Tranxending Vision

C1098 Zhu Xuanyue and the Black Moon Army

C1098 Zhu Xuanyue and the Black Moon Army

The person who called was Giovanna.    


"Boss, are you in the hospital now?" Giovanna's voice.    


Xia Lei replied: "Yes, I'm in the Army Hospital."    


"We're right in front of the military hospital, but we can't get in. Come out for a moment, we brought you important news. " Giovanna said.    


"I'll be right out." Xia Lei withdrew his satellite telephone and returned to the sickroom. His gaze swept across the four women who were feeding children, and he felt that his new work was a bit shameful. However, he still braced himself and said, "It's Giovanna and the others who are looking for me, they said that they brought some important news. I'll go take a look."    


"Be careful." These words came out of the mouths of the four women at the same time.    


Xia Lei was moved. He nodded and then left the ward. He didn't really want to go anywhere. He wanted to spend the best moments of his life with his wife and children. However, reality was so cruel. He had less and less time left, and there were so many things that needed him to accomplish. Furthermore, each task was more difficult than the previous one, so how could he stay and enjoy the happiness with his wife and children?    


Walking out of the Army Medical Hospital's gate, Xia Lei saw the Harvard H9 SUV that Giovanna and the others were driving with a single glance. It was a domestically made SUV that was only worth 200 thousand Chinese dollars. However, its overall capabilities were not inferior to those imported SUVs that were worth around 600 to 700 thousand dollars. Giovanna and the others actually had money to buy better cars, but they were very thrifty, which was why they bought this kind of off-road car with a high performance and price ratio, to act as their vehicle in Grand China.    


Just as Xia Lei walked to the side of Harvard H9, Teresa, who was sitting on the sofa in the backseat, opened the car door for him.    


"Thank you." Xia Lei laughed, he then got into the car and went straight to the point: "Tell me, are you bringing news about Zhu Xuanyue?"    


Giovanna said: "Yes, our brothers and sisters have already found her location."    


"Tell me, where is she?" Xia Lei said anxiously.    


Giovanna said: "Theresa, show this to boss."    


Theresa then picked up a computer bag that was placed beside the sofa. She took out a laptop from her computer bag, woke it up, and then placed it on Xia Lei's lap.    


There was a video playing on the laptop. It was a squalid residential building. Some strange looking black men with tattoos were wandering around the building. Those people were clearly not good people, and this place was clearly a slum in the United States.    


The cameraman walked towards the residential building. The scene was a little shaky. The camera was obviously hidden inside one of his buttons. His face could not be seen, but his swinging arms could be seen. He was carrying a black leather case in his hand, but he didn't know what it contained.    


The cameraman walked to one of the entrances to the building. Two black boys were standing by the door trying to sell him drugs. Without a word, he entered the building and climbed up the stairs.    


Xia Lei said: "Could the cameraman be from our Rescue Institute?"    


Rosa said: "No, he is actually an agent of the CIA."    


"CIA agents?" Xia Lei was a little surprised.    


Stella said, "The CIA is actually also investigating Zhu Xuanyue. The United States is their own territory after all, and they have a very powerful intelligence network as well as a surveillance system that covers all of their territory. The easiest way for us to find Zhu Xuanyue is to start from the IA. "    


Zhu Xuanyue used humans as food. If she was in the United States, there would definitely be a lot of people who died from brain atrophy. The CIA has a case investigation, which is normal. Giovanna and the others were obviously acting the role of yellow sparrows.    


"This is a video taken by a CIA agent. How did you get this video from the CIA agent?" Xia Lei asked.    


Giovanna laughed, "Boss, continue watching. Your question and the answer is also in this video."    


Xia Lei's attention shifted to the video.    


The cameraman climbed five floors and entered a corridor. There were graffiti everywhere in the corridor. There were violent and aggressive graffiti, images of evil looking, skulls, death gods with scythes, and even sex-related graffiti. The content was outrageous.    


In front of a door stood a heavily made-up black woman. She looked very young and sexy. She was wearing a white bikini, very thin and transparent, so thin that it barely covered the vital parts of her body, so that some of the woman's features were half hidden in front of the camera.    


As the cameraman passed the door of the black woman's room, she waved to the cameraman to enter her room and receive her services. The cameraman waved his hand and walked on. The black woman standing by the door pointed her middle finger at him in dissatisfaction. She even cursed him, but he did not show any signs of anger.    


Xia Lei's gaze suddenly shifted to the wall. He saw a line of words written on it, and was unable to shift his gaze away.    


The content of the word diagram was not the words of any people in this world, but the words written in the bronze grimoire. When Xia Lei saw those words, his mind started working at the same time to decipher those strange words.    


The words were: Damn Uncle Xia! You colluded with that guy to beat me! Go to hell! I don't want you anymore!    


This was painted on the wall by Zhu Xuanyue.    


