Tranxending Vision

C1085 Iharion's secret technique

C1085 Iharion's secret technique

When Xia Lei stepped onto the warship, the warship was filled with cheers and applause. When he walked into the bridge, all the soldiers there gave him a military salute, including Yu Zhenhai. This was a great honor. Although Xia Lei was not a soldier, he still gave the soldiers a military salute.    


Yu Zhenhai held Xia Lei's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Brother Xia, there is only one person I admire in this life, and that is you. You solved a big problem for the country, well done! "If we're not on a warship and we can't drink alcohol, I'll drink to our heart's content with you!"    


Xia Lei laughed: "Next time, next time I will definitely accompany Big Brother Yu and drink."    


"Alright, that's settled then." Yu Zhenhai laughed out loud.    


The warship returned, but it did not return to the Grate Melon Island's military base, but directly returned home.    


Xia Lei was not surprised at all by Yu Zhenhai's decision. After all, the Grate Melon Island was just an artificial island. If the Americans knew that he was still in the Grate Melon Island, they might throw a nuclear bomb there. The hidden missile was hard to defend against, and Yu Zhenhai did so for safety reasons.    


After staying in the bridge for a while, Xia Lei chatted with Yu Zhenhai and the officers of the bridge for a while before he left the bridge to rest. The space on the ship was precious, but even the most crowded of heroes would have a comfortable place to rest.    


Only then did his body and spirit become completely relaxed. Xia Lei laid on the narrow military bed. He had done something big enough to shock the world, but he was confident that what had happened tonight would not be reported in the United States or in the Philippines.    


If the United States were to report what happened tonight, it would first damage its prestige and then its control in the Middle East. Compared to Asia, the Middle East is the real interest. As for the Philippines, if they used public opinion to attack the Grand China and used the weak person's attitude to gain the sympathy of the international community, not only would they not gain the slightest bit, but they would also make the international community realize the strength of the Grand China and stand on the side of the Grand China.    


This world had always been a world where the strong preyed on the weak.    


After he completely relaxed, Xia Lei felt tired and laid on his bed to rest. On the Philippine island reef military base, he had gone through a fierce battle and used his left and right eye at a very high frequency. He was truly exhausted and needed a good rest.    


Not long after he lay down on the camp bed, he fell asleep and had a dream. In that dream, he ate the last AE capsule, and his whole body evolved. He became someone like Zhu Xuanyue, and was not interested in anything in this world. Just like her, he needed to eat a person's brain in order to live. He even dreamt of the black-robed man, and the black-robed man was coming to kill him ?    


Du du du, du du du!    


The satellite telephone suddenly rang.    


Xia Lei crawled up from the bed and answered the phone, "It's me, Sayimu, speak."    


Sayimu's voice came from the satellite telephone, "Boss, I have obtained the relevant information. The Americans have found an ancient tomb under the Holy Sepulchre, and two faceless statues of warriors. The Americans are now preparing to send the six faceless statues back to the United States. "    


"How are they going to get the six samurai statues back to the States?" Xia Lei asked.    


Sayimu's voice rang, "For the time being, I do not know. But I heard an argument that those six weeks were not for the statue to fail some of the instruments and equipment. I don't think they would be transported by plane, most likely by boat, and they would have been treated for radiation protection. "    


"Did you find out how the Americans and the Israelis knew about the tomb beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?" Xia Lei asked.    


Sayimu's voice sounded, "We did not manage to find out anything about this, but Qian Jun knows a little about it. Wait a moment, I'll have him come and talk to you."    


The sound of footsteps from within the satellite telephone and the door opening came out, followed by the sound of someone screaming in pain. In Xia Lei's mind, the scene of the thousand armies torturing an Israeli appeared, and he couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile. The Thousand Army had been tormented by the Mossad for many years. He hated the Israelis, so his actions would definitely not be light.    


Sayimu told Qian Jun about it, and Qian Jun's voice sounded from within the satellite telephone, "Boss, it's me, Qian Jun."    


Xia Lei said: "Sayimu said that you found out something, tell me."    


"It's just a story that can't be confirmed. I heard it from an Israeli archaeologist. Of course, I used some methods. " After a pause, he said, "That Israeli archaeologist said that when they dug the four faceless samurai statue out of the pyramid's ruins, a thunderstorm suddenly fell from the sky. It had rained so heavily that a faceless samurai statue had even killed an Israeli engineer. Later on, someone saw a woman ? "    


"A woman?" Xia Lei could not help but interrupt Qian Jun's words, "Quickly tell me, what kind of woman is she?"    


