Tranxending Vision

C871 Kill without mercy

C871 Kill without mercy

"Let me go! "Let me go!" Linda cried and struggled. The bald man that was holding her back was as strong as a bear. In front of that fellow, her strength was negligible.    


"You better behave!" The bald man slapped the back of Linda's head and said fiercely, "If you continue to be dishonest, I'll kill you right now!"    


"I can let you go, but please let my friend go, he's innocent! He was just on a trip to Malta! " Linda was not the kind of woman to be obedient.    


Xia Lei was also a little touched in his heart, because at this time, the person that she was thinking about was not herself, but his friend that he had just made. It wasn't hard to see that she really was a good person.    


"Motherf * cker!" Baldy grabbed Linda and carried him on her shoulder before she walked towards the entrance of the backyard in large strides.    


Compared to Linda's struggle and clamor, Xia Lei's captive seemed to be much more honest and quiet. He was also very cooperative, not struggling nor begging at all under the escort of the two bald men.    


"Brothers, where are you bringing us?" Xia Lei said carefully.    


A baldy sneered, "We're going to send you to the gates of hell, do you understand?"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I am a good person, so even if I die, I will only go to heaven. I won't go to hell."    


The other baldy slapped the back of Xia Lei's head, "Shut your mouth! Save your strength and then you can dig. "    


"Dig in? What are you digging for? " Xia Lei looked confused.    


"Is this Grand China human a pig?" A baldy couldn't help but laugh.    


"He must be a pig, a foolish Grand China." The other baldy also laughed.    


After walking out of the back door, the three bald men brought Xia Lei and his group into a lush forest. There was a clearing in the woods, and on it stood wooden crosses, but there was not even a name on them. This place was obviously meant for dealing with the dead. It was a cemetery.    


Carrying Linda, the bald man threw him onto the ground. Under the fear and impact, Linda actually lost consciousness.    


"Bastard!" Then, he looked at Xia Lei. "Your friend has already fainted, looks like you have to dig two holes."    


The two bald men holding Xia Lei released their hands, and one of them went to get a shovel for Xia Lei.    


"There's someone over there!" Xia Lei suddenly pointed in a direction.    


The three bald heads looked towards Xia Lei's direction at almost the same time.    


There was nothing there.    


Just at that moment, Xia Lei suddenly struck his palm onto the bald man's throat, the bones in his palm struck the bones in his throat, and a clear sound came out. The bald man, who had suddenly suffered a heavy blow, immediately clutched his neck as he desperately tried to breathe.    


Xia Lei suddenly turned around, and at the same time swung his whip kick at the bald man's neck.    


The moment he was hit twice, he weakly fell to the ground. Until he lost consciousness, he didn't believe that things would turn out this way. How did a pig-like Grand China turned into a fierce tiger in the blink of an eye?    


The remaining two bald heads suddenly woke up, and pounced towards Xia Lei at the same time.    


However, before they could reach Xia Lei, two shurikens flew out from the forest behind them and fiercely stabbed into the back of their heads.    


The two bald men fell to the ground at the same time. Blood gushed out from the back of their heads, dyeing their bald heads red.    


"Come out!" Xia Lei said.    


A petite and graceful figure walked out from the darkness. She was Zodiac Clan's female ninja, Kyoko Tsukino. Amongst all the Zodiac Clan members who had followed her this time, she was the only one who had the ability to hide beside this fortress. She did not need to worry about being discovered by the Knights Hospitaller's people.    


Kyoko Tsukino said indifferently, "Half an hour ago, I saw those four women come out. I was going to kill them, but I saw you touch one of their butts. So I changed my mind. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"But how should I deal with this?" Kyoko Tsukino pointed at the unconscious Linda and said.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "You can't be thinking of killing her right?"    


"It's in our interest to get rid of her. She's a problem." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


"No, I still have to count on her to bring me to the Sun Temple." Xia Lei pointed in the direction of the Holy Mountain, "That mountain is the Holy Mountain. The Knights Hospitaller's headquarters and the Sacred Palace are both located in that mountain. I need to borrow her identity to go to Sun Temple. "Yes, an official identity."    


"Well, I was only joking." Kyoko Tsukino never had the intention to kill Linda. Just now, when Linda was facing the threat of death, she was still fighting for Xia Lei's chance of survival.    


"Then I'll leave it to you. Help me take care of it, I'll be back soon." Xia Lei turned back the way he came.    


Kyoko Tsukino arrived beside the moment Xia Lei knocked him unconscious, used her leg to step on his hand, and then fiercely spun it.    


"AHH!" The bald man was instantly awakened by the pain.    


Kyoko Tsukino spoke in English, "Get up, let's dig a hole."    


The bald man was startled, when he realised that there was only a petite girl, he suddenly swept his leg across Kyoko Tsukino's lower body.    


A cold light suddenly flashed. When it stopped again, it just happened to pierce the back of the baldy's attacking right leg.    


It was a short sword that pierced through the soles of his feet and emerged from the soles of his feet. It was as sharp as tofu.    


The bald man opened his mouth to scream, but with a wave of Kyoko Tsukino's hand, he pulled out his sword and sliced horizontally, and instantly cut through the bald man's opened lips. Blood spurted out from the bald man's mouth, even his tongue.    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "Get up and dig. Otherwise, I'll cut you up piece by piece. "    


Cold sweat was pouring out of the bald man's forehead...    


