Tranxending Vision

C1112 Valid information

C1112 Valid information

A goatskin truck with an American license plate entered Las Vegas.    


In the car, Xia Lei was working on his hacker computer. This time, however, he did not attack a single place. Instead, he bought a house from a real estate agency.    


Staying in a hotel was obviously not a wise choice. Right now, there were countless informants in the hotels within Las Vegas. There were even some from the CIA, FA and Japan. No matter how good a disguise was, it couldn't stand up to the recognition system of the human face recognition system. Therefore, even though he only stayed for a few nights, he was still willing to buy a house.    


However, he would not buy a real estate company's new house because the company would verify his identity. It was not convenient and there were certain hidden dangers. That was why he chose the real estate agency and bought a second-hand house. The person who sold the second-hand houses only had one condition, and that was money.    


As long as it was a problem that could be solved with money, it would not be a problem to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei quickly took a fancy to the sales information provided by a management company. It was a villa located in the east suburbs of Las Vegas. The people who lived there were mostly white rich people, and in this place, they were also people with more status and status.    


"Do you like this place?" Xia Lei broke the silence in the carriage.    


Kyoko Tsukino came closer to take a look. She saw a two storey villa, in front of the house was a garden, with many ornamental plants growing inside. There was a swimming pool at the back of the house, the environment was very beautiful. She smiled. "Not bad, I like that swimming pool."    


"That's it." Xia Lei said with a smile.    


Yasuya Khan said: "Boss, I didn't even take a glance at it and you've already decided after asking for Xingzi's opinion?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then I will allow you to cook some food with curry in the house, how about it?"    


"Haha, then I have no problems." Yasuya Khan smiled happily.    


Kyoko Tsukino's hands stretched out from the back of the sofa and wrapped around Xia Lei's waist. Then, she tilted his upper body and leaned on Xia Lei's body. Her head rested on Xia Lei's shoulder, watching him buy a house.    


This kind of intimate action made Xia Lei feel a little awkward. After all, Yasuya Khan could see him and Kyoko Tsukino through the rearview mirror at any time, but he couldn't really move his butt away.    


After confirming the house he wanted to buy, Xia Lei used a hacking method to enter the agency's archive. He quickly found the information about the seller. When he saw it, he was greatly surprised.    


The seller was a Caucasian man named Thompson. He was a soldier, had quite a high rank, and was a brigadier general. However, that was all he had. The records that the agency had had were very simple, and it didn't mention that it was a brigadier general. This was normal, as military personnel were classified as confidential when they reached a certain level. The military, the work they did, and so on were all things that could not be leaked out.    


Xia Lei thought to himself, "Soldier, Brigadier General, Las Vegas, the house's information shows that it was bought three years ago ? There was no such thing as a large force in Las Vegas. If he was a foreign officer, how could he have come to Las Vegas to buy a house? And why would they sell it? "    


For some reason, when these questions appeared, a key word suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind: Area 51.    


The mysterious District 51 was just over a hundred kilometers away from Las Vegas. With the transportation facilities there, it would only take an hour for him to get there by car. Then, it would be normal for this brigadier called Thompson to buy a house in Las Vegas.    


"Boss, a soldier's house? And it's even a Brigadier General. " Kyoko Tsukino also saw the message, and asked worriedly: "If we buy his house, will there be a problem?"    


Yasuya Khan who was driving could not help but turn his head to look back, but he did not see the message on the display, but he expressed his worry nonetheless, "Boss, if it's a soldier's house, you have to think about it carefully. Compared to the average seller, he's quite capable of finding out who we are. If he suspects anything, we'll be in trouble. "    


However, Xia Lei said, "Why would a brigadier general sell his house?"    


Kyoko Tsukino and Yasuya Khan could not help but look at each other. Both of them had no solution to Xia Lei's jumping thoughts.    


Xia Lei looked at the multifunctional wrist watch in his hand and suddenly said: "It's two in the afternoon now, let's go take a look at his home. If there's no one in his house, we might be able to find some valuable information."    


Yasuya Khan laughed bitterly: "Boss, we can definitely buy another house, why would we take such a risk?"    


Xia Lei said: "Just because of one thing, I suspect that he is a soldier from the 51st region."    


Yasuya Khan was startled for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders: "Alright, I'll drive over now."    


Kyoko Tsukino, who was leaning on Xia Lei's shoulder, laughed, "Now I know what you want to do, your thoughts are like a web."    


Xia Lei only smiled, and then began to browse the news.    


His website was the website of the Japanese Daily News, a portal to the Japanese press.    


The moment he opened the page of the "Rising Sun News", the headlines announced the assassination of the Abdomen family. This news also included the names of the other members of the Hattori family, causing a total of twenty-eight people to appear!    


This number shocked Xia Lei.    


