Tranxending Vision

C1070 Angry Sea Escape

C1070 Angry Sea Escape

Kyoko Tsukino and Erdelmtu also came out from the water, and swam towards Xia Lei with all their might. However, before the two of them could swim to Xia Lei's side, a giant wave slapped over, and the two of them were engulfed by the ocean once again.    


Xia Lei watched in fear, but he could not help at all. In the face of the power of nature, he was actually an insignificant existence.    


After a few twists and turns, the three finally gathered together.    


"Damn it!" Erdelmtu said angrily: "Those Americans in our territorial waters also dare to open fire!"    


Xia Lei said: "If we're weak, we'll be bullied. But they treat us as weaklings. I will make them pay the price, I definitely will! "    


Kyoko Tsukino held Xia Lei's hand, "Hold on tight, the three of us must be together."    


Xia Lei grabbed onto Kyoko Tsukino's hand, and at the same time, tightly grabbed onto Erdelmtu's hand. The three of them were floating amidst the raging waves, like three leaves floating on a duckweed that could be engulfed by the sea at any moment.    


Fortunately, Xia Lei had made a decision in advance so he allowed Erdelmtu and Kyoko Tsukino to wear the life jacket. Otherwise, even if they managed to escape the missile's attack, they wouldn't be able to survive for long after falling into the ocean. Once they were exhausted, even the frogmen would drown in the sea.    


"There's a piece of wood there!" While struggling, Xia Lei saw a piece of plank emerging from the water. It was part of the helicopter that was just destroyed, and looked like a piece of plastic plated with foam.    


The three of them struggled to swim towards the board.    


The plastic sheet was three square meters in size, and just large enough for three people to climb up.    


"Xingzi, you go up first." Xia Lei held Kyoko Tsukino's waist, and then lifted her up.    


Kyoko Tsukino used both hands to prop herself up, but the moment she used her hands to push the plastic sheet towards her, it tilted in her direction, and when she lost her balance, she fell into the ocean.    


There was no way to borrow force from the sea, and the plastic wasn't fixed either. Even a Ninja would find it hard to complete a simple act of climbing up.    


"Again!" Erdelmtu swam to the other side of the board and used his hands to pressure the board.    


Xia Lei once again hugged onto Kyoko Tsukino's waist, and then lifted her up by her waist. When Kyoko Tsukino climbed up a bit, he wanted to use both hands to support her perky butt as she pushed her up.    


Kyoko Tsukino's navy uniform skirt was already soaked through by the seawater. Just as her upper body was sprawled on the plastic sheet, her navy uniform skirt was suddenly thrown to her waist by a wave that suddenly attacked. Her well-developed butt, which was wrapped in soft cloth, was immediately exposed to Xia Lei's vision.    


The soft white fabric soaked by the sea water was like another layer of her skin, tightly sticking to her buttocks and a part of her body. The full, curvy butt was almost ninety-five percent revealed in Xia Lei's field of vision, and that other place was also clearly revealed in front of his eyes with a ninety-three percent transparency. It looked like a hill filled with grass, and a ditch that divided the hill into two parts ?    


Xia Lei shook his head and laughed bitterly, secretly blaming himself for still being in the mood to look at his butt. Although he was being passive, he could not help but take a few more glances.    


Kyoko Tsukino climbed onto the plastic sheet and then turned around and stretched out his hand towards Xia Lei, "Grab my hand, hurry up."    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand, and with her help, he climbed onto the plastic sheet. Then, Kyoko Tsukino stayed at the side of the plastic board, while Xia Lei climbed to Erdelmtu's side, and pulled Erdelmtu up as well.    


The three of them heaved a sigh of relief when they saw the sheet metal. Without this piece of plastic, even if the three of them wore life jackets, it would still be very dangerous because once they ran out of energy, a wave would engulf them. With this piece of plastic, the three of them would be able to save energy and increase their chances of survival.    


Xia Lei manipulated the multifunctional wrist watch on his wrist and placed it into the pattern of positioning the satellite. He enlarged the map and quickly found the location of the Grate Melon Island. He said, "We still have 100 kilometers to go to that place, so there's no need to worry about us reaching that place. We just need to have some time to play around."    


"We should give the chief a call." Erdelmtu said.    


Xia Lei said, "No, isn't what happened just now just a lesson?"    


"Boss, I know you're talking about a radio shield, but those guys have already flown away. We only need a minute to get in touch with the chief, and he'll arrange for an airplane or a boat to pick us up. " Erdelmtu had his own opinion, he seemed to be very sure that his plan was feasible.    


However, Xia Lei pointed to the sky that was covered by rolling dark clouds, "Although I can't see them, I can still confirm that there are American electronic fighter jets and surveillance cameras above us. With the strength of the U.S. military, as long as you make a phone call, the Americans will lock onto our position. Do you think that after what they did just now, they will leave one alive? "    


Xia Lei's words caused Erdelmtu to break out in a cold sweat.    


