Tranxending Vision

C1069 Crazy Anger

C1069 Crazy Anger

In the evening, the wind began to blow and it began to rain. The heavens seemed to want to create more trouble for Xia Lei on this trip to the Southern Sea Region, but no matter how difficult and difficult it was, they would not be able to stop him.    


A helicopter was moving forward amidst the raging storm. Lightning, thunder, and rain filled the sky. Below, raging waves were raging. It had the aura of devouring everything. In this kind of environment where people could get destroyed at any time, not only the pilot was sweating, even Xia Lei, Kyoko Tsukino and Erdelmtu who were riding on the helicopter were also sweating. No matter how strong a person was, they were insignificant before the power of nature.    


"Comrade, how much longer do you need to get to Grate Melon Island?" Xia Lei asked.    


"Probably another hour." The naval soldier who was piloting the helicopter said, "Mr. Xia, you don't have to worry. Flying on the sea is really too much in this weather."    


"Okay, we have no problem. You can focus on flying your plane." Xia Lei said.    


The helicopter continued to move forward.    


Du du du, du du...    


The satellite telephone suddenly rang.    


Xia Lei took out the satellite telephone, glanced at it, then answered the phone, "Hello, it's me. Tell me."    


Sayimu's voice came from the satellite telephone, "Boss, I'm already in Israel."    


"Be careful, check if you can. If you can't, don't check. Your safety is the most important thing." Xia Lei said. The reason he sent Sayimu to Israel was to investigate about the Americans and the faceless samurai statue. It was no less important to him than what he was doing now, and he had to find out how the Americans knew about the tomb beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.    


"Understood, boss." Sayimu said: "I'm afraid that Ye Liena, Yasuya Khan and the others have already reached the Philippines, and would probably call you up at this time. I won't talk to you anymore, I'll contact you again when there's news." Sayimu hung up the phone.    


Du du du, du du...    


Right after he ended his conversation with Sayimu, another call came in.    


This time, it was Ye Liena who called. "Boss, we are already in the Philippines."    


Xia Lei said: "Be careful of your safety, gathering intelligence on the Philippines and the American army is not the most important thing, the most important thing is your safety. Do you understand me? Don't take risks. "    


"Understood, boss." Ye Liena said: "But you can rest assured, I will go to the Russian Intelligence Service to contact them. Why would I need to risk my life to exchange for information that I can buy, don't you think?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Alright, let's do it like this. I'll contact you when I have the information." Ye Liena hung up the phone.    


In Xia Lei's heart, he was thinking about one question. Would the members of the Zodiac Clan become lazy because of him being too rich? Losing all meaning was all due to an extremely strong combat ability and execution ability?    


"Boss, have they already reached their destination?" Erdelmtu asked.    


Xia Lei replied, "Yes, both sides are in position." He looked out the window at the sky filled with thunder and lightning. "We're almost there."    


At this moment, he suddenly heard a peculiar sound. It was not the roar of the wind, nor the roar of the waves, nor the sound of thunder. He looked in the direction of the sound, but he couldn't see any further through the layers of rain.    


"Boss, what happened?" Kyoko Tsukino noticed Xia Lei's abnormality.    


"I heard something ?" Xia Lei frowned. The wind and ocean sounds were too loud, interfering with his hearing, causing him to be unable to clearly hear what was happening.    


Kyoko Tsukino closed her eyes, eliminating all distracting thoughts and listened carefully, but she quickly opened her eyes, "I didn't hear anything strange. Other than the sound of the sea and the wind, there was also the sound of lightning and thunder."    


Erdelmtu also said: "I didn't hear anything special either. Boss, are you being too sensitive?    


Xia Lei was sure that he did not hear wrongly, he was just not sure what made that sound. The image of Kyoko Tsukino listening with his eyes closed flashed past his mind. He seemed to have gotten an inspiration and he closed his eyes, eliminating all distractions in his mind, before listening to the voice again.    


His brain did not think of anything. It was completely blank. However, there was one thought in his mind that was rushing towards the voices. With this thought, Xia Lei's hearing became the main body, with it as the center, and everything else serving it. This process was like a long jump where the athlete, after accumulating all the strength in his body, threw away everything in one leap!    


BOOM! A light vibration came up from both ears at the same time. All the sounds had been amplified by many times. The sound of the gale was loud enough to topple a warship! The sound of thunder shook the world, as if it wanted to shatter the sky and the earth! There was also the sound of the sea. Great waves crashed into each other, giving off the feeling of a magnificent army charging forward! Amidst these loud sounds, a weak voice was finally caught and amplified. It was the sound of a helicopter engine!    


It was not just a helicopter, but a group of them!    


Xia Lei suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "Comrade! General Yu, have you arranged for anyone to come and help us? "    


The Navy Soldier who was piloting the helicopter turned to look at Xia Lei, "Mr. Xia, as far as I know, none. Mr. Xia, why would you ask such a question? "    


Xia Lei's expression immediately became anxious, "There are helicopters approaching us, four of them!"    


