Tranxending Vision

C1073 Phantom

C1073 Phantom

He did not sleep at all throughout the night. There was no one in the plane and no one in the house. The wing assembly was completed, and the three modified air-to-air missile s and one Eagle Claw 12 Anti-Ship Missile were also installed into Ghost Boats. On the transmitter of the aircraft.    


No one assembled the Phantom. The plane had a wingspan of 20 meters and a length of 15 meters. It was a huge monster. It looked like a devil fish. It used the turbofan engine developed by the Rayma Group. It had a thrust of 100 thousand cows, 70 thousand cows less than the turbofan engine F35, but its weight was only one third of F35's.    


There was no one else. The plane carries enough fuel to cruise 11,000 kilometers and can reach 7,000 to 8,000 kilometers at full capacity. All of the hardware and software on its body were created by Xia Lei through research and research. This was equivalent to building on the most advanced technology in the world!    


No one was there. How advanced was the machine?    


Leaving aside its X Secret Gold's completely invisible fuselage, just its ability to attach a land-based anti-ship missile to its body was a unique technology in the world. Other than this, there were no other battleships or people in this world. The function is to attach the land-based anti-ship missile to the body.    


No one was there. The three [Chopping Power] 12 air-to-air missile could turn it into a fighter plane, but the modified [Eagle's Claw] anti-ship missile could turn it into a bomber. It was an unmanned one. The aircraft, however, was the most versatile fighter jet in the world for its combat ability. A maximum cruising distance of 8,000 kilometers allowed it to take off from any air base in the Grand China and head towards the southern seas to fight. All of the nations surrounding the Grand China are within its combat radius!    


However, its soul, its core technology was still the Secret Gold.    


The airplane made from the X Secret Gold possessed the ability of absolute stealth. In this world, there was no radar that could discover it. At the same time, it gave the Ghost no one. The ability of the machine to resist electronic attacks, graphite bombs, electronic pulses, abduction and other commonly used electronic attack means were all useless to it. The turbofan engine, built with it, has powerful performance and can even withstand three times the speed of sound. Although this was not the fastest flying aircraft that humans had ever created, it was definitely the fastest flying machine in the world of combat aircraft. air-to-air missile could fly at four times the speed of sound, but it was a monster with a wingspan of 20 meters!    


It was easy to imagine a silver Devil Fish flying through the sky like a bolt of lightning.    


After completing the assembling and hanging of bullets, Xia Lei looked at the huge monster and the other four small Jing Ke who were not in sight. The corner of his mouth could not help but curl up into a pleased smile.    


to make five of them. It did not take long, but the preparations he made for this had to date back to when he infiltrated Lockheed Martin Corp alone. With his abilities, it had been a long time since he had studied and thought about it.    


"Boss, do you think this guy is capable of being an American bumblebee?" Erdelmtu said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Are you talking about American aircraft carrier planes, Hornet's Nest? I'm afraid only F22 and F35 can be his opponents, and Bumblebee is not yet qualified. "    


"Is this fellow really that powerful?" But it was just an unmanned one. The machine. " Kyoko Tsukino said, looking very surprised.    


Xia Lei said: "A war with no one involved, this is a trend of war in the future, I am only walking at the forefront. A war in which no one participates is actually the most terrifying, because the two sides that are participating in it can forget about the casualties and also ignore the consequences. "    


"Boss, there's no one else. With such a powerful machine, if we mass-produced them, with only a few hundred, wouldn't we be able to defeat the United States? "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Mass produce a few hundred? Do you know how many x Secret Gold s my Rayma Group s have produced since the creation of the new material shop? "    


Kyoko Tsukino shook his head, "You know that I am not interested in those things."    


Xia Lei said, "During this period of time, Rayma Group said that she had used up all of the raw materials in the storage. It was extremely difficult to get hold of the raw materials from the Secret Gold, and the rare metals inside were even provided by the country. So in the situation you're talking about, there's no one to mass produce a few hundred Specters. The machine is not realistic at all, at least for the moment. "    


Kyoko Tsukino frowned, "If that's the case, does that mean we still won't be able to reverse Grand China's aerial combat disadvantage?"    


"You are wrong. There was no one like that. We only need twenty. My next step is to research and create the first fighter jet that belongs to the Rayma Group. It will consume a lot more energy but it will be more powerful and comprehensive. I guess there are twenty of them. Enough to hang the air force of any country in the world. Finally, there are the bombers, the bombers created using the X Secret Gold. The consumption of the X Secret Gold will increase, but I estimate that two of them will be enough. " Xia Lei said that he actually had a blueprint in his heart.    


Rayma Group had no one to study it with. This opportunity was only to lay the foundation for the future. On the plane. If he didn't want to create it, then so be it. He wanted to create a fighter jet that others couldn't chase after!    


