Tranxending Vision

C1097 Feeding children

C1097 Feeding children

There were a lot of reporters outside the hospital, but they were all stopped by the police and special forces and prevented from entering the hospital. The importance of Xia Lei to the Grand China had already reached the limit, and the protection the country had for him and his family would naturally reach the limit.    


Not only that, the hospital also imposed a compulsory requirement on the medical personnel. They could not divulge any information regarding Xia Lei, his wife and children, otherwise they would be expelled. After all, four special marriage certificates, if such a thing were to be reported in the media, it would more or less attract public opinion.    


Just like in the ward of the presidential suite, Xia Lei was still observing his little baby lying in the four cribs. Under normal circumstances, a baby would be sent to the nursery after birth. But once Xia Lei's child was born, it seemed as if he had the attributes of a child that was born two or three months ago, so he did not need to enter the nursery at all. In addition, Xia Lei was also afraid that something bad might happen, so he also requested for the children to not be allowed to go to the nursery, thus his children were kept by their mother's side.    


The ward was quiet. All four women were asleep. They seemed very weak and tired after having just given birth, and fell asleep not long after being sent to this room.    


Xia Lei's left and right eyes locked onto Xia Long, and with a sweeping look, he carefully entered the little guy's brain. The little guy's brain looked normal. Until he finished his fluoroscopic scan, no one had seen anything similar to mineral powder.    


This discovery made him heave a sigh of relief. If his children were really like him, possessing the same kind of substance that could store mysterious energy, or even the same as Zhu Xuanyue, it would not be a good thing.    


His children could inherit his good genes, they could be extremely smart, but he didn't want them to be like him. He was actually a living example. He had evolved beyond all humanity, Black Robe wanted to kill him, the Americans and the Japanese wanted to kill him too. If his children were like him, they would face almost the same life. Two years would soon pass. If he left, who would protect them? In the face of those powerful enemies, their mother simply did not have the ability to protect them.    


After he had scanned Xia Long, Xia Lei had also scanned Xia Jianghe, Xia Fan and Liang Jiayu. The three children were in the same situation as the Charon, and their brains and organs were no different from those of a normal baby.    


After he finished scanning, Xia Lei couldn't help but laugh self-deprecatingly because he remembered the two slaps Xia Fan gave him. At that time, he was in the middle of slandering Fan Fan's' big chest and no brain 'when Xia Fan gave him a slap. Then, when he thought about eating Xia Fan's milk, Xia Fan gave him another slap on the face. At that time, he had even thought that Xia Fan was capable of sensing and capturing his thoughts, which was why he had hit him. But now, it seemed that those slaps were just a coincidence. There was no reason for a baby to slap an adult.    


However, he still had a question that he did not understand. His four children had been born in the same minute, according to the time they'd taken to fill out their birth certificates in January. The difference was less than thirty or fifty seconds. Was this also a coincidence?    


In short, although these four children appeared to be normal, he was able to sense that they were the same as him, his father, and filled with a sense of mystery.    


And it was precisely according to the difference of thirty to fifty seconds, that Xia Lei barely managed to arrange a sequence for his children.    


Liang Jiayu was born Big Brother.    


Xia Long was the second born, second brother.    


Xia Fan's third birth was his third.    


Was Xia Jianghe's last born old?    


Actually, the standard of who was the eldest, second, third, and eldest was a bit blurry, because the time of their birth was only thirty to fifty seconds away.    


Xia Lei carried Xia Jianghe and kissed him on the cheek. With a face full of doting, he said, "Little Jiang He, are you father's daughter? Father will love you the most in the future, okay?"    


The Emperor loved his eldest son, and the people loved him. However, Xia Lei was only joking around. Regardless of which one was the most beloved of the four, there was not much of a difference.    


Xia Jianghe stared at her father with a pair of large, black eyes, and then began to giggle. Her eyes were like her mother's, and her nose was like his. It was simply a cross between him and Jiang Ruyi. Fan Fan's daughter, Xia Fan, was also in the same situation. It was as if he was a neutralization of Fan Fan. She was very beautiful.    


At this moment, a voice came from outside the door, "Sir, you can't go in."    


It was the voice of a nurse.    


Liang Zhengchun's voice came from outside the door, "I'm the child's grandfather, why can't I go in?"    


"I'm sorry, old mister. This is something our dean specially instructed me to do. Please don't make things difficult for me, okay?" the nurse begged.    


"I am not making things difficult for you, you are making things difficult for me! Get out of my way, I want to see my grandson! " Liang Zhengchun was on fire.    


Xia Lei placed Xia Jianghe on the baby's bed, then carried Liang Jiayu and went to open the door. If there was only Liang Siyao as a parturient, she would definitely invite him in. But if there was also Fan Fan, Long Bing and Jiang Ruyi in the sickroom, then it would be a bit inconvenient. After all, the little fellows needed to drink milk after they got hungry. If Liang Zhengchun was in the sickroom, how would the four expectant mothers feed their children? He knew that Liang Zhengchun wanted to see Liang Jiayu the most, so he carried Liang Jiayu out.    


"Master." Xia Lei waved and said to the nurse by the door: "Go back and busy yourself, come back later."    


"Yes, Mr. Xia." The nurse left.    