"No, it's not on the radar." The Navy pilot of the helicopter then took another look at the radar display. There really weren't any flying targets on it, so if there was a radar, they would have definitely discovered it long ago.    


"Are you sure?" Xia Lei asked again.    


The naval soldier who was piloting the helicopter laughed, "Mr. Xia, I'm sure there isn't any. If there was a radar, it would have already been discovered by now. But it's impossible that you didn't discover it on the radar, right?"    


Xia Lei closed his eyes again. This time, the listening process only lasted for five seconds before it ended. He said in a deep voice, "I do have four helicopters. Immediately contact the general and tell him that we're in trouble! "    


"Mr. Xia, this ?" The navy man who was piloting the helicopter looked at the radar screen again and said with a wry smile, "There really aren't any planes. What do you want me to tell General Yu?" He'll curse me to death. "    


Xia Lei said sternly: "Don't look at your radar! It could be the top secret American Comanche! "It has the ability of stealth. Your radar cannot detect it at all!"    


"Huh?" The navy pilot of the helicopter was stunned.    


However, Xia Lei had already grabbed the life jacket that was hung on the walls of the cabin, and quickly put it on, saying, "Erdelmtu, Xing Zi, put on the life jacket!"    


Kyoko Tsukino and Erdelmtu looked at each other, and in the next second, they carried out Xia Lei's orders. As long as they believed in one thing, it was that Xia Lei had never missed his judgement.    


"Alright, I'll contact the headquarters." The naval man who was piloting the helicopter grabbed the communicator.    


ji ji ji...    


There was a sudden jarring sound of an electrical current coming from the communicator.    


The expression of the naval soldier piloting the helicopter immediately changed. "Oh no! Our radio signal has been interfered with!"    


At this moment, four dazzling beams of light shot from four different directions. After that, four sci-fi helicopters appeared around him. The moment they appeared, they surrounded the helicopter!    


It was indeed the most advanced and classified stealth helicopter in the United States ? Comanche!    


"Damn it!" What do they want? " The naval soldier who was piloting the helicopter was so angry that his face turned ashen, "This is our territorial sea, our collar, they actually dare to surround us here!"    


Xia Lei lowered the navy hat on his head, and avoided the spot where he was spotted. What was certain was that if he was found here, the White House and the Pentagon would not hesitate to issue orders to destroy the helicopter!    


As if they understood Xia Lei's worry, Kyoko Tsukino and Erdelmtu avoided where their faces could be seen.    


At this moment, a voice from a Comanche came over the loudspeaker. "You have illegally invaded the area under the jurisdiction of the United States Navy. Turn around and fly back!"    


The navy soldier piloting the helicopter also shouted into the loudspeaker, "This is the airspace of the Grand China! It is you who have illegally invaded us, please leave! "    


"I'll give you a minute to turn around and fly back. Otherwise, fire!" The voice was filled with arrogance.    


"This is impossible!" The Navy Soldier who was piloting the helicopter shouted angrily, "This is our airspace! Also, our fuel can only sustain half an hour of flight! For you to make us turn around and fly back is equivalent to taking our lives! "    


"That's none of our business. Turn around and fly back!" The other party said arrogantly.    


"Damn it!" The naval soldier piloting the helicopter roared, "Are you going to war?!"    


A flash of fiery light suddenly appeared from the belly of a Comanche helicopter!    


"Jump!" Xia Lei did not dare to waste another second of hesitation, he pulled open the cabin door, and immediately jumped into the raging ocean.    


Kyoko Tsukino and Erdelmtu also jumped down following Xia Lei.    


The second after the three of them jumped out of the helicopter, a air-to-air missile struck the helicopter.    


BOOM! The helicopter was blown to smithereens before it fell into the sea. The young naval soldier failed to escape and died. Even if he died, he wouldn't believe that the American helicopters would fire missiles at him, and he wouldn't be able to send anything that happened here back to headquarters.    


BOOM! Xia Lei's body fell into the ocean. The huge force of impact cancelled out the buoyancy of the life jacket, and his body was immediately engulfed by the ocean waves. Erdelmtu and Kyoko Tsukino had encountered the same situation, they were engulfed by the waves the moment their bodies touched the ocean.    


The sea was raging.    


Pieces of the helicopter fell into the water.    


The four Comanche helicopters continued to head east.    


On the command plane, an officer picked up his communicator and said, "The target has been eliminated. Ocean King 11, you can follow us now."    


Four Comanches later, a multi-purpose Sea King anti-submarine helicopter appeared.    


These five helicopters did not appear by accident, but instead carried the mission of searching for the Grand China's submarines. They were trying to find out what was going on below the surface of the sea for the incoming Seventh Fleet.    


Just as the five helicopters flew away, whoosh whoosh, Xia Lei appeared from the water. He looked in the direction where the five helicopters had gone, his eyes burning with rage!    


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