Tranxending Vision

C1106 Master and disciple splitting

C1106 Master and disciple splitting

The men of the Eastern Hemisphere were having fun, the Japanese women were unlocking all the positions, and the Japanese women were the best at serving men in the world. The women of the Western Hemisphere, on the other hand, were in a completely different mood.    


United States, Las Vegas, Hattori family Vico Co., Ltd. Office Building.    


"Bastard!" Mei Hattori slapped a family samurai in the face, her fury couldn't be suppressed, "They're all a bunch of trash!"    


family samurai who was slapped bowed her head, his palms in the middle of her pants, as though she had received a beating without any complaints.    


"Six Death Soldiers, after meticulously planning for so long, were actually all killed by someone, while Xia Lei and his child are still alive!" Mei Hattori roared.    


family samurai who was beaten up replied respectfully, "The operation actually went smoothly. Our people entered the hospital, but there were problems while facing Xia Lei. I don't know the details, but that's the result. "    


"Scram!" Mei Hattori pointed to the door.    


"Hey." family samurai nodded her head, took three steps back, and then turned around to leave.    


The door to the office opened and a tall, thin, old man with silver hair walked out. He was wearing a traditional Japanese kimono with an ancient samurai on his belt. Knife.    


He was Kyoko Tsukino's master, Kenichi Yagyuu.    


Kenichi Yagyuu's face did not reveal a single emotion. When he came to Mei Hattori's side, he did not say a word either;    


Mei Hattori said respectfully, "Master, our operation has failed. All six Death Soldiers have lost their lives, but Xia Lei and his children are still alive."    


Kenichi Yagyuu then opened his mouth, "Don't be discouraged, it's not like they died in vain. At least we've already figured out one thing."    


"Hmm?" Mei Hattori looked a little doubtful, "Master, what do you mean?"    


Kenichi Yagyuu said: "The Grand China is Xia Lei's territory. If you want to assassinate him in the Grand China, it is impossible to succeed. The higher ups of the Grand China had already realized the importance of Xia Lei and their protection for him could be imagined. Moreover, six warriors are simply not enough. "    


"Master, do you have any ideas?"    


"There is a person by his side, he is my disciple, called Kyoko Tsukino, and she is the most outstanding warrior that I have taught her." After a pause, Kenichi Yagyuu continued, "I've already called her."    


"You want her to kill Xia Lei?"    


Kenichi Yagyuu nodded his head, "I'm still waiting for her reply."    


"Can she be trusted?"    


Kenichi Yagyuu said: "I taught her the spirit of the warrior dao since she was young. Courage, loyalty and sacrifice; these are all the essence of the warrior dao spirit. She is a very traditional Japanese warrior, and I believe she will make the right choice. "    


Mei Hattori's face immediately revealed a smile, "I really didn't think that Master would have such a scheme, but why didn't you say so earlier? In that case, the six warriors will not have to sacrifice themselves. "    


Kenichi Yagyuu said indifferently, "If there wasn't a sacrifice, how could Kyoko Tsukino's conscience be awakened? She had followed that man for so long that she could only be roused by the blood and life of her people. That's why I allowed her senior brother Watanabe to carry out the mission to assassinate Xia Lei. Watanabe took great care of her after she was little, so the relationship between the two of them is not bad. "    


Mei Hattori lowered her head towards Kenichi Yagyuu, "Master, I admire your understanding of human nature. This way, your disciple Kyoko Tsukino will definitely make the right choice. "    


"The blood and life of six fellow warriors, including her senior brother Watanabe, Bai Shu. As a Japanese warrior, she knows what choice she should make."    


"Master, when will she reply?" Kyoko Tsukino was obviously anxious.    


Kenichi Yagyuu glanced at the wall clock, and said: "It's about time, she'll probably call us soon."    


The two of them waited for the call.    


Ten minutes passed.    


"Master." Mei Hattori could no longer hold it in, "Maybe she is still hesitating, if you call her yourself, it will help her make the right decision."    


Kenichi Yagyuu nodded his head, took out his phone and dialed a number.    


Mei Hattori probed: "Master, can I listen?"    


Kenichi Yagyuu pressed the speaker button.    


Du du du, du du...    


The phone didn't ring until it rang for 55 seconds.    


Kyoko Tsukino's voice came out from the phone, but the voice seemed to contain the magic of time. It immediately stunned Kenichi Yagyuu and, causing them to become petrified and unable to move.    


"Ah, she, Xeno, you, Hakkashi, Yalai butterfly!" Kyoko Tsukino's voice was filled with mysterious passion, which was burning like a fire, as though it was trying to completely release something that was suppressed within his body.    


On one side was the Japanese national interest, the luck of the nation, and the spirit of the martial arts. On the other side was the Yalai Butterfly, Qi Jiu and Ha haksi. In that instant, the Master and Mei Hattori's entire outlook on life collapsed.    


Kyoko Tsukino's voice came out from the speaker. It was intermittent, and did not sound exaggerated at all.    


After 30 seconds, Mei Hattori could no longer hold it in, and she looked at Kenichi Yagyuu.    


Kenichi Yagyuu's expression was gloomy to the extreme. He forcefully endured the anger in his heart and said a few words, "Xingzi, what are you doing?"    


