Tranxending Vision

C1075 jungle hunting

C1075 jungle hunting

In the dense forest, a dozen armed Filipino warriors and a dozen packhorses were following the tracks they had made before. There was no road in the forest, but if they continued to tread like this, it would not even take a month for people and packhorses to make a path.    


"Hurry, hurry!" It's going to be dark soon, and those things have to be shipped back to base. The Americans say they're important. " A Philippine officer urged his team to speed up.    


"Is it the American equipment used to deal with the Grand China's warships?" A Filipino warrior said.    


"This is a military secret, do not ask." The Philippine officer said.    


"It must be. With the United States supporting us, what are the Grand China's warships?" Another Filipino warrior said with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.    


"This time, we will take down the Grate Melon Island." The Philippine officer said, "Let me tell you a secret. This time, the Seventh Fleet of the United States will come from Malacca and directly approach the Grate Melon Island. After that, it's time for us to make an appearance. We want to occupy the Grate Melon Island. "    


"Captain, is this true?" a Philippine soldier asked.    


"Of course it's true. I stopped the two Americans from talking. This time, we have the support of the International Court of Justice. The United States intends to use force to force the Grand China to submit to us. " The Philippine officer said.    


"The Grand China is definitely not willing to hand over the man-made island they built. It's a military base. The existence of the Grate Melon Island is like a calm aircraft carrier, it has extremely important strategic interests for the Grand China, are they willing to give it up? " A soldier said.    


"Just don't give up? To the Americans, the Grate Melon Island was like a fish bone stuck in their throats, and they would definitely want to pull it out. With the support of the International Court of Justice this time, it would be difficult for the Americans to find another excuse to make a move if they missed this opportunity. So the Americans are not going to give up this opportunity. " The head of the Philippine officer's analysis was clear.    


"Then who's going to take the first shot?" a soldier asked.    


"Of course it's us. The international tribunal gave the Grate Melon Island to us. The army of the Grand China, stationed on that island, is equivalent to invading our territory. We have the right to open fire. We opened fire, and the Seventh Fleet of the United States intervened to help us. The Grand China's forces on that island were simply not enough. " The Philippine officer looked excited. He seemed to be imagining the Philippine flag on the Grate Melon Island.    


"I understand, once the battle starts, the Harpoon Anti-Ship Missile we hid on this island will act as an assassin. It will assassinate Grand China's warships, right? Captain. "    


"You're smart. "Alright, let's not talk about it anymore. Hurry up, hurry up. All of you, hurry up!" The Philippine officer urged his response to speed.    


Man and packhorse came to a relatively flat forest, about 500 meters ahead of the beach.    


The Philippine officer looked at his wristwatch and said, "We need to hurry. The ship will arrive soon."    


"Captain? When will the Seventh Fleet arrive here? " a Philippine soldier asked.    


The Philippine officer said, "The fleet will take another day or so, but the aircraft carrier will be able to fly over at any time. I estimate that by this time, the Seventh Fleet's commander has already sent out a reconnaissance aircraft to scout out out the situation.    


Before he could finish his words, a bullet suddenly shot out from the front and embedded itself into his head with a 'pu' sound.    


The Philippine officer fell to the ground.    


"There's an enemy!" Someone shouted in alarm.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The frightened Filipino soldiers fired at random, bullets flying through the trees, and bits of leaves and tree trunks splattered everywhere. Surprised, a dozen packhorses fled into the forest.    


"The enemy is ?" Before one of the Filipino warriors could say anything, a bullet came from the side and knocked him to the ground. The same headshot was fired.    


There was no gunshot, and it was hard to tell where the bullet had come from.    


Just as the Filipino warrior fell to the ground, another bullet came from the other direction, piercing the head of another Filipino warrior.    


"We're surrounded!" A Filipino warrior turned and fled in the direction of the center of the island.    


Puff! A bullet entered the back of his head and flew out of his right eye. His eyeballs spurted out blood and brain matter, forming a conical shape.    


The remaining Philippine warriors did not dare to continue fighting. They all turned around and ran towards the base on the island.    


Puff, puff ?    


One by one, Filipino warriors fell into the pool of blood.    


If they formed a line, they might be able to hold out for a while, but if they gave up the fight, they would die.    


In just two minutes, only one Filipino Warrior was left.    


On a tree, Kyoko Tsukino raised the blast assault rifle in her hands and placed her finger on the trigger. On the blast assault rifle's scope, the back of the last Filipino Warrior's head was shaking. Just as she was about to pull the trigger to shoot her last target, Xia Lei's voice came out from the communication device.    


"Don't kill him." Xia Lei said.    


"Got it." Kyoko Tsukino withdrew the blast assault rifle in her hand, then jumped down from the tree.    


