Tranxending Vision

C866 Unable to look straight ahead

C866 Unable to look straight ahead

"Linda, do you believe that Ma Lei?" Von Cullen looked at Linda, his eyes sharp.    


"I believe him. He is a good man. Don't worry, he won't cause any trouble. I promised him I would take him to see the tourist attractions of Malta. But before that, I want to find out something. So I came here. " Linda said.    


"What do you want to know?"    


"Professor Von Cullen, you can persuade the Pope to give the Iron Book to the Professor Oman, you must know some secrets about the Iron Book, can you tell me?"    


"You came here for this?"    


Yes, I want to find the Iron Book, I want to find the culprit, please help me.    


"You want to find the murderer?"    


"Yes, I will not allow the murderer to become an outlaw. Professor Oman is one of the people I respect the most, he should be fair. " Linda's tone was very resolute.    


Von Cullen said: "You are really a brave and strong woman. If I were you, I would have made a wiser choice, and that is to let the police handle this matter. You're just a woman and a Grand China, what can you do? Use your fists against those gunmen? "    


"I will ask the Holy See for help, but I need some information. Professor Von Cullen, please help me. " Linda's eyes were pleading.    


Von Cullen remained silent for a while before saying, "Alright, I can tell you. The age of the Iron Book surpasses our human history. From a religious point of view, it belongs to the gods. From a scientific point of view, it might be something of the prehistoric civilization. Exactly what kind of possibility was this? Different people would have different views on it. My point of view is between the two, this point my view and Professor Oman's view are the same. It appeared in the Roman era, but it is impossible to prove who was the first to find it and where. "    


"Professor Von Cullen, is this what you used to convince the Pope?" Linda was not satisfied with her answer, because she knew what Von Cullen was talking about. Would the Vatican's Pope hand over the Iron Book to the Professor Oman for him to study? Obviously not.    


Von Cullen frowned, "Am I not clear about this yet? From a religious point of view, it is a divine thing. In other words, it might prove the existence of a god in this world. The current world was an era of lack of faith. If the Holy See could prove that God existed in this world, then it would awaken the faith of the world and allow the world to return to its normal path. "Can't you convince the Pope with such a reason?"    


His explanation was indeed a very convincing one.    


"Professor Von Cullen, how did you know about it? It has always been in the Vatican Museum's secret storage room, and almost no one can see it without the Pope's permission. " Linda said.    


"In a historical record."    


"Can I have a look?"    


"Sure, but it's in the school library. I won't be back until tomorrow. You and your friends will live here first, and I'll give it to you tomorrow. " Von Cullen said.    


"Okay, thank you. I have one last question, Professor Von Cullen, who do you think stole the Iron Book from? " Linda said.    


Von Cullen shrugged his shoulders, "I am not a detective, I am just a scholar that studies history. To be honest, Linda, you should leave this matter to the police. "    


"I'll think about it, thank you." Linda said.    


Von Cullen got up, "I will get someone to arrange rooms for you and your friends."    


On the bell tower, Xia Lei withdrew his gaze, and thought to himself: "This Von Cullen is obviously not telling the truth, and can only deceive women like Linda. Historical data? "I don't believe it."    


After descending from the clock tower, he saw that hateful associate master teacher still waiting for him at the foot of the clock tower.    


"Don't you have anything else to do?" Xia Lei said.    


"If I were the owner of this place, I would let you leave this place without stopping for even a minute." The assistant teacher's eyes were filled with disgust and contempt.    


Xia Lei laughed, "I say, is this the legendary racial discrimination? Or is it because of what happened before? "    


The assistant professor sneered, "You want to know the reason? I don't mind telling you that I despise Chinese people like you, and I despise even more Chinese people like you. Do you understand? "    


"Are you sick?" Xia Lei tried hard to control the anger in his heart.    


"You dare to scold me?" The assistant professor walked forward and suddenly reached out his hand to push it towards Xia Lei.    


The moment he moved, Xia Lei had two choices. One was to grab his hand, and then fiercely slap him. The other option was to continue to endure and not be able to fight back. He even had to act weak.    


The assistant's hand pushed against Xia Lei's chest, causing him to stumble back two steps, almost falling to the ground.    


This was his choice.    


It wasn't hard at all for him to defeat this annoying fellow, but he couldn't do that.    


"Pu * * y! Attack! " The assistant professor charged towards Xia Lei, his eyes fierce and overbearing.    


"What are you doing?" Linda's voice sounded.    


The assistant professor stopped his steps and coldly said, "You better be honest with me, or you will regret it."    


Xia Lei avoided his eyes, showing his weakness once again. At this moment, he gave off the feeling of a timid and cowardly person.    


Linda ran over and said angrily: "What's going on? What happened? "    


"Nothing, Miss Linda, I was just chatting with your friend." With that, the assistant professor left.    


Linda walked in front of Xia Lei and helped him tidy up his messy jacket, then asked with concern: "Are you alright?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Don't worry, he's just a racial discrimination expert, I won't bother with him. Right, how did you and Professor Von Cullen talk? "    


Linda said: "We have already talked about it, nothing much. He promised to give me some information, but we have to stay here all night. Can you stay here with me for the night? "    


"No problem."    


"Then, let me bring you to your room, Professor Von Cullen already had someone prepare a room for us." Linda held Xia Lei's hand and walked towards the Ancient Stronghold's Main Hall.    


"That's right, do you know where the Holy Mountain is?" Xia Lei asked.    


"Sacred Mountain?" Linda thought for a moment, "I have never heard of any sacred mountain.    


"Haven't you heard of the Holy Mountain on Malta?"    


Linda shook her head, "I'm sorry, but I have never heard of a sacred mountain on the island of Malta. Really, I know every place in Malta, but I've never heard of a sacred mountain. "    


Xia Lei immediately frowned. The Holy Palace in the Holy Mountain, that was the place he wanted to go, for the sake of the protective suit. This was also the information he had obtained from Arthur's mouth, and at that time, it was impossible for Arthur to deceive him. But Linda said that there was no Holy Mountain at all, what was going on?    


"Did you remember wrong?" Linda asked.    


Xia Lei pretended to pat his forehead and said awkwardly: It's true that I remembered wrongly, that is our Xi Province's Everest, which is called the Holy Mountain. Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go look at the room. One room or two? "    


"One room? Is that interesting?" Linda rolled her eyes at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


After entering the hall, Linda brought Xia Lei to a flight of stairs, and then came to the second floor.    


The ancient fortress had three floors. Xia Lei had never seen through this floor before, when he was at the bell tower. Entering the corridor on the second floor, Xia Lei woke up the clairvoyance in his left eye. However, what surprised him was that all he saw were normal rooms, there was no space to hide, and there were no secrets of the Knights Hospitaller. He didn't even see one of the Knights Hospitaller's Octagonal Cross Insignia.    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "What's going on? All the signs indicated that this place was the real headquarters of the Knights Hospitaller, but so far, I have not seen any more Knights nor were there any important figures of the Knights Hospitaller. If this is the Knights Hospitaller's headquarters, then there should be a higher ups guarding this place, and there should be more Knights, but here ? "    


"We're here. This is your room." Linda's voice interrupted Xia Lei's train of thoughts.    


Linda pushed open the door, and saw a woman who was busy arranging a blanket. When he saw her face, he was stunned for a moment.    


The woman who was making the bed for him was Rosa.    


He had already met three of his four female Knights, all of whom were working as maids.    


His left eye instantly removed the clothes on Rosa's body, and he also saw a body that was also covered in wounds. The whip had torn open the skin on her back and her plump buttocks, which were riddled with red, inflamed scars that were shocking to behold. Even more heartbreaking was the fact that there were several scars on her chest that had been touched by the whip. The person who had whipped her hadn't even let go of that place. It was truly inhumane!    


"You live here, I'll be next door. I'll head back to my room first. Just come look for me if you need anything. " Linda went to her room.    


Xia Lei walked in.    


Rosa lifted her head and glanced at Xia Lei. Although what she saw was an unfamiliar Chinese, his height and build gave her a sense of d?j? vu. And his eyes.    


Xia Lei avoided Rosa's gaze, "Thank you."    


Rosa did not speak, she only nodded her head once. She quickly put on the quilt and left the room.    


"Wait a moment." Xia Lei spoke in Italian, "Can I smoke here?"    


Rosa immediately frowned, "No, if you want to smoke, please go outside the ancient fortress and smoke."    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Alright then, I will go outside to smoke."    


He did not smoke, and the reason why he said that was because he wanted to give Rosa an impression of him as one of his smoking men. This might ease her suspicions.    


Rosa walked out of Xia Lei's room and closed the door.    


Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief. If they were to be discovered by Rosa just like that, it would truly be a terrible thing.    


After Rosa left, he once again awakened the clairvoyance in her left eye, and used it to peer into the space downstairs.    


Downstairs was an ordinary room that looked very simple and crude. A naked woman was kneeling on the floor, rubbing a green juice on her buttocks.    


She is Theresa.    


All four female Knights appeared, one more miserable than the other.    


The corner of Xia Lei's mouth could not help but curl up into a smile. He moved a chair over and sat down, appreciating Theresa's self-healing.    


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