There was not the slightest change in the castle. Although so many people had died tonight but it had not changed at all. Standing in the darkness, it still looked peaceful, ancient and mysterious. For hundreds of years, it was unknown how many people had died in this castle, but it didn't feel anything at all.    


Xia Lei did not enter the front hall. Instead, he went through the window and entered the ancient fortress through the path that Giovanna and the others had taken. After entering the ancient fortress, he immediately awakened clairvoyance from his left eye. He quickly finished his investigation of the first floor. Two people were dealing with a dead body in the front hall.    


When he discovered that the corpse was actually Von Cullen, Xia Lei was immediately shocked, and thought to himself: "The only person who can kill Von Cullen here is probably William Arthur, I never thought that he would actually kill even his own people. Looks like he wants to monopolize that Iron Book! "    


This thought made him unable to restrain his excitement. If the Iron Book had already been sent to the Knights Hospitaller's headquarters, this would not be a good thing for him. At this time, what other benefits could William Arthur gain from killing Von Cullen other than that of a Iron Book? It was actually very easy to guess!    


Xia Lei followed his up to the second floor. His gaze swept horizontally, and after he did not see William Arthur's figure, he raised his head and started to look through the third floor of the fortress. And it was also only in this short span of time that he saw William Arthur, who was currently in Von Cullen's study.    


Xia Lei followed his up to the third floor.    


In the study room, William Arthur was twitching a book on one of the bookshelves.    


Crack! Crack! Crack! A series of soft sounds could be heard and the bookshelf slowly moved away, revealing the stone wall of the castle. William Arthur touched the stone wall with his hands, then pushed a piece of stone out of the wall with his hands. The stone slowly crept into the stone wall. After about a foot deep, a few bricks underneath suddenly opened outwards, revealing a storage space hidden within the stone wall. It looked like the inside of a cabinet, covered with a red flannel. On top of the flannel lay a bronze book.    


"Haha ?" William Arthur could not help but laugh out loud, "Von Cullen, you took two years to convince the Pope to take out the Iron Book and study it. But in the end it was mine. Iron Book, God's armor. If the legend is true, I will obtain a strong ability, and even live forever! Do you think I would give it to the Captain? No, I won't. I'm sure you won't either. You're also looking for a chance to kill me, aren't you? "Hahaha ?"    


Amidst the laughter, William Arthur reached out and picked up the Iron Book. Just as he stood up straight, his body suddenly stiffened. Then he slowly turned his head and saw a saber strapped to his back and a man standing in the doorway.    


The man was supposed to be buried in the woods behind, but he showed up here and attacked him.    


This man was Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei walked towards William Arthur with a smile on his face. "Thank you. If you hadn't led the way, I wouldn't have been able to find the Iron Book at all. Not only did you help me find the Iron Book, you even helped me get rid of Von Cullen.    


Hearing him say that, looking at the military knife on his back that had no hilt, William Arthur was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood. The mouthful of blood seemed to carry away all the strength in his body. His body swayed for a moment before collapsing onto the ground.    


Xia Lei bent over and snatched the Iron Book away from William Arthur's hands, then crouched beside William Arthur and said in a low voice: "Tell me, is entering the Sacred Palace troublesome?"    


"You ? will go to hell! " William Arthur took a deep breath.    


Xia Lei said: "Let's talk about something useful. You tell me what I want to know and I will tell you where Arthur is."    


William Arthur trembled, his gaze was strange.    


"Alright, I'll tell you the truth, I am Xia Lei." Xia Lei said.    


William Arthur reached out to grab Xia Lei, as if wanting to strangle him before he died.    


Xia Lei pulled William Arthur's hand, "You don't have much time left. Knowing your son's life and death right now is much more realistic than if you had hoped for it just now. Deal? "    


"Where is he?"    


"How do we get into the Holy Palace?"    


"A gold pass, written by the grand master himself. You can't enter it at all, unless ?"    


"Unless what?"    


"Kill all the holy knights."    


Xia Lei frowned, "This seems impossible."    


"Arthur... Where is Arthur? "    


"In the soil of Siberia, I killed him." Xia Lei said.    


"AHH!" Maybe the grievous news had activated his life's potential, but William Arthur did not know where he got the strength, but he suddenly reached out and grabbed Xia Lei's neck, pulled his upper body out, and bit towards Xia Lei's carotid artery!    


The blood-stained teeth looked very sharp and fierce.    


But in the end, what he bit was not Xia Lei's neck, but the Iron Book.    


Xia Lei stuffed the Iron Book into William Arthur's mouth, and said indifferently: "Are you a dog that transformed?" After he finished speaking, he reached out and pressed onto William Arthur's forehead, and then, with a loud bang, he pushed William Arthur's head down hard onto the floor.    


William Arthur opened his mouth wide, only the air that came out, the air that came out was gone.    


Xia Lei pulled out the military blade that was stabbed into William Arthur's back, and stabbed William Arthur in the heart.    


Three minutes later he left the castle and disappeared into the night.    


In the direction of the holy mountain, the sound of hooves rumbled. There were also torches, long strings of torches moving along the path in the mountain like snakes.    


The people from the Knights Hospitaller Headquarters had come, but only their corpses and undecipherable confusion were left behind.    


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