"I understand, you want to use dozens of them?" Airplanes, fighter jets and two bombers formed a very strong strategic air force. Once you've done it, even the United States wouldn't dare to make a move. " Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Erdelmtu laughed and said, "At that time, no matter where the strategic air force wanted to go, they would be able to find it with their radar. With a nuclear bomb, it would be even more intimidating than America's current insufferable naval forces. If the United States still dared to suppress the Grand China like they are now, then it would really be drunk. "    


Kyoko Tsukino's mind was imagining that scene. In the blue sky and white clouds, there were dozens of silver carriages devoid of people. Airplanes and fighter jets accompanied two strategic bombers. Just the thought of that scene was enough to shock everyone.    


In Xia Lei's heart, however, he sighed lightly. The plane took three months and all the raw materials were used up. How could it be possible to build a strategic air force like that in less than ten years? But he didn't have that much time left. A third of the three years allotted to him by the black-robed man had already passed. He still had two more years, so how could he complete such a massive project?    


"Boss, you should be talking about something very far away. What about now?" There are only five unmanned ones in our possession. "We are facing the Seventh Fleet of the United States and the military base of the Philippines. We are no match for them." Kyoko Tsukino quickly recovered from her fantasy and faced reality.    


Xia Lei said: "We are indeed not enemies, but what we are facing is not an all-out war, but a conflict, and one that is not recognized by the authorities."    


Without the participation of the Grand China's army, this could only be a conflict. Furthermore, it did not even dare to fight against the Grand China in an all-out war.    


Grand China was a huge country with a population of over a billion and had the largest market in the world. The Grand China was not Iraq, not Syria, it was not a country that the United States could trample on just because it wanted to. Even if the United States had an overwhelming military advantage, it could injure a thousand enemies, injure eight hundred men, and even if the United States was fighting a war across the east and west hemispheres, the supply line would still be a problem. So, no matter what the outcome is, the United States cannot escape its fate of decline and loss of its current position as international leader. The EU and Russia will take their place, at a cost it cannot afford.    


"In a situation where an all-out war is impossible, there is no one left in the Rayma Group. The plane and the specter were empty. The machine would be useful. Americans were not as strong as they thought. Their confidence was built on their advanced weapons, and once they lost that advantage, they didn't dare to act rashly. And I, I want to shatter the confidence of the Americans, I want them to know that they are weak too! "So, I don't want to win against the United States' 7th fleet, I just want to defeat the fighter aircraft that they think are the most advanced." Xia Lei's eyes flashed with a strange light.    


His target was what the United States claimed to be the world's most advanced F35 fighter jet!    


Du du du, du du...    


The satellite telephone suddenly rang.    


Xia Lei answered the phone, "Yes, it's me, speak."    


Ye Liena's voice came from the satellite telephone, "Boss, we've captured him."    


"Where are you?" Xia Lei asked.    


Ye Liena said: "We are in the same fishing village. Don't worry, this place is very safe."    


"How far is it from Grate Melon Island?"    


"It's not far, over 100 kilometers. It should only take 2 hours to pilot a speedboat." Ye Liena said.    


Xia Lei glanced at the multifunctional wrist watch on his wrist, then he enlarged the satellite map on the multifunctional wrist watch and quickly found Ye Liena's location. He said, "I see you. Prepare a fishing boat and head towards Grate Melon Island at 6 o'clock at night. There's an island about 130 kilometers from where you are. We'll meet there. "    


"Wait, you asked me to prepare a fishing boat, could it be ?" Ye Liena was surprised: "You want to go to the Philippines?"    


Xia Lei said: "Yes, after I take care of those two, I will go to the Philippines."    


"This won't do, this is very dangerous!" Ye Liena said.    


Xia Lei said: "I have my own plans, don't worry about it, just make the arrangements."    


"Well, we'll talk about it when we see each other. I'll go and prepare it now. I'll see you then. " Ye Liena hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei withdrew his satellite telephone, "I'm going to have a chat with Big Brother Yu and have him send a boat to send us to that island." He left the hangar.    


Erdelmtu said, "Why did he think of going to the Philippines? Isn't it safer here? "    


Kyoko Tsukino shrugged her shoulders, "This is his style, don't tell me you don't know him?"    


Erdelmtu said: "How could I possibly know him better than you? You even know the shape of his place. "    


A sharp shurikens slipped out from Kyoko Tsukino's sleeve, her eyes were cold and terrifying.    


However, Erdelmtu laughed, as if he was not the least bit worried, "Xingzi, don't think that I don't know what you did on our boat last night, I was just pretending that I didn't know. If you dare touch me, I guarantee that everyone in Zodiac Clan will know about this. "    


Even the slightest movement in the forest could not escape his ears and eyes, the hunters in the Zodiac Clan could not do such a thing. How could it be hidden from him?    


Kyoko Tsukino was silent for a moment, "Then, sell me the interesting items that you mentioned, ten thousand."    


Erdelmtu and Kyoko Tsukino clapped, "Deal."    


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