Tranxending Vision

C1060 Two-year agreement

C1060 Two-year agreement

In the capital, in the Tang Clan's courtyard.    


After finishing his punching routine, Tang Yunhai retracted his fist and stood still. His posture was like a straight old pine tree, vigorous and powerful.    


Zhang Yumei stepped forward and handed over a towel. With a smile on her face, she said, "Dad, you don't look old at all with this skill of yours. I'm afraid that even Sky Dragon and I aren't your match."    


"You, you only know how to coax an old man like me. "I know my body. I have no choice but to accept my old age. Now that I'm out of breath after just a single punch, I can't be as brave as I was in the past anymore." Tang Yunhai sighed, but his gaze shifted towards the dazed Tang Yuyan.    


Tang Yuyan sat on a stool, her hands on her cheeks, her eyes dull, no one knew what she was thinking about.    


Zhang Yumei said: "Yuyan, didn't you have something you wanted to tell your grandfather? Your grandfather has finished his training, you can say it now. "    


It was only then that Tang Yuyan ended her dazed state, and she got up and walked over, "Grandfather, I'm going to Xia Lei's house for dinner tonight."    


"You're going to his house for dinner?" Tang Yunhai's face suddenly became ugly, "Why are you eating at his place? Did he invite you? "    


Tang Yuyan said: "He invited me to a meal."    


"You're not allowed to go." Tang Yunhai's tone was very strict.    


"Why?" Tang Yuyan was not convinced.    


"Because he is a married man! Because he caused our Tang Clan to lose face! Isn't that enough? Can't you wake up? " Tang Yunhai was furious.    


Tang Yuyan's lips moved, as though she wanted to explain herself, but under Tang Yunhai's angry gaze, she became a little timid and was unable to say what she wanted to say. The prestige Tang Yunhai had built up over the past twenty years was not something that could be easily destroyed just by saying that. When Tang Yunhai got angry, she would have a fear that came from the depths of her bones, and then she would obey.    


Zhang Yumei said: "Yuyan, the reason your grandfather didn't let you go was for your own good. Do you think that Xia Lei didn't mind at all in your heart when he treated you like that back then? He's already a man with four women, and he's not satisfied yet. For someone like him, even I regret making a mistake. "    


Tang Yuyan laughed bitterly, "Mom, what kind of woman would a man like him want? Wasn't it obvious that all women of that status were willing to follow him and share him with other women? "It's not that he's looking for me, it's that I ?"    


"Enough!" Tang Yunhai said fiercely: You are not allowed to say such words, do you not think that our Tang Family has lost enough face on him?    


Tang Yuyan avoided Tang Yunhai's strict gaze.    


Zhang Yumei continued to put on a pale face, "Yuyan, I know you like him, but he does have some good points that make him likeable. But he's married. He has four pregnant women in his family. Don't you think his life is a mess? Don't think about him. He's not the only outstanding man in this world, you should keep your eyes far away. Mom will find you a good man who is worthy of you in every way, okay? "I think Chief Wang's child is pretty good. He just came back from studying in the United States..."    


"Enough! I don't want to hear it! " Tang Yuyan's emotions suddenly went out of control, "Other than Xia Lei, I don't want anyone else!"    


"You child ?" Zhang Yumei didn't have the dignity and boldness that she had possessed, so she asked for help as she looked at Tang Yunhai.    


Tang Yunhai looked at Tang Yuyan coldly.    


Tang Yuyan seemed to have gone for broke, "Mom, previously, you guys wanted to get me and Xia Lei together, so you made him sound great. But now that he's married to another woman, she's nothing. I think it's not because he has a few women, but because he can't be the Tang clan's son-in-law anymore. Am I right? "    


She was right.    


But just as she finished speaking, Tang Yunhai slapped her in the face.    




A crisp sound rang out. Several finger marks appeared on Tang Yuyan's face, and she covered her face, not saying another word.    


Tang Yunhai reprimanded: "You must remember, you are a woman of the Tang Family! No matter what you do, you have to think about the Tang Clan that gave birth to you and raised you! I admit, Xia Lei is indeed a rare man in this world, I have never seen a man more outstanding than him, but it is already impossible for you and him to be together. "If you want to be with him, that's fine. You can get him to divorce those four women, break up with them, and then he can become our Tang Clan's son-in-law. I'll agree to let you all be together!"    


Tang Yuyan laughed bitterly, "Is that possible?"    


"Impossible?" Tang Yunhai said: "Then listen to your mother obediently. "This is the arrangement!"    


"I don't want to!" Tang Yuyan turned and left.    


"Stop right there!" Tang Yunhai shouted in anger.    


Not only did Tang Yuyan not stop, she walked even faster.    


"You ?" Tang Yunhai was so angry that he blew his beard and glared at his.    


"Dad, calm down. I know Yu Yan's temperament. She'll be fine after a while. I'll go persuade her and have her come and apologize to you." Zhang Yumei said.    


Tang Yunhai angrily snorted: "You guys are really spoiling her!"    


At this time, Tang Bochuan walked over, "Grandfather, mother."    


"Bo Chuan, you came at the right time. Take care of your sister and stop her from leaving the house. I want to see how she will face that bastard!" Tang Yunhai was still enraged.    


Tang Bochuan said: "Grandfather, I'm afraid..."    


"What are you trying to say?" Tang Yunhai frowned, "If you have something to say, just say it, what are you hesitating for?"    


"Fine." Tang Bochuan sighed, "The experts that I have entrusted to you have arrived at the conclusion today."    


