Tranxending Vision

C1084 Achievement and Retreat

C1084 Achievement and Retreat

BOOM! Rumble ?    


The Aliku Class destroyer's cannons fired furiously, the machine guns fired furiously, and the center of the island was blasted into a pile of scorched earth. Not even a complete tree could be found, let alone a building. The Aliku class destroyer ship kept on bombarding the center of the small island, while adjusting the angle of firing at the muzzle, gradually extending the scope of the cannon towards the seaside. He was really going to destroy the entire small island without hesitation and kill Xia Lei!    


The Philippine Navy temporarily entered the forest, getting closer and closer to Xia Lei and the members of the Zodiac Clan.    


Above the Philippine navy entering the forest hovered a Comanche helicopter. Its firepower system was in a state of constant combat, firing machine guns and air-to-surface missiles at the ground whenever it found a target.    


At this point, the situation was already rather dangerous, because if the Filipino navy warriors continued to search for a few dozen meters, they would encounter the members of the Zodiac Clan. At that point, a single gunshot would have opened fire from the sky on the Comanche. Then the Aliku Class destroyer on the sea would join in, turning the forest into a sea of fire in the blink of an eye!    


This situation caused the members of the Zodiac Clan to be secretly nervous, but Xia Lei didn't seem to be nervous at all.    


"Boss, how about we lure those Philippine warriors away?" Giovanna said: "I don't know when our boat will arrive, but we don't have time left."    


Xia Lei patted Giovanna's shoulder, "Don't worry, it'll end in a few minutes."    


"It ended in a few minutes?" Giovanna looked at Xia Lei strangely. She couldn't believe that what Xia Lei said was true.    


Just then, Xia Lei tapped on the keyboard. The display of the hacker computer was devoid of ghosts. The machine fired the Eagle's Claw 12 anti-ship missile it carried. It disappeared from the screen in the blink of an eye.    


"Boss, are you going to blow up that Aliku class destroyer?" Yasuya Khan said in shock.    


Xia Lei laughed, "So what if I blew it up? I worked hard to modify an Eagle Claw 12 Anti-Ship Missile, using it as my target to test the power of the modified version of the Eagle Claw 12 Anti-Ship Missile. They can shoot at us at will, so why can't we blow it up? This is a habit. "    


Yasuya Khan laughed.    


Ye Liena said: "Strange, the Grate Melon Island is not far from us. Boss, your ghost does not have anyone. The plane flew for another few minutes, and the distance between them was probably less than 50 kilometers. Under normal circumstances, no one would be there. The moment an anti-ship missile is fired, the Aribak class destroyer will notice and sound the air-raid siren, but it has no reaction at all. "    


Yasuya Khan laughed and said, "My dear, you probably don't know this, but Boss used the X Secret Gold to make things that are invisible, including his Anti-Ship Missile. "At this time, I think those guys on the Aliku Class destroyer were imagining the good thing of blowing us up to pieces, and I was waiting to hear that ?"    




Suddenly, an earth-shaking explosion rang out. Even though they were several kilometers away, their eardrums still vibrated. Seconds later, a hot wind blew through the forest. It was the aftermath of the blast.    


Xia Lei stood up from the ground. His left eye and right eye slightly jumped, and entered the extraordinary mode. In his field of vision, the Alibak destroyer moored on the surface of the sea had been hit in the flank and the Eagle Claw 12 missile had ripped a hole in its flank with a diameter of 9.57 metres. The sea water crazily poured into the cabin as thick smoke and flames poured out from the hull. On the deck of the ship, a number of American soldiers were rescuing the severely damaged Alibak destroyer, while others were rescuing the wounded. The scene was extremely chaotic. The bombardment could no longer continue. It was too late to save itself, so how could it continue to behave atrociously? Given the current situation, as long as the rescue was not in time, this Aliku class destroyer that was shot would probably have to go to the bottom of the sea to feed the fishes!    


As they entered the forest, they saw the Filipino warriors stop in their tracks and look back. Through the gaps between the trees, some of the Philippine Navy soldiers saw a cloud of mushrooms rising from the sea. At that moment, their hearts were filled with horror. The powerful United States Navy, the Alebak class destroyer known as the King of Destroyers, had been completely destroyed!    


On the beach on the west side of the island, the American commander stared dumbstruck at the burning Aalibak destroyer, his mind a blank. With such a powerful anti-ship missile, the Aribak Class destroyer didn't even set off an air-defense alarm!    


What he didn't dare to imagine was that if the anti-ship missile carried a nuclear warhead instead of an ordinary warhead, then this Aliku class destroyer would disappear from this earth in an instant. If that anti-ship missile attacked an American aircraft carrier, then the bombed aircraft carrier would suffer the same fate!    


