Tranxending Vision

C781 apostrophe

C781 apostrophe

Xia Lei accompanied Shi Boren and a few other representatives of the military to drink a few cups of wine. A waiter walked over, went close to Xia Lei's ear and whispered: "Mr. Xia, there is a teacher who wants me to give you a message, he wants to talk to you."    


"Did he say who he was?" Xia Lei asked.    


"He said his surname is Ye." The hotel attendant pointed in a direction for Xia Lei, "He's over there on the table."    


Xia Lei looked in the direction he pointed, and saw Ye Kun with a glance. He was curious in his heart why Ye Kun was looking for him, but his expression did not change and he said: "I understand."    


However, the hotel waiter didn't leave. He said, "That Mr. Ye said he has something important to discuss with you. If you don't go, you will regret it."    


Xia Lei immediately frowned. The hotel attendant was tangled up, obviously asking for Ye Kun's tip. Just as he was about to tell the waiter to leave, he saw Ye Kun leave the table and walk towards the entrance of the restaurant. He secretly thought in his heart: "Ye Kun called someone over to call me over to talk about something, yet he left. What tricks is he playing?"    


"Please enjoy yourselves. I'll go take a look." Xia Lei left the table, and then walked toward the other exit of the dining hall.    


Walking out of the restaurant, Xia Lei saw Ye Kun walking into the staircase.    


"What the hell is this guy doing?" Xia Lei followed him. After entering the stairwell, he climbed up one floor to see Ye Kun. Ye Kun was waiting for him at the corner of the stairs.    


"Chairman Xia." Ye Kun smiled and greeted, "I thought you wouldn't come, but you actually did."    


Xia Lei said: "Your Chairman Ye has asked me to discuss something, do I dare not give you face?"    


"Xia Dong, you are a famous person in the world now, and you are even more of a big shot in the eyes of the upper echelons. What do you think I am in your eyes? You don't have to be polite with me. "    


"If you have anything to say, just say it. I'm really not used to discussing things in this kind of place. If someone sees us, they would think that you and I are discussing some evil deeds." Xia Lei said.    


"Haha, Chairman Xia, do you think I'm the kind of person who only do bad things in your eyes?"    


"Chairman Ye, if you are looking for me to discuss whether you are a good person or a bad person, then forgive me." Xia Lei turned to leave.    


"Wait." Ye Kun smiled bitterly, "There is someone who wants Shenzhou Industrial Group and Hanwu Weapons Corp to stop the production and supply of weapon parts and components for Rayma Group."    


Xia Lei immediately stopped moving, and turned around to look at Ye Kun, "When did this happen?"    




Xia Lei was silent for a moment, then said: "You invited me to this place to tell me more than just this news, right?"    


"I can't hide anything from you." Ye Kun looked up and down, and only spoke after he was sure that there was no one around: "Xia Dong, do you know who was the one who said that?"    


"Of course I know. Even if you didn't say anything, I would have already guessed it." Xia Lei looked straight into Ye Kun's eyes, "But I can't guess what Chairman Ye is thinking."    


"I've had enough."    


"What do you mean?"    


Ye Kun lowered his voice, "You have information regarding Mu Jiangfeng and I in your hands. Those things can destroy me, but they still let me do it. Isn't this obviously using me, Ye Kun, as a cannon fodder? I don't want to be the cannon fodder. "    


This was the reason why Ye Kun invited him here to discuss something. Xia Lei felt very surprised.    


"Xia Dong, I, Ye Kun am not a dog tied to a chain, nor am I some idiot cannon fodder who only wants me to die. "As long as you help me, I will be your friend, and even ?"    


"Even what?"    


"Become your man." Ye Kun said.    


Xia Lei was startled, "Chairman Ye, I don't know what tricks you are playing, but are you not afraid that I will tell Mu Jiangfeng or him?"    


"I dare to say that, I'm not afraid of you saying it." Ye Kun said: "I am very clear about what kind of person you, Xia Lei, are. You would definitely not tell this matter to either Mu Jiangfeng or Ling Hao."    


"Why are you so sure? We are not friends. "    


"Because you need me. We weren't friends before, but we can be friends now."    


"Do you think I'd believe you?"    


"I don't need you to believe me. I only need you to know that you need me. I can bring you tangible benefits. That's enough."    


Xia Lei went silent. He really needed Ye Kun.    


Rayma Military Factory had expanded its production capacity twice, the rate of growth was not slow, but it was still far from enough, it was simply unable to satisfy the hungry market. If not for the fact that he caught hold of Ye Kun's weakness and made the Shenzhou Industrial Group and the Hanwu Weapons Corp become substitutes for the Rayma Group, the scale of the Rayma Military Factory wouldn't be where it currently stood.    


Now that the Shenzhou Industrial Group and the Hanwu Weapons Corp wanted to stop supplying parts and components to the Rayma Military Factory, it would definitely affect its production. He had signed a large number of orders, and if he didn't deliver the goods in accordance with the contract, he would be in a lot of trouble. If Ye Kun did not see through this point, would he have taken the risk to come talk to him about this?    


After a short period of silence, Xia Lei finally spoke out: "Just be straightforward, what do you want from me?"    


"Give me everything you used to threaten me. Leave not a single photo behind."    


"What can I get from you?"    


"The production capacity of the Hanwu Weapons Corp, as well as all the branches under the Hanwu Weapons Corp's control, will all be used to produce spare parts for the Rayma Military Factory. Therefore, even if the Shenzhou Industrial Group were to withdraw, it would not affect your production. "    


"No matter how I look at it, this is a threat, not a cooperation."    