"What result?" Tang Yunhai said anxiously: "Tell me!"    


"I failed."    


Tang Yunhai was startled, "Ah? How is that possible? "    


Tang Bochuan laughed bitterly, "All the samples taken from Xia Lei are dead, and they are all dead from killing each other. It is simply impossible for us to get his genes to nurture a super child of our Tang Family."    


"This is not scientific. The four women in his house are clearly pregnant. Don't tell me they're not his?" Zhang Yumei was also very surprised.    


Tang Bochuan said, "Mom, what did you say? How could it not be his? Of the four women around him, other than Jiang Ruyi, who was called the childhood sweetheart, which one of the other three wasn't an arrogant woman? I, your son, actually quite liked Long Bing, but he didn't even give me a chance all these years. The moment Xia Lei appeared, it was all settled. She loved the 101 Bureau's job more than her life, but he was already pregnant. Xia Lei had asked her to resign as a full wife, so she had resigned. Isn't this a problem? "    


"But ?" How did the thing that was taken from him die? " Zhang Yumei couldn't understand no matter how hard she tried.    


Tang Bochuan shrugged his shoulders, "How would I know? I might have to ask the women beside him about this matter."    


"Dad, what do you think?" Zhang Yumei looked at Tang Yunhai and asked.    


Tang Yunhai was silent for a moment, "I originally thought that I no longer needed Yuyan to come into contact with that brat, but it looks like I still have to let her go. That American woman called Folson was right. Xia Lei was an existence that surpassed the evolution of humans as a whole, his genes were of incalculable value. If we can obtain Xia Lei's genes, then our Tang Family would be able to obtain enormous benefits in twenty years. I don't need to teach you how to do this, do I? "    


Zhang Yumei followed and said: "I'll go talk to Yuyan right now and let her eat at Xia Lei's home."    


At the same time, the Peaceful Mansion saw a completely different scene.    


"Hubby, I want to eat Sweet 'n' Sour Ribs and Green Pepper Egg Fried." Jiang Ruyi's voice.    


"Hubby, I want to eat fish made from vinegar and grilled fish." Liang Siyao's voice.    


"Hubby, I want French steak and foie gras." Fan Fan's voice.    


"Hubby, then I'll order an Italian pizza and pasta. Hmm, and a steamed beef as well." Long Bing's voice.    


"Are you pigs? Why are you eating so much?" Xia Lei's voice.    


"Beat him!"    


"You dare to call us pigs?"    


"Do you want to sleep on the couch?"    


"You're annoying. Go away. Your mouth is full of oil. Don't kiss me!"    


The kitchen was a mess, with flying fists and fawning palms and lips.    


When Xia Lei was preparing the food, Tang Yuyan came over with four gifts. All four women had a present, but Xia Lei was the only one missing. Xia Lei was curious, but he did not ask.    


Five women and one man were eating at a table. The atmosphere was not relaxed at all.    


The four old granny thought that Tang Yuyan wanted to bring up the issue of "joining an organisation" that they were worried about, but the other party had not mentioned anything at all. The topic of conversation during the meal was just some insignificant topics. For example, the current fashionable clothing styles, the brand of cosmetics, or the kind of movies that were good to watch.    


This kind of situation made the four pregnant women, who had been preparing for battle for a long time, somewhat confused. However, they also slowly realized that Tang Yuyan was in a very low mood today, and had been pretending to be happy the entire time.    


"Yuyan, are you alright?" Long Bing asked after she ate until she was almost done.    


"It's fine, what's wrong with me? I'm so happy to see you family so happy and happy. I'm happy, I'm fine. " Tang Yuyan said with a smile.    


"If you have anything on your mind, you need to talk to someone. Come find me at any time, I don't have anything to do right now anyway." Long Bing said.    


Tang Yuyan nodded.    


"Yuyan, come with me to the study room. I'll pass that thing to you." Xia Lei said.    


"Mm. Alright." Tang Yuyan and Xia Lei did not talk much tonight.    


Xia Lei brought Tang Yuyan to the study room, and the four women began their discussion.    


"What's going on with Tang Yuyan today? It doesn't even feel like her anymore. " Fan Fan said.    


"I feel the same way. She clearly has something on her mind and is not happy at all, yet she still pretends to be happy." Jiang Ruyi said.    


"Why don't we follow her and see what she's talking about with our girl?" Liang Siyao said.    


Long Bing said: "Forget it, I can guess one thing, it must be because of her family, let's not bother about them."    


In the study room, Xia Lei handed a encrypted dish to Tang Yuyan, "You can find the namelist there. Take it back and take a look."    


Tang Yuyan suddenly threw herself into Xia Lei's embrace, and could no longer control her emotions.    


Xia Lei did not push her away because he could feel the sorrow on her body.    


"I don't want to continue like this anymore. If this goes on, I will collapse..." Lei Zi, give me a promise. How long will I wait for you? " Tang Yuyan revealed his cards.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, then said: "Are you really going to wait for me?"    


"Do you think I'm lying to you?" Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei with misty eyes.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "If you really want to wait for me, then just give me another two years, okay?"    


"Two years?"    


"Yes, two years."    


Fine, I'll wait for you for two years. After two years, I'll marry you no matter how many women you have! After he finished speaking, Tang Yuyan suddenly bit Xia Lei's shoulder.    


Xia Lei frowned, she was biting on it with all his might, it was really painful.    


Tang Yuyan released Xia Lei and turned to leave.    


Xia Lei watched her leave, his heart filled with bitterness. "Two years? "I might not even be in this world anymore. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you ?"    


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