Tranxending Vision

C1083 a cage under fire

C1083 a cage under fire

Very quickly, Yu Zhenhai's voice came from the satellite telephone, and he was very excited, "Brother Xia! Well done! Haha ? "Relax!"    


Xia Lei replied, "Big Brother Yu, I won't laugh if you can. I'm trapped on this island, so I'll have to trouble you to send someone to pick me up. "    


"We're already on our way." Yu Zhenhai laughed and said: "You have done such a beautiful thing and you are trapped, how can we just sit here and do nothing? Without American support, the Philippine Navy was just a scout. If he dares to shoot at you, I will shoot them ten times! "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then I'll wait for you on the beach to the west." After a pause, he continued, "My specters have no one. The plane has landed on the Grate Melon Island, can your people load the air-to-air missile onto it? "I think he'll use it later."    


"Okay, I'll get someone to do it right away. We'll meet soon. " Yu Zhenhai hung up the phone.    


During his conversation with Yu Zhenhai, Xia Lei heard the sound of waves. He was obviously not in the Grate Melon Island's military base, but on a warship. As the leading figure in the Southern Sea Region's Navy, how could the scene of Yu Zhenhai personally making a move be reduced? Without the support of the Seventh Fleet, the Philippine Navy and troops stationed in the Philippines would not be enough!    


Xia Lei kept his satellite telephone and became relaxed, "I've ordered a ship, I can go home soon."    


The members of the Zodiac Clan also relaxed.    


It was at that moment that several Filipino Navy soldiers searching the western beach spotted the fishing boats hidden behind the reefs. A second lieutenant shouted, "We've found their ship! They are still on the island! "    


"Kill them!" someone shouted.    


"Get rid of those robbers!" Someone echoed.    


The beach was suddenly filled with a cacophony of shouts, as if every Philippine Navy soldier had been injected with chicken blood. A Filipino officer wearing the rank of colonel began directing a search of the woods off the beach, using a waterless comm link to contact the Philippine military and ask for reinforcements.    


Before the Filipino warriors on the beach could enter the forest, four Comanche helicopters and a Chinook barge appeared in the sky. As soon as the four Comanche helicopters arrived at the reef military base, they spread out and surrounded the island from four different directions. Several ropes hung from the Chinook, and one by one the warriors of the Marine Corps, armed to the teeth, descended from the center of the plane.    


On the surface of the sea, more than a dozen armed patrol boats were approaching at their fastest speed. On each of them were American Marine Corps commandos and CIA agents in civilian clothes.    


Just from this battle, it was entirely possible to deduce that the CIA had used the information they had gathered to deduce that Xia Lei was on this military island!    


The Seventh Fleet had indeed left for strategic reasons. However, the CIA was not the Seventh Fleet. If they had the chance to kill Xia Lei, they would definitely do it at all costs. As long as the CIA provided accurate and credible information, the White House and the Pentagon would definitely approve the CIA operation, and would even have the U.S. military in the Philippines provide all the help they could!    


As soon as the American army arrived, the Philippine Navy soldiers on the beach became excited. The most senior Philippine colonel met with the American commander in charge of the operation on the beach and talked to him.    


In the forest, Xia Lei's gaze locked onto the lips of the two leading figures, and used his lip language to decipher the conversation.    


The Philippine colonel and the American commander speak English.    


"Our men found their boat on the west side of the beach." The Philippine colonel said, "The ship didn't leave. They must still be on the island. We have already surrounded them, they cannot escape! "    


The American commander said, "We suspect that Xia Lei from the Grand China is on this island. We are telling your people, no matter who it is, to kill this person immediately when they see the photo. We will reward the person who killed Xia Lei with $5 million. " He took out a photo, and the person in the photo was Xia Lei.    


"No problem!" said the Philippine colonel.    


"Bring your men with you and search the forest. We will provide you with weapons and equipment, as well as aerial firepower." The American commander said.    


"I will kill Xia Lei myself." said the Philippine colonel. 5 million dollars was enough to make him rich for a lifetime, of course he would be moved.    


In the forest at the edge of the beach, Erdelmtu said, "Boss, it seems like we need to retreat to the core of the island. They will begin their carpet search very soon, we can't shoot at them at all, because the moment we do, we will reveal our position, and the four Comanche Helicopters in the sky will also have a target to pour ammunition on us. We can't avoid the cannons at all."    


However, Xia Lei said, "We can't return to the core of the island."    


"Why?" Erdelmtu was puzzled.    


Xia Lei said: "Didn't you see that the American army was just besieged, and did not enter the forest to search? They were only here to confirm the situation. If they confirm we are on this island, I'm sure missiles will arrive in a few minutes. The missiles are also likely to land at the center of the island at military bases and radar stations. "    


Erdelmtu immediately understood. "No wonder they chose not to enter despite the threat, and even fired gun and ammunition at the Filipinos. They actually wanted to use the Filipinos as cannon fodder."    


