Tranxending Vision

C1062 wind and rain

C1062 wind and rain

Rayma Group levelled up once again. New materials workshop and no one else. The locomotives rose up from the ground, and the construction speed was very fast. Not only was the construction company's progress very fast, even the Rayma Group's own portion, namely, the parts for the equipment to be modified and assembled, as well as the construction of the production line, were also progressing rapidly. At this rate of development, the Rayma Group would definitely not wait for the first day of the sixth month that Xia Lei promised. Machine.    


The reason why they were so fast was not only because the funds were in place, but also because the Rayma Group was united as one, as well as because the nation's power was involved. With the help of the national machine, even Rayma Group couldn't slow down.    


On the other hand, the country had also increased the level of protection for the Rayma Group and Xia Lei. There were a large number of elite special forces stationed around the Rayma Group and its surroundings, and there were also two more anti-aircraft missiles. At such a high level of security, unless they sent an army to attack, sending assassins would be useless. No matter how powerful the assassins were, it would be hopeless.    


The days passed one by one.    


Three months later.    


A wasteland southeast of Jerosha, Israel.    


"Rise, rise, rise!" An Israeli engineer commanded a crane to lift the faceless samurai statue that was buried in the rocks.    


In the empty space behind the crane were three black faceless samurai statue s, countless skull fragments, and a relatively intact skull.    


"It's been three months, and we've finally excavated this place." The high-ranking intelligence officer of the Israeli Mossad, Corns, lamented and said.    


"Mr. Corns, what's the use of digging up these things? Xia Lei stole the most important thing from here, all of these are things that he disdains and throw away. " Yan Fo replied: "So, I don't feel that there's anything to be happy about."    


"Mr. Yan, are you mocking us?" A cold smile surfaced at the corner of Corns's mouth, "Then shouldn't I also mock your actions in the Grand China's capital? I heard that the CIA's Information Station in the capital was taken care of by the Grand China in a nest. Your FA organization used death warriors and 500 kg of explosives, but not even one Grand China ant was killed. Don't you think you're more funny and more compassionate? "    


Yan Fo shrugged his shoulders, "Mr. Corns, I am not here to ridicule you. Xia Lei was the only person in the world who surpassed the evolution of the entire human race. He was described as a favorite character in America, and that was Superman. Facing a superhuman existence, do you think that you can casually succeed? "    


Corns asked, "Then what is your purpose for coming to Israel?"    


Yan Fo said: "I'm going to bring these four faceless samurai statue back, and also want some bones and other cultural relics."    


"Who do you think you are? You actually made such a request of me! " Corns's face immediately became gloomy.    


"This is not my intention, this is Mr. Williams's intention. Of course, if you think that Mr. Williams is not worthy enough, then this is what President Barjoma means. " Yan Fo said unhurriedly: "This is a national level exchange between the United States and Israel, we are merely the elderlies of those big figures. Mr. Corns, can you understand what I'm saying?"    


His meaning was simple. If I want to take away the statues and cultural relics, you can't stop me even if you wanted to!    


Corns sneered, "It really is American style. Since Mr. Williams and Mr. Barjoma have appeared, I naturally cannot stop you from shipping the statue to the United States. But I want to know what the Americans are going to do with these stones? "    


"Mr. Corns, I am unable to answer this question. I already said that I am only an errand runner. However, there is one person who can answer your question. Yan Fo said. He waved to the group of people beside a statue and said loudly, "Mr. Alec, please come over. Mr. Corns wants to talk to you."    


A bald white man walked over. He was about 60 years old. His face was slightly thin, and his head and chin were shaved. This made his head look like a peeled egg. He was tall and thin and gave off a feeling of weakness, but his eyes were very special. They were deep and intelligent, and they left a deep impression on people at first glance.    


Before the American geezer called Alec even walked over, Corns asked, "Who is he? CIA? Or a member of the Cabinet? "    


Yan Fo said: "Neither of them, he is the manager of AE Research Center, the most outstanding bioengineering scientist in the United States."    


"So it's him." Corns seemed to have understood a lot of things in that instant, "Back then, it was him who brought the Amber Medicine to AE Research Center to research, hmph, he lost those medicine, and created a superhuman like Xia Lei, and now, Xia Lei is a threat to America's national interests, even to the current world's structure, don't tell me he smashed his own foot with the stone?"    


