Tranxending Vision

C1086 Black Letter

C1086 Black Letter

The withdrawal of the U.S. Seventh Fleet back to the Western Pacific appears to be a sign of a shift in U.S. policy toward China...    


A second-hand destroyer in the Philippines suffered a serious breakdown during the voyage due to poor maintenance. It caught fire and sank...    


This was the news report of the second day in the Grand China media about what had happened in the southern seas. This was also the report of the majority of the media in the world. Not a single one of them was the truth.    


The truth was always hidden behind the curtain. The American curtain was obviously made of titanium alloy. If the American authorities wanted to hide the truth, they could just put pressure on the Philippines. How dare the Philippines contradict the United States? It did not have that kind of courage and boldness.    


What happened in the southern seas was handled coldly by the Grand China, the United States and the Philippines, but it was obviously temporary. In the next period of time, it was not difficult for the thinking group of the Grand China to find out what the United States was planning to do next, and that was to pry out all the information related to the Rayma Group. The United States urgently needs to master the spirit of the Rayma Group. No one else was around. The production of the machine, and the reserves of the modified Eagle Claw 12 anti-ship missile. A new wave of spies was coming.    


However, Xia Lei did not have to worry about these things anymore. After returning to the Rayma Group, he dove into the ground with no one around him. In the engine room, no one talked to Jing Ke who had fought in actual combat. The plane and the specter were empty. Some deficiencies of the machine are modified and perfected.    


Jing Ke did not have a single person. The plane and the specter were empty. The machine's outstanding performance on the battlefield had also garnered the attention of the higher ups. Not waiting for Xia Lei to speak, new raw materials and other supplies for the production of the X Secret Gold were delivered to the warehouse in batches. Money was even less of a problem. No one would be able to create a ghost that costed a billion Chinese dollars. Grand China directly ordered 200 of them, and the order was arranged for five years later.    


Xia Lei signed the order five years later. Although he only had two years left, he believed that even if he did not exist in this world, the Rayma Group would still use the technology that he had left behind to produce the Secret Gold, and the Phantom Shadow. No one else was around. The technology of the machine had completed the production task, and it was strengthening the national defense construction of this country!    


Just when Xia Lei had perfected Jing Ke, no one else. The plane and the specter were empty. During the time of the plane, Rayma Group was fully operational, all of his production capacity was being used for producing Secret Gold, Phantom Shadow and Jing Ke. Machine Services.    


The United States would not let this go easily, but until the United States made a new move, no one would be able to take the Grand China's air forces to Jing Ke. The plane and the specter were empty. The machine is a very clever thing to do, because there is no one there but the Ghost. No one else was around. Function gives the United States strategic deterrence!    


A week later, Xia Lei had finished targeting Jing Ke and the Specter. Perfection of the machine. From then on, Rayma Group only needed to follow the items he left behind to produce the perfect Jing Ke and Ghost. Machine. As for him, he no longer needed to do everything by himself.    


He made a two-year plan for himself. In these two years, he would then research and develop a fighter jet made from the X Secret Gold, a strategic bomber made from the X Secret Gold, and develop the Rayma Group into a world-class arms company that was strong enough to trample all over the Lockheed Martin Corp. This was official business.    


In these two years, he had to unravel the secrets of the ancient alloy. If he couldn't, he would have entered the ancient alloy's box world before the black robed man's deadline. Until then, he needed to eat the last AE capsule. In addition, in these two years, he had to arrange a path for everyone around him, especially his women and children. He had to make sure that his women and children would be safe and happy for the rest of their lives. This was a private matter.    


Two years to do so much, time was precious to him every minute.    


However, he had just dealt with Jing Ke and the Specter. With the complete completion of the plane, Thousand Army and Sayimu returned back to Grand China from Israel. The two of them brought him new information.    


Saint Ray Church, a secret room.    


"Boss, the Americans used the Seventh Fleet to transport the six statues back to the United States." Sayimu said.    


"The Seventh Fleet?" Xia Lei was a little surprised, but he wasn't surprised when he thought about it carefully. He chased the Seventh Fleet away, and the Seventh Fleet went straight to Israel. After that, he brought the six faceless samurai statue back to the United States.    


Qian Jun replied, "We never thought that it would be such a big scene, if not Sayimu and I would be preparing to snatch it."    


If the United States used the Seventh Fleet to transport goods, Thousand Army and Sayimu definitely wouldn't be able to do it.    


Xia Lei fell into deep thought, and then said: "It's just a few stone statues, why would the Americans take so much trouble to transport them to the United States?"    


Qian Jun spread out his hands, "I don't know, I tortured that fellow from Mossad to death, and he didn't say anything."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


He didn't know, so how could she tell him this?    


"Boss, this is very strange." Sayimu said: "If those six statues were of no value, how could the United States send an aircraft carrier fleet to transport them? There must be a secret behind those statues, or an astonishing value. "    


Xia Lei remained silent. He had the same thought but he didn't have enough information. He couldn't even find the direction to guess.    