The explanation given by the Japanese police was that it was a feud, and the hint was from a consortium that had come from overseas. The only thing missing was the mention of Rayma Group or Xia Lei's name.    


The article is full of the anger of the author, and the language used is also the accumulation of incitement to national emotion.    


This kind of thing, this kind of article can make the Japanese warriors more closely united.    


After watching the news, the corner of Xia Lei's mouth curled into a cold smile. He said to himself in his heart: "If you know that I did it, what can you do to me? If you dare make a move on my women and children, I will uproot your Hattori family. This is just the beginning, since you all chose to do it this way, then I will fight back in the same way. First is the Hattori family, then is the warrior world! "    


The Hattori family and the Japanese warrior world had taken that step towards their women and children, whether they succeeded or not. Then, they would also have to endure Xia Lei's fury of revenge and face the bite of the mad dog!    


"Will she regret it?" Kyoko Tsukino suddenly said.    


Xia Lei said: "Mei Hattori? Hmph, she would never regret someone that even her father wanted to replace. Maybe there's a time when she'll regret it, when I pointed a gun at her head. "    


The car entered a refurbishment of the appearance, the road was broken by the construction machinery to make the vehicle bumpy. Kyoko Tsukino's chest kept on clashing against Xia Lei's arms and shoulders, and there was also pressure, a soft pressure. But even in such a road situation, Kyoko Tsukino did not move her butt, and she actually maintained the position of sticking close to Xia Lei.    


Perhaps she had been looking forward to this bad road?    


In the Grand China, she practically did not have a chance to be with Xia Lei, and only when she left the Grand China to carry out missions did she have that chance.    


Yasuya Khan took a glance at it from the rearview mirror, and he couldn't help but snicker a little. He felt that Kyoko Tsukino was very daring and open-minded. But he did not know what Kyoko Tsukino had done to Xia Lei in the Southern Sea Region. At that time, Erdelmtu was on the same piece of plastic board as her, but she had actually used her to steal Xia Lei's ice cream.    


Xia Lei maintained his serious look from beginning to end.    


About ten minutes later, the road conditions turned better and the Ram truck arrived at its destination.    


There were tall palm trees planted beside a wide road, and flowers such as roses and roses. The greenery was very good. There were two rows of buildings on each side of the road. Most of the two-story villas looked clean and tidy, with very high grades.    


"Let's stop here." Xia Lei said.    


Yasuya Khan stopped the car, then followed Xia Lei out of the car and walked along the road.    


The afternoon sun was very bright, and the outside was like a steamer. There was no one on the road. The swimming pools behind some of the houses were lively, and some homeowners were enjoying swimming and barbecuing with their neighbors and friends. A few blonde bikini girls became the summer scenery. The men's eyes were almost all on them. No one had a chance to take a look at the street.    


Xia Lei and the other two quickly arrived at 119 Palm Road. He stopped and scanned the room with his left and right eyes. After confirming that there was no one around, he quickly entered the courtyard.    


There were surveillance cameras, electronic password locks and warning devices installed at the entrance of the house. However, these things were not an obstacle for Xia Lei. He only used twenty seconds to unlock the electronic password in the deciphering device, and then opened the door and entered Thompson's house. After entering Thompson's house, the first thing he did was to find the hard drive of the surveillance camera and delete the thirty seconds of content inside.    


The interior of the house was not very high-end. It had a western American style and a red brick fireplace in the living room. There were also deer heads and a shotgun. There was a Xiong Ping and a shaking chair on the floor beside the fireplace. Presumably, that was where Thompson was drinking and reading the newspapers.    


Kyoko Tsukino and Yasuya Khan quickly finished their inspection of the second floor, and the two of them returned to the first floor's living room, next to Xia Lei.    


"There's no one upstairs. It's safe." Yasuya Khan said.    


Kyoko Tsukino handed over a piece of paper to Xia Lei and said: "Is this considered valuable information?"    


Xia Lei took a look, and the photo in between was a photo of Thompson and a woman. The Thompson in the photo looked like he was in his fifties, his hairline was almost reaching his head, his face was also full of freckles and pimples, and his eyes were even full of anger. Such a man, even in the American sense of beauty, is an ugly man. But the woman he was holding was definitely a sexy one. She looked no more than twenty years old, with a delicate face and no concern. Her breasts were firm and full, and her hips were very tight. Such a woman would definitely attract the interest of European and American men.    


Although it was just a photo, Xia Lei had already sensed his value, and laughed: "The wages of American soldiers are extremely high compared to the wages of the average working person, and ordinary soldiers can get more than $3,000 a month, and brigadier generals like him can get more than $11,000 a month, which is considered very high, but to live in a house like this, and raise such a woman, it is obviously not enough. Apricot, this is indeed a valuable clue. "    


Kyoko Tsukino laughed, she would be very happy with Xia Lei's praise, even if it was a simple praise.    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei arrived at Thompson's study and began working.    


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