Tranxending Vision

C1123 Intercept

C1123 Intercept

The dawn's light dispersed the darkness, but Mei Hattori's world did not have a single ray of sunlight.    


Before Xia Lei received the news, she had already received a message from Japan. A group of Colombian assassins stormed into the Hattori family's ancestral home at night. The Tokyo police and soldiers from the land self-defense line exchanged fire with them, killing more than a dozen people. However, in the midst of a chaotic battle, one person took her mother's clothes, Wendy. There was no clear explanation as to exactly how her mother had been abducted.    


The news kept her awake all night.    


In Hattori family, the only family she truly recognized was her mother, Wendy. Thus, she could throw Tsukiba Hattori at the border of India and Pakistan and watch him die indifferently. She could also not remind her father that Masao Hattori was about to die even if she knew that there was an assassin, but she couldn't watch her mother die just like that.    


Japanese women have a very low status in society and in the family. Moreover, she was still a half-breed. Only she knew the discrimination and injustice that she was subjected to. In the years that she had grown up, the only one who accompanied her was her mother.    


But now, her mother's clothes were already in Xia Lei's hands. As long as Xia Lei clenched his hands tightly, her mother would stop breathing and shatter.    


"I will kill you! I'm going to kill you, and you're going to kill me, okay? Xia Lei... " Mei Hattori said to herself. Her expression was sinister, laughing and crying as though she was a madman.    


Du du du, du du...    


The phone on his desk rang.    


Who would be calling at this time?    


Mei Hattori hesitated for a moment, then picked up the phone, but she didn't say anything and just listened.    


A man's voice came over the phone. "Miss Dress, can you recognize my voice?"    


"Mr. Thompson, I can obviously recognize your voice. What's the matter?" If it was before she received this news, Mei Hattori would have chatted with Thompson for a while, even if it was just a casual chat.    


"Miss Pu Zi, if it wasn't something very important, I wouldn't have called you so early." Thompson's voice sounded out, "I have some information about the matter that you asked me about last time."    


"You mean the Shepherd Project?" Mei Hattori's attention shifted.    


"Yes." Thompson's voice sounded, "An expert has discovered that the six statues are hiding a secret ?" At this point, he closed his mouth once again.    


"What did the expert discover?" Mei Hattori asked anxiously.    


"Miss Wei, do you think it's convenient to say such things on the phone?" Thompson's voice.    


"What do you want to talk about?" Mei Hattori tried to test the waters.    


Thompson said: "Do you have time for lunch?"    


Mei Hattori said: "I do, come over for lunch, let's have a meal together."    


"No, no, no. I don't have time to come over. Come to the military base of sector 51. We'll meet outside." Thompson said.    


Mei Hattori did not speak. She was hesitating.    


"Miss Yu Li?"    


"Mr. Thompson, I need to drive to your place for more than an hour. Can you give me a hint? I mean, what should I prepare for you? " Mei Hattori said.    


This was a very clear hint that she needed to know what kind of secret was in Thompson's hands and how much it was worth before she would consider whether or not she should go to the military base in Sector 51.    


"Do you really want me to talk here?"    


Mei Hattori said: "Mr. Thompson, I just want you to give me a hint so that I can prepare what you want. Didn't you call me just to make a deal? "    


Thompson remained silent for a while before saying, "Alright, it's a secret regarding the X Secret Gold. That expert found the possibility of creating an X Secret Gold among the six statues. "    


"This... Is this true? " Mei Hattori was obviously very surprised and excited.    


Thompson said: "Of course it's true. I won't joke around with you with something like this. Since you mentioned the deal, there's nothing for me to be embarrassed about. Prepare five million in cash, I'll pay three million, the expert will pay two million. "Remember that it's cash, so you won't accept the transfer."    


"Can you give me some more tips?"    


"Miss Gu, I've already reminded you enough, it's your business whether you come or not. Let me tell you, I don't worry about buyers. Just give me a call before you come so that I can get ready. " With that, Thompson hung up.    


The call had ended, but Mei Hattori was still standing by her desk with the phone in her hand. She did not move for a few minutes.    


She constructed a safe fortress here. As long as she was in this fortress, she believed that the moment Xia Lei appeared, the one who would die would definitely be Xia Lei and not her. But once she left here, many factors would no longer be within her control. If he refused, the secrets and skills of the X Secret Gold would make Japan once again become a top military power, and the Hattori family would also become a top super family in the world. She could not resist this temptation.    


To go or not to go?    


She kept thinking about this question, and it was difficult for her to make a decision.    


On the other side, 119 Palm Road.    


Thompson put down his phone, "Mr. James, I can only do this, I am not sure if she will keep his promise."    


Xia Lei was also thinking about this matter in his heart, but he was actually not too sure about it either. When Thompson was on the phone with Mei Hattori, he was listening at the side. He did not allow Thompson to stop the conversation, but he still heard Mei Hattori's voice very clearly. He could sense the sense of caution and suspicion from Mei Hattori's voice, which made him unable to make an accurate judgement of the situation.    


