Tranxending Vision

C1103 apricot trouble

C1103 apricot trouble

The explosion shook the windows of the Inpatient Department Building, causing the windows of the operating room to ring. Flames soared into the sky, illuminating the night sky.    


Xia Lei quickly walked to the window and looked down.    


It wasn't the surgical car that exploded, it was the ambulance. There were a lot of special forces soldiers lying on the ground beside the ambulance. Some of them were wailing in pain, obviously injured.    


From the looks of it, there was still someone on the ambulance that sent the killer. After being surrounded by the special forces, he detonated the explosive device hidden in the car.    


Suicide without a word. This was really the Japanese style.    


Xia Lei left the window and returned to the bedside.    


The killer who was lying on the sickbed looked at Xia Lei with a gaze filled with hatred.    


Xia Lei said: "Let me guess, you guys have called a fake emergency number. When the hospital ambulance went to pick up the patients, you killed the hospital staff. Then, disguised as a hospital staff, he drove the hospital's ambulance to the hospital. "The gate of the hospital has a record of travel, but it became the basis for you guys to sneak in. The guards and special forces also won't conduct a detailed inspection of the emergency ambulance that was fighting for time, am I right?"    


"You're very smart." the killer said. He did not admit it, but the answer had already been given.    


"Mei Hattori is still alive." Xia Lei said.    


The assassin shut his mouth again, not saying a word.    


Xia Lei smiled, "Your eyes and your heart have already told me that my guess is correct. Tell me where she is and I'll get the doctor to come back and treat you. You're bleeding. You don't have much blood left. "    


The assassin sneered, "Tonight, everyone is prepared to die. We don't expect to leave this place alive after killing you and your woman. You want to use your death to threaten me, save your strength. "    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Alright then, you have already made your choice. You are prepared to face death, let me make your death a little more interesting."    


His tone was light, but it was also filled with threat. The killer became nervous.    


Xia Lei picked up the syringe that had been injected with adrenaline before pushing it into the assassin's chest, "There is no medicinal liquid inside this syringe, but there is air. When I inject it into your chest, it will form a pneumothorax that will oppress your lungs and make it harder for you to breathe. You can't help grabbing at your throat and chest, but without your fingers, you're going to get worse and worse and eventually die. This process will be very painful. Are you ready to accept it? "    


The assassin's breathing suddenly quickened. He could accept losing too much blood and dying. He could even kill with one knife and kill with one shot, but he definitely could not accept such a death.    


Xia Lei pressed down his thumb that was pressed against the end of the syringe, "Last chance, you will either die from extreme pain, or receive treatment, and live."    


"Whooosh." Because of his nervousness, Killer gasped heavily for breath.    


Xia Lei continued to press his thumb down on the tip of the syringe, "What did Mei Hattori give you? You're actually defending her like this? "You'd better say it before I finish, and when I finish injecting, you can go back on your word. I won't be able to draw that air out for you."    


"Huff ? huff ?" "She ?"    


Xia Lei stopped pressing his thumb down, "Where is she?"    


"America... Las Vegas! " The assassin finally collapsed under the pressure.    


Xia Lei paused for a moment, then suddenly injected the remaining air in the syringe into the assassin's chest.    


"You ?" The assassin could not believe his eyes. His heart was filled with hatred and regret, but none of his emotions could change what was about to happen.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "You can come kill me, but you won't even let my wife and children go, I won't be the slightest bit merciful to you. No matter who it is, I'll kill him like I killed you. "    


"Huff ? huff ?" Phew... "Cough, cough ?" The killer lying on the operating table began to pant. He tried to reach out with his hands, but neither of his hands had fingers, and he was so weak from loss of blood that he couldn't even lift his hands.    


Xia Lei looked at him quietly, his eyes frighteningly cold.    


Five minutes later, Xia Lei left. The killer on the operating table had stopped struggling. His death was painful. What made him even more miserable was that the person he wanted to kill was standing right there, watching him die slowly like he was watching a movie.    


In the corridor, a few medical staff came forward to greet him.    


"Mr. Xia, how is he?" the doctor who operated on the killer asked.    


Xia Lei replied: "He's already dead."    


"Dead? Dead ? "Well, I don't want to waste my resources trying to save him." The doctor flattered him.    


Xia Lei laughed and left. When he arrived at the Main Hall of the Inpatient Department, Xia Lei saw his four female Knights and a large group of siblings from the Rescue Institute as well as Kyoko Tsukino, Erdelmtu, Ye Liena and Yasuya Khan. His woman was being protected by them, so even the special forces could not get close to her.    


In fact, if he had used his own forces to protect his women and children, the events of the night might have been stifled before the outbreak. But it was inconvenient for him to use his own forces when the armed forces of the state were involved to protect him, and that was why he did not bring his men. After what had happened, he had secretly made up his mind that no matter how many people the country sent to protect his women and children, he would have to use his own forces.    


Giovanna walked over and greeted him, "Boss, are you alright?"    