Kyoko Tsukino also said, "Right, you can't make any phone calls. "If our call was stolen by the intelligence agencies of the United States, the intelligence personnel of the United States would probably be able to tell that the boss is in this region of the sea. At that time, dozens of warplanes and warships would be here, so you should know the reason why the Americans want to kill the boss, right?"    


Erdelmtu shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, pretend I didn't say anything. I was only considering the safety of my Boss. After all, in this kind of weather, staying in the ocean is also a very dangerous thing to do. "    


Xia Lei said: "Let's wait until we're a few dozen kilometers away from Grate Melon Island before we consider making any calls."    


The three of them used their hands as pulp to row the survival boat towards the Grate Melon Island. Fortunately, the wind was blowing in the direction of the Grate Melon Island, which saved them a lot of energy and increased their speed. Otherwise, it would take two days to traverse a distance of one hundred kilometers between the three of them.    


At the same time, aboard the Chinese destroyer.    


"What?" You still can't contact me? " Yu Zhenhai flew into a rage, "What are all of you doing!? If we lose them, you won't even be able to compensate us with your lives! "    


In the bridge, there was a large group of naval officers and ship operators who did not dare to make a sound. They completely understood why Yu Zhenhai's anger was so strong. It was because the passenger in the helicopter that they had lost contact with was Xia Lei, the national hero of the Grand China. Xia Lei and the Rayma Group were currently changing the structure of this world. If there were any mishaps with Xia Lei, then it would be an irreparable loss to this country, and it could even be said to be a huge blow!    


"What are you all still standing there for? "Hurry up and go find it for me!" Yu Zhenhai roared: Continue to contact that helicopter! Also, ask the Air Force to send a plane to find him! Also, contact the Grate Melon Island military base immediately and have them send ships to search! "    


The entire bridge was busy.    


"General!" A radar operator suddenly said nervously, "An unknown flying object appeared in the sea ahead!"    


Yu Zhenhai then walked over. He saw a small red dot on the radar screen, moving quickly towards him. He frowned. "Turn on the public channel, contact them and have them report their identities!"    


The messenger then carried out Yu Zhenhai's orders, "This is the Grand China's territorial sea, you have trespassed. Please show your identity."    


The correspondent spoke a lot, but the other party did not reply with a single word.    


"At this speed, it could be a large helicopter." An officer said, "I think it's an anti-submarine helicopter. It could be an American Sea King anti-submarine helicopter."    


"Americans are so arrogant!" Yu Zhenhai's eyes were filled with anger, "This is our territorial sea, they actually dare to take an anti-submarine helicopter to investigate, and will immediately radiation it with their radar! If it still hasn't left, then use your cannons to blast it apart! "    


There were so many anti-aircraft missiles on the destroyers that it was easy to take down an anti-submarine helicopter. However, Yu Zhenhai chose to use naval cannons, as it was impossible to shoot down a helicopter. This could also be a type of deterrent method. If he really wanted to land a plane that would invade his territorial sea, he would have to report it and obtain approval.    


"It turned around." The radar operator said.    


"Humph!" Did he really think he was Earth's Ball Queen? This is not the Gulf of Mexico, nor is it the Mediterranean. Yu Zhenhai was still fuming.    


Just then, the observer using his optical telescope to observe ahead suddenly exclaimed: "Report!" Not just one helicopter, but five! There are also four armed helicopters protecting it! "    


Yu Zhenhai ran over, and used his ship's telescope to look at the ocean area in the front of the ship. In his field of vision, he saw four armed helicopters flying close to the surface of the sea. Those are the Sea King's helicopters from the United States. They possess stealth abilities! "    


The plane was invisible to the radar, but the human eye could still see it.    


The four Sea King helicopters would have succeeded if they had attacked the destroyer. However, they obviously did not dare to do so. This was a destroyer, and the weapons they carried could not destroy such a huge warship. And once they do, it means war.    


Three seconds later, an ear-piercing alarm sounded on the warship. The Navy responded quickly, the gunners were in position, the missile operators were in position...    


As the destroyer sounded the battle alarm, the four Comanche stealth helicopters turned their nose and headed for the Philippines.    


Yu Zhenhai clenched his fist and punched the window beside him, "They did it on purpose! Hateful! We are still far behind! If you fall behind, you will be bullied! "    


The bridge was filled with a resentful atmosphere.    


On top of a Comanche stealth helicopter, a white captain disdainfully laughed, "We are already so close to them, yet none of them noticed us. If there really is a war, how long can their lagging warship last?"    


"Hahaha!" David, when our fleet enters their waters, the whole world will laugh at them. " The co-pilot smiled happily.    


"Kane, let's go back to the base and find the Filipino chick and relax." The captain, who was called David, had an evil smile on his face.    


Vice Captain Kane and David balled their fists together. "OK, no problem. I know a place where they have little girls ? "    


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