Tranxending Vision

C1051 Activating the new material and UAV project!

C1051 Activating the new material and UAV project!

Daybreak slowly began to light up. The blue sky was so pure that people didn't even want to blink. Golden morning light poured down from the depths of the sky. It was as if the earth was covered with a layer of golden sand.    


Only when the sun rose did the world look like heaven.    


A man with the perfect body of a fisherman climbed out of a net of women's arms and legs and got out of bed to dress.    


Long Bing and Liang Siyao had actually woken up the moment he moved the long legs that they had placed on him, but they were too lazy to move. After taking a look, they just closed their eyes and went to sleep. The children in their stomachs were getting bigger and bigger, and the consumption of drinks was also increasing. This included oxygen, so they were often very sleepy and wanted to sleep.    


Xia Lei packed his clothes and returned to the bedside. In front of his eyes was a magnificent snow-white scenery of ups and downs. This scene made him unable to suppress his excitement, and it also made his legs go soft. His waist and eyes became sore. With a wry smile, he grabbed the quilt and covered them with it.    


It was like the relationship between cattle and fields. Who had ever seen a plowed field? However, there were quite a few oxen who died from exhaustion.    


Fan and Jiang Ruyi slept like pigs. They were not professional soldiers nor were they secret agents, so their vigilance simply could not compare to Liang Siyao's and Long Bing's.    


Xia Lei waved his hand and lightly slapped on Jiang Ruyi's big white ball.    


Jiang Ruyi twisted her waist and mumbled: "Don't look for me, go look for them."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Liang Siyao opened her eyes again, she blinked her eyes at Xia Lei, and asked quietly: Hubby, do you want to find me?    


Xia Lei's waist felt sour. He did not dare to stay any longer as he turned around and left.    


"Don't think that it's easy to bully a big-bellied grandma, I'm not afraid of you." Liang Siyao's laughter came from behind him. It was as clear as a bell, but Xia Lei did not even dare to look back.    


Ten minutes later, Xia Lei left Peaceful Mansion and headed towards the Rayma Group Headquarters. A large group of reporters who were squatting outside the Peaceful Mansion followed behind, and the special forces guards who were protecting Xia Lei were unable to stop him. They had guns, so they couldn't use them against the reporters, let alone the reporters.    


With the short spear and the electronic flash, a bunch of questions swarmed towards Xia Lei like a tide.    


"Xia Dong, didn't you die? Can you tell me? What exactly is going on? "    


"Xia Dong, are you pretending to be dead to avoid being assassinated by the enemy forces?"    


"Xia Dong, can you answer one of my questions? Is the child in Liang Siyao's stomach yours? "    


There were always some people who didn't know which pot they were talking about and purposely added fuel to the fire when there were more people around.    


Xia Lei stopped and looked at the reporter, "It's mine, what does it have to do with you?"    


"Uh, sorry, Chairman Xia ?" The reporter immediately tensed up.    


Who was Xia Lei?    


He was someone who was able to carry the entire nation's military work by himself and rush forward. He was the national hero of the Grand China! He wasn't an official, but he was more useful than many of the higher ups. How could a small reporter dare to offend him for making a fool of him?    


"You'd better not write any nonsense, or else I'll have a good talk with your boss." Xia Lei said with an ice-cold tone.    


"Xia Dong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I definitely won't write carelessly." The reporter quickly said, "Can I change the question?"    


"Of course you can. What's the problem with you?" Xia Lei said.    


"Xia Dong, why are you pretending to be dead? The whole country wants to know why. Can you tell us why? " the reporter asked.    


Xia Lei laughed, "I know that you all are very curious about this problem, if I do not say it, you two will still guard in front of my house. Many of you have wives and children, right? You've been staying here all night, and it wasn't only you who suffered. I don't have the heart to let you continue on, or else your wives and children will scold me. "    


Some of the reporters could not hold back their laughter. There were even some who could not hold back their applause. Xia Lei's words were very considerate, and their hearts were moved.    


"All of you, calm down." Xia Lei said.    


The noisy scene immediately became quiet.    


Xia Lei's gaze swept across all the faces, including the special forces guards who were standing outside with blast assault rifle s. He finished his investigation quickly, and this time there was no one suspicious among the crowd.    


"The reason is this." Xia Lei replied, "I've received intelligence that someone wanted to assassinate me and stop me from researching the new materials. Machine. In order to gain time and a safe working environment, I pretended to be dead and disappeared for a while. In this period of time, I have completed the new material and no one. Research on machines. What I want to tell you is that on this year's Children's Day of 61, our nation's new spaceflight materials and new forms are unmanned. The machine will be born. That day will also be the day that Rayma Group will officially enter the world's aerial battle arena. I will lead Rayma Group to proclaim a red whirlwind in the spatial realm! Here, I want to borrow the brushes from your hands to tell those who want to assassinate me that none of you can stop Rayma Group's footsteps, and even more so, her rise to prominence! "    




"Well said!"    


"That's great! This is really exciting! "    


Pah pah pah!    


A round of loud applause rang out.    


"Alright, I've already told you the reason. Go back, all of you go back. If I see you again tomorrow morning, I'll let the dogs bite you. " Xia Lei said with a smile.    


The reporters laughed. The interview was very easy.    