"Master, this little guy is Liang Jiayu." Xia Lei passed Liang Jiayu over to Liang Zhengchun, and smiled as he said: "Jiayu, this is grandfather. Hurry and call me grandfather."    


Liang Zhengchun hugged Liang Jiayu, and when he heard Xia Lei ask him to call him "Grandpa," he was immediately stunned, and excited and joyous tears also appeared in his old eyes. He was Liang Jiayu's grandfather, but Xia Lei had made Liang Jiayu call him grandfather. Just this change in title was enough to move him. He always lacked a successor, which was why he asked Xia Lei to change his first son's surname to Liang Siyao. Now, Xia Lei had satisfied his request. He had also gone from grandfather to grandfather.    


"Lei, I ?" Liang Zhengchun didn't know how to thank Xia Lei, he was so excited that he couldn't speak anymore.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Master, we are a family, you just need to remember this point."    


Liang Zhengchun also laughed, he kissed Liang Jiayu's cheeks, "Jiayu, hurry up and call me grandfather, call me grandfather."    


Liang Jiayu stared at Liang Zhengchun and opened his small mouth, "Duck."    


This kind of pronunciation startled both Xia Lei and Liang Zhengchun, because the voice of "duck" and "grandfather" sounded the same. Under normal circumstances, a newborn child would only cry, so how could it let out the cry of a "duck"? And this was when Liang Zhengchun told him to call him grandfather!    


Liang Zhengchun was the first to recover from his shock, and laughed out loud: "Oh my god, as expected of your child, extremely clever! I will teach him everything that I have learned, and his mother will cultivate his culture. In the future, he will definitely become a genius with both martial arts and literature! "    


Xia Lei said: "Master, I still have a son and two daughters, you should teach them a little too."    


"Hahaha ?" Liang Zhengchun laughed: "I knew you would say that. Fine, as long as you are a child, I will treat you equally!"    


"Thank you, Master." Xia Lei also laughed.    


"Wa, wa, wa ?" There was the sound of a baby crying in the ward.    


Fan Fan's voice followed, "Hubby, give me the child, I'll feed her."    


Long Bing's voice also came out, "Hubby, Xiaolong is crying too, hurry up and give him to me, I'll feed him."    


Maybe the crying of his brother and sister in the ward had affected Liang Jiayu, he opened his mouth and started to cry too. Liang Zhengchun tried to coax his twice to no avail, and quickly passed Liang Jiayu over to Xia Lei, "Jiayu must be hungry too, hurry and carry him in, let his mother feed him some."    


"En, Master, I will go in first then." Xia Lei carried Liang Jiayu into the sickroom.    


The three children in the ward were all crying loudly, their voices loud and clear, giving off the feeling of siblings crying and noses of competition.    


Liang Siyao struggled to sit up from the sickbed, "Hubby, is it my father that's outside?"    


Xia Lei placed Liang Jiayu into her embrace, "It's Master, he's very happy."    


Liang Siyao laughed, lifted up her patient uniform and stuffed a snow-white beast into Liang Jiayu's mouth. The little fellow opened its mouth, and immediately sucked it. He got up.    


Xia Lei then gave the other three children to their mother. Long Bing, Fan Fan and Jiang Ruyi also lifted up their patient clothes, and each of them stuffed a plump snow-white piece into their own child's mouth. The crying faded away, and the sounds of bada bada bada could be heard. It was extremely lively.    


Xia Lei was like a patrolling officer, looking at this and that, he was envious.    


Fan Xian rolled his eyes at Xia Lei, "You're really not ashamed, look at your eyes, do you want to eat it too?"    


Xia Lei chuckled, "If you have extra, Xiaofan might not be able to finish all of them, but I can eat a little."    


"Pah! Truly shameless. You want to compete for milk with your own daughter?" Fan Fan laughed as he scolded, then he pulled up the other side of the patient's uniform. "If you really have the face to eat, then come and eat."    


Xia Lei hesitated for a moment and then went over.    


Liang Siyao laughed and scolded: "Hey, hubby, you are really shameless."    


"Let me say my farewells first, I don't have anything extra for you to eat." Long Bing said.    


Jiang Ruyi even used her hand to cover Xia Jianghe's eyes as she said, "Darling, close your eyes, your father is about to act like a hooligan."    


Xia Lei did not care about the cursing and laughter of the women, he just laid beside Fan Fan, and was really like Fan Fan's other full snow-white face that came close to his mouth. However, before he could open his mouth to take a bite, Little Fan reached out a hand, and a chubby finger poked his nostrils.    


"Hahaha ?" Fan Fan laughed so merrily that the branches of his flowers trembled. "Look, your daughter won't forgive you. She wants to beat you up."    


Xia Lei kissed Little Fan's little hand, his eyes filled with gentleness and doting, "Daddy's little darling, Daddy is hungry, why don't you give daddy some?"    


It was also strange as Little Fan's hands withdrew.    


"Haha!" "She agreed, she really is daddy's good daughter!" Xia Lei opened his mouth to ask.    


Fan Fan suddenly pulled down his patient's uniform, covering the granary. "Go to hell, I'm not going to feed a son of your age."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Laughter filled the ward.    


Du du du, du du...    


In the midst of the warm and sweet atmosphere, Xia Lei's satellite telephone suddenly rang.    


He took out the satellite telephone and glanced at it, then stood up and walked towards the door.    


The four women's expressions darkened the moment he left the room.    


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