Tranxending Vision

C1101 hospital Gun Battle

C1101 hospital Gun Battle

29 seconds. This was a very short period of time. But in such a short period of time, Xia Lei had already gotten what he wanted.    


As the Celestial system fell into the trap that he had meticulously designed and entered the dormant state for 29 seconds, he obtained the highest authority of the Celestial system and entered the 51st region. The first region was very large, so 29 seconds wasn't enough time at all. However, he had a specific target, which was the AE Research Center in Area 51.    


29 seconds wasn't enough time to attack the 51st region and the central system of the 51st region was broken. 29 seconds of time wasn't enough to acquire all the secrets of the 51st region. However, 29 seconds of time was enough time to steal a single file.    


The Shepherd's Plan was already in Xia Lei's hands.    


The room was quiet. The four women and children were sleeping soundly. The women and children brought peace to the room, and the smell of the most real life. It was this serenity and the feeling of reality that made Xia Lei relax after reading the Shepherd's Plan.    


After reading about the Shepherd Project, Xiaolei also made a decision. That was, the trip to Las Vegas was something that he had to do.    


Long Bing opened her eyes and said softly: "It's already so late and you're still not sleeping? "Why don't you just squeeze on my bed?"    


"They've got a bed for me. I need to rest in that bed." Xia Lei said.    


"I want you to sleep next to me." Long Bing said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then I'll sleep next to you." He walked over and kissed Long Bing's forehead.    


Liang Siyao who was on the other bed quietly opened her eyes, "This is the sickroom, are you sure you want to do this?"    


Long Bing rolled her eyes at Liang Siyao, "I just wanted him to sleep with me for a while, where did you think she went?"    


Liang Siyao laughed, "Quickly sleep, quickly sleep. If you were to wake up the two of them, even if you wanted to sleep, you would not be able to."    


Xia Lei said softly: "Siyao, I'll come over to accompany you in a while."    


Liang Siyao nodded her head lightly, she had been waiting for these words.    


Xia Lei removed Long Bing's quilt, Long Bing moved slightly to the side and gave him a spot. Just as Xia Lei was about to climb onto the bed, he suddenly heard a slight noise. It was the sound of rubber wheels rolling across the floor tiles, barely audible and gone in a moment, but still there was no escape in his ears.    


The sound of the wheels suddenly disappeared?    


This caused Xia Lei to be alarmed, his ears twitched, and he continued to listen for sounds coming from outside.    


After his right eye evolved, his ears also showed signs of evolution, during his last trip to Israel. After his ears showed signs of evolving, the number of times he could use his ears was actually very small. On one hand, it was because his eyes were too powerful, and he was already used to using his eyes. Therefore, whenever he encountered a problem, he would habitually use his eyes' abilities to solve the problem, not his ears' abilities. Most of the time, he ignored the abilities of his ears.    


Now, in an extremely quiet hospital environment, the sound in the corridor outside the door was magnified by his ears, and the benefits of hearing were evident. Almost at the same moment he caught a glimpse of the sound, information appeared in his mind ? the surgical vehicle, the footsteps of four people, the breathing of five people.    


As the information came to mind, he pictured four paramedics pushing an operating car through the corridor.    


At the hospital, it was perfectly normal for doctors and nurses to drive patients into the operating room for surgery. It could happen almost at any time, and no one would be surprised.    


But Xia Lei sensed something unusual from the voice that he heard, it even had a hint of danger coming from it!    


His left and right eyes immediately entered the mode of scanning and the wall blocking his sight quietly disappeared from his sight. What he saw was a paramedic pushing a surgical cart from the direction of the elevator shaft. Their footsteps were light, almost soundless. The two paramedics who were walking in front lifted the edge of the surgical cart, while the two paramedics who were walking behind carried the driver. Their movements were very consistent, and their strength was very uniform, to the point that the wheels of the surgical car were almost hanging in the air. Occasionally, they would touch the ground, making a small, inaudible sound.    


The man on the operating cart was covered in blood, but his eyes were wide and tense. His eyes also carried a very clear and fierce light, giving off a very dangerous feeling.    


Xia Lei increased the power of his X-ray vision and scan and detected the bodies of these five people. This investigation caused him to become nervous. These five people were armed with guns and explosive devices!    


If it weren't for the fact that he could hear the sound in the corridor, even if he used his eyes to scan the corridor, he would have assumed that it really was four medical staff members and one patient who needed surgery. This situation in the hospital was simply too normal.    


People were sometimes fooled by their own eyes. This situation almost happened to him.    


Xia Lei straightened his body and lowered his voice, "Quickly get up! "Assassins!"    


Long Bing and Liang Siyao were startled, but in just a second, they climbed down from the sickbed.    


"Call Fan and Ru Yi to the bathroom and hide with the children." Xia Lei quickly made the arrangements.    


"But you ?" Liang Siyao was very worried.    


