Tranxending Vision

C1081 The turning point of time

C1081 The turning point of time

"I noticed a description of it in the information our intelligence officers brought back." Then he said, "That was actually a message Xia Lei intentionally released. He said that the Rayma Group was actually not just researching and designing it, there was no one here. The two machines were completely unmanned. Machine. The video we saw earlier, the one that crashed, no one. was unmanned. Machine, what we are seeing now should be the Rayma Group's secret, undisclosed, unmanned. "Right now, there is no information about it."    


Whillshire said: "This time, there's no one. The people from the Rayma Group were the most advanced without a single person. Machine, the Jing Ke before no one. The machine was just a self-destruct. However, there was no one in this house. "Not only did the plane carry an air combat missile, she also carried an anti-ship missile. He was absolutely invisible in front of the radar, which means he could easily break through our air defense network and appear above us like we threw down the anti-ship missile!"    


The bridge's atmosphere was getting more and more solemn. Many people had an image in their minds, which depicted a person who resembled a Devilfish. The aircraft silently appeared above the Seventh Fleet. It was flying as far as the optical telescope could see, which meant that it was an existence that couldn't be discovered. And it, it could think of the Seventh Fleet throwing down its anti-ship missile at any time!    


However, this was not what they were most afraid of. What they were most afraid of was if the Grand China created a few dozen or even a few hundred of them. What would happen if an aircraft with a missile or even a nuclear warhead were to suddenly appear in the airspace of the United States?    


In the large display screen, there was a silver coloured human that resembled a devil fish. The machine suddenly fired a air-to-air missile.    


"It actually dared to attack our F35 fighter jet!" A white officer roared.    


His voice interrupted everyone's thoughts. Everyone's eyes were focused on the gigantic display screen.    


Just at that moment, the silver air-to-air missile struck one of the F35 fighter jets, and that F35 fighter jet did not even have the slightest reaction!    


There was a violent explosion, and flames shot up into the sky. A $250 million F35 fighter jet was torn to shreds, and the pilot was blown to bits before being turned into charcoal by the inferno and the blast!    


"It, it really dared to attack our fighter jet!" The roaring white officer opened his eyes wide as he stared at the fire on the screen. He looked like he would rather die than to believe it.    


He had obviously forgotten that the American fighter plane was heading towards the silver unmanned one. Four air-to-air missile s were launched. He seems to represent a lot of American mentality, I am the United States, I can do whatever I want, I am doing everything right, and you can't!    


However, the American fighter jets could not even injure a single hair on his head after firing four air-to-air missile s. The fighter jet from the fifth generation that he claimed was the world's most advanced fighter jet, F35, was turned into a fireball!    


"Call the Pentagon right now!" Whillshire said: "Tell the Pentagon, there's no one in Grand China. The plane shot down one of our F35 fighters! "    


"No ?" Tyrese's voice.    


In the huge display screen, there was no one there. The plane completed a somersault in the air and another air-to-air missile flew out from its launch pad.    




The other F35 turned into a fireball. It was the same as the first F35, in the silver one. Before the missile was launched, the pilot had not received any warning of being targeted by the missile, and after the missile was fired, he had no reaction to avoid it.    


"No, two." This seemed to be what Tales wanted to say but did not.    


All the signs showed that it was not just the silver unmanned one. The aircraft was absolutely invisible, even the missiles it fired were absolutely invisible!    


When this type of missile locked onto a target, the target's radar did not react at all. When it flew towards the target, its speed was nearly six times that of supersonic speed. The active air defence missiles were simply unable to intercept it. With such speed, the pilot's eyes could see that he had already been shot!    


"Commandant!" The furious white officer said angrily, "They actually dared to shoot down our fighter aircraft! They are declaring war on us, the United States! We should fire a nuclear bomb at their territory! "    


"Shut up!" The silent Whillshire suddenly erupted, he shouted at the white officer: "Didn't you see what happened? You idiot! If there were dozens of them in Grand China, no one would be able to win. How can we defeat our navy and our air force? Launch a nuclear bomb! Do you think we're the only ones who have a nuclear bomb? There were also Grand China s! There was no one on this ship. The anti-ship missile that the plane is carrying is obviously the modified version of the Eagle Claw Anti-ship Missile, and Grand China's Eagle Claw Anti-ship Missile can carry out nuclear warheads! "    


George Huasheng. The bridge descended into a stifling silence once again.    


The officers of the Seventh Fleet had just been slapped several times, but their commanding officer had to make them swallow their anger!    


In the huge display, four remaining bumblebees fired rattlesnake missiles again.    


The result remained the same. All four of the rattlesnake missiles failed.    




There was no one there. The plane launched the last missile, and a second later a bumblebee turned into a fireball. The pilot of the Hornet's Nest didn't even have a chance to escape, the silver air-to-air missile was just too fast!    


That silver air-to-air missile was silver in color. The last Aerial Fighting Missile on the aircraft launcher. After firing it, it lost all Aerial Fighting ammunition.    