"Boss, I want to go to America." Sayimu said.    


Xia Lei recovered from his deep thoughts, "You want to investigate this matter?"    


Sayimu nodded his head, "Boss, I know it's very dangerous to do this, but I know that this matter is very important to you. You need more information, and I am the one who specially did this in the Zodiac Clan. If I don't do this kind of thing, who will? "    


"I'll go with you." Qian Jun said.    


"You want to go as well?" Xia Lei looked at Qian Jun.    


Qian Jun said, "There were a few Americans who made me suffer. After so many years, I want to settle my old scores with them."    


"You should know very well that since the United States has used the Seventh Fleet to transport the statues, their value to the Americans can be imagined. What you want to do is really dangerous, are you sure you want to go? " Xia Lei asked.    


Sayimu and Qian Jun nodded their heads at the same time.    


"Boss, we've already discussed this on the way here. Don't try to persuade us anymore, just let Qian Jun and I do this for you." Sayimu said.    


"Alright, since you've already decided, I won't try to persuade you." Xia Lei said: "However, I still have something that I want you all to help me with."    


Sayimu said: "Boss, you want me to help you find a woman?"    


Xia Lei said, "Yes, after you go to America, do your best to gather some information regarding her. "I suggest you go to the morgue and the police station and look for clues. You need to pay special attention to strange deaths, such as brain atrophy and blood drying."    


"This is really weird. Alright, I'll remember. I will start from this point." Sayimu said.    


Qian Jun said, "Boss, we're preparing to leave tomorrow night."    


Xia Lei replied, "No problem, I will arrange something for you. "Also, I'll give each of you $2 million in operating funds. You can spend it however you want, but ask me for it when you're done. If you can't spend it, just keep it for yourself."    


Qian Jun froze for a moment. "Boss, you've given too much. Why do you need so much?"    


But Sayimu laughed, "Qian Jun, this is our boss' style, he is different from dad. Just keep what the boss gave you. People like you and me don't have a pension, so it's good to save some money for your old age. "    


"You're saving up for a woman, right?" Xia Lei said.    


Sayimu laughed awkwardly.    


"Then... "Thank you." The Thousand Army was obviously not used to the style of the second generation leader of Zodiac Clan, but his heart was filled with gratitude.    


Dong, dong, dong.    


Knock! Knock!    


Sayimu and Qian Jun immediately looked at the door vigilantly.    


However, Xia Lei stood up and walked to the door, "It's Giovanna and the others, don't worry."    


Sayimu and Qian Jun were both easy to get nervous about, so it was normal for them to have this kind of reaction in a foreign environment. After all, the church had just been built not long ago, and it was Xia Lei's first time coming here to discuss things.    


The door opened and four women in traditional Italian dress appeared. They were the owners of this church, the women of Gray's and Russo's. They had named this church the Saint Ray Church. Xia Lei's position in their hearts could be easily imagined.    


"Good evening, brothers." The four female Knights smiled and said, "Boss, good evening."    


was dazzled by the sight of four women with two identical faces. He seemed to have taken a few extra glances at a place that he shouldn't have been looking at, causing the four female Knights to roll their eyes. He quickly looked away.    


Qian Jun's interest in women was faint. He only politely nodded his head, "Boss, I'll go back and rest. You guys can continue chatting."    


"Then I'm leaving too." Sayimu said as he left the secret room of the church with Qian Jun.    


Xia Lei and his four female Knights were the only ones left in the secret room. Furthermore, the perfume in the air was very strong. It was so fragrant that it made one want to enter into Fei Fei's mood.    


"About that, I'll go back to sleep as well. "Yes, the environment here is really good." Xia Lei said.    


Giovanna held onto Xia Lei's hand.    


Xia Lei was immediately stunned.    


Giovanna said: "Boss, we have something important to talk to you about."    


Theresa said: "Sit down first."    


Somehow, Xia Lei suddenly thought of Kyoko Tsukino. That was what Kyoko Tsukino had told him a week ago on the night when he triumphantly returned from the southern seas. Afterwards, he and she had crushed the camp bed in the cabin. Now, the women of the Gray's and the Russo's actually told him this, could it be ?    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to say anything, Rosa and Stella both stretched out a hand and pressed him down on the chair.    


This is a church.    


Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


Giovanna took out a black envelope from his collar, and placed it in Xia Lei's hands.    


When Xia Lei held onto the letter, he had a strange feeling, "This is ?"    


Giovanna said, "This is what we got from the hands of the Holy Son. It's very strange, take a look."    


Who would send a message in a black envelope?    


Xia Lei was excited as he opened the letter.    


The letter was also black, and there was only one number on it: 700.    


There was no name of the recipient, nor was there any name of the sender. There was only the number "700".    


However, Xia Lei's heart sank. He knew that this was a letter left behind by the black-robed man, and that this was a reminder that he only had 700 days remaining. Not even two years!    


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