Yan Fo listened but did not say anything. He understood perfectly well that the Israelis were complaining about AE. If that piece of amber was left in Israel for research, perhaps there wouldn't be the trouble of Xia Lei, and the things that had already happened wouldn't happen.    


But time does not reverse.    


Alec walked over and shook Corns's hand, then introduced himself, "My name is Alec, I'm in biology. Mr. Corns, nice to meet you. "    


Corns shook hands with Alec and said politely, "Mr. Alec, it is my pleasure to meet you too. I'm a very straightforward person, so let me be frank with you. What do you want to do with these statues that you are shipping back to the United States? "    


"Mr. Corns, although your question is beyond your authority, I am still willing to tell you. These statues are of extraordinary material, and they are of great value in their own right, so we have to ship them back to the United States for research. Of course, all the research will be shared with Israel, which is an ally of the United States in the Middle East, in which case our interests will be the same. " Alec's answer was very skillful and comfortable, but it did not solve the problem.    


Corns frowned, "Mr. Alec, you came all the way from the United States to bring the statue away, you must know something, and have a specific research direction. As allies, you aren't even willing to share this information with us?"    


"It's not that you don't want to, Mr. Corns, it's just that you don't have enough authority. If you really want to know, I suggest you take another route. " Alec said.    


Corns's mood immediately turned bad. He really wanted to know what kind of research the Americans were bringing these statues back to the United States for, but the other party obviously did not put him, an intelligence officer, in their eyes.    


At that moment, one of Alec's assistants suddenly fell to the ground. A group of experts and attendants from the United States immediately panicked. Some of them were calling for help, some of them were taking out their cell phones to make emergency calls, and there were even people who knew how to rescue others.    


Yan Fo, Alec and Corns quickly ran over. The three quickly figured out what was going on. An American archaeologist with a history of heart disease had a heart attack and fell to the ground. He had a pacemaker installed in his heart, and for some reason that pacemaker had suddenly failed.    


"What's going on?" An American staff member who was dialing with his cell phone had a surprised expression on his face. "Everything was fine before, but why is there suddenly no signal?"    


"My phone has no signal."    


"What's going on? "Why did my watch make a mistake? It was shown at 2 in the morning!"    


The scene was a complete mess.    


In the midst of the chaos, the hapless archaeologist with a heart attack stopped breathing.    


"That is ?" "What's going on?" Someone suddenly pointed to the east.    


Everyone's gaze was focused on that patch of sky. A group of dark clouds was rapidly moving towards that direction, accompanied by the sound of thunder and lightning.    


Israel is a dry and rainy place, and it is rare for rain to fall once or twice a year. But now, under the heavy rain clouds, it was as if dry Israel had moved to the Amazon Basin as a whole, and there had been a storm.    




The black cloud pressed down and a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky. Large drops of rain fell from the sky and blocked their view in the blink of an eye.    


Bang! The steel hemp on the crane suddenly broke, and the faceless samurai statue that was lifted off the ground fell down. Before the Israeli engineering soldier commanding the crane could even react, the two ton of faceless samurai statue smashed onto his body. His head was only as thick as a biscuit. Blood and brains splattered everywhere, but were quickly washed away by the rain.    


"Gather!" "Gather!" An engineer commander with a communicator gave the order to assemble, but his voice wouldn't get through. The communicator was out of order.    


"What's that?" In the midst of the storm, someone suddenly shouted in English, that was an American archaeologist.    


Yan Fo looked at the direction of his finger, and after a single glance, he froze. Amidst the wind, rain, and thunder, there seemed to be a woman walking towards them about fifty meters away. She was wearing very strange clothes. These clothes were completely stuck to her body due to the rain, making her look like a naked fruit. He opened his eyes wide in an attempt to see her face, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not see it clearly. The rain was truly too heavy.    


"Is that a woman?" Some people also noticed it.    


"Yes, it's a woman!"    


"Why is she here?"    


"Hey!" "Who are you?" Someone tried to talk to the woman.    


"What does she want?"    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


There were Israeli engineers shooting at the sky.    


"Don't shoot! "Bastard!" Corns roared.    


No one fired again, but the woman disappeared in the storm.    


The torrential rain lasted for half an hour before it ended. The sky suddenly became clear and the sun shined brightly. What had just happened seemed like an illusion.    


"There are words there!" An engineer suddenly pointed at a statue and said.    


Yan Fo, Corns and Alec immediately ran over.    


On the statue, written in blood, was a passage in English: Beneath the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.    


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