Tranxending Vision

C1114 Sly little bitch

C1114 Sly little bitch

For a man like Xia Lei, even if he didn't go and flirt with the girl, the girl would still take the initiative to flirt with him, let alone take the initiative. Based on Alice's previous reaction, he wasn't worried at all that there would be no one to watch a movie with him tomorrow night.    


The prey had already taken the bait. He only needed to put in a little more effort to catch her.    


After walking out of the gambling den, Xia Lei entered a ram truck.    


Yasuya Khan started the car and left the car park, "Boss, I've settled everything over there. Thompson asked me to go to his house early in the morning to discuss a deal with him. He even hinted that I should bypass the intermediary company to make a trade with them and he doesn't seem to want to pay the commission for the intermediary company. "    


Xia Lei laughed: "He is even more lacking in money now. Tonight, he lost more than twenty thousand dollars, I think half of it is his salary, and the other half is an overdrawn credit card. When negotiating with him tomorrow, let's push down his price a bit, don't be too straightforward. "    


Yasuya Khan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know what to do. I will make him feel that selling it to me is the best option, but he will need to spend a lot of effort to convince me that such a deal wouldn't raise his suspicions."    


"Boss, how's the progress over there?" Kyoko Tsukino suddenly asked.    


Xia Lei subconsciously looked at the middle finger of his right hand, and a strange feeling surfaced in his heart. He smiled, "It went smoothly, that Alice has already promised to watch a movie with me tomorrow night."    


A look of jealousy flashed past Kyoko Tsukino's eyes, but she did not say anything.    


Xia Lei seemed to have felt the change in Kyoko Tsukino's heart. He quietly reached out his hand, took hold of her hand that was on the sofa, then went close to her ear and said softly: "That woman called Alice played a very important role in my plan. I also didn't have any way of doing that. She can't even compare to a toe of yours. "    


A smile suddenly surfaced on Kyoko Tsukino's face. There was no woman who didn't like such flattery, what's more, this came from Xia Lei's mouth. In truth, she was not really jealous of Xia Lei, because if he were to seriously be jealous of Xia Lei, she would have been sour to death a long time ago.    


"I'm not imagining things." Kyoko Tsukino moved her lips closer to Xia Lei's ear and whispered into his ear: "We didn't manage to buy a house, where are we going to stay tonight?"    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then said: "We cannot stay in the hotel, we will leave the city, and go to the desert behind Thompson's home to enjoy the night, and also take the chance to monitor Thompson's movements."    


Yasuya Khan had also heard it. The Indian said: "Boss, the person in charge of monitoring Thompson must be me, right?"    


"Who else could it be other than you?" Without waiting for Xia Lei to speak, Kyoko Tsukino quickly said: "I will be in charge of protecting the boss, and you will be in charge of monitoring Thompson and the woman. It's settled then."    


Yasuya Khan, "..."    


The Indian felt aggrieved, for he was sure that what the Japanese ninja called protecting their boss would not be a difficult task, but a very enjoyable one. But could he not say that such an arrangement would not be the most reasonable? He began to miss his Russian woman, if Ye Liena was also here, he would be able to monitor Thompson happily.    


Las Vegas is an illusion in the moonlight. When it was left behind, it was as if he had walked out of an illusion and returned to the real world. It was like a dream.    


A ram truck climbed up a dune and slid down.    


Yasuya Khan walked down from the driver's seat and carried his equipment bag as he climbed up the sand dune. The height of the sand dune was just right for him to see Thompson's house.    


"Be careful, don't let anyone find out." Xia Lei warned. From the moment he stepped into Las Vegas, he had been waiting as if he had entered a net. If any traces were revealed at this time, the enemy would quickly retract the net, and he would be unable to escape even if he had wings, so he had to be careful, cautious, and cautious with every step.    


Yasuya Khan turned around and glanced at Xia Lei, and a mischievous smile appeared on his face, "Boss, don't worry, there won't be any problems. Have fun. Don't worry, I won't peep at you. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


The Indians are good at everything, except sometimes they have a bit of a mouth.    


Yasuya Khan left and disappeared into the sand dune. Only Xia Lei and Kyoko Tsukino were left on the sand below the sand dunes. The Japanese woman looked happy. She took a blanket out of the trunk and spread it on the sand beside the Ram truck. She was not alone. After she was done, she smoothed out the four corners of the blanket, making it look very flat. It was like a Japanese tatami, giving people a very comfortable feeling.    


When she was done with the blanket, she took out water and food from the trunk and began to prepare dinner. The whole process of her work was meticulous, particularly docile, typical of a Japanese housewife.    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "We will just stay here for the night, why are you being so particular?"    


Kyoko Tsukino laughed, and said with a very docile tone: "In our Japan, women will be responsible for all matters of the family, how to make their husband live a comfortable life, how to serve their husband, these are also the lessons that every Japanese woman must learn."    