"Go!" Xia Lei's tone was very strict.    


Long Bing and Liang Siyao carried their children as well. Then, one of them went to wake Jiang Ruyi while the other went to wake Fan Fan Fan.    


"It happened ?" Fan Fan who was shaken awake didn't know what had happened, but before she could finish speaking, Liang Siyao, who had woken up, had already covered her mouth.    


"There's a killer. Take the kid and go to the bathroom with me." Liang Siyao whispered into her ear.    


On the other side, Long Bing and Jiang Ruyi were also in the same situation.    


Just as the four women and children were about to retreat towards the bathroom, Xia Lei had already pressed on the beeper, and went to the door. He held a viper pistol in his hand, as well as a military knife.    


When they were ready for battle, the five killers had already arrived at the door of the ward. At the same time, a nurse walked out from the nurse's station and also walked towards them.    


The appearance of the nurse caused the five killers to pause for a moment. They hadn't expected such a situation.    


Behind the door, Xia Lei had already pointed the gun at the gunner's head.    


"Doctor?" The nurse who came out from the nurses station asked curiously, "This floor is the obstetrics and gynecology department. Did you guys go to the wrong place?"    


None of the five assassins spoke a word. The assassin behind them reached behind his waist and pulled out the one with the silencer. The weapon's pistol.    


Just as he was about to shoot the nurse, he heard a gunshot from behind the door. The assassin's head exploded.    


Xia Lei did not kill his target who was standing there, but shot his target who was lying on the ground instead. To him, the one who was lying on the operating cart was the most dangerous person. That guy was wrapped with explosive devices, so he had to kill the enemy's bullets first!    


When the gunshot rang out, the remaining four assassins immediately left the operation car and dodged to the sides of the door. Two of them pulled AUG assault rifles from their white coats and fired wildly at the door of the ward.    


"Ah--" The nurse screamed and turned to run.    


Bang! A killer with a pistol fired a shot at the nurse, who fell to the ground with a bullet in her back. Fresh blood gushed out from his wounds, staining her nurse's uniform red in the blink of an eye.    


Tat tat tat!    


"Da Da Da ?"    


The sound of the gunfire was deafening as the wooden door was smashed into pieces. The bullets that flew out from the muzzle flew around the ward randomly. Wherever they hit, they would be shattered. The beds where the four women were lying were not spared either. Almost every bed had been hit by a bullet, and white cotton threads flew in the air.    


"Crash the door open!" a gunman said.    


He actually used Japanese!    


The gunman then grabbed the surgical cart's handle, adjusted the front of the car, and charged towards the worn-out door of the ward.    


Bang! Another gunshot rang out from the door. The killer's right knee was shot as he staggered and he fell to his knees. The surgical car in his hand had lost its aim and he almost hit one of the killers by the door.    


A second later he was on his feet. With a roar of rage, he shoved the surgical vehicle toward the door again.    


Although the bullets were dead, the explosive device on their bodies still existed. As long as he could push the surgical vehicle into the ward and detonate it, their mission would be completed.    


Bang! Another bullet flew out from behind the tattered door, this time aimed at him. His left leg was in pain, and his left foot was also hit in the knee. He lost control of his body again and fell to the ground.    


"Bastard!" A gunner at the side of the door roared and rushed out from behind a wall that covered his body. His shoulder struck the door.    


Bang! A bullet flew out from behind the door and embedded itself into his forehead. However, his body that had been thrown out was still knocked against the door due to the inertia.    




The blow from the dead assassin was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The moment his body collided with the door, the entire door collapsed with a loud bang.    


An assassin pushed the surgical cart and rushed into the ward.    


"Put down your weapon and surrender! Otherwise, I will kill you! " A special forces soldier suddenly appeared at the stairs, a special forces soldier captain roared.    


"Get in!" The killer with the AUG assault rifle turned around and opened fire on the Special Forces who had come to support them. A bullet flew out, and the commandos that just arrived at the staircase were instantly pushed back.    


Crash! * The glass shattered!    


A bullet from a sniper rifle suddenly flew into the stairwell through a window and hit the killer in the forehead with a barrage of AUG assault rifles.    


A flower of blood bloomed, and a corpse appeared on the ground.    


Out of the five assassins, only two remained in the blink of an eye. A cart and a gun that he used to block the sniper outside the building and the special forces on the stairs with his body. He would use his life to replace the opportunity for his comrades to blow up the ward!    


However, that was just wishful thinking on his part. Just as he arrived behind his comrades, the captain of the special forces on the stairs suddenly pounced out from the stairs. His body was still moving in the air, but the gun in his hand had already fired three times.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Three shots, three bullets. Two of the bullets hit the chest of the assassin and one hit the heart of the idiot.    


The body of the special forces captain crashed onto the ground.    


Finally, the last person rushed into the ward with his cart.    


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