The CIA agents had filmed this passage, but no one in the United States could read it. Giovanna and the others had clearly seen this passage, but they did not know what it meant.    


From the words written, it was not hard to tell that Zhu Xuanyue was holding a grudge in her heart. She believed that Xia Lei and the black-robed man had colluded!    


Seeing this passage, Xia Lei's heart was filled with complicated feelings. On the one hand, he felt gratified and happy for her. On the other hand, he felt depressed because of her misunderstanding. How could he have colluded with the black-robed man to harm her? He too was threatened by the death of the black-robed man!    


The cameraman continued on, then stopped in front of a door in the corridor.    


Two huge, chimpanzee black men stood in the doorway, sweating. They wore thick gold necklaces and gold watches, and the rings on their fingers were enormous. There were two pistols on their waists, and their bodies gave off a fierce and dangerous feeling.    


There was also the inscription on the door: Gates of Hell.    


Xia Lei frowned slightly, "What does Zhu Xuanyue want to do?"    


The two burly African men at the door searched the cameraman before opening the door.    


The cameraman went in. The space behind the door was very wide. There were many bone decorations and red paint on the wall. The walls and floor were black, giving off a very eerie feeling. The African gunmen looked at the cameraman with unfriendly eyes.    


The cameraman moved forward, and a desk and a woman behind it entered the camera.    


Xia Lei's gaze stayed on that woman's body, unable to move away.    


She is Zhu Xuanyue.    


Her appearance didn't seem to have changed much, but her eyes were no longer the same as before. Before, her eyes were filled with innocence, but now, her eyes were filled with a frightening coldness, even evil!    


Just as the cameraman walked to the front of the desk, Zhu Xuanyue stood up. Her voice was cold, "Have you brought the things that I wanted?"    


"Yes." The cameraman placed the black suitcase on the desk and opened it.    


Inside the black suitcase was a silver card and a silver uniform.    


Xia Lei's right eye instantly enlarged the silver card on the screen. He saw the number "51" and also the name "Sophia". The photo on the card was Zhu Xuanyue's photo, and she looked very serious.    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "That card seems to be a permit for area 51. Does Zhu Xuanyue want to enter that area? With her power, she could have just barged in and even razed that place to the ground. Why would she need a pass? "    


In the video, the cameraman turned towards Zhu Xuanyue and said, "We have already tested it, there are no problems at all. These things allow you to get into Area 51 without being seen by anyone. I've already given you the item. Where's my money? "    


Zhu Xuanyue suddenly reached out and grabbed the photographer's neck.    


The cameraman's eyes glazed over. In three seconds, his neck was lowered.    


Zhu Xuanyue released her hand, and the cameraman's corpse fell onto the ground. She said: "Carry him out and throw him away."    


The two African gunmen then picked up the corpse on the ground and walked towards the door. The camera was pointed at the ceiling and a white pattern appeared on the display.    


The moment he saw the white pattern, Xia Lei's brain suddenly shook. It was a door painted white, made of white light. He was not unfamiliar with it, he had seen it when he was looking through the crystal skull!    


Penetrating crystal skull, the illusion that he saw was that he was in a space that only him could exist, and then he walked towards that place. That white door of light was at the end of the road that he had to walk through!    


There were no longer any images of Zhu Xuanyue in the video, but at the end of the video, Zhu Xuanyue's voice appeared. She said, "My warriors, let's take a drive in Nevada."    


A wave of gunners were shouting, and everything was a mess.    


The video ended.    


Xia Lei was still staring at the screen, as if he had lost his soul.    


"Boss?" Giovanna reached out to touch Xia Lei's shoulder, "What are you thinking about?"    


Xia Lei regained his senses, "It's nothing, did you find this video from the corpses of the Rescue Institute's brothers and sisters?"    


Giovanna nodded his head, "Yes, Zhu Xuanyue's men threw the corpses into the cemetery, we have a brother who is the guardian of the tomb. He discovered the secret hidden within the corpse, so he ended up in our hands. "    


Rosa said: "Sayimu was also looking for Zhu Xuanyue's whereabouts, but he did not reap any rewards. All we know is that Zhu Xuanyue is building her own army, so anyone who tries to pry into her information will be killed. She gave this force a name, the Black Moon Army. "    


"Black Moon Army?" Xia Lei read it out loud, and a bit of coldness inexplicably emerged in his heart.    


"Yes, a very strange name." Rosa said.    


"Boss, what are you going to do?" Giovanna looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I don't know."    


He didn't have any plans in his mind, and his mind was in a mess. However, from this video, he had already grasped an extremely bad situation. That was, Zhu Xuanyue was no longer that naive little girl like before, she had already transformed into a true demon!    


Zhu Xuanyue wanted to go to District 51, he really wanted to go see her and find out what she wanted to do. But Zhu Xuanyue had changed now, and he was not at all sure that Zhu Xuanyue wouldn't attack him!    


Du du du, du du...    


The satellite telephone suddenly sounded again.    


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