Xia Lei said: "I'm fine, have you arranged everything?"    


Giovanna said: "Everything has been arranged, we only have to wait for you to say one sentence, then we will go home."    


Just then, Kyoko Tsukino walked over.    


Xia Lei knew she had something to say, so he said to Giovanna: "Wait a few more minutes."    


Giovanna nodded his head, then returned to her team.    


Kyoko Tsukino walked to Xia Lei's side and lowered his voice, "I saw those corpses earlier, their identities were very complicated."    


Xia Lei was surprised, "What do you mean?"    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "One of them is a Ninja from the Boduo Wilderness, one is a Ninja from the A'He Liu and two are people from the Hattori family."    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of what the killer he killed had said ? sooner or later, you will die! You have angered the warrior world of our people! "    


Kyoko Tsukino was also a Ninja, a Ninja of Yi He Liu. Naturally, she had methods to identify those people. It was her recognition that made Xia Lei's heart turn heavy. This time, she was not facing a Hattori family, but the entire warrior world of Japan!    


Kyoko Tsukino sighed, "I really wonder what kind of charm the people of the Hattori family have to be able to make so many people work so hard for it."    


Xia Lei lowered his voice, "Mei Hattori is still alive, Thousand Army has failed."    


"Ah?" This... How is that possible? " Kyoko Tsukino looked very surprised.    


Xia Lei said: "It's very likely that he was fooled by his own eyes. Let's talk about the details of the situation after meeting the thousand man army."    


"There's another bad situation." Kyoko Tsukino said.    




Kyoko Tsukino handed over a burnt black metal fragment to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei saw that it was a shard of a shard from a shuriken. But apart from that, he saw nothing.    


Kyoko Tsukino laughed bitterly, "This is the shuriken of our Yi He Liu, I found it beside the ambulance. The man had been blown to smithereens, unrecognizable, but I knew his shuriken. His name is Watanabe Bai Shu, he is my master's, Kenichi Yagyuu's disciple. "    


Xia Lei immediately frowned, "You mean that your master is working for the Hattori family as well?"    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "That is not right, my judgement is that the people of Hattori family used the national destiny of Japan, and the future of our nation as an excuse to talk about the warriors. Now the samurai in Japan see you as an enemy of their country, and they will assassinate you at all costs. The samurai world of Japan had a tradition of loyalty to the Emperor and the people of the Dahu since ancient times. They were not afraid of death and viewed honor above life. You are a threat to the national interests of Japan, the future of the people of Dahe, and that is reason enough to unite them and then assassinate you. "    


Xia Lei's mood was extremely heavy. This was a very bad situation. Ninjas were best at hiding and assassinating, and right now all the ninjas in Japan viewed him as their enemy. This meant that tonight's assassination would not be the last time!    


"Xingzi." After hesitating for a moment, Xia Lei still said it out loud, "You mentioned Yi He Liu and your master. If your master Kenichi Yagyuu were to kill me, you ? What would you do? "    


Kyoko Tsukino was stunned for a moment and did not say a word. This was not a simple question for her. She was unable to answer it all at once.    


"Tell me." Xia Lei stared straight at Kyoko Tsukino.    


Kyoko Tsukino said softly, "I was just considering this question. How about this, after you go back, and come to the back of the mountain to find me, I will give you an answer."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Okay, I will come to the back of the mountain to look for you. But can you tell me, if you choose your Master, will you leave me and become my enemy? "    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "Don't be in such a hurry, give me some time. I'll go back first. I need a quiet environment to think. "    


Xia Lei nodded, and watched Kyoko Tsukino leave. His heart was a mess, her thoughts a mess.    


Kyoko Tsukino was also a Japanese warrior, a very traditional warrior. She loved Japan, and she loved her people. Now, her master Kenichi Yagyuu had become Xia Lei's enemy, and she needed to make a choice between the two. If she chose him, she would become enemies with her master, Kenichi Yagyuu, and even meet him on the battlefield. If she chose Kenichi Yagyuu, then she would become his enemy. How could Xia Changhe's kindness, her relationship with him, and her unforgettable experiences be cut off with a single slash?    


"Let's go back." Xia Lei said. He was tired and wanted to rest.    


A large group of people left the Inpatient Department's lobby. The outside of the Inpatient Department building was filled with cars, not cars, but all the Scavenger infantry fighting vehicle that were transferred from Rayma Group. Each chariot also had a machine gunner on it, and they were all in a state of close combat.    


Liang Siyao and Long Bing carried the child into a chariot, while Fan Fan Fan and Jiang Ruyi carried the child into a chariot. Just as Xia Lei was unsure of whether he should enter the chariot where he and Long Bing were, or the chariot where Fan Fan and Jiang Ruyi were, a convoy of chariots flew over.    


The people from the 101st board had arrived.    


Tang Yuyan came.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Giovanna, you two take my wife and children back first.    


Giovanna nodded, and waved his hand.    


The convoy of chariots slowly moved forward. It was a spectacular sight.    


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