Qian Jun said, "No one saw clearly, that woman seemed to be riding a horse. Many people think that it was a mirage created by the rain and light, but in the end, when the rain stopped, something written in blood appeared on top of a faceless samurai statue. It instructed the Americans and the Israelis to dig under the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for the other two faceless samurai statue. "    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, then said: "How credible do you think this story is?"    


"About eighty percent."    


"I see. "Oh right, who are you interrogating?"    


"A man from the Mossad. I think he knows what route the Americans will take to transport the faceless samurai statue back to the United States."    


Xia Lei thought for a moment before replying, "No matter what you ask about, after you're done asking, come back with Sayimu."    


"Alright, I understand."    


"Be careful on the way." Xia Lei hung up the call, but then fell into deep thought.    


Israel is a dry place with little rain. How can it suddenly rain? That woman, riding a horse, who was she? Had she left instructions on the Faceless Statue? How did she know about the tomb beneath the church? And why did she instruct the Americans and Israelis to dig up the faceless samurai statue hidden in the tomb?    


"Could it be Zhu Xuanyue?" Xia Lei suddenly thought of this, "She is the only person who killed prehistoric people, it is not strange that she knows about the existence of this ancient tomb. But if it was her, why did she tell the Americans and the Israelis the secret beneath the Holy Tomb?"    


Zhu Xuanyue had already become a sore point in Xia Lei's heart. She had lost all her information after encountering the black-robed man in the United States. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find him. But then he received a call from the black runner, which meant that the black robed man was fine. If the black-robed man was fine, then Zhu Xuanyue was in trouble. However, even if she was seriously injured, after such a long period of time, her injuries should have already healed. If she's healed, why didn't she call? Where is she now? What are you doing?    


These questions bothered him so much that he could not sleep.    


Dong, dong, dong.    


Knocking sounds came from outside the door.    


Xia Lei looked over, his left eye jumped a little, and he saw Kyoko Tsukino standing at the entrance of the cabin door.    


Kyoko Tsukino took a bath, her hair was still slightly wet. She was wearing a new navy uniform, a navy-blue short-sleeved shirt and skirt. A female ninja in a navy uniform, not only had the valiant aura of a soldier, but also the ruthlessness of a killer.    


Xia Lei only felt a headache coming on. He knew the nature of the situation, why had he come to find him at this time? Did she even need to guess when someone had even taken a bath?    


Dong, dong, dong.    


Outside the door, Kyoko Tsukino once again knocked on the door three times, revealing a hint of anxiousness between her brows.    


Xia Lei could not help but laugh bitterly. He climbed down from the bed and went to open the door for Kyoko Tsukino. When he was face to face with her, he purposely exclaimed in surprise, "Eh? So it's Xingzi. What's the matter? I was asleep. "    


This was to chase them away.    


Kyoko Tsukino directly walked past Xia Lei and entered the room before saying: "Boss, close the door, I have a very important matter to discuss with you."    


"What is it?" Curious, Xia Lei closed the cabin door.    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "Sit on the bed, I'll tell you."    


Xia Lei laughed, "How secretive, what is it exactly?" Although he said those words, he still sat on the bed. In his heart, Kyoko Tsukino was a woman who never joked. If she said that there was something important, then there must be something important.    


After Xia Lei sat on the bed, Kyoko Tsukino also came to the side of the bed. She squatted and pressed her hands on Xia Lei's knees.    


What kind of position was this?    


Kyoko Tsukino stared straight at Xia Lei, but did not say a word.    


"Yes, yes." Xia Lei cleared his throat, "Didn't you say there was something important? What exactly is going on? "    


Kyoko Tsukino looked a little nervous. "Of course ? What you promised me. "    


Xia Lei was speechless. Actually, he had already guessed the purpose of Kyoko Tsukino's visit, but he just had to believe that she really had something important to discuss with him.    


"I want you to keep your promise." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly: "Xingzi, I really have already cashed it, on that small island in Turkey, on the beach ?"    


Kyoko Tsukino moved closer to Xia Lei's ear, "Let me tell you a secret, there is no other woman in this world who is the best at serving men. We are the best schools in this field, and I, I am the woman who received the true teachings. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Is this true?    


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