Tranxending Vision

C1129 Chariot Stampede

C1129 Chariot Stampede

Once the Scythe Lock was out, the Magic Kotaro had a bad premonition. He roamed the world of samurai warriors because of madness and his inborn strong physique, as well as her speed. The world's martial arts could not be broken, only speed could not be broken, and speed was also what he was most proud of, but it was only when Xia Lei pounced on him that he saw true speed!    


Xia Lei moved, and Xia Lei appeared in front of him. That process seemed to be extremely difficult to catch. Tai Lang subconsciously retreated, but at that moment, his right wrist, which was holding onto the iron chain, suddenly felt a sharp pain. His right hand could no longer hold onto the iron chain!    


The chain that connected the chain and the Sickle of the lock fell onto the ground, allowing Magic Kotaro to finally escape from Xia Lei's attack. But that was only for a short period of time. Before he could even stabilize herself, Xia Lei had already rushed in front of him.    


As the two passed each other, young Taro Feng's left wrist was also cut. Blood gushed out from his two wrists and stained his pants red in the blink of an eye.    


In just one exchange, he, who was known as the strongest warrior of Japan, had already lost his ability to fight. To him, this was undoubtedly the most vicious irony in the world, the most direct trampling!    


A few seconds ago, he was still rejoicing that Xia Lei did not pull out his gun and did the stupidest thing, but now he understood that it was not because was stupid, but because Xia Lei did not even put him in his eyes ?    


Xia Lei stopped immediately and turned to look coldly at Magic Kotaro.    


Magic Kotaro tried to move his wrist, but no matter if it was his left or right wrist, they would not listen to his commands. He looked at Xia Lei in disbelief, and the military blade in Xia Lei's hand dripped with blood. Was this what he called an East Asian sick man? He felt like he was talking about herself!    


"Is this your Japanese ninja arts? Which school are you from? "Why is it so rotten?" Xia Lei walked towards the Magic Kotaro, and the corners of his mouth curled into a disdainful smile.    


"AHH@