Tranxending Vision

C1096 Mysterious Four Treasures

C1096 Mysterious Four Treasures

Liang Zhengchun also rushed over, just as he was about to enter the operation room, he met Xia Lei.    


"Thunder!" Liang Zhengchun's voice was also filled with excitement, "How is the situation?"    


Xia Lei said: "Master, don't worry, Siyao is inside. She's fine, there won't be a problem."    


"Remember what you promised me." Liang Zhengchun said, afraid that Xia Lei would go back on his words.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Master, don't worry, I won't forget. Siyao and I have both agreed that she will take the child's name. The child will have the surname Liang with her. "    


Liang Zhengchun immediately revealed a smile, "That's good, then that's good ? I don't know how to thank you. "    


"Master, we are one family, no need to thank me. Child and Yao surname, he is still my child. " Xia Lei said.    


"Leizi, are you so sure it's a son?" Liang Zhengchun seemed to have thought of something as he asked.    


"I have a premonition. Oh right, I'll go in first to accompany Siyao." Xia Lei did not explain further.    


"Go quickly, I'll wait outside." Liang Zhengchun said. After Xia Lei entered the operation room, he started walking around at the door, looking even more like an alarm clock than Xia Lei had just now.    


On the operation table, Liang Siyao was sweating profusely as she moaned in pain. However, although it was the same pain, her ability to endure pain was clearly much stronger than Jiang Ruyi and Fan Xian. When Xia Lei entered the operation room, she even smiled at him, signalling him to come over to her side.    


Xia Lei walked to the side of the table and used his hands to wipe the sweat off her forehead.    


"I never thought it would hurt so much to have a baby... "Ouch ?" Liang Siyao shouted again, "The little guy is kicking me again."    


Xia Lei's line of sight landed on Liang Siyao's stomach. His left and right eyes instantly entered the state of fluoroscopy and scanning. A baby boy quickly appeared in his line of sight. The baby boy had already moved to the exit, but he was still restless. A pair of small hands clawed at him, and a pair of chubby feet kicked him around. The feeling it gave him was that this little guy was born to be a martial arts practitioner material. In the future, he would definitely inherit Liang Zhengchun's legacy and become a great Wing Tsun Great Master!    


"Siyao, Master is here too." Xia Lei held Liang Siyao's hand, "I promised him that you would have your child's surname and yours, so you can take the name."    


"You are the child's father, so you should be the one to call him." Liang Siyao said.    


"What's the difference?" Xia Lei said with a smile.    


Liang Siyao punched Xia Lei, "I want to take it, the child is yours, if you don't, who else will you take it?"    


Xia Lei thought about it, "The child is surnamed Liang, the Liang family... His name is Liang Jiayu. "    


"Liang Jiayu?" Liang Siyao read it again, "Why did you use that name?"    


Xia Lei said: "I am, the child raised by the Liang Family. The reason I gave him this name was because I hoped that he would remember his mission. In the future, he will inherit some of his mantle, and his Wing Tsun will flourish. "    


Liang Siyao's heart was moved, her lips lightly trembled, but the words that came out was actually an "Aiyo ?"    


"Siyao, I need to go and see Long Bing. I'll be back very soon." Xia Lei said.    


Liang Siyao nodded her head, "Go on, aiyo ? Brat, when you come out, I'll spank you ? "Ouch ?"    


Even before he was born, he had already started practicing martial arts in his mother's stomach. This devilish brat truly deserved to be beaten up.    


Upstairs, Xia Lei arrived at the operation room that Long Bing was in. He saw Long Bing, who was gritting her teeth as she endured the pain of childbirth. She was clearly the strongest of the four. She didn't cry out, but her expression was one of pain.    


Xia Lei walked over and tightly grabbed her hand. He didn't say anything, because he knew that Long Bing didn't need any sort of comfort. Among the four of his women, Liang Siyao had a father, a grandfather, and Jiang Ruyi's parents were all still alive. And he, he was currently Long Bing's only family in this world. Therefore, he had always had a special sort of love for Long Bing.    


"Hubby, I'm fine. It's fine as long as you can come and see me. Go and accompany them." Long Bing said, and when she spoke, her forehead was covered in a few more drops of cold sweat.    


How could Xia Lei bear to leave her at this time? He said gently: "Let me accompany you here for a while. Un, how about we give our son a name together."    


He had already given Liang Siyao's son a name. Long Bing, Fan Fan and Jiang Ruyi's child also needed a name, and as her father, she would definitely do this kind of thing sooner or later.    


"I... "Hm!" Long Bing groaned in pain.    


Xia Lei quickly shifted her attention, "Ah Bing, our child ? "Well, let's call our child Xia Long."    


"Xia Long?" Long Bing read this name twice, and then revealed a smile. "Mn, I like this name. But when I heard the name, I knew it was me and your child. "    


Xia Lei smiled and said, "I just want everyone to know that he is your child and I. Xia Long, our son will fly back and forth like a dragon and roam the nine heavens above."    


"Cluck, cluck ?" Long Bing could not hold back her laughter, "Aren't you ashamed to boast about not even knowing what your child looks like?"    


Xia Lei leaned over and kissed her forehead, then looked at her stomach with the ability to awaken his left and right eyes. He had already grasped the situation of Liang Siyao, Fan Fan and Jiang Ruyi's child, he also wanted to grasp the situation of Long Bing's child.    


Inside Long Bing's stomach, a fat boy had already moved his body near the exit. His four limbs were moving nonstop, tossing and turning, wanting to break out of the cocoon. He seemed to be a little bigger than Liang Siyao's child, and looked a little stronger.    


