Tranxending Vision

C1076 river of blood

C1076 river of blood

In the jungle, thirty Filipino warriors advanced at high speed.    


It was a standard Philippine platoon, complete with M14 assault rifles, three light machine guns, three grenade reflectors, three rocket launchers, and a sniper rifle. The team was led by a second lieutenant. He looked to be in his early thirties. He wasn't very tall, but he was very strong. He walked at the head of the line.    


Reaching a forest, the Second Lieutenant suddenly stopped and raised his left hand.    


The team immediately stopped and split into two groups according to the Second Lieutenant's battle sign.    


The second lieutenant advanced cautiously, a M14 assault rifle in his hand still in the firing position. A corpse quickly entered his sight. The corpse was lying on its stomach, and the blood that had flowed out had soaked the ground.    


Something pressed under the shoulder of the corpse.    


The Second Lieutenant pointed at the corpse, and a soldier followed to inspect it. The soldier put the barrel of his M14 under the shoulder of the body and pried it up. When the corpse's shoulder was about four centimeters off the ground, a defender suddenly jumped up from under the shoulder.    




Amidst the explosions, several Philippine warriors were instantly knocked to the ground. Some had broken legs, some had their arms cut off, and some had lost a head. In addition to the corpses, the shrapnel from the explosion also caused a few wounded people. Some were shot in the abdomen, some in the chest, and some were injured in the limbs.    


This was the power of jumping thunder. When it exploded in the air, its destructive range would be 360 degrees. Unless it was outside of the explosion range or hiding behind the cover, there was no escape!    


Puff, puff, puff!    


There was no gunfire, and a few Filipino soldiers who had been frightened by the explosion were beheaded.    


"Machine gunner! Twelve o'clock! " The Second Lieutenant of the Philippines was lying on the ground, commanding his men to fight!    


Tat tat tat!    


Three machine guns were fired, and the jungle became a net of fire. But the lush trees became an obstacle to machine-gun fire, and most of the bullets they fired were blocked by the trunks of the trees.    


"Charge!" shouted the ensign.    


The Filipino warriors who were lying on the ground and hiding behind the trees rushed forward.    


Puff, puff, puff ?    


The bullets flew in another direction, instantly knocking down several other Filipino warriors.    


The Second Lieutenant was alarmed and afraid. He fired in the direction of the bullets with his M14 assault rifle while commanding his men, "Eight o'clock!"    


A machine-gunner adjusted his position and fired a machine gun at 8 o'clock. At the same time, a few assaulters rushed over from the side. However, they didn't make much headway. A Filipino soldier's foot triggered the Anti-Infantry Thunderbolt, and another thunderbolt exploded in the air.    


The corpses were badly mutilated!    


"Retreat!" "Retreat!" How could the Second Lieutenant have the courage to continue fighting? Without waiting for his men to retreat, he stood up and ran towards the direction of the heart of the island base.    


The remaining Filipino soldiers turned and ran as well.    


However, just as the Philippine soldiers gave up fighting and began to retreat, a bullet came from the direction of the base on the island. Those bullets looked like they had grown eyes. Although they had all shot out in two or three seconds, each of them could shoot out a head and were as accurate as a sniper rifle!    


Machine guns, headshot!    


In this world, there was only one person who could do it and that was Xia Lei.    


The battle lasted from beginning to end, less than five minutes. Five minutes ago, it was a lively and lively team. Five minutes later, only the second lieutenant was left.    


Ka ka ?    


The lieutenant pulled the trigger, but there were no more bullets in his rifle. He threw away the M14 assault rifle in his hand, pulled out his gun, and fired in front of him. "Come out ? ah!"    


His mind had already collapsed. His subordinates were all dead, yet he didn't even see the face of his enemies!    


As he spoke, three bullets flew in from three different directions. One hit his right wrist, one hit his left knee, and one hit his right knee. He fell to the ground, almost fainting due to the intense pain.    


He gasped for breath, and after a few seconds recovered some strength, he reached out with his left hand to pick up the pistol that had fallen to the ground. His left hand had just grasped the butt of the gun when a big foot in a landing boot stepped on the back of his hand and spun violently into the dirt.    


"AHH!" He saw a large Asian man looking at him with cold, cruel eyes, as if he were looking at a worm. Then he saw two more faces, an Asian youth and a small but plump Asian woman.    


There were only three enemies!    


"Boss, why do you always leave one alive?" Erdelmtu released the foot he was stepping on the Second Lieutenant's back, and then kicked the gun away.    


Xia Lei said: "I have to ask about the situation in the base." Then he said in Tagallo, "Second Lieutenant, I will give you a chance to live. Tell me how many fighters there are in the base, how many Americans, who they are. Tell me this and I'll let you go. "    


"I, I'll say ?" The second lieutenant didn't even hesitate for a second and said, "There's still a platoon in the base, but they're special forces. There are eight Americans in the base, two radar specialists, and six SEAL commandos who are protecting the two experts. "    


"What else do you know?" Xia Lei asked.    