"What if she doesn't go?" Thompson asked.    


Xia Lei said, "Don't worry about that. Tell me about the situation in District 51 and what you know about the plans no one has made."    


Thompson said, "The Pentagon has increased the security level of Sector 51. Currently, even I have to pass three security checks. The second security check is a body search, inspection of prohibited items, we use a mobile phone not even allowed to take photos. The third security check was the Celestial system's security check. It checked the human's face and bones, as well as fingerprints and pupils. At the third security check, not even twin brothers or sisters could get through. "    


Xia Lei shouted for trouble in his heart. He was very clear about the abilities of Celestial system, even if he was wearing human skin. The mask could not be concealed. Once he was found in District 51, he could not even imagine the consequences. However, if he wanted to solve the puzzlement in his heart, and even find a new clue to solve the ancient alloy's secret, he would have to enter Area 51. Zone 51 would also be the most dangerous area he'd infiltrated, none of them.    


Thompson continued, "The Shepherd Project will be handled by the AE Research Center in Sector 51. The person in charge will be Alec, who is in charge of the AE Research Center. He was America's most distinguished biological scientist, and he had suggested to the Pentagon that the six statues be shipped from Israel to the United States. Those six statues are currently in AE Research Center, and they are being watched and studied 24 hours a day. "    


"What are they studying?"    


"Their material, their magnetic field. These few days, there seems to be another project aimed at them. "    


"Ultra Natural energy? "What exactly do you mean?" Xia Lei's curiosity was piqued.    


But Thompson laughed bitterly, "I am only a soldier, I am not good at scientific research. In addition, the AE Research Center in Area 51 is an absolute forbidden area. It's very troublesome to go in and out of there. I rarely go there. "    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then said: "Show me your phone that is used in District 51."    


Thompson took out a special mobile phone and handed it over to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei studied it for a moment. It looked like a Three Defense Phone, but it was much simpler than the ones on the market. He said, "I'll take it and take a look first. You can come and take it from the study room in five minutes."    


Thompson was startled for a moment, and then said: "Mr. James, I have to remind you that you cannot put a bug or locator on my phone, if you do, I will not be able to pass the security check for District 51."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Don't worry, I won't be that stupid. You come to me in five minutes. "    


Thompson nodded and watched Xia Lei enter his previous study.    


After entering the study room, Xia Lei took out the You Pan that he connected to his phone, and inserted the phone that was stored in the You Yuan version of the "Xiaoqian" into Thompson's phone.    


As expected, Thompson arrived at the study five minutes later and returned his phone back to him.    


Thompson looked at the phone and asked tentatively: "Mr. James, did you really not install a bug?"    


Xia Lei said: "Relax, I was counting on you to help me out. Why would I do that? I just took your phone to check the recent phone records. "    


Thompson followed: "Mr. James, you don't have to worry too, I won't sell you out. I'd be killing myself for betraying you, and I wouldn't be that stupid. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "That's good. Go to the military base in Sector 51 and wait for Mei Hattori's call. If she calls, let me know. If she doesn't call you, you have to call me. If she goes, I'll give you twenty million dollars. If she doesn't, I'll give you five million dollars. "    


"I'll drive right back to Area 51." Thompson left as soon as he said he would, without any hesitation at all.    


After Thompson left, Kyoko Tsukino entered the study, "Boss, why did you let Thompson return to the military base? He's in our line of sight, and we can still control him. But if he leaves our sight, we can't control him. If he sells us out, it will be a very dangerous thing for us. "    


Xia Lei did not directly answer Kyoko Tsukino's question. He turned on his hacker computer. The screen of the hacker's computer instantly displayed the image of the location of the satellite.    


"You put a locator on him?"    


Xia Lei said: "No, I only installed the spy program that I wrote onto his phone. It will support Thompson for us. I can eavesdrop on anyone he calls. It's just a program, and the security checkpoint in sector 51 can't be detected at all. "    


Mei Hattori said: "Then I am relieved, but I am still worried that Mei Hattori will not go. I understand her, even if it is just a little bit of danger, she will not easily take the risk."    


Xia Lei said: "She will go, the Japanese are drooling over the X Secret Gold, Mei Hattori wants the formula and production technology of the X Secret Gold more than the Americans. She was only hesitating about whether the deal was safe or not. Once she had confirmed it, she would make the appointment. I figured she'd need at least thirty hours to confirm it, and by then the mechanic would have brought her mother, Wendy, here. We'll choose a location now and leak information about her mother's whereabouts to the Japanese. At the same time, in two different places, she will definitely go to one place. "    


"She's going to save her mother?"    


"No, she'll trade." Xia Lei said.    


He was actually the one who understood Mei Hattori the best.    


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