After sending away the large group of people who had forgotten about him, Xia Lei arrived at the office. He made more than a dozen calls in a row, notifying the high ranking personnel of the headquarters to the conference room. He had returned, to Secret Gold and no one else that the Rayma Group had been preparing for a long time. It was time to officially start the machine project.    


Inform the higher-ups to hold a meeting, this matter was previously handled by Qing Caiyue, but Qing Caiyue died. After Qing Caiyue died, Liang Siyao would be responsible for all of these things. However, at this time, even Siyao was still sleeping lazily in her bed, so if he didn't do it, who would she do it to?    


Pregnant women enjoyed the privilege of becoming lazy, and he was willing to pamper his eldest senior sister.    


Very quickly, all of the high-ranking personnel of the Rayma Group Headquarters rushed to the conference room, only the seat with the name "Li Youdun" on it was left empty.    


"Where has Li Youdun been recently? Why didn't I see him? "    


"Yeah, I haven't seen him for a while."    


"Could it be that he went back to his hometown?"    


"Where is his hometown? I've never heard him talk about it. "    


"Impossible, he's the director of the new material laboratory. It's a critical period for the construction of the new material workshop, how can he go back to his hometown at this time?"    


A flurry of discussions about Li Youdun.    


Xia Lei raised his hand, and the multifunctional conference room immediately became quiet. He said: "Li Youdun is working in the secret laboratory, don't make wild guesses. This is a critical time, and we have two tough fights to fight. Each of us has to do our job well, so let's not worry about anything else that has nothing to do with it. "    


"Chairman Xia." Huang Xuewen said, "Our artificial intelligence department has already made preparations to fight. We will need to create a new material workshop and no one will come. The locomotives will all be used by our artificial intelligence department's artificial intelligence technology. We have successfully developed the production line robots that belong to us, and they will greatly increase our capacity. "    


"Well done." Xia Lei was ecstatic.    


In a display, Guan Lingshan said: "Xia Dong, according to your original arrangements, we placed the parts orders in the substitutes around the country, and then brought them back to refine them ourselves. At present, the Hai Zhu Base has already completed our production mission, and five hundred tons of refined parts have been sent from the Hai Zhu to the capital's headquarters. "    


Xia Lei's face revealed a smile, "Well done, thank you."    


On another monitor, Zhou Xiaohong said: "Xia Dong, we are the same as the Hai Zhu base, we have also completed our parts refinement mission, and three hundred tons of finished parts have been sent to the capital headquarters."    


"You've all worked hard." Xia Lei said with a smile.    


"Chairman Xia." One of the higher-ups said, "I went to Hanwu Weapons Corp yesterday. The Hanwu Weapons Corp said that 60% of the parts that were processed for us have been completed. If we want, we can send 60% over first."    


"The Hai Zhu and the Shu area's base have both completed their missions in advance, but the Hanwu Weapons Corp has only completed 60% of them. Their missions are the least, it's true." Someone said.    


Xia Lei said: "Don't blame Ye Kun, Hanwu Weapons Corp is a state-owned enterprise, people there work regularly and work regularly, their working efficiency is relatively average, to be able to do it to such an extent is already not easy. It's our own business, and we can't count on anyone else to do it for us. By the way, how is the infrastructure work going? "    


The high-ranking officer in charge of the infrastructure work followed, "Chairman Xia, the construction company has completed the construction of the main body. We only have a few supporting projects left, and we can take the parts over to be assembled right now. "We finished assembling it, and so did the construction company."    


Xia Lei said: "Alright, then today, transport all the parts we have in our hands in. The two Raylong intelligent machine tool s will also start to process the core parts. "    


Just then, Liang Siyao walked in with a folder in her hands. In her hand was a steaming cup of life nourishing tea. She placed the teacup in front of Xia Lei and then sat down on the chair beside Xia Lei as if nothing had happened. When she sat down, she reached out and hit her sore waist, looking a little uncomfortable.    


Xia Lei immediately felt his heart ache, "Look at you, it's inconvenient for your body to come to work, why did you come here? Go back and rest. "    


"How can we do that? We have to build a new material workshop and no one will come." During the crucial time between the locomotives, you can't handle it all by yourself, so I can share some of it. " Liang Siyao said.    


"I'll help you massage it." Xia Lei reached out his hand and rubbed Liang Siyao's waist, "Is it here?"    


"A bit to the left. Yes, a bit more down ?" Liang Siyao seemed to enjoy it a lot.    


Everyone in the room looked at Xia Lei and Liang Siyao with their eyes wide open. Each of them had a bunch of words to say to each other, but no one dared to make a sound.    


Liang Siyao quickly reacted, her face slightly blushed a little, "Aiya, what are you doing? So many people are watching, it's a meeting. "    


Xia Lei suddenly asked: "What are you all still sitting here for? Since the meeting has ended, let's do what you have to do. "    


As if they had received an amnesty, everyone in the room stood up and left.    


Only Xia Lei and Liang Siyao were left in the conference room.    


"It's all your fault. I already said I can't use that kind of posture, but you said it's okay. Look, your waist isn't there."    


"No way. You've been lying down all this time, don't pose in any way, okay!"    


"Really? Why can't I remember? "    


Xia Lei suddenly looked towards the door, "You guys, have you heard enough?"    


Crash! *    


The door was in chaos as a group of eavesdropping youths scattered in all directions.    


Huang Xuewen's shoes dropped to the ground at the door, not daring to pick them up.    


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