Ye Liena sneered, "Americans have extremely expensive lives, why would they come to throw their lives away. "The Filipinos have always been the cannon fodder of the United States. If they don't send cannon fodder to their deaths, what is the value of an American ally like the Philippines?"    


On the beach, several armed patrol boats stormed up the beach, passing boxes of weapons and ammunition to the Philippine soldiers on the beach.    


Giovanna said worriedly: "Boss, after the Filipinos get their hands on the weapons and ammunition, they will quickly search around here. We can't even shoot at them, how can we fight in this battle?"    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "So, sometimes using a blade is the best."    


Giovanna glanced at Kyoko Tsukino, his face expressionless.    


At this time, Yasuya Khan who was using his binoculars to survey the surface of the ocean suddenly spoke out, "Boss, your judgement is correct. The American warship is here again.    


Xia Lei had also seen it. The Aleppo class destroyer, the most powerful missile destroyer in active service in the United States Navy. Given the amount of ammunition a destroyer of the Aleppo class could carry, it would be easy to blow the island up.    


The CIA's plan did not seem complicated. It would surround the island and allow the Filipinos to search it as cannon fodder. The island was not big, and it was inevitable that the Filipinos would meet his men, but if there was a firefight, then the Aleppo destroyers waiting at sea would start firing, and cannons and missiles would rain down on them. Add to that the four Comanche helicopters in space, the people they want to kill can't escape!    


"Boss, when will the ship you booked arrive?" Yasuya Khan said anxiously.    


"Very soon, I think the Allib class destroyer has detected our ship." While speaking, Xia Lei took off his equipment bag and took out his hacker computer, "However, I still need to give the Americans some real pressure, otherwise, they might really start fighting."    


"You aren't going to fight?" Ye Liena was puzzled: "If the Grand China's warships do not fire, and do not follow your Americans and Filipinos to fight, will the Americans let us go? They must be convinced by now that we won't be able to escape. "    


"Of course we have to fight, but it isn't Grand China's warship. I will do it myself." Xia Lei's fingers started to move on the hacker's computer, his ten fingers swept across the keyboard like the wind.    


A hundred kilometers away, Grate Melon Island's military base. There was no one there to fill up the fuel and complete reloading. The plane slid out of the hangar and sprinted along the runway. It then rose up, completing its acceleration during take-off. It shot towards the sky like an enraged artillery shell, disappearing from the ground in the blink of an eye.    


On the beach, the American commander who was directing the special operations of the Marine Corps received a call, "What? Grand China's fleet of warships was rushing over? Four destroyers? Then they could be sure that Xia Lei was here. They wanted to take him back! This time, I have to get rid of Xia Lei no matter what! "    


This call was obviously from the Albuquerque Class destroyer. The radar on the destroyer had discovered the Grand China's swarm of battleships.    


"Immediately get our fighter aircraft to take off and scare the Grand China's warships. All of you, start firing at the military bases on the island! My guess is, Xia Lei and the rest are still hiding there, waiting for reinforcements! " The American commander hung up.    


The next second, the Arelish destroyer parked off the island lifted its cannon and fired its first shell.    




The military base at the center of the island suddenly burst into flames!    


Dong dong dong ?    


It was not only the naval cannons that fired, but also the Albrecht destroyer's machine gun formations aimed at the military base at the center of the island. In just a few seconds, the military base at the heart of the island was engulfed by the gunfire and turned into ashes!    




A battle-axe cruise. The missile rose from the launch shaft and headed for areas beyond the reach of the naval and machine guns behind the island.    




A mushroom cloud immediately rose into the air.    


"What are you waiting for?" The commander of the US Army shouted at the Filipino people, "Search the island quickly! No matter what, kill all of the Grand China's people!"    


The Philippine colonel began to shout his men into the forest.    


A large group of Philippine Navy Warriors fanned out as they advanced towards the forest at the edge of the beach. They were only 300 metres away from where Xia Lei and the Zodiac Clan members were hiding.    


In the sky, four Comanche helicopters were flying slowly, narrowing the search to match the movements of the Philippine Navy. Once the people of Zodiac Clan and Xia Lei were discovered, they would not care about the Philippine Warriors on the ground.    


Above the skies and below the sea, this was a cage covered in gunfire!    


Du du du, du du...    


On the beach, the American commander's cell phone rang again.    


He answered the call with a solemn expression, "Mr. Williams, yes, I am sure that he is on this island. Don't worry, by the time the Grand China's warships rushed over, this island would already be burnt to ashes. Xia Lei is dead this time, he dug this grave for himself, I will fill it up myself. "    


Williams's voice came out of the phone, "Let me remind you once again, get rid of Xia Lei at all costs! Don't bother about the Grand China's warships!    


"Yes, I understand." The American commander hung up the phone. He looked at the flames and smoke rising from the island, and a cruel sneer crept into his mouth.    


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