Thales suddenly thought of something, and shouted excitedly, "Knock it down! Smash it! "    


Whillshire quickly understood Tynes' idea, and he became excited. "For America, knock it down! We want it! "    


If you can get that silver, no one will be there. The machine might be duplicated, and America would still rule the sky of the world!    


The remaining three bumblebees looked hesitant. After all, this was a job of using their heads to do things.    


Whillshire then said, "The President of the United States will personally issue you with a National Assembly Medal!"    


The Congressional Medal, also known as the Medal of Honor, was presented by the President of the United States on behalf of Congress, so it was also called the Congressional Medal. It is the highest medal of honor an American soldier can receive. Since the founding of the United States, only 123 people have won the Medal of Honor in World War II, 435 in the Korean War, 131 in the Korean War, and 240 in the Vietnam War.    


In the face of the highest honor, the pilots of the three Hornet's Hornet were finally moved. They moved in three different directions towards the silver drone. The machine rushed forward.    


There was no one there. The plane suddenly rose high into the sky. The three silver machines were empty. The planes followed, but their speed was no match for the silver drone. Machine.    


George Huasheng. On the bridge, a battle data analyzer suddenly exclaimed: "My God... "Its speed has reached Mach 5.0!"    


George Huasheng. The bridge's jaw dropped to the ground.    


Even the F35 was only able to reach Mach 2.0 at the fastest speed, and this silver was completely unmanned. The machine could actually reach Mach 5.0!    


In the world of fighter planes, Mach 1.0 is subsonic, and Mach 5.0 is already supersonic! This speed could only be achieved by a missile, but it was clearly an unmanned one. Machine!    


The three Hornet's Nest soon lost the unmanned one. The plane.    


"Reporting, Commander. We have lost our target. We request to return." The pilot who took over from the flight commander made a request.    


In that instant, General Whillshire seemed to have aged ten years, and his voice also seemed to have lost all its strength and dignity, "Approval, let's return."    


The image of the three hornets in the huge display disappeared and was replaced by a swarm of fighters about to cross the Strait of Malacca and go on a bombing mission to the Grate Melon Island. They were larger and more spectacular.    


This was an exciting scene, but the officers of the Seventh Fleet were not excited at all. In both battles, American fighter jets had fired first, but both had been defeated!    


The military officers that dominated the world could not accept such an outcome. It had always been them beating whoever they wanted to, but now they were being beaten, and it was even a beating from a third world country!    


"Mister general." "Are we really going to bomb the Grate Melon Island?"    


Whillshire's face was ugly, his eyes were also filled with hesitation and worry.    


Tyres continued, "If the Rayma Group has already created a certain number of these people for the Grand China. "Machine, our fighter aircraft were dangerous in the past, even we ?"    


Such worry might very well become reality, if the Grand China's army had a certain number of such people. The Seventh Fleet then rashly bombarded the Grate Melon Island, causing the Seventh Fleet's military to level up. It was very likely that all of the Seventh Fleet's warplanes or even their aircraft carriers would be destroyed!    


However, Whillshire was not willing to give up just like that.    


Just as Whillshire was hesitating, the observer using the optical telescope suddenly shouted: "Enemy attack!"    


A group of officers rushed to the observation window.    


In the sky, none of the three silver Jing Ke s could be seen. The plane was coming this way. They looked ugly, but they were definitely not gentle.    


"Beat them down!" an officer shouted.    


"No!" Whillshire stopped the officer, and said solemnly: "Don't do anything."    


Everyone's attention gathered on Whillshire. They were obviously questioning the decision Whillshire had made. Do nothing, but there will be no one in the other three. It would definitely sink a missile destroyer, or even inflict serious damage on George Huasheng. An aircraft carrier number one!    


But then, Whillshire gave a new order, "All fighter jets, return! The beast tamer plan is cancelled! "    


"Commander, why?" an officer asked.    


Whillshire said: "I believe that no one will be able to control this shelf. The people on the plane are saving no one. Every time the video was shot, we would fire, and the consequences would be borne by us. The first time is the same, the second time is the same, do we have to be tricked the third time? So what if we blew up Grand China's Grate Melon Island? The Filipinos won't be able to defend the island, but if we bomb the Grate Melon Island, their military confrontation will definitely escalate. Without enough information to support us, we cannot rashly start a war with the Grand China! "    


He shared the same worry as Tylus, which was that the army of the Grand China would have a certain number of "Devil Fish" and not a single person. Machine!    


In the sky, none of the three Jing Ke s could be seen. The aircraft circled the fleet's warships, but showed no signs of attacking any of them.    


The Hornet's Nest, the shipborne F35 fighter jet, as well as various types of electronic fighter jets and AWACS aircraft returned to the skies of the Seventh Fleet, landing one by one over Georgetown. On the stop sign. There was no one on the other three Jing Ke s. The planes were in the sky with them, but none of them attacked them.    


Tonight was a turning point, and after that, the era of American domination of the sea and the sky was over.    


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