Tranxending Vision

C1061 Full start

C1061 Full start

The CIA's Information Station was destroyed, and the Rayma Group's new material workshop was deserted. However, the engine room broke down after a night's work, meaning that Rayma Group, the military dark horse, had officially entered the air battle arena. When Xia Lei returned from Israel, he made a promise that before June 1st, the Rayma Group would have its own people. Aircraft, and leading aviation materials all over the world. For this promise, all the Rema people fought for it.    


Sylvia and Anina seemed to be the busiest two. As the chief engineer of the Rayma Group and the leader of the core mechanics, they were responsible for the processing of the super precision parts and the construction of the core equipment.    




Firecrackers were set off at the construction site of the two new workshops. The gongs and drums were loud and bustling.    


"The people of Grand China are really strange, why did they set off firecrackers? And their instruments are so crude, they're just noise, they don't have the beauty of music. " Sylvia stopped what she was doing, and looked at the direction of the new workshop from the door. There were many important leaders, representatives of the military, and a large group of important figures. The scene was huge, but she and Anina did not want to waste their time there.    


Anina used the towel on her shoulder to wipe off her sweat, and did not even look in that direction. She did not even notice what Sylvia had said, and continued to focus on assembling the core equipment.    


Heh, Anina, I was talking to you, did you not hear me? Sylvia grabbed the towel on her shoulder and threw it towards Anina.    


Anina only stopped what she was doing after she was hit in the face by her towel. She looked at Sylvia with a confused expression, "What are you doing?"    


"I'm talking about lucas's ribbon cutting ceremony, the firecrackers, the gongs and drums, his taste is really low, the noise he created made me unable to work."    


Anina shrugged her shoulders, "This is their culture, I think there's no problem with it."    


"Well, their culture, let's not talk about their culture, let's talk about his wife?" Sylvia said.    


Anina said: "He has four wives, who do you want to talk to?"    


"Don't you think he should take care of how we feel when his four wives are all pregnant and are getting closer and closer to giving birth? I hate those toys you bought. " Sylvia said.    


Anina, "..."    


Sylvia sighed, "Anina, I miss home. We have no friends here, and I'm not used to their culture. Tell me the truth, do you miss home? "    


Anina nodded, "I miss my home, but..."    


"But what?"    


"We have developed very well here. lucas has given us everything, we cannot leave him when he needs us the most. If we leave him and go back to Germany, we'll still be the same as we were before. Do you want to do that? "    


"Well, let's work." Sylvia did not want to continue the conversation.    


At that moment, a familiar figure appeared at the door and walked in. Seeing his face, Anina stood up and said excitedly: "lucas! Aren't you conducting the ribbon cutting ceremony? Why are you here? "    


Xia Lei walked towards the two German women with a smile on his face, "That's my brother-in-law. From now on, I want to work with you guys until we produce the new material and no one else. "Until the time comes."    


"Wow!" Anina went forward and hugged Xia Lei.    


Sylvia also came closer, "lucas, you said that your brother-in-law, you mean to say that you wanted your brother-in-law to impersonate you and take charge of the ribbon cutting ceremony?"    


Xia Lei laughed: "Yes, from today onwards, when you see me in my work clothes, you will see that I am not in my suit, but Liu Zhengnan."    


Anina was still holding onto Xia Lei, but he suddenly kicked her from behind. Only then did she react and let go of Xia Lei.    


"lucas, I really miss you." The moment Anina let go of her position, Sylvia took her place and gave her a passionate hug.    


Xia Lei endured his awkward feeling and laughed: "I should be too busy during this period of time. I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to gather with you all ? "Hm."    


Xia Lei could refuse Tang Yuyan, he could reject Shentu Tianyin, but he could not reject the two German girls, because no matter what he did, he did not need to be responsible. Another reason was that the two German women were still in Rayma Group, not because he offered a sky-high salary but because of him. If he didn't give him a single bit of kindness and turned his heart away, would he still be willing to work so wholeheartedly for him?    


"Today is a good day for me. I also want to make it a good day for you." After waiting for Sylvia to let go of him, Xia Lei hurriedly said.    


"Our good days? lucas, what do you mean? " Sylvia looked at Xia Lei curiously.    


Xia Lei said: "I have decided, from this month onwards, your wages will be settled in euros."    


"You want to pay us in euros?" Anina looked very surprised. She seemed to think that she had heard wrongly.    


"Yes, your wages will be settled in euros in the future." Xia Lei said.    


