Tranxending Vision

C1091 Assassinate Fu Buzhengxiong

C1091 Assassinate Fu Buzhengxiong

The dawn light dispelled the darkness, and a new day arrived. Las Vegas was brightly lit and resplendent at night, like a pearl under the night sky. Las Vegas during the day, however, looked exhausted, like a white old man with a hangover.    


Masao Hattori and Mei Hattori walked out of the room, and under the crowd of Hattori family s, they walked towards the elevator.    


"Father." Mei Hattori stepped into the elevator and said: "What kind of plan do you think the Pentagon will come up with?"    


"I think it is to unite with the international community to exert pressure on the Grand China. It might even be possible for them to impose economic sanctions on it. This is the only method that the Americans can use right now." Masao Hattori said.    


Mei Hattori said: "The Grand China is not Russia. The light industry products produced by the Grand China account for a large portion of the world. The European and American countries cannot do without the cheap goods of France. In addition, the Grand China was the largest consumer market in the world. The American Apple mobile phone, car industry, as well as the European and American luxury industries, all of their tourism industry couldn't leave the Grand China market. Would the politicians supported by the consortia agree? "    


Masao Hattori frowned, "If the economic sanctions are not enough, then we may have to put a military pressure on them. I estimate that the United States and we, and even the United States-led NATO, will have a very large military exercise during this period. "    


"This won't have much of an effect. After all, military exercises are not a war, so the Grand China can ignore this."    


"You must have something on your mind. Tell me." Masao Hattori said.    


Mei Hattori said: "The key to the problem is Xia Lei and his Rayma Group. If Xia Lei died, all of the problems would be solved. Father, this time when you go to the Pentagon, you must tell me, getting rid of Xia Lei is the most important thing. " After pausing for a moment, she continued, "You guys also have Xia Lei's women. Xia Lei has four women, and those four women are already pregnant.    


"You mean ?"    


"Xia Lei's children must also die, not a single one must be left alive. If his children are as outstanding as he is, and even surpass him, in the future, they will inherit Xia Lei's legacy, and the threat they bring us would be four times greater. " Kyoko Tsukino's eyes flickered with a cold and gloomy light.    


Masao Hattori said: "What you said makes sense. I will bring it up in the Pentagon. We Japanese warriors will be organized soon, and you will be in command. "    


Mei Hattori said: "Father, I will definitely not disappoint you. "I will take revenge for the Moonblade."    


As he said that, Mei Hattori glanced at Masao Hattori's expression from the corner of his eyes. Masao Hattori's face had a painful expression, but he quickly returned to normal. A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Mei Hattori's mouth. Although she didn't kill Tsukiba Hattori, she had the intention to kill him. With Tsukiba Hattori's death, she became the only heir to the Hattori family.    


The elevator door opened.    


The family samurai s of the four Hattori family s opened up a path first. When Mei Hattori and Masao Hattori walked out of the elevator, the next elevator opened up at the same time. Eight family samurai s walked out from the elevator and headed straight for the entrance of the Kaiser Hotel.    


In the lobby, a large group of military bodyguards had been waiting for a long time. Some of them were on guard while others were on the move.    


"Father, please wait. I have something to give you." Mei Hattori said.    


"What is it?"    


"It is an analysis of Xia Lei and the Rayma Group that you will use at the Pentagon. I forgot to bring it to you. " Mei Hattori said.    


"I'll wait for you in the car." Masao Hattori said, and then walked towards the entrance of the hall.    


Mei Hattori entered the elevator and pressed a "27" on the keyboard. However, her room was on the 28th floor.    


The elevator stopped on the 27th floor. The doors opened and an identical woman appeared in front of the elevator. Her clothes were exactly the same as Mei Hattori's. In her hand was a document bag. When she saw Mei Hattori, she respectfully bowed.    


This woman was her double.    


"Go, give it to him, and then come back." Mei Hattori said.    


Mei Hattori's double nodded and then entered the elevator.    


Mei Hattori entered a room on the 27th floor. Inside the room, there was a makeup kit and a set of hotel staff uniforms.    


"You want to kill me? I'm not a woman who dies that easily. " Mei Hattori said to herself.    


At the entrance of the Kaiser Hotel, Masao Hattori got into a Mercedes-Benz. This car has bulletproof properties. He sat on the back seat and said to the driver, "Wait a minute."    


Three minutes later, Mei Hattori's double appeared at the entrance. She strode toward the Mercedes. Masao Hattori rolled down the window and waited for Mei Hattori to give him the document.    


Mei Hattori walked to the side of the Mercedes-Benz sedan, and handed over the documents inside the Mercedes-Benz. When Masao Hattori took the documents from her, she turned around and left without saying a word.    