"Lock up and down, one library, one library ?" Kyoko Tsukino's voice from the phone could make steel bars soften.    


Kenichi Yagyuu was so angry that he could not speak anymore.    


Kyoko Tsukino had responded to him in this way, not only to tell him about her choice, but also to humiliate him!    


She lowered her voice to the lowest possible level, "The person beside her must be Xia Lei."    


It was fine if he wasn't mentioned Xia Lei, but whenever he was mentioned, Kenichi Yagyuu could no longer control the anger in his heart, "Xingzi! Kill him, or you die! "    


"But one Mo Qi, one Mo Qi ?" Kyoko Tsukino's voice.    


"Bastard!" Kenichi Yagyuu suddenly threw his phone to the ground.    


Pow! His phone shattered into dozens of pieces.    


Kyoko Tsukino's voice disappeared.    


Mei Hattori said: "Master, your plan will not work. Your disciple has already betrayed you, as well as her country and her people. For such a person, she must die! "    


"I will kill her with my own hands!" Kenichi Yagyuu's gaze was sharper than a blade, colder than ice.    


"We need a new plan." Mei Hattori said.    


Kenichi Yagyuu was silent for a moment, then said: "I said before, there's almost no chance of success in assassinating Xia Lei in the Grand China. We have to lure him out and then hit him with force to kill him. We need a bait to lure him out of the Grand China, what kind of bait do you think can lure him out? "    


Mei Hattori said: "If it wasn't for the last incident, I would still be 'alive'. But I 'died' at the hands of the gunman, and my bait lost its value. If they rashly give us the news that I'm still alive, I'm afraid they will arouse Xia Lei's suspicion and vigilance. "    


A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Kenichi Yagyuu's mouth. He understood Mei Hattori's thoughts. Since his opponent was Xia Lei, no one would be willing to be his bait. Although Mei Hattori was the best bait, she was not willing to take the risk.    


It was a ridiculous irony that Japanese warriors, who had sacrificed their lives to defend Japan's national interests, national fortunes, and future, should call for such selfishness and fear of death.    


As if he had noticed Kenichi Yagyuu's mental changes, Mei Hattori then continued, "This time around, there is no need for us to sacrifice our people. If we need a bait, why not someone else? "    


"You mean?"    


"The people from FA, Yan Fo and Augustman." Mei Hattori said: "Xia Lei has always wanted to eradicate FA, but Yan Fo and Augustman, one is the strategist and the other is the chief instructor of FA, they are currently working for America and are also participating in the Shepherd Project. If we use these two people as bait, Xia Lei will definitely take the bait."    


"And if he doesn't?" Kenichi Yagyuu said.    


Mei Hattori laughed coldly, "Then let's increase the bait."    


"What do you mean?"    


"The new headquarters of FA." Mei Hattori said, "It can become our bait, and at the same time, it can become Xia Lei's final resting place."    


Kenichi Yagyuu laughed, "You are even more outstanding than your father."    


Mei Hattori stretched out her hand towards Kenichi Yagyuu, and Kenichi Yagyuu held her hand.    


At the same time, in a small spring in the Eastern Hemisphere that didn't even have a name.    


The unsettled waters finally calmed down, and the two white mermaids finally separated from each other. A few minutes ago, the two mermaids were still stirring up the winds and waves in the grass next to the spring. They had ruined a large patch of grass.    


As his body quietly floated in the clear spring, Xia Lei's face was full of a satisfied smile. The women of Iahu were truly outstanding in that way, and when she served him, it was as if she were a god. No wonder she had the confidence to say that ? if you can hold it in.    


Women were like wine. Some were fine wine, some were poisonous wine, and some were private secret wines that could make one addicted to a single sip. This kind of wine was extremely rare, but when it came to it, it was actually a type of luck. And he, he had always been a lucky man in this regard.    


Kyoko Tsukino swam over to Xia Lei and floated in the spring with him. She was the smaller of the two, while Xia Lei was the bigger of the two. Her face was also full of happiness. There was only one Xia Lei in this world, and he was the only one she had met.    


The two Merfolk fish looked up at the starry sky above their heads. The bright stars twinkled like a mysterious light transmitting some kind of message to humans.    


"My master must be furious at me." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei said: "I hope you all do not meet on the battlefield. If so, let me handle it."    


"No, he's very powerful. If you fight with him, your chances of winning aren't very high. Doing that would be very dangerous. I know him, let me do it. I killed him. That was a way for me to surpass him. " Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei could not help but smile bitterly, the Japanese people's way of thinking was sometimes really hard to understand.    


"When are we leaving for Las Vegas?" Kyoko Tsukino asked again.    


Xia Lei said: "When Giovanna and the rest are ready, let's go.    




"Just now when you were talking to your master, I heard a woman's voice." Xia Lei said: "The sound of her breathing, she is really still alive, she is with your master."    


"My master is in Las Vegas? If they really do meet, I will personally end him myself and no one will be allowed to interfere. " Kyoko Tsukino's eyes flashed with excitement.    


"Xingzi, I'm going back." Xia Lei said.    


Kyoko Tsukino suddenly dove into the water.    


Xia Lei's legs instantly became stiff as if they were cramping.    


There was always a way for the women of Iahu to keep their men.    


The moon in the sky had gone into the clouds, and it seemed shy.    


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