Tranxending Vision

C1052 Before action

C1052 Before action

Army hospital.    


"Miss Tang, may I ask what is your menstrual cycle?" In the ward, the nurse asked politely.    


Tang Yuyan frowned, "Why are you asking this?"    


"Miss Tang, the doctor asked for it. This is also for your own good. We need to know more about the situation and get rid of the potential dangers. " the nurse said.    


"Eliminate what?"    


"Well, the doctor said that this poisoning might affect your future fertility, so you need to know more about your menstrual cycle. Also, take your eggs for testing. So please cooperate. " the nurse said.    


Tang Yuyan immediately became nervous, "Will it affect my birth?"    


The young nurse said, "Not necessarily. We just need to take samples and test them. If there are any problems, we need to treat them as soon as possible and eliminate them."    


"That... My period ended the day before yesterday, and I've been here for five days. " Tang Yuyan said, making her feel awkward.    


The nurse said, "That's still during the ovulation period. I want to take one of your eggs. This process is a little uncomfortable. Just bear with it."    


Tang Yuyan nodded her head...    


At the same time, a middle-aged man came to Xia Lei's office.    


Xia Lei remembered him. He was Sun Wen, the person in charge of the "Gentle Action". Last time when Folson revealed the secret of AE Capsule in Boo Forum, he had appeared. This time, just like last time, he had a cryochamber.    


"Mr. Xia, I'm really sorry." Sun Wen said apologetically, "I know that my appearance will make you unhappy, but you must understand that this is my job. Please cooperate with me.    


Xia Lei said: "What do you want to take this time?"    


"A few blood samples, and ?" Sun Wen glanced at Liang Siyao who was in the same office as him.    


Liang Siyao said coldly: "Is there anything else? "Tell me, can't I listen?"    


Sun Wen laughed awkwardly, "Alright then, I will be frank. This time I will get a copy of Mister Xia's essence."    


Xia Lei immediately frowned.    


Liang Siyao asked: "Why do you want that?"    


"Sorry, my job is confidential, I can't reveal what I'm doing." Sun Wen said.    


Liang Siyao said bluntly: "What do you want to do? "Who gave you such great authority?"    


"Mr Xia, look ?" How could Sun Wen dare to argue with Xia Lei's woman? He asked for help as he looked towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei replied, "Siyao, forget it." After a pause, he said, "Mr. Sun, come with me to the lounge. I'll give you five minutes."    


"Okay, thank you, Mr. Xia." Sun Wen heaved a sigh of relief and followed Xia Lei to the resting lounge.    


Just as the two men entered the resting room, Liang Siyao took out her phone and made a call. After the call connected, she covered her mouth and whispered, "Sister Fan, I have a person called Sun Wen here. She wants to take our man's sample, go and check this person's background."    


Fan Fan said, "Sun Wen, mm, let me check. "Oh yeah, I bought a few abalones, how about we have some abalones tonight?"    


"Abalone? "Okay, that's right. When you come back, help me buy some masks ?"    


The two women started chatting as they got back to business.    


The door to the resting room opened. Sun Wen walked out of the office with his head buried in the ground, and then closed the door.    


Liang Siyao was curious, "So fast?"    


At this moment, Xia Lei suddenly stuck his head out from the resting room's entrance. "Siyao, come over and help out."    


Liang Siyao, "..."    


4 PM.    


Li Youdun appeared in the materials laboratory of the Rayma Group. He didn't greet anyone and directly went to his office.    


Li Youdun's appearance caused a flurry of discussion amongst the staff.    


"What exactly is going on with Department Head Li?"    


"Yeah, he's been so weird these days."    


"Stop talking, let's get to work." The new material workshop is about to open, and we have a lot of things to do. "    


"Department Head Li, this is really the right time for him to take charge of the overall situation. Why did he just enter his office without saying a word and ignore us?"    


"Who asked him to be the minister?"    


Inside Li Youdun's office, Xia Lei withdrew his line of sight. He was not surprised at all that the employees in the material laboratory had such discussions. At this time, he definitely did not come to the material laboratory with Li Youdun's status to guide the employees, but instead, he came here to prepare for tonight's events.    


What was certain was that during his stay in Israel and the Mediterranean, Yang Shan and Sebelly had definitely tried to contact Li Youdun. His fake death scam had already been exposed, and the CIA was desperate to know whether Li Youdun had found out about it or not. Furthermore, there was also the possibility of Li Youdun stealing the recipe of the new material for the Rayma Group. Under this kind of premise, the Information Station of the CIA would definitely think of a way to contact Li Youdun.    


In the process of waiting, Xia Lei took care of some official matters. Rayma Group's new material workshop and no one else. The machine shop was about to open, and he had a lot of work to do. It would not waste time waiting.    


An hour later, a white carrier pigeon perched on a tree outside the window. It saw Li Youdun in the office and flew into the office.    


Judging from the reaction of the carrier pigeon, the training it received was not an ordinary one.    