The United States used its aircraft carrier and its fleet to play with the world in its hands. The aircraft carrier and its aircraft carrier were America's most important diplomatic means, but overnight, what made the United States so proud had become the object of devastation!    


No one in the United States would be willing to accept such a fact.    


A few seconds later, the American commander suddenly picked up his communicator and shouted frantically, "Helicopter formation, bombard this island! Everyone entered the forest to find Xia Lei! We have to get rid of him no matter what! "    


Marine commandos stationed on the beach and some CIA agents headed for the forest. Their movements were faster and more coordinated than those of the Philippine Navy.    


But just five seconds after the American commander gave the order, a air-to-air missile flew over from the direction of the Grate Melon Island. It drew a shining tail of fire in the air and then smashed into the Comanche Helicopter that was hovering above the Philippine Naval Warrior's head.    




The bombed Comanche Helicopter turned into a ball of fire, and the body of the aircraft that was reputed to be invisible was immediately torn to shreds by the air-to-air missile. Its tail rotor dropped down from the sky and instantly cut off the waist of two Philippine Navy Warriors!    


What happened? The Philippine colonel in charge of the search was dumbfounded.    


One of them was huge, but there was no one there. The plane swooped down from the sky. It was as imposing as a roc spreading its wings, and below it the Kommandant and the Chinook were like chickens under the talons of the roc!    


"Woosh ~ ~ ~"    




No one was there. As soon as the machine appeared, another air-to-air missile was launched from the side, and the second Komange helicopter was also torn to pieces.    


In the blink of an eye, only two of the four Comanche helicopters were left. With the appearance of the ghost, there was no mercy!    


The remaining two Comanche helicopters didn't dare to stay any longer. They turned around and ran.    


On the surface of the sea, four destroyers appeared. Dozens of patrol boats loaded with naval soldiers charged toward the island.    


In the sky, four Wu 10 helicopters were the first to appear. However, they were not the main characters. The main characters were the dozens of fighter planes that appeared afterwards. They formed a battle swarm, and the ammunition they carried was enough to turn the entire island over and over again!    


On the beach, the American commander's face was pale and his lips quivered, but it wasn't out of fear. It was out of anger. When? Grand China's army actually dared to be so arrogant!    


A voice came from an armed patrol boat, "You have illegally invaded our territory. Please put down your weapons and do not resist, otherwise, we will kill you!"    


The Philippine Navy soldiers in the forest didn't even have the mood to search for Xia Lei. They immediately turned and ran.    


No one was there. The plane turned and circled around in the sky, then flew away.    


Xia Lei closed the hacker computer and smiled, "Our ship is here, let's go home."    


The members of Zodiac Clan all laughed in a similar manner. The process just now was extremely hair-raising, but it was nothing more than thrilling and not dangerous.    


On the beach, the Grand China Navy soldiers quickly logged in. Special forces from the United States Marines and Philippine soldiers who had withdrawn from the forest formed a line of defense with guns. Although their numbers were more than the Grand China's Navy Soldiers that were on the island, they did not dare to move recklessly under the deterrence of the four Wu 10 choppers and dozens of fighter jets. Let alone the fact that there were four Grand China destroyers on the sea surface, as long as they dared to fight them, those four destroyers could turn them into tomato sauce in less than a minute.    


"This is Philippine territory!" The colonel of the Philippines stepped forward to negotiate, looking very indignant and fluent in English, "Why did you invade our territory? You are robbers! You will be condemned and sanctioned by the international community! "    


The commander of the Grand China Navy said indifferently, "This place has been the territory of the Grand China since ancient times. Since when did it become the territory of the Philippines? You say reprimand? When did you ever stop denouncing? As for your self-cutting, don't you want to sell us bananas? "    


"You ?" The Philippine colonel was so angry that he almost vomited blood.    


In the midst of the argument, Xia Lei had already quietly sneaked out of the forest with the Zodiac Clan members. He then passed through the beach with the Grand China Navy warriors, and boarded an armed patrol boat.    


As soon as the members of Xia Lei and Zodiac Clan boarded the ship, they immediately activated the armed patrol boat and headed towards a destroyer ship.    


This scene did not escape the eyes of the American commander, but he could only watch as Xia Lei and his men left.    


The Philippine colonel said angrily, "I'll call your embassy right away..."    


"Alright, alright. If this place is really your territory, you have to provide evidence to prove it. Then, you can go and sue us at the International Tribunal. I won't say much to you because of time. Goodbye. " The commander of the Grand China Navy left behind these words, then picked up her communicator and said in a deep voice, "Retreat!"    


The Captain of the Philippine Navy glared at the rapidly retreating Grand China Navy. Although he looked fierce and filled with the iron will and dignity of a soldier, at this moment, his heart was in a mess.    


He felt that this was truly unreasonable.    


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