Tranxending Vision

C1121 For Federation

C1121 For Federation

No matter what happened in this world, time would not stop. It walked at a constant speed, and with every step it took, all things in the world moved closer to death.    


No matter how much you fight, no matter how much you earn, when your time comes, you will have nothing left.    


But how many people in this world could understand this simple principle?    


Mei Hattori had never thought of this simple question.    


Office of the Vico Co., Ltd.    


"Damn it!" Mei Hattori threw the coffee cup in her hand fiercely onto the ground. In front of her was an intelligence report from her high school class. It said that someone was assassinating someone. The internet was offering a bounty of 2 million US dollars for his mother's head. If he could capture her alive, the reward would be even higher. This was treating the people of the Hattori family like pigs in an slaughterhouse.    


Hattori family originated from the half hidden part of his body. In these few hundred years, he had never been in such a sorry state. And what made her even more uncomfortable was that the glory, conviction, and spirit that she had gained in the hundreds of years of Hattori family, in the eyes of that person, wasn't even worth a single cent.    


Kenichi Yagyuu and a large group of warriors from Japan only looked at Mei Hattori quietly. What was happening right now was a form of humiliation for them. But what could they do? Those killers just worked for money. Even if they rushed back to Japan and killed all those killers, there would be new killers going to Japan soon and they would never be able to kill them all.    


"I always thought that he was a person with a conscience, but I never thought that he would even do such an inhumane thing! Beast! "Scum!" Mei Hattori roared crazily like an enraged female wolf.    


"Bud Robe, calm down." Kenichi Yagyuu said, "Your mother is under the protection of the Japanese police and the land-based Self-Defense Forces, so there won't be any problems for the time being. Right now, the most important thing was to lure Xia Lei out. "He is the person who placed the bounty. The bounty will only disappear if we kill him."    


A tall, beautiful woman in a kimono said, "We've been in the United States for so long and we've been tense every day, but he never showed up. Mei Hattori, didn't you say that he would definitely appear? But now he is stirring up trouble in Japan, using his money to insult our samurai community! You make us endure and wait, but is this the result of our patience and waiting? "    


The speaker was the leader of the Bordeaux Wild Flowers, the Bordeaux Wild Flowers. She looked to be in her early twenties, very young, a typical sexy woman, but she was in her late forties.    


"That Grand China brat can use money to buy the life of your Hattori family. Your Hattori family is also a large corporation, why didn't you put a bounty on the person who killed Xia Lei?" A short middle-aged man said.    


He was the leader of a mixed flow of affairs, Xiangchuan Real Wood. He was only about 160 centimeters tall and weighed no more than 120 pounds. He looked just like a teacher who was powerless. However, this was most definitely an illusion. The real him was like a sharp blade. Although it was not very long, it was extremely sharp and could easily take one's life.    


Mei Hattori said: "If this is useful, I am willing to pay half of the family's money to buy the lives of Xia Lei, his woman and his child. But it's not that I don't want to pay, it's just that it's useless. Xia Lei's home was right beside the Rayma Group, and Xia Lei's family was hiding in it, not coming out at all. There was no need to talk about Xia Lei's own armed forces, just the protection that the Grand China countries had for him was not something that any assassination organization could go against. You must know that the strongest special forces stationed in the Rayma Group have already reached two thousand men, and there are also two anti-aircraft missile systems. Furthermore, Rayma Group's Scavenger infantry fighting vehicle, ZTZ100 capital tank, and helldog single-military artillery. Tell me, with such a level of protection and defense, what kind of assassin's guild would be required to invade that place? Therefore, any plan to kill Xia Lei in the Grand China is impossible to succeed. We have to ask him to lure them out first so that we can have a chance. "    


"Enough!" A sturdy warrior at least two metres tall interrupted Mei Hattori, "I've had enough of your plans. You guys have made so many plans, but that Grand China reptile is still alive and well. If you do not act, then I will lead my men to act on their own. "    


The one who spoke was a legendary warrior of Japan, the leader of the Wind Demon Clan, Magic Kotaro.    


In fact, the Magic Kotaro was a title inherited from the ancestors. In the War Kingdom of Japan, the fifth generation Magic Kotaro was one of the three legendary ninjas. The leaders of the Crazy Devil Clan had to be extremely tall and strong to the point of exaggeration. It was said that the fifth generation Magic Kotaro was two meters tall during the Warring States Era. Her body was filled with sarcoma, her eyeballs were bulging out, his mouth was wide open, and there were four fangs in his mouth.    


Although this generation of Magic Kotaro was not as scary as his ancestors, they were still close to eight. He stood out among the group of Japanese warriors. He was the most eye-catching and the fiercest. As long as he stared, even a crying child would clench its jaws.    


It was as if he was the only one who had the guts to call Xia Lei a "reptile".    


