Tranxending Vision

C1077 He charged into the base!

C1077 He charged into the base!

When he was still 1000 meters away from the military base, Xia Lei arrived in front of Erdelmtu. This was very necessary, because they were inside a forest, and even Erdelmtu was unable to completely grasp the situation within the forest.    


The special forces of the Philippines were already lying in ambush at the military base on the island, especially the special forces of the six SEAL commandos. They wore camouflage clothing, so even if they walked in front of them, it would be difficult to discover them. However, once it was exposed to their line of sight, they would have to face their assassination.    


Xia Lei carefully moved closer to Lei Da, and after advancing another hundred meters, he suddenly stopped, "Ye Liena and Xingzi have arrived."    


Erdelmtu turned his head to take a glance, but he did not see anyone. Just as he wanted to ask, he saw Kyoko Tsukino walking out from behind a tree. Her heart was filled with curiosity. Even with his sharp senses, he did not sense Kyoko Tsukino coming, but Xia Lei still knew that Kyoko Tsukino had arrived without even turning his head around.    


However, in the end, he did not ask anything, because he had already witnessed too many miracles on Xia Lei's body.    


After Kyoko Tsukino appeared, Ye Liena, Yasuya Khan and the four female Knights also appeared. Xia Lei's gaze moved to the two blond Americans. Needless to ask, he knew that they were the American pilots who shot down his helicopter the night before yesterday.    


Xia Lei looked at the multifunctional wrist watch on his wrist. He turned and walked toward the hostages.    


"Boss, these two are the people you want." Ye Liena said.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, then looked at one of them and said: "Yesterday night, you knocked down a Grand China's helicopter, tell me, whose idea was it, and who operated it?"    


The two Americans looked at each other, but no one answered the question.    


Xia Lei said: "You still have one minute and thirty seconds. If you do not tell me, I will kill you two in one minute and thirty seconds."    


"What do you mean? "Who are you?" David asked Xia Lei. He was actually very afraid in his heart, but he was still able to pretend that he was not afraid.    


"What I mean is that only one of you can live. How about I give you two a knife and you decide your own fate?" In that case, you don't have to bother with what questions I've asked you. " Xia Lei's tone was calm and indifferent, but deep down his bones, it revealed a cold intent.    


"We are prisoners of war. You must treat me and my companions in accordance with the Geneva Conventions." David said.    


Kane also said, "Yes, we are American soldiers. You must think clearly about the consequences of killing us."    


"What kind of consequences?" Xia Lei asked.    


Kane said, "You don't need me to tell you that, do you? If you kill us, you will be wanted and hunted down by the United States government. "    


The corner of Xia Lei's mouth slightly moved.    


Giovanna then smashed onto the back of Kane's head with his spear. Kane let out a pained cry, then put his hand on the back of his head. A stream of warm blood flowed out from his wound, wetting the back of his hand and his collar in a blink of an eye.    


"What do you want?" David said angrily, "We shot down the helicopter! But we are executing orders, we are soldiers, soldiers must carry out orders. If you think we have committed any crime, you should take us to the tribunal and let the judge and jury decide whether we are guilty or not. "    


He spoke with righteousness and a matter-of-fact air. But the Zodiac Clan members were looking at them with playful expressions, and a hint of disdain appeared on the corners of their mouths.    


International Tribunal?    


It's just a funny place.    


"Well, I know there's a court, and the judge's not too bad. I've decided to send you there for trial." Xia Lei said.    


"What court are you talking about?" Kane asked curiously.    


"Hades' palace." Xia Lei said.    


"What?" Xia Lei spoke in Chinese. The two Americans who didn't understand Grand China's culture clearly didn't know what "Hades' Hall" was.    


Xia Lei suddenly pulled out the viper pistol, without any hesitation, he raised his gun and pulled the trigger.    


Bang! A gunshot rang out, and a bloody hole the size of a ping pong ball appeared on Kane's forehead. Blood and brains splattered out like blossoming flowers.    


A second later, Kane's corpse fell onto the ground. He could not feel his death at all, and even if he had died, he would not believe that the Grand China youth had just shot at him. Originally, he had thought of many reasons and examples to persuade this young man from Grand China, but he did not even have the chance to say one more word.    


"My God, no ?" David originally still had a trace of resistance, and still held onto a glimmer of hope that he would survive. However, the moment Xia Lei shot, everything collapsed, and what followed was fear, the deepest fear, "No no no, I'll tell you, it was him, he was the one who gave the order, and also the one who shot the helicopter. This has nothing to do with me, I swear to God!"    


"I believe you, but you've made it clear that whether or not you've committed a crime is up to the judge and jury to decide. Go and chat with Judge Hades. " Xia Lei said.    


After saying that, he moved the muzzle of his gun horizontally ?    