Erdelmtu walked over from another direction and made a "four" gesture towards Kyoko Tsukino.    


Kyoko Tsukino smirked, then made a "5" gesture.    


In the battle just now, Erdelmtu had killed four people, while Kyoko Tsukino had killed five. This sign language would appear after every battle in the Zodiac Clan.    


There were a total of sixteen corpses in the forest, so Xia Lei did not need to compare them with Sign Language, as he was also the one who killed the most.    


"Boss, why did we leave one alive?" When meeting with Xia Lei, Kyoko Tsukino said, "This island is very small, and the sounds of gunshots are enough to transmit it to the military base at the center of the island. There is no need for that person to go back and report, even the people in the base would know what the situation is."    


Xia Lei said: "I didn't ask him to go back to report, I wanted him to lead the way. If we attack, there will still be around 60 people on the military base at the center of the island, can you guys make it? "    


"Hahaha!" Erdelmtu said: "I don't think there are enough people!"    


"I'm already prepared. Boss, walk behind me." Kyoko Tsukino changed the magazine on her blast assault rifle and headed in the direction of the last Philippine Warrior.    


Erdelmtu and Kyoko Tsukino walked side by side, but maintained a distance of ten meters between each other.    


Xia Lei carried the Equipment Department on his back and quickly followed Erdelmtu and Kyoko Tsukino to the center of the island.    


The last Philippine warrior had left a distinct trail, not only of footprints on the ground but also of blood. The lucky guy was obviously injured. After following the tracks on the ground for about five hundred meters, Xia Lei awakened the ability of his left and right eye, and his ears also entered the listening state. With his body as the center, any movement or sound within a hundred meter radius could not escape his detection.    


The trees blocked his view, making him unable to see through the trees, but his ears were a good addition. His ears were affected by the wind, but his eyes were a good addition. He was actually a human-shaped radar. As long as he calmed down and observed, he would be able to discover his target even in the dense forest.    


The blood stains on the ground suddenly increased, and after walking a distance, Xia Lei suddenly stopped in his tracks, and at the same time whistled.    


Kyoko Tsukino and Erdelmtu immediately stopped in their tracks. The two of them looked around warily, but saw nothing.    


Xia Lei's line of sight locked onto a direction. Layers of trees blocked his line of sight, preventing him from using his left and right eyes to observe clearly. However, he could already hear very clearly the sound.    


It was the wounded Filipino warrior speaking in Tagallo, "Not good... Not good! Someone had invaded this place! "The transport ship's men are all dead, I ? I'm the only one left ?"    


These voices entered Xia Lei's ears, then entered his brain. Following that, the teaching audio and dictionary of the Pagoda language appeared in his mind. He had never deliberately learned the language of the Philippines, but his mind had deliberately installed tools to learn it. An unfamiliar language was heard, translated by the brain almost without delay. The situation was the same as before. His brain translated the conversation between the Philippine officer and his subordinates with almost no delay. The accuracy rate reached 95%. This was a miracle that belonged solely to him.    


Xia Lei raised his left hand, then pointed a finger in the direction of the injured Philippine Warrior.    


Kyoko Tsukino and Erdelmtu nodded, and then surrounded from the two sides.    


The injured Filipino warrior was still on the phone with someone, "... A lot of people! At least twenty! They surrounded us and ambushed us! They must be the soldiers of the Grand China! "    


After saying that, he suddenly looked in the direction that he came from. A young man from Grand China appeared in his field of vision. The communicator in his hand dropped to the ground and he grabbed the AK-47 rifle that was lying beside him. His hand had just grasped the butt of the AK-47 when a military knife snaked up behind him and slid silently across his neck.    


The Philippine warrior subconsciously clutched at his throat, and a strange sound came from it. Fresh blood gushed out from the gaps between his fingers, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not stop it. He wanted to look back to see who had done such a cruel thing to him, but he didn't even have the strength to look back. Three seconds later, his brain was drained of blood and his vision went black.    


Erdelmtu gestured with his hand.    


Xia Lei suddenly said: "They are here." He listened, then said, "About thirty of us, about fifty meters away."    


"Boss, you ?" "How can you be so sure?" Erdelmtu looked surprised.    


"I'll tell you when I get back. It's your turn now." Xia Lei said.    


Erdelmtu then took off his equipment bag and took out a few Anti-Infantry Demos. The mine was very small, but it would jump off the ground and explode at a height of 0.5 meters if it was hit by the trigger. Although this type of mine was very rare, its lethality was far greater than that of ordinary infantry mines.    


Erdelmtu was extremely fast, and the place he chose was the place where reinforcements from the military base were the most likely to go.    


Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino found their own spots to attack and prepared to fight.    


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