Masao Hattori frowned, "How rude!"    


Just as his words ended ?    




A station wagon that was parked beside the Mercedes-Benz suddenly exploded. The intense shockwave instantly lifted the Mercedes-Benz up from the ground.    


Crash! *    


The windows of the Caesar Hotel shattered.    


BOOM! The Mercedes-Benz fell to the ground, its windows shattered and its body deformed. It was indeed able to defend itself from bullets, but all it could do was defend itself against bullets like pistols and submachine guns. Even sniper rifles would be somewhat difficult to fire, not to mention bombs.    


The shockwave from the explosion also shattered the windows of the Caesar Hotel, and the chandelier shook on the ceiling. The frightened crowd fled in terror, their screams and cries mixed together.    


Kyoko Tsukino who had been knocked to the ground by the explosion struggled to get up, but just as she crawled back up, before she could even take a step, a bullet flew over from the roof of the building opposite her and fiercely stabbed the back of her head.    




With a sound similar to watermelon shattering, blood sprayed out, and Kyoko Tsukino's substitute instantly lost half of her head. Her body fell to the ground, her feet jerking reflexively.    


A few of the Japanese military bodyguards who survived the explosion pounced on the burning Mercedes-Benz. At the same time, another bullet flew from the top of the building across the street.    


Puff! Masao Hattori, who had yet to open the car door and escape, had an additional hole the size of a fist in his head. His head hit the door and he didn't move.    


"He's on the roof opposite! Block all the exits from that building! " a Japanese military bodyguard shouted while pointing at the building opposite.    


A few surviving military bodyguards ran to the opposite building.    


On the rooftop of the opposite building, Qian Jun who was lying on the edge of the rooftop pressed down the muzzle of his gun and pulled the trigger at the same time. Mute. The XL2500 sniper rifle vibrated slightly and a bullet whizzed out, accurately piercing into the head of the guy commanding the actions of the military bodyguards. The guy was crossing the road at a fast pace. His body fell to the ground after the bullet hit him in the head, then slid forward under the force of inertia.    


A pickup truck hit him over two-thirds of his head before it could stop, and his head stuck to the road like a piece of kraft paper.    


The next second, another military bodyguard who was crossing the road collapsed onto the street.    


The remaining people didn't dare to charge forward. They turned around and ran back.    


On the roof of the building opposite, a thousand troops climbed up from the rooftop, quickly opened the XL2500 sniper rifle, and put it in a suitcase. He dragged the suitcase to the other side of the rooftop, grabbed a previously tied rope, and threw it downstairs.    


After the rope was stretched out, he grabbed his body and slid down the rope with the suitcase in one hand.    


Downstairs was an alley with a station wagon parked at the entrance. The thousand man army charged to the exit of the alley, opened the door and got in.    


The driver was none other than the black woman who had worked the night shift last night. The moment Army of Thousands got on the car, the black woman started the car and drove into the street. Then, they drove in the direction of Pande Town. While they were driving, the African woman glanced at Qian Jun in the rearview mirror. Her eyes were filled with reverence.    


Qian Jun took out the satellite telephone and dialed a number, "Boss, it's done, not only Mei Hattori, there's also Masao Hattori."    


"Well done!" Xia Lei's voice came from the satellite telephone, and there were even a few women talking at the side. He was not interested in listening, but he knew what Xia Lei's four women were discussing.    


"Then I'm hanging up." Chivalry said.    


"For the time being, you can go to Mexico or to Cuba." Xia Lei's voice.    


"I'll talk to Sayimu later, that's all." Qian Jun hung up the phone.    


A long line of police cars and soldiers of the National Guard were coming down the road. It was a big scene. The black woman's station wagon passed the police cars and military SUVs.    


Two minutes later, a female staff member from the Kaiser Hotel came out from the door. She passed by Mei Hattori's substitute, and after a glance, she quickly walked past him. She stopped beside the deformed Mercedes.    


In the Mercedes-Benz, the driver was covered in blood, while Hattori family, who was sitting in the front seat, was already dead. His fatal wound was a piece of glass that just happened to cut off his carotid artery. Masao Hattori leaned on the car door, there was a fist-sized hole between her forehead and the bridge of her nose.    


The female staff member of the Kaiser Hotel laughed, "Father, only when the United States and Japan die will we use more forceful methods. That's why the warriors you invited would do things for me out of anger. As for me, I will take over from Hattori family. Therefore, your death is very valuable. "    


Masao Hattori was unable to hear those words, he must be regretting that he did not shoot her into the wall at the beginning.    


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