lei upstream. In the process, a shuriken appeared in her hand.    


Xia Lei slowly floated up along with the walls of the pier. He could see the bald white man, but the bald white man could not see him. He gently pulled out the silencer. The gun on the machine, ready to kill the bald white man. Just as he was about to pull out his spear, Kyoko Tsukino suddenly appeared on the water surface and threw out her shuriken.    


Before the bald white man on guard could react, the sword in his hand stabbed into his forehead. Kyoko Tsukino's shurikens were highly poisoned, so he fell to the ground and twitched for a while before calming down.    


A fatal blow. Worthy of being a ninja who specializes in assassination.    


The two of them climbed up the dock. Xia Lei took off the oxygen bottle on his back, then pulled out the black robe on the bald white man's body, and wore it on his own.    


At the same time, Kyoko Tsukino installed the few military explosive devices onto the fast boats and yachts on the dock.    


After dealing with the corpses, Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino entered the stone staircase.    


An oil lamp was lit on the stone wall of the passage. The light was dim. The situation here was similar to that of the old castle. There were no electric lamps, nor were there any modern monitoring equipment. He subconsciously touched the gold pass that he copied from Arthur, feeling a little suspicious in his heart, "There's no electricity here. Don't tell me this kind of gold pass card isn't inserted into the card reader? Just show it to the guards? "    


To infiltrate the Knights Hospitaller Headquarters was an extremely risky action. If one was not careful, they would be doomed. It wasn't that he hadn't considered the risk of doing so, but he had no other choice. He had to obtain the protective suit from Knights Hospitaller. As for how much the Knights Hospitaller knew about the secrets of ancient alloy and AE, he did not care.    


William Arthur had said that he needed a gold card to enter the Sacred Palace, as well as the autograph of the big leader Angelio. However, did not think that he needed that sort of thing. He had used a strategy to lure away at least half of the Knights Hospitaller's elites. Even if he was discovered, it wasn't impossible for him and Kyoko Tsukino to battle with Yasuya Khan and the others' support!    


The passage was long and winding, making it impossible to see what was ahead.    


As he was about to turn a corner, he heard footsteps approaching from the front.    


Xia Lei pulled out a blade from his waist.    


Kyoko Tsukino pressed down on Xia Lei's hand.    


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