Xia Lei only laughed, and did not reply. He thought of an interesting statistic, the one about the social status of women in Asian countries. According to the statistics, the status of women in Grand China was the highest among all the countries in Asia. The status of Japanese women was ranked ninth among all the countries in Asia, which was a very low number.    


Just as Xia Lei was thinking about this statistic, Kyoko Tsukino walked over to him on the blanket and knelt in front of him.    


"Xingzi, what are you doing?" Xia Lei looked at her in shock. Kyoko Tsukino pursed her lips into a smile. Without saying a word, she extended her hand to grab onto one of Xia Lei's feet, then took off his shoes.    


"No need, I'll do it myself." Xia Lei felt very awkward.    


However, Kyoko Tsukino said: "In our Japan, men go home, this is how women change into slippers for men."    


"But I'm not a Japanese man." Xia Lei said.    


"But I'm a Japanese woman." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


However, he did know that not only was Kyoko Tsukino a very traditional Japanese Ninja, she was also a very traditional Japanese woman. She was very serious about some of the traditional things.    


Xia Lei waited for her to pull off his feet, put on a pair of shoes and then stepped onto the blanket. Although he felt a little unnatural, when he thought about how the woman who served him was Kyoko Tsukino, he did not have anything to be courteous about.    


They ate some food and drank some water on the blanket, and then there was nothing left to do.    


Xia Lei lied on the blanket and analyzed his plan with his brain. All the information he had was displayed in his mind, and then analyzed according to it to simulate the development of events. If a simulation of a particular place turned out badly, his brain would think about what went wrong, correct those mistakes, and offer the right solution.    


With his brain's ability to calculate, he quickly deduced the situation after entering area 51, but that was the end of it.    


"Boss, are you looking at the stars?" Kyoko Tsukino's voice sounded beside Xia Lei's ears, bringing along a fragrant hot air and a bewitching scent.    


Xia Lei's ears twitched. He reached out to scratch his head and said: "What stars are you looking at? I'm thinking about my next move."    


"Do you need inspiration?" Kyoko Tsukino continued to blow.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Meteor!" Kyoko Tsukino suddenly pointed to the sky with an excited expression. Then, she matched her eyes, clasped her hands together, and made a wish towards the shooting star.    


Xia Lei also saw the shooting star in the sky, so he closed his eyes. He did not believe in ghosts or gods, nor did he think that making a wish on a shooting star would fulfill his wish. But he was still affected by Kyoko Tsukino in the end, and he secretly made a wish in his heart, "May my wife and children be safe and sound, and I hope that I can pass through this crisis in two years ?"    


A meteor streaked across the night sky, falling into the sea or burning away in the atmosphere. The shooting star was brilliant, but it only lasted for an instant.    


Just as Xia Lei was wishing for and comprehending his own life, his belt suddenly loosened. He subconsciously grabbed Kyoko Tsukino's hand and tried to divert her attention, "Xingzi, what wish did you make?"    


"It won't work if you say it out loud." Kyoko Tsukino said.    


Xia Lei laughed, he did not believe in such a thing, but seeing how serious Kyoko Tsukino was, he did not think that it was appropriate for him to say it.    


Kyoko Tsukino crawled up, and knelt beside Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei suddenly felt that her kneeling was even sexier than when she was standing.    


"Let me serve you." Kyoko Tsukino's voice was very gentle.    


Xia Lei replied softly. Life was short and bitter, so when it was time to be happy, he had to be happy.    


On the sand dune, Yasuya Khan used his night vision binoculars to look at the situation under the sand dune. However, Kyoko Tsukino was extremely smart. She had constructed her tatami on the other side of the male sheep truck, and the Indians couldn't even see it from the other side. However, although they couldn't see it, the Indians could still see the writhing hot air image in the rear of the Ram pickup truck through a telescope equipped with a hot air image.    


"How boring. How boring." Yasuya Khan mumbled to himself and then gave up. He moved the binoculars to the other side.    


Inside Thompson's villa, Yasuya Khan saw Alice enter the bathroom, then tore open a piece of toilet cotton and placed it on a critical piece of fabric. And in the other room, Thompson was using perfume to spray his body. Tomorrow he would be rich. He seemed to be in a good mood and wanted to do something passionate.    


Alice entered Thompson's room and impatiently hugged Alice.    


Alice pushed Thompson away, "Darling, my 'one' is here, I can't do it today."    


Thompson stretched out his hand to touch it, and immediately collapsed on the bed like a deflated ball.    


"Go to sleep. You still need to sell your house tomorrow. You need to be in a good condition." Alice turned off the light.    


Yasuya Khan frowned, and cursed: "This little bitch is truly cunning, can Boss take care of her?"    


Then he turned the binoculars to the Ram truck and watched.    


The following night was destined to be a sleepless night for the Indians.    


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