With that look, Xia Lei was overjoyed. "Ah Bing, our son is so obedient."    


Long Bing rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "I don't even know what his son looks like, and yet you praise him for his good behaviour. You, in the future, you will definitely spoil him a lot. "I won't allow you to spoil him. If he disobeys, don't protect him when I teach him a lesson."    


"Xia Lei laughed happily," You make it sound as if you don't like him, we'll see, you are definitely the one who dotes on him the most.    


The couple talked one after another until the doctor and nurse couldn't talk at all. But a minute later, Long Bing suddenly cried out in pain, "Aiyo ?" He, he's going to come out! " She grabbed Xia Lei's arm tightly, the nails of her five fingers digging into Xia Lei's skin.    


However, Xia Lei didn't feel anything at all, his eyes were closely staring at Long Bing's stomach. In his line of sight, his son, Charon, had squeezed his small hands into the path of birth. His hands were clasped together, his arms and body held in a straight line, his posture like a swimmer about to dive into the water!    


"This ?" Xia Lei was dumbstruck, "Could he be ? You already have a clear consciousness? He knew that he was about to be born into this world, so he changed his body into this position? But how is that possible? "    


Indeed, an unborn baby's brain should be a blur. It should not know anything, even if it had any reaction, it was a human's innate reaction. However, Xia Long's current movements were at least that of a two or three year old child!    


"It must be my genes!" Xia Lei suddenly thought of something, "It must be my genes that have evolved! Although he is still a baby that hasn't been born yet, he possesses an evolved gene that surpasses everyone else, and he had already activated the path of evolution in his mother's womb! "    


A fact was already placed in front of Xia Lei, and that was that his son Xia Long was the same as him. He possessed an evolved gene that surpassed all humans, and he was also an existence with special abilities!    


If this was true for Long Bing's child, then it was also true for Fan Fan Fan, Jiang Ruyi and Liang Siyao's child! With these four children and the Rayma Group as capital, the Xia Family couldn't be undeveloped!    


"It's out! It's out! " "Mrs. Long, put in a little more effort and help him!"    


"En!" Long Bing took a deep breath, and held it in with all her might.    


"Wow ?" The cry of a baby sounded in the operating room.    


This cry is the most beautiful sound God has ever given mankind, and it symbolizes the birth of a new life.    


"It's a son. He's so heavy." The doctor smiled.    


"I want to see, I want to hug my son." Xia Lei was very anxious and excited.    


But the doctor said, "That won't do. You have germs in your hands. We need to give the child a bath and wrap him in swaddling clothes. After that, you can carry him."    


"Oh, then hurry up!" Xia Lei urged.    


At this moment, the operating room door suddenly opened and three nurses appeared in the doorway.    


"Mr. Xia, your wife, Mrs. Liang, has given you a son. Quickly go and have a look." A nurse said.    


"Mr. Xia, your wife, Chief Fan, has given you a daughter. Quickly go and have a look." A nurse said.    


"Mr. Xia, your wife, Mrs. Jiang, has given you a daughter. Quickly go and have a look." A nurse said.    


These four little fellows had indeed agreed to be born at the same time!    


Xia Lei's eyes really went black as he laid on Long Bing's body.    


Long Bing held Xia Lei's head and chuckled: "You should be happy, but your little fellow seems to be teasing you on purpose."    


Even Long Bing felt it was strange, it was just that her words were more tactful.    


Ten minutes later, the four women were all sent to a luxurious ward. The four children were all carried in front of Xia Lei, with two sons and two daughters. Xia Lei had already given his two sons a name, so it was time he gave his two daughters a name.    


Xia Lei hugged his and Jiang Ruyi's daughter and kissed her petite face. After thinking for a while, he said, "Little Princess, Daddy will give you a name ? Xia Jianghe, how is it? "You're a lotus flower that grew from a river in summer, do you like it?"    


Jiang Ruyi laughed and said, "I like it." What she liked were Xia Lei's last words. Wasn't her daughter exactly a flower that grew from a seed planted by the "sky" Xia Lei in her "river"?    


Xia Lei placed Xia Jianghe in Jiang Ruyi's embrace, and then, he carried him and Fan Fan Fan's daughter. She was as pretty and cute as Fan Fan's daughter and Xia Jianghe. He had a smiling face and big eyes. He stared at her father with her shining black eyes, as if trying to memorize Xia Lei's appearance.    


Xia Lei already had an idea in his heart. He smiled and said: "Daddy's little darling, Daddy will bring you one ? "Xia Fan!"    


"Cluck, cluck ?" Xia Lei and Fan Fan's daughter laughed, her laughter was as clear as a bell.    


Fan Fan pouted. "Hubby, aren't you being too lazy?" You and Ah Bing's son are called Xia Long, and you and my daughter are called Xia Fan.    


Xia Lei laughed and said, "What do you know? Xia Fan, a goddess has descended to the mortal world. Our daughter is a fairy that has descended to the mortal world.    


Fan Fan was stunned, but in the next second he began to giggle. "That's a good name, I like it."    


Xia Lei glanced at Fan Xian's chest that was full of food, and muttered to himself, "If your chest is big, will your IQ decline?"    


Xia Fan suddenly slapped Xia Lei's eyes.    


Although this was just a small action, many children could do it, but she was just a newborn baby. Moreover, when he was burying her mother in his heart, he couldn't help but think about this situation!    


He then glanced at Fan's chest, thinking to himself, "I want to eat tonight, eat both of them."    


Xia Fan slapped Xia Lei's other eye with his chubby palm.    


Xia Lei's mind went blank.    


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