A vengeful bullet shot out from the viper pistol's muzzle, piercing through David's head.    


The dead Grand China Navy Soldier could finally close her eyes in peace.    


Xia Lei had promised that the blood enemies flowing through the Grand China would flow twice over, and he had already fulfilled his promise.    


David's corpse fell to the ground with eyes wide open.    


The members of Zodiac Clan looked at the corpse on the ground coldly. No one spoke. These were a group of merciless, cold-blooded warriors.    


Xia Lei looked at the multifunctional wrist watch in his hands, "We still have twenty minutes to take down the base, time to work!"    


Rosa took off the XL2500 sniper rifle on her shoulder and threw it at Xia Lei, "Boss, you should use this, I will use your rifle."    


Xia Lei took her XL2500 sniper rifle, and then threw the blast assault rifle in his hands to Rosa, "Do you know what to do?"    


Ye Liena said: "Is there even a need to ask? Boss, you and Yasuya Khan will be the snipers, we will lure them and expose their location. "    


"Baby, I will keep an eye on your ass and not let anyone hurt you." Yasuya Khan said to Ye Liena.    


Ye Liena glared at Yasuya Khan.    


Yasuya Khan, on the other hand, looked at the Russian woman and laughed sinisterly.    


"Alright, you guys are so disgusting." Erdelmtu said, then added, "I have a set of lovers' toys for sale, ten thousand, just ten thousand ?"    


Xia Lei could no longer bear to listen any further. He headed towards the direction of Lei Da Station at a very fast speed. However, he did not hate this kind of joke in his heart. This was because he knew that this was the kind of self-relaxation that the members of the Zodiac Clan felt before the great battle.    


Only with a good mood would there be a good result.    


Even if he had to die, he would die laughing!    


Yasuya Khan quickly found his sniping point. It was a large tree with a diameter of more than a meter. He climbed to the top of the tree like a monkey. The crown of the tree was about 40 meters above the ground, which was about ten stories high. Since he had this tree, he could almost overlook half of the island.    


However, Xia Lei did not choose a big tree as his sniping point like Yasuya Khan did. Compared to a fixed sniping point, he preferred to move his sniping point.    


Five hundred meters away from the radar station.    


Xia Lei had already parted ways with the members of the Zodiac Clan, and in front of him appeared a artificially carved path. The road led from the forest behind him to the radar station and the military base next to it.    


But Xia Lei did not take the road, and continued to walk through the forest by the side. In his mind, he recalled the scene where he had used the Big Dipper and the hacker's computer to scout out the surroundings. As he walked, he compared the terrain and the environment.    


Xia Lei stopped at a certain position, then carefully snuck over to a tree by the side of the road. When he reached the tree trunk, he slowly lowered himself down and the XL2500 sniper rifle peeked out from the grass at the foot of the tree.    


Without needing a scope, he saw a sniper lying in a patch of grass at the end of the road.    


The sniper was wearing a green and mud coloured camouflage uniform. If he didn't remember his location beforehand, he might have been deceived by the sniper's camouflage uniform.    


Xia Lei's left and right eyes both entered extraordinary mode, and the ability to see and scan was awakened at the same time. In his field of vision, the sniper lurking in the grass at the end of the road was staring at the other end. The sniper lay still and patient. He was using a semi-automatic Ballet sniper rifle, M82A1, which had been pulled up, waiting for the target to appear and then pulling the trigger.    


However, as they were both snipers, and at the same distance of 500 meters, the American SEAL team could not see Xia Lei at all. However, Xia Lei could see a few hairs on his nose.    


With the combination of his left and right eye, a set of numbers appeared in Xia Lei's mind, "Distance: 493 meters, Wind Force: Level 1, Northwest Direction, Air Density..."    


From this set of data, Xia Lei quickly adjusted the direction of the muzzle of the spear, and then, he placed the middle finger of his right hand in the direction of his body.    




With a gunshot, the sniper hiding in the grass lost a third of his head.    


Xia Lei gently shook his head, "This is a SEAL team? It's a lot worse than what I imagined it to be. "    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


The sounds of gunfire simultaneously rang out from the 12 o'clock and 10 o'clock 2 o'clock direction. The special forces of the SEAL team were able to determine Xia Lei's position after he fired the first shot, and then they shot blind fire. They used MK18 assault rifles, the SEALs' special rifles, which were world-class in power, fire speed, and range. Of course, compared to blast assault rifle, they were still lacking by a large margin.    


The remaining five SEAL commandos fought busily, and weren't stingy with their ammunition at all. It was possible that there weren't any bullets that flew to Xia Lei's side. Either he flew off into the distance, or he was intercepted by tree after tree.    


Just five seconds after the opponent shot, Xia Lei had already finished making adjustments.    


"Bang ~ ~ ~"    


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