Tranxending Vision

C1099 Shepherd Project

C1099 Shepherd Project

The phone call was from Sayimu.    


"It's me, Sayimu, speak." Xia Lei said.    


"Boss, I finally have an idea about the matter you asked me to investigate." Sayimu's voice sounded, "Those six faceless samurai statue were sent to sector 51, and the United States Government has started a plan called Shepherd. The director of the program is Alec of the AE Research Center, who is also the director of the AE Research Center. Furthermore, I obtained an unverifiable piece of news. At the AE Research Center in Sector 51, they are preparing to dissolve those six faceless samurai statue. They seem to be refining something. "    


This was a rather important piece of information!    


The main purpose of Xia Lei sending Sayimu and Qian Jun to the United States was to investigate the six faceless samurai statue that were shipped from Israel to the United States. From the looks of it, Sayimu had still gained a lot.    


Xia Lei suppressed the excitement in his heart and said: "Do you know what they want to refine?"    


Sayimu said: "The Shepherd Plan is currently America's top secret plan. I am already at my limit if I can get some information about it."    


Xia Lei fell into deep thought.    


He just found out that Zhu Xuanyue was trying to find a way to enter the 51st region, and now Sayimu sent him a report saying that the American people were preparing to extract something from the six faceless samurai statue. Although he did not know what the Americans wanted to extract from the six faceless samurai statue, but he was sure that Zhu Xuanyue wanted to enter the 51st area. She wanted to go towards something hidden within the six faceless samurai statue.    


Even Zhu Xuanyue wanted it, what exactly was it?    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with confusion, "What is the current situation in the 51st region?"    


Sayimu laughed bitterly, "Boss, this is the 51st region, the place where America tests their secret weapons. There are even rumors saying that this is the place where American research on aliens is conducted. That place is the most heavily guarded place in the world, and there is almost no way of getting in, even using the human skin of our Zodiac Clan. Not even a mask. "    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then said: "Where are you and Qian Jun right now?"    


"Las Vegas, Nevada." Sayimu's voice, he added, "Thousand Army just came over from Mexico, he has been hiding there all this time. Do you want to talk to him? "    


"No need." Xia Lei said.    


"Boss, the woman you told us to investigate ?" Sayimu's voice had a hint of shame in it, "I didn't find anything."    


Xia Lei said: "There's no need, Giovanna and the others have already found out."    


"Eh? Heh! They are really powerful! " Sayimu smiled and said: "I heard from Qian Jun that he was able to kill Mei Hattori and Masao Hattori due to the help of the four female Knights' Rescue Institute. Their Rescue Institute s are very useful."    


In Xia Lei's opinion, although the four female Rescue Institute s were useful, they had their own limitations. To find people, spying on low level information was not a problem, especially for people who were powerful, but scouting out high level information was not as useful as Sayimu's information network. After all, the people of the Rescue Institute were all poor people who lived at the bottom level of society. The people and environment they came in contact with were completely different from Sayimu's intelligence network. In short, Rescue Institute had his specialties, as well as Sayimu's intelligence network. The two of them complemented each other greatly.    


Xia Lei said: "Remember, your brothers and sisters in Rescue Institute are on the same side as you. If you need any help, feel free to mention it."    


"Okay, I'll remember. Boss, are we going to come back or continue staying in Las Vegas to scout for more information? " Sayimu asked.    


"I'll stay there for the time being. I might come over to take a look." Xia Lei said.    


"You want to come over? Hehe! "I knew you wouldn't be home for long. Alright, I'll prepare some things first."    


"Then that's it. Wait for my call." Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


Giovanna said: "Boss, are you sure you want to go to Las Vegas?"    


Xia Lei said: "I have to think about it."    


Giovanna said, "If you decide to go to Las Vegas, we can go to Mexico first and then enter the United States from Mexico. We have our own churches and brothers and sisters in Mexico and we also have our own churches and brothers and sisters in the United States.    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "Is the Rescue Institute's channel safe?"    


"No problem at all." Theresa said.    


"Where are the people from the Rescue Institute? After all, there are many brothers and sisters from the Rescue Institute that you have never seen before. " Xia Lei had his own worries.    


Theresa said, "A person who has faith is different from a person who doesn't. Boss, you can completely trust our brothers and sisters, just like how you trust us."    


Xia Lei laughed, "I am an atheist, I do not have any special beliefs."    


Theresa said just now: "You are the son of a god, you are different from those who do not believe in you."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Since you said everything, I won't say anything. You can go back first. If I make a decision, I'll let you know. "    


The Harvard H9 SUV left the Army Medical Hospital's entrance, and Xia Lei entered the hospital. As he walked, he wondered if he should go to Las Vegas.    


From his point of view, he really wanted to know what the Americans wanted to extract from the six faceless samurai statue. Also, he really wanted to see Zhu Xuanyue. Explain to her that he did not collude with the black-robed man to frame him. He already had the black-robed figure as an invincible opponent, so he couldn't have another Zhu Xuanyue as invincible as him.    


For both purposes, the trip to Las Vegas was not a good one.    