"I, I also know that the Americans had already called their fighter jet when we arrived."    


"The 7th fleet's fighter jets or those from military bases on land?"    


"It's a plane from Bautista Air Force Base."    


"Fighter or helicopter?" Xia Lei asked.    


The Second Lieutenant shook his head. "I don't know ?" I really don't know. You promised to let me go, didn't you? "    


Kyoko Tsukino glanced at Xia Lei and she nodded.    


Kyoko Tsukino suddenly waved his hand, and the warrior blade in his hand drew a bright arc in the air.    


The Second Lieutenant clutched at his neck and fell to the ground.    


"Boss, do you want to continue attacking?" Erdelmtu looked at Xia Lei, his eyes filled with the desire for blood.    


Xia Lei looked at the alloy watch in his hand and said: "Xingzi, go to the beach to receive Ye Liena and the others, they should be here already. After you see them, come over and meet me and Erdelmtu. Erdelmtu, the two of us will go to the base first. "    


"No problem." Erdelmtu said, he desired to fight.    


Returning to the beach, Ye Liena and the others should be around. We need more people to take down that military base. "    


Kyoko Tsukino turned and ran towards the beach. Her speed was extremely fast and she was as agile as a rabbit.    


After Kyoko Tsukino left, Xia Lei did not head towards the military base on the island immediately. Instead, he took out his hacker computer and entered into the Big Dipper System to do satellite surveillance.    


In the military base at the center of the island, the special forces were moving quickly. Some entered the sturdy bunker type bunker, some climbed high trees to set up sniper rifles. The SEAL commandos wore camouflage and scattered around the radar and harpoon missiles. If he hadn't seen their concealment in time, it would have been difficult to discover their disguise even if he had walked in front of them.    


They were both watching Big Dipper's satellite surveillance screen, but Erdelmtu couldn't tell what was going on. In his line of sight, the military base at the heart of the island was completely silent, as if it had been abandoned. What he did not know was that the young man beside him, with the cooperation of the left and right eyes, had enlarged and sharpened the blurry scene.    


Xia Lei then moved his scouting area to the surface of the sea.    


The convoy of the Raja Humaban was already very close to the island, and it would take at most twenty minutes to reach it. The fighting here had probably reached the Philippine military system, as well as the U.S. military encampment in the Philippines and the Seventh Fleet that was about to enter the Straits of Malacca. This meant that three reinforcements would soon arrive to reinforce the Philippine and American forces on the island.    


This seemed to be the reason why the Philippine and SEAL commandos didn't want to come out. They only needed to hold on for at most twenty minutes, and the Philippine frigate Raja Humaban would be able to support them from here, as well as the fighter jets from Bautiska Air Force Base. In their eyes, the invasion of this island was undoubtedly a suicide attack. The battle would end in half an hour.    


Xia Lei moved his scouting area to the beach that they were on. He saw a fishing boat parked by the beach. Elena and Yasuya Khan had already landed on the beach, while the four female Knights were wading through the water with two hostages.    


After knowing everything, Xia Lei closed the computer and stored it in his equipment bag. He got up and walked to the military base on the island.    


"Boss, tell me, what kind of woman should I find?" Erdelmtu suddenly asked.    


Xia Lei looked at him in surprise, "Are you alright? You want to ask me this sort of question at this time? "    


However, Erdelmtu seemed to be very serious, "Boss, in a bit, this place will most likely become a sea of fire. I don't know if I can go back, just give me a suggestion, I just need to think of my wife's appearance."    


"Fan Jian's type is quite suitable for you, right?" Xia Lei said.    




"The Willow Smoke type is quite suitable for you."    


"You're kidding me, right?"    


"Hehe, don't even think about it. What's the use of thinking about it? "When we get back, I'll introduce you to one. There are many pretty girls in my company."    


"I'll remember your words. You're not allowed to lie to me."    


Kyoko Tsukino appeared on the beach behind the two of them.    


"Xingzi, where's boss and Erdelmtu?" Ye Liena asked nervously.    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "They went to attack the military bases on this island. Follow me, we need to support them and take control of the island as soon as possible."    


"Huh?" Yasuya Khan's eyes widened, "I thought that the plan would be for them to board the ship and leave with us as soon as we arrived, but how did it become this kind of plan?"    


"Cut the crap, get ready to fight." Ye Liena said.    


Giovanna kicked David's butt and bellowed: "Hurry!"    


David stumbled and almost fell on the beach. He turned and glared at Giovanna.    


A second later, Theresa poked David's left eye with his middle finger.    


"AHH!" David screamed.    


Theresa said: "Look, that's not even my middle finger anymore, it's just a blade, you idiot!"    


Just then, Kyoko Tsukino waved her hand, "Stop playing, follow me!"    


Rosa's spear smashed onto Kane's back and he roared: "Run! If I overtake you, I'll send you to hell! "    


Kane ran.    


And David.    


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