Tranxending Vision

C1120 I am your Angels

C1120 I am your Angels

The darkness slowly disappeared, and when a ray of light appeared before her eyes, Alice's consciousness returned to her body. She slowly opened her eyes. She saw a circular ceiling lamp, and beside the ceiling lamp, there was a spider weaving a web.    


What is this place?    


She struggled to her feet, then realized that this was a windowless basement. She was laid out on a bed, naked.    


There was no one else in the basement except for her. It was terrifyingly quiet. She tried her best to recall the details of what happened before she fainted, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not understand why those extras would attack her. According to the plan that James had discussed with her, after she knocked Thompson out, she and James would go to the top hotel in Las Vegas to open champagne to celebrate before firing cannons to celebrate. According to that plan, James would go to England with her the next day and turn her into a new generation of Banyan girls. But now she was in a basement, not even a centimeter of fabric on her.    


Two minutes later, Alice crawled out of bed. She walked to the door and tried to open it, but the door was made of 304 stainless steel and it was locked from the outside.    


"Let me out! Let me out! " Alice roared towards the door.    


Footsteps sounded outside the door, and then a woman's voice said, "Be quiet, or I'll put some snakes in the basement."    


Unknowingly, when she heard about the snake, Alice subconsciously protected the area between her legs. Her beautiful face was also devoid of any color.    


"That's good. Be quiet and you won't get hurt. If you make a lot of noise and even try to run away, I promise you, I'll cut you into 100 pieces with an electric saw. " The woman's voice was cold and heartless.    


"You ? "Who are you?" Alice asked in fear: "Why am I here?"    


"Why do you think you're here?"    


"I... "I don't know." Alice suddenly thought of something, and asked again: "Where's James? Where is my James? "    


"Your James? "Haha ?" The woman outside the door sneered, "I'm afraid he's trying to get rid of you right now. You met a good man, if he really will spend money to save you."    


"He ? You didn't kidnap him? "    


"If we tie him up, who's going to give us money?" The woman outside the door said, "We gave him 72 hours and told him to prepare $1 million. He gave us money and we gave you to him."    


"He ? Will he give you ransom? "    


"That depends on how much he loves you."    


"I've only known him for two days, you kidnapped the wrong person."    


"We can see that he loves you very much. He should pay the ransom. "Just you wait, the most important thing for you to do right now is to go and pray." The woman left the door, her footsteps receding.    


Alice stood at the doorway for a while, then walked back to the bedside with tired footsteps. She threw herself onto the bed, where the scars James had left on her tall and raised buttocks and small waist still remained.    


She was beautiful, but there was only one spider to admire it, and the SB was always weaving.    


At the same time, it was a desert on the outskirts of Vegas, and it was hard to imagine being suddenly awakened by a bottle of mineral water. He choked on the water and started coughing violently.    


When James caught his breath, he only saw one person, and it was that face that made him feel both hate and fear.    


The person who stood in front of him was no other than the James who had brought him this nightmare.    


Seeing that it was James, Thompson suddenly roared and pounced towards James like a madman.    


Xia Lei did not dodge. When Thompson pounced in front of him, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked.    


Thompson's body immediately flew upside down, and flew for a few meters before heavily crashing into the ground. Even if it was soft sand, Xia Lei's kick still made golden stars appear in his eyes.    


Xia Lei walked towards Thompson.    


Thompson used his hands to support the sand as he crawled back, and fearfully asked: "You, who exactly are you?"    


Xia Lei stopped in front of Thompson, and the corner of his mouth rose in a beautiful smile, "I am an angel that God sent to save you, you can treat me as your angel."    


Thompson almost vomited a mouthful of blood.    


The person who had injured him to such an extent was actually calling him his angel!    


Xia Lei walked to the rear of a parked Ford pickup truck and opened its lid.    


In the glare of the sun, the trunk of the pickup truck was filled with piles of dollars that seemed to glow. A full carriage would at least cost 5 million dollars!    


Xia Lei patted the US dollar in the carriage, and then he took out a piece of IOU from his pocket and opened it. After displaying it for a while, he said: "God sent me to close your door, then sent me to open a window for you. Your fate is already in my hands. I am your angel, and as long as you listen to me, you will be saved. Young and beautiful woman, you can take a luxury yacht around the world, and you can even go to the Pacific and buy an island to be king. Isn't that what you want? "    


"You ? Who exactly are you? " Thompson was not stupid. When Xia Lei made this request, his first reaction was that he had met a spy, and he had been tricked from the very beginning.    


"I have made it clear that I am your angel."    


