Tranxending Vision

C858 A beautiful encounter with a Sicily girl

C858 A beautiful encounter with a Sicily girl

The plane flew through the clouds, occasionally shaking. It was impossible to see the scenery on the ground, so it was impossible to determine its current location. However, it always ended up flying towards the Sicily, Palermo Airport. That was its destination.    


A middle-aged man was lost in thought as he looked out the window at the sea of clouds. His appearance was very ordinary and even a bit ugly, but his figure was tall and well-proportioned, giving off a somewhat incongruous feeling of a "good body and ugly face". In addition, he had a very intimate and comfortable temperament to him, so even though his face was ugly, he was still a person that people would like to look at twice more.    


This middle-aged man was Xia Lei, who was flying alone towards the Italian Sicily.    


Looking at the sea of clouds, he thought about one person, Zhu Xuanyue.    


Where is she now? Did she "hunt"? Did she remember anything important?    


He wanted to know all this, but no matter how hard he tried to guess, he couldn't guess the answer he wanted.    


He was now somewhat regretful that he had kicked Zhu Xuanyue out from the mountain forest. If Zhu Xuanyue was still by his side, then her trip to Malta Island wouldn't have been dangerous. He did not even need to sneakily land on Malta. He could have brought Zhu Xuanyue and swaggered onto Malta and then snatched the protective suit from Knights Hospitaller.    


As far as he was concerned, his instinctive reaction to the shot was actually wrong. The one that would suffer would be himself, and not anyone else. But if he hadn't reacted like that, if he hadn't fired that shot, the two innocent young workers would have died in her hands. He could not accept such a thing happening.    


Without question, it was in his interest for Zhu Xuanyue to stay by his side the most, because she was practically an invincible helper. However, if he wanted to protect his interest, he would have to sacrifice hundreds of innocent lives. He would rather not have this benefit.    


He could not determine whether Zhu Xuanyue was a "predator" of a higher level than humans or a demon, but he was clear that she could not become a demon. And if he makes innocent people "food" in order to defend his own interests, then he's a demon. This was his bottom line as a human, he didn't dare to cross.    


"Sir, I've been looking at you for a long time. Are there any angels outside the window?" A clear voice interrupted Xia Lei's thoughts.    


It was a blonde woman with freckles on her pretty face. She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Her freckles and glasses gave her a scholarly air. She looked very quiet and elegant.    


She was Xia Lei's neighbour, so he didn't know why but when he saw her for the first time, he thought of Serenity. That poor woman. Did she leave? Or was it something else? He could not understand this question.    


"Sir?" The blonde woman smiled: "You look very sad. Why don't you chat with me? You can forget some unpleasant things." After a pause, she seemed to think of something, and then shrugged her shoulders. "You probably don't understand Italian, right? Well, pretend I didn't say anything."    


Xia Lei laughed, and spoke in fluent Italian: "I understand, Miss, were you travelling in Grand China before? Now back to Italy? "    


"Wow, I didn't expect you to speak Italian so fluently. Well, I'm Italian, and I live in the Sicily. Previously, they were having an academic exchange at the Grand China, but now, they are going to the Sicily to see a professor, and then go to Malta Island. "    


"You're going to Malta too?" Xia Lei casually asked: "Are we going on a trip?"    


"No, to do archaeological research. about religion and the history of the Crusaders, and... " At this point, she stopped talking. She embarrassedly smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, we don't know each other. You must not be interested in those ancient things. I didn't cause you any unhappiness, did I?"    


"Nope." Xia Lei smiled and extended a hand towards the golden-haired woman, "My name is Ma Lei, nice to meet you."    


The golden-haired woman then shook Xia Lei's hand, and said with a smile: "My name is Linda, Linda, there's a string of ancient bells in my house. When my mother gave birth to me, my father gave me this name."    


"Hello, Miss Linda."    


"Hello, Mr. Marley."    


Xia Lei laughed: "Then, we know each other. "I like a cheerful girl like you. I happen to be going to Malta. How about we go together?"    


Linda was startled, "You want Malta too?"    


"Well, yes, I am. I'm actually interested in the history and religious culture of Malta. " Xia Lei said.    


"Really? That's great. I'm willing to go with you." Linda readily agreed.    


"Un, Miss Linda, can you tell me more about your archaeological research? I'm interested. "    


"Of course not. What do you want to know?"    


The two of them started chatting.    


Actually, if not for hearing that she was going to Malta, Xia Lei would have finished their conversation and would not have chatted so much with each other. He had wanted to meet her and offer to go to Malta with her, and he had followed an archaeologist who was familiar with the environment and had a legitimate purpose to Malta, which would give him more access to the island's ancient buildings and artifacts. More importantly, with her, his disguise would be even more perfect.    