Ye Kun laughed bitterly, "Chairman Xia, I am already someone who has nowhere to go, can you stop joking around? Give me those things and I'll be able to work in peace after I destroy them. " After a pause, he added, "I do things for you."    


"Chairman Ye, I think you are joking. You are a dignified CEO of a state-owned enterprise, would you feel wronged if you did something for me?" Besides, I can't afford to hire someone as important as you. " Xia Lei said.    


"He's obviously interested, but he still wants an ally like me to test him." A trace of anger emerged from the corner of Ye Kun's mouth, "Xia Lei, to be honest, I really hate you!"    


Xia Lei said lightly: "I just wanted to understand the situation."    


Ye Kun moved closer to Xia Lei and lowered his voice, "I know of your ambitions. You want to develop Rayma Group into a Lockheed Martin Corp, I can't deny that you have that ability, but it's impossible for a single person like you to accomplish it. You need someone like me. I can bring you the best technical talent in the country, more policy support. I can even apply for Hanwu Weapons Corp to be incorporated into the Rayma Group without changing the nature of the private camp. "    


This time, Xia Lei was truly moved. He did not lack technology. What he lacked was talent and policy support. If every batch of workers had to start from the most basic of training, just the consumption of time was enough to slow down the development of Rayma Group. But if he could merge the Hanwu Weapons Corp into his own, that would mean he had all of the technical personnel and skilled workers in the Hanwu Weapons Corp. At that time, the Rayma Group would grow as fast as the wind!    


Most importantly, such mergers and acquisitions would not change the nature of the private sector!    


Yu Shanhe, Mu Jiangfeng and the others racked their brains in order to chase him out of the industry. They never thought that there would be such a traitor in their camp, wanting to sell the Hanwu Weapons Corp to him!    


This is the reality of the world.    


"Think about it, if you have made your decision, come over to the table Mu Jiangfeng and I are sitting at and show your face. "I will publicly refuse to give you spare parts, and if you pour me a glass of wine, we can consider it a deal." Ye Kun patted Xia Lei's shoulders and left.    


Xia Lei watched as Ye Kun left, and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile.    


He had never expected that this would happen, but this was the way a character like Ye Kun lived. When it came to selling people, they would never be merciful, even if it was Mu Jiangfeng who accompanied him.    


Using Ye Kun as his pet was indeed a little awkward, but what was undeniable was that Ye Kun was definitely a useful dog.    


A minute later, Xia Lei returned to the dining hall and walked straight towards the table that Ye Kun and were at.    


Ye Kun looked at him, and a smile that was difficult to detect emerged from the corner of his mouth.    


"Director Mu, Chairman Ye, I thought you two would not come." Xia Lei laughed and said: "Since you are all here, let me toast you."    


Xia Lei picked up an empty cup and poured himself a cup of wine.    


Everyone at the table raised their wine cups, except Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun who were still sitting, with no intention of drinking with Xia Lei at all.    


"Chairman Ye, what do you mean?" Xia Lei said in displeasure.    


"Xia Lei, to be honest, I came here specifically to tell you something." Ye Kun said: "I have already decided, from today onwards, Hanwu Weapons Corp will not produce parts for Rayma Group."    


Xia Lei said coldly: "Ye Kun, you must think carefully about the consequences of doing this!"    


"I think it's very clear that you should find someone else to work for you. If I don't work for you, what can you do to me?" Ye Kun stood up.    


Xia Lei suddenly raised his hand and poured a cup of wine onto Ye Kun's face.    


Ye Kun waved his hand to hit Xia Lei, but Mu Jiangfeng got up and grabbed his hand.    


"Ah Kun, don't be rash." Mu Jiangfeng said.    


"Xia Lei, you- just you wait!" Ye Kun flung Mu Jiangfeng's hands off and angrily left.    


Xia Lei said coldly: "Ye Kun, you better think carefully!"    


Ye Kun did not even turn his head around.    


Mu Jiangfeng sighed, he looked at Xia Lei and shook his head, "Youngster, impulsive. Is it really okay for you to do this? I won't be able to drink this wine, and we won't have to make an appointment in the future. "    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "I think you're pretending, Ye Kun is a student that you taught single-handedly, but you, this old fox, definitely doesn't know that the first person your student wants to sell out is you."    


Mu Jiangfeng also left with a smile.    


The entire table full of people looked at each other as they looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei suddenly revealed a smile, "It's fine, let's drink."    


The table followed him with another toast. Who wouldn't want to give face to Xia Lei now?    


Xia Lei returned to his seat.    


"What happened?" Shi Boren asked.    


Xia Lei replied: "Nothing, just a small grudge."    


"Ahh, I can't do anything about the things between you two, and I don't want to do anything about it either." As he said till here, Shi Boren's tone suddenly changed. "Let's go, accompany me to your father's place for a drink."    


Xia Lei shifted his gaze to the table beside him. Tang Yuyan and Xia Changhe were chatting happily.    


Tang Yuyan also looked over, and she winked at Xia Lei. That kind of appearance was extremely alluring and charming. Those eyes were filled with a myriad of emotions.    


Xia Lei avoided her line of sight.    


"Let's go. Accompany me there." Shi Boren urged.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Alright."    


He had to face what he had to face. There were some people and things that he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.    


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