"Nonsense!" Thompson struggled to get up, he seemed to have a bit of confidence, and his tone became more unyielding, "Tell me, are you working for the Grand China, or are you working for the Russians? Maybe you're Iranian, am I right? "    


"Have you seen a Russian spy as handsome as I am? Have you ever seen a Grand China spy who was willing to give you a car full of money? Or have you ever seen an Iranian spy drink and eat pork chops? " Xia Lei said with a teasing tone.    


"If you're not a spy, who are you?" Thompson said: "You planned all of this, what exactly do you want me to do for you?"    


"Actually, who I am isn't important. What is important is that I can save you." Xia Lei said.    


Thompson's gaze moved to the money in the truck, and the IOU in Xia Lei's hands. His heart was in a dilemma, but his eyes were burning with greed and desire.    


If a person who had just crawled out of hell discovered that they weren't dead, their courage would definitely be several times greater than before. Although he did not know what Xia Lei wanted him to do, he was already desperate to get his hands on the money.    


Thompson hesitated before saying: "What do you want me to do for you?"    


Xia Lei said: "What I want you to do is very simple for you, and it won't be discovered. You just have to survive for a few hours, and your life will be different from then on. "    


"And if I refuse?" Thompson said. People like him did not believe that there was a free lunch in the world.    


Xia Lei laughed, "If you refuse, this promissory note will return to the usurer, and they will kill your daughter and grandson. As for yourself, you have killed Alice. What awaits you is your life imprisonment. There are a lot of black people in prison who like white people's butts, but I suggest you prepare more Vaseline because they don't care for women. "    


"F * ck!" Thompson was like an enraged wild beast, he pounced towards Xia Lei once again.    


A second later he was flying again, landing hard on the sand.    


Xia Lei said indifferently, "Those usurers aren't human. It isn't hard for me to guess how they will treat your daughter. I have 5 million dollars in my car, and with that money you can retire early and enjoy life. "It's easy to reject me. Worse comes to worse, I'll have to find another target, but if you want to think about it clearly, there's only one chance for you. If you miss this chance, you will have to go to hell."    


Thompson's expression was extremely complicated, his heart was also fighting with the heavens. One of his old men said yes, and another said no. The two voices nagged at him, causing him to hesitate.    


Xia Lei closed the lid of the carriage, and then walked towards the driver's seat. Just as he opened the car door, Thompson finally spoke out.    


"Wait!" Thompson crawled up from the ground, he wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, "Tell me, what exactly do you want me to do for you?"    


Xia Lei said: "It's simple, be my man."    


"Be your man?" Thompson was startled, "What do you mean?"    


Xia Lei said: "You are a Brigadier General of the United States Army, you are in charge of security in sector 51, you have high authority, I think you must know the Shepherd Project right?"    


"So you are here for the shepherd's plan!"    


"Are you surprised?" Xia Lei said coldly: "If I am not aiming for the shepherd plan, then I am aiming for your daughter. Which one are you going to choose?"    


"The Shepherd Project is currently the highest level of secrecy in the United States. What you asked me to do is very dangerous. If I'm not careful, both of us will die. You have to think carefully." Thompson's tone softened.    


Xia Lei said: "As long as you listen to me carefully and follow my instructions meticulously, so that everything follows my plan, you will be fine, and I will be fine as well. I got what I wanted, you got 5 million and your IOU to start a new life, we had nothing to do with each other, just a few hours of trading, what are you afraid of? "    


Thompson became silent. He said this very easily, but he knew that treason in the United States would be punishable by death. He still had a trace of hesitation.    


Xia Lei said: "Mr. Thompson, do you still remember the words that I said at the gambling table tonight? Sometimes, people need the spirit of gambling. If you don't even have the courage to gamble, then how miserable would your life be in the future? "Think about your daughter and grandson. Think about the disgusting things that you have to face in prison. What else do you have to hesitate for?"    


Thompson bit his lips, "I promise you! What is your plan? "    


"You will know, but before we begin our plan, you have to prove your sincerity to me." Xia Lei said.    


Thompson said: "I already have nothing, how else do you want me to prove my sincerity?"    


Xia Lei said: "I am not the only one interested in the shepherd's plan. There is a Japanese woman that you have asked out for me, as long as you do this, you can prove to me your sincerity, I will lend you the IOU."    


"Then what about 5 million?" Thompson said vigilantly.    


Xia Lei said: "When you help me complete my plan, you will receive these 5 million dollars."    


"No, if I help you get someone you want to date, you have to give me half of it!" Thompson said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Money is a small matter to me. Since you want it, I can give you half of it." After a pause, he opened his arms. "Now come and hug your angel!"    


Thompson, "..."    


While the two of them were hugging each other, on a nearby sand dune, Thousand Army pressed down on the camera's shutter.    


Everything was progressing according to Xia Lei's plan, to the point that they didn't deviate by even a millimeter.    


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