But to get to Las Vegas he had to face two difficult problems. The first tricky problem was the Americans. The Americans wanted to kill him even in their dreams right now. If his whereabouts were exposed when he went to Las Vegas, he would be hunted down by the entire United States! The second troublesome problem was Zhu Xuanyue. She had misunderstood that he had colluded with the black-robed man to frame her.    


If these two problems were not solved, how could he dare to leave for Las Vegas so easily?    


"Ley, what's the trouble again?" Qin Xiang asked in the corridor of the Inpatient Department.    


Xia Lei said: "There's no trouble, don't worry about it."    


Qin Xiang said: "I can tell if you have anything on your mind, but what you are doing right now, I can't really help you, but if there is anything I can help you with, feel free to ask. I, Qin Xiang, will go through fire and water, and will not refuse! "    


"Good brother." Xia Lei patted Qin Xiang's shoulder, "Then go back to the Peaceful Mansion and bring my computer over. I can't leave right now."    


Qin Xiang, "..."    


Xia Lei rolled his eyes as he said to Qin Xiang, "Look at you, you talk too loud. You aren't even willing to do such a small thing?"    


"I'll go!" Qin Xiang glared at Xia Lei and left.    


Xia Lei sighed, and thought: "It's not that I don't want you to help me, but those things that I need to do are all matters of life. You still have this old lady to take care of, so how could I let you take the risk? That's good. Just do some simple work. "    


Back in the ward, four women asked him insinuatingly what had happened, but he said nothing about the four female knights asking for money to build churches and help the poor. He didn't want them to worry. The four women did not press him for an answer. The family was in the ward, teasing the children and chatting about family matters in a happy and harmonious manner.    


On the surface, Xia Lei looked happy, but there was still a trace of sadness and worry in his heart. His four wives had no idea he had less than two years left, and after that he might leave them forever! How could he not be sad? Every time he thought of the happiness in front of him, it would decrease by a minute. How could he not be sad? He didn't dare imagine how much pain it would be for Fan Fan Fan, Liang Siyao, Long Bing and Jiang Ruyi to lose him.    


More than an hour later, Qin Xiang brought his hacker computer to the hospital.    


After Qin Xiang left, Xia Lei began his work on a sofa in the sickroom. He placed the hacker computer on his knee, his ten fingers tapping on the keyboard so fast that the keyboard was filled with the afterimages of his fingers.    


On the sickbed, Fan Fan pointed at Xia Lei who was sitting on the sofa and said to Xia Fan: "Darling, what do you think your father is doing? He was playing with the computer. Look at how amazing your dad is, his input speed is the fastest Mom has ever seen. "    


As expected, Xia Fan looked at Xia Lei, and opened his small mouth. Ah ? "Crawl."    


"Huh?" Fan Fan Fan suddenly became excited: "Hubby, our daughter is calling you daddy!"    


Xia Lei didn't raise his head. Instead, he operated the hacker's computer and said, "How can it be that exaggerated. She's just born.    


"Crawl, crawl ?." Xia Fan's voice.    


Fan Fan Fan pouted. "Your daughter is really calling you daddy, it's just that it's not clear. You aren't even encouraging her?" Praise her? What are you doing? "    


"That's right, hubby, what are you doing?" Liang Siyao replied: "I heard Xia Fan calling me daddy already."    


"I'm attacking the White House." Xia Lei said.    


"Puff ?" Long Bing who was drinking couldn't help but spit out the mouthful of water she just drank.    


Xia Lei still did not look up as he continued to operate his computer. The sound was like the sound of a rainstorm hitting the awning.    


"Cough, cough." Long Bing slowly said, "Hubby, why are you attacking the White House? This is no joke! "    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "I will create some trouble for the master of the white house."    


Liang Siyao rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "You really have nothing better to do. If you have nothing else to do, help me gather some milk.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


After a few seconds, his fingers suddenly stopped.    


He entered the white house's system, but was quickly discovered. There was also a Celestial system in the white house's system!    


He was secretly surprised in his heart, "The CIA headquarters has a Celestial system, and the white house also has a Celestial system. I wonder if there are any Celestial system in sector 51? If there is, then Celestial system is the largest artificial intelligence system in the United States. If I can find its weaknesses, I can get everything about the shepherd's plan! "    


Seeing Xia Lei's frown, Liang Siyao, who had provoked him, also quieted down. The other three women stopped bothering him. Men only had one thing to do, and that was to take care of their and Xia Lei's children.    


After the sickroom quietened down, a thought suddenly flashed through Xia Lei's mind. He then opened the stock exchange software and checked his four stock accounts.    


By the end of the day, he had $3.011 billion in his stock account. The one hundred million dollars he had previously given Giovanna and the others was back, and with his help, the shares of the Wanxiang Group had already returned to the price at which they were sold. The U.S. stock market, which claims to be the world's healthiest stock market, is his cash machine in the eyes of hackers of his level.    


"3 billion dollars is not enough to shake the U.S. stock market, it's only enough to snipe a few U.S. companies. "However, if I were to give away this money, I'm afraid it would cause the CIA to panic ?" A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth.    


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