"Magic Kotaro, please do not be rash." Kenichi Yagyuu said, his tone was very polite, "Hattori family is currently experiencing unimaginable pain, and her heart isn't feeling well either, but she is still persisting on. Xia Lei is a common enemy of our Great Japan Empire and Da He Nation. We have not even fought against the enemy and already there are internal strife, how can we kill Xia Lei now? "You must know, he was the one who chased away the Seventh Fleet!"    


Magic Kotaro snorted, but did not speak further. However, he had to admit that even if there were a thousand of his Magic Kotaro s, he would still be unable to chase away the Seventh Fleet of the United States.    


"Great Master Liu Sheng." "According to what I know, one of your disciples is working hard for Xia Lei. Her name is Kyoko Tsukino. She must have a lot of Japanese blood on her hands. What are you going to do? "    


"Humph!" You don't need to remind me! " Kenichi Yagyuu said coldly: "I will personally kill him!"    


"If you can't do it, I can do it for you." said the wildflower.    


Xiang Chuan said, "Grandmaster Liu Sheng, can't you convince your disciple to stand with us?"    


Kenichi Yagyuu replied: "I tried, but it was useless."    


"Why?" Xiangchuan True Wood asked.    


"No reason." Kenichi Yagyuu said. He could not help but think back to the last time he spoke, to the voices of Kyoko Tsukino's' Ya Lai Die 'and other similar things he heard on the phone. It was a humiliation to him, and only Kyoko Tsukino's blood could be used to wash it!    


The office fell into silence again. Everyone had something on their minds.    


In a moment, Mei Hattori suddenly broke the silence, "Looking at the time, Xia Lei should already be in Las Vegas. He was good at hiding himself. Otherwise, with the CIA's face recognition system, it would have found him long ago. "So I'm sure he lives in the suburbs, and I'm going to send some of the Exorcist agents to the suburbs to investigate..."    


The Magic Kotaro interrupted Mei Hattori, "Since he's already hidden herself, he knows that you're here, but he still hasn't revealed herself. This means that he already knows that this is a trap. If she knew that it is a trap, would he still come? "    


"We can't wait like this any longer. We have to change our plans." Xiangchuan True Wood said.    


"I agree." said the wildflower.    


Mei Hattori remained silent for a while, before saying: "Alright, since this is everyone's opinion, then let us discuss a viable option."    


A large group of Japanese warriors looked at each other. They were dissatisfied with Mei Hattori's previous plan, and even doubted it. However, if they had to come up with a plan that could lure Xia Lei out and kill him, they would not have enough intelligence. As ninjas, they would definitely succeed in killing a target that was exposed under the sun. However, there were very few ways of killing someone that resembled a shadow.    


Mei Hattori waited for a few minutes, but no one came up with any ideas, so she said: "Then come according to my plan, I'll call Yan Fo and Augustman right now and invite them here. In addition, I would like to invite Alec, the leader of the AE Research Center. Only if these three people join together with me will it be possible to lure Xia Lei out. "    


Kenichi Yagyuu said: "What if the two people from FA do not come?"    


Mei Hattori said: "They will come because they want to kill Xia Lei the same as us."    


At the same time, in an abandoned farm building in northern Las Vegas.    


Xia Lei stood at the entrance of the basement, following behind a stainless steel door looking at Alice who was lying on the bed. There was a trace of guilt in his heart. After all, he had used her.    


Footsteps came from behind him.    


Xia Lei didn't turn around, and said softly: "Xingzi, why did you strip off her clothes?"    


Kyoko Tsukino's voice sounded, "I was worried that she would run away. Also, if she had any spy equipment on her, that would be terrible."    


Xia Lei said: "She's just an ordinary girl, just wait a bit and give her her clothes."    


"I can give her clothes, but ?"    


"I know what you're trying to say. Killing her is safer than keeping her, and it's in our interest to keep her alive. However, we cannot do that." Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "If we do that, what is the difference between us and Mei Hattori's group, as well as FA? When we're done here, we'll let her go. I will give her the money I won from Thompson. This can be considered as compensation. "    


"Your compensation is really generous." Kyoko Tsukino came up from behind and hugged Xia Lei's waist from behind, "Did you do all the wounds on her body?"    


Xia Lei was slightly stunned, "About that ? "Well, I'm not that kind of person. I just need a reason to make her believe me."    


"I also want to try." Kyoko Tsukino's voice was gentle and humble, full of a seductive meaning.    


Xia Lei's entire being was in a bad situation.    


Kyoko Tsukino's hands were like snakes as they slid into Xia Lei's clothes, "The battle between me and my master is coming soon, I might die, let me be crazy for a bit, I'll give you the most precious thing on my body."    


Xia Lei was startled again, "What other precious thing do you have on you?"    


Kyoko Tsukino stood on her tiptoes and whispered something into Xia Lei's ear.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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