Xia Lei took out the slip of paper from the pigeon's anklet. The note was still numbered, and he didn't need to look up the French edition of The Mysterious Island. He read it directly: See you at the safe house at eight o'clock tonight.    


Xia Lei threw the paper slip into the basket, washed a piece of paper, and stuffed it into the pigeon's anklet. His note read: I will be at the safe house on time.    


The carrier pigeon flew out of the window and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.    


Xia Lei got up and left the office. When he walked out of the material laboratory, he made a call.    


"Yuyan, it's me." Xia Lei said: "I have already received their message, they have requested for me to meet them at the safe house at 8 o'clock at night."    


"How did you reply?" Tang Yuyan's voice.    


"I told them I would meet them at the safe house at eight o'clock tonight." Xia Lei said.    


"Don't go, we just need to make sure they're in the safe house. Come with me. Don't act alone. "    


"We'll talk about it when we meet. I'll be right over." Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


An hour later, a Knight 15 arrived at the 101st inning. Xia Lei got off the car, and Tang Yuyan, who was already waiting in the car park, came over.    


"My side is already prepared for action. The field agent has already entered that area, waiting for us to pass before making our move." Tang Yuyan said.    


Xia Lei followed her, and said while they were walking: "It's best to capture them alive, I can lure them out."    


Tang Yuyan said, "No, that would be too dangerous. We've taken control of the area, so they won't be able to escape. It takes courage to commit suicide, and I don't believe they would choose that path. "    


Xia Lei followed Tang Yuyan into the 101 station's central control room. In the central control room, a large display wall displayed a monitor image of the area where the Free Tone Bar was located. The street where the bar was located was bustling with people coming and going. From the surveillance footage, the area where the Free Tone Bar was located was very quiet, with nothing abnormal happening. But as long as she observed carefully, Xia Lei would be able to find a few suspicious looking people. It was obvious that those people were all field agent from the one hundred and first round.    


In the central control room, there were also a few dozen fully armed fighters. Tang Bochuan was currently analyzing the sand table for each of them and explaining the battle tactics for each of them. Shi Boren was also watching by the side. He would occasionally interrupt and share his views and opinions.    


Tang Yuyan led Xia Lei over, "Father, brother, Xia Lei is here."    


Tang Bochuan nodded to Xia Lei in greeting before he continued to deduce the situation.    


Shi Boren walked over and went straight to the point: "You sure are capable. First, you found the CIA's Information Station in the capital, and now, you have even found their safe house.    


Xia Lei said: "This is not strange, even the CIA did not know that the one hundred and first round was held in New York or Huasheng. and the safe house. "Spying on people is a matter of fate. I have some ties with them."    


"Hahaha ?" Shi Boren laughed, "You punk, this kind of thing is actually explained by fate, but there is some truth to what you are saying. Other than fate, do you have any other explanation? "    


Xia Lei shook his head, "No more."    


Shi Boren immediately frowned, "You're lying to me again."    


Xia Lei only laughed, and did not explain.    


Tang Bochuan quickly finished his deductions for the sand table, and dozens of fully armed soldiers received his orders and left the central control room. They would board the moving vehicles and wait for the moment of departure.    


"Alright, I've settled it here." Tang Bochuan smiled, "Chief Tang, please give your instructions."    


Tang Yuyan rolled her eyes at Tang Bochuan, and then said: "Bring the fighters to the area the target is at, Xia Lei and I will be there shortly."    


"Yes, I'm off." Tang Bochuan left as soon as he said it. When he passed by Xia Lei, he stopped in his steps, went close to Xia Lei's ear and whispered: "When she's with you, his recovery speed has become faster. Look at her spirit. He looks like a patient. I've given her to you. Take care of her. "    


Xia Lei didn't know what to say, he merely smiled.    


Tang Yuyan then said, "Xia Lei, stop driving your Fifteenth Knight. Take my car. Your car is too eye-catching for action. "    


Xia Lei said: "Alright, I will take your car."    


"Godfather, you just stay here and wait for our good news." Tang Yuyan said.    


Shi Boren warned again, "Be careful, if they resist, you can get rid of them."    


"I know." Tang Yuyan turned and left.    


"Goodbye Boss Shi." Xia Lei also left.    


Shi Boren watched Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan leave, and only after a long while did he utter a word, "What a great pair, why is there no fate?"    


A few minutes later, three minibuses drove out of the 101 headquarters entrance. Inside were the fighters in charge of the operation. After that, Tang Yuyan drove a normal Red Flag Car out of the 101 bureau's headquarters, and headed towards the target's area.    


"You ? Are you feeling better? " Xia Lei asked.    


"I'm fine. How's the wound on your hand?" Tang Yuyan took a glance at Xia Lei's wrist. There was no bandages on Xia Lei's wrist at all, but his sleeve had covered his wrist and she could not see the wound at all.    


"It's okay, it's already scarred." Xia Lei said.    


Then the two of them stopped talking. The atmosphere in the car was very awkward.    


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