Sylvia smiled and said, "Anina, you idiot, lucas must be talking about the euro after the exchange rate was changed."    


"No." Xia Lei said: "Yes, directly in euros. Your current salary is 500 thousand Chinese dollars, I will double it to 1 million euros."    


"Wait ?" Anina was startled, "You mean to say, you want to give us an annual salary of 12 million euros?"    


"Right." Xia Lei laughed and said: "You guys have always been starting a business with me, but you don't earn much money. I used to be short of money, but now that I have money, I'm going to raise your wages. 12 million euros a year, two years of work and you can enjoy the world. If you don't have hundreds of millions of euros in assets by then, I'll give you hundreds of millions of euros. "    


Anina and Sylvia were dumbstruck, because a fortune of over a hundred million euros was almost unimaginable in Europe, especially for a working person like them.    


Xia Lei laughed: What kind of expression is that? I gave you a raise. Don't you have a smile on your face? "    


Sylvia suddenly understood something, and said: "lucas, you overheard my conversation with Anina just now right?"    


"No, why would I eavesdrop on your conversation with Anina? Am I that boring? " Xia Lei said, but in his heart, he was very clear about what the truth was. Liu Zhengnan, disguised as him, went to take charge of the ribbon cutting ceremony and all sorts of guests. When he came to the workshop early in the morning, he happened to overhear the conversation between the two German female engineers.    


The two women were too homesick to live in Grand China, which was a very serious problem for the Rayma Group. It was because no matter whether it was Anina or his role in the Rayma Group, they could not be replaced. Anina was the core member of the chariot workshop, while Sylvia was the best Mechanic in the world. Under the premise of using Raylong intelligent machine tool, she was the only one who could replace him. If not for Sylvia, all of the work on the ultra-precision parts would have fallen to him, and he didn't have the time to do that at all. Thus, he had to keep these two female engineers no matter what, even if it meant sacrificing his looks.    


"You must have eavesdropped our conversation, lucas, you lied to us." Sylvia was very sure that he had discovered Xia Lei's secret.    


Anina, do you believe what I just said? Xia Lei said as he looked at the truer Anina.    


Anina said: "I don't believe you."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"lucas, you don't have to give us so much money. "You know we're not here to earn your money. We're here because of you." Anina said, her blue eyes carrying a trace of sadness.    


"Yes." Sylvia said: "Your wives view you too highly, you don't even have the chance to come find us."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly: "I don't have a choice either, there are too many things I need to busy myself with ?"    


"An excuse." Sylvia said: "Unless you stay and work overtime with us, we will forgive you and accept your conditions."    


felt that his boss lacked some prestige in front of these two German women, even though he had raised their salary by tens of millions of euros but had to see their mood to accept it.    


"If you won't, if you won't, then we'll go back to Germany for a holiday." Sylvia said.    


Xia Lei braced himself and said: "Alright, I agree. I will stay here to work overtime with you guys tonight."    


"No, no, no, not tonight." Anina said: "Tomorrow night too, there's still the night of the day after tomorrow. In the new material workshop and no one. Before the engine room goes into operation, you have to work at least two nights a week with us. "    


"Yes, that's it. If you don't meet our conditions, we'll go back to Germany for a holiday." Sylvia said.    


"Holiday." Anina added.    


Xia Lei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He knew that even if he did not agree to their terms, they would not go back to Germany for a holiday. The reason they acted this way was because they wanted him to spend more time with them, and also because they wanted to take revenge on him for snubbing them during this period of time.    


This kind of revenge was actually a sexy and sweet and tempting revenge. Most of the men were willing and couldn't wait to get their hands on it.    


"Well, I promise you. I'll work at least two nights a week with you guys, that should be okay, right? " Xia Lei agreed. In order for these two German cows to produce milk, he had to feed them grass, and he was the one with the grass.    


What's the point of working overtime?    


He could tell with his toes that it wasn't going to be a proper job.    


With their goal achieved, the two German women were in a much better mood. Their work efficiency had obviously increased. For them, a tenfold increase in salary, an annual income of tens of millions of euros, and money for both men, could be said to be a combination of wealth and wealth. Today was indeed a good day for them.    


Xia Lei quickly returned to his work. He only needed to process the core parts.    


"lucas, you're sweating. I'll wipe your sweat." In a short amount of time, Anina came to Xia Lei's side and helped him wipe away his sweat.    


"lucas, your pants are dirty. Look at you, be careful." In an instant, Sylvia came over and reached out to pat the dust on Xia Lei's pants.    


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