Following the in-depth exchange, Xia Lei gained a better understanding of Linda.    


She was an employee of the Archaeological Department of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage. She was the same as Serenity, an archaeologist. She herself was a devout Catholic.    


When Linda asked about Xia Lei's occupation, Xia Lei said that he was a merchant from the Grand China who owned a small company that produced clothing there. This was an identity that he had forged a long time ago.    


Time passed quickly as they chatted. It was only when the flight attendant announced the arrival of the news did the two of them realize that they had arrived at Palermo airport.    


The plane landed on the runway.    


Xia Lei and Linda dragged a suitcase each as they walked towards the terminal. It was almost dusk by this time. The sky was blue and the clouds were as white as cotton. The clouds were dyed blood-red. Beside the airport, the Mediterranean Sea was surging with waves of green light. There were also seagulls dancing amidst the blue skies and white clouds. The scene of the Sicily was like an oil painting spread out in his field of vision, and the feeling of a foreign land was extremely obvious.    


As he walked into the reception hall, Xia Lei's left eye swept across and saw Arresian and Ye Liena who came to pick him up. Arresian and Ye Liena's faces were also covered with human skin. It was a mask, but if he wanted to see their faces, he only needed to move his left eye.    


Arresian and Ye Liena's eyes quickly gathered on Xia Lei's body. Although the two of them did not have the same ability as Xia Lei, they were both very experienced people. The two could judge based on Xia Lei's height and weight, as well as his aura.    


Leaving the airport with Arresian and the others, going to Arresian's base at the Sicily and then going to Malta Island by boat, was Xia Lei's plan. But on the plane he had changed his plans.    


Xia Lei dragged his luggage and walked towards Arresian and Ye Liena. When he arrived in front of the two of them, he paused for a moment, and in that instant, he said in a low voice: "Change of plan, wait for my notification."    


Arresian and Ye Liena were stunned for a moment.    


Just then, Linda caught up with him while dragging his luggage, and said: "Mr. Marley, wait for me."    


Xia Lei turned around with a smile on his face, "I was looking for you, the first time I was not familiar with the environment, and almost lost you."    


Linda walked to Xia Lei's side, "Let's go, you don't need to reserve a hotel anymore, just stay at my place tonight. I had extra rooms, and they were empty. You live in my house and I can show you the streets and show you the real Sicilian culture. "    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "That's great, thank you, Miss Linda. I'll treat you tonight, whatever you want to eat. "    


"Wow, I'm a woman with a good appetite."    


"Hehe, I'm also a man with a good appetite."    


The two of them talked as they walked, while Arresian and Ye Liena stayed at the side.    


It was only when Xia Lei and Linda walked out of the hall that Arresian spoke out, "What's going on?"    


Ye Liena shrugged his shoulders: "You're asking me, who should I ask?"    


"What does it say in Chinese?"    


"Are you trying to say that you value women over friends?"    


"Yes, that's it. Boss is now leaving with a woman, is this the case? "    


"Shut your mouth. The boss was not the kind of person who only knew how to play with women. This woman was simply too ordinary compared to his own. She couldn't even enter his eyes. He must have had his own ideas and reasons for his sudden change of plans. "    


"Then what should we do? The boss didn't tell us why. "    


"Didn't you see the woman following him? He was inconvenient. I've already taken a picture of that woman. " Ye Liena shook the phone in his hand, then said: "When I go back, wouldn't I be able to guess the reason for this woman's identity?"    


Arresian grinned, his smile was extremely ugly.    


Outside the hall, Xia Lei waved to a taxi to stop, and the two of them got into it and left.    


The taxi drove along the road in the suburbs. The distance between them and the Mediterranean Sea stretched as far as the eye could see. The nearest field was full of grapes, but it was past the season and the branches were empty.    


"You are a very special person, Mr. Marley." Linda broke the silence inside the carriage in a short amount of time.    


Xia Lei smiled, "What's special about me?"    


"You look very sad, but you are very confident. Un, your eyes are very profound. That is the embodiment of your knowledge and experience. There is something very special about you, but I can't put my finger on it. "In short, you are very attractive." Linda said.    


Italian women are impassioned, that's what they say.    


This was actually the first time Xia Lei had heard a woman describe him in such a way. He was a little surprised, but also a little happy. However, we have only just met. In a way, we are still strangers, yet you want to bring me, this stranger, to your home. Aren't you afraid that I will be a bad person? "    


"Hmm, do you think I'm the kind of stupid woman who would bring bad people back home?" Linda asked.    


Xia Lei could not help but laugh.    


Women with knowledge and experience sometimes have a sharper and more accurate eye for men than detectives.    


If they dared to bring him home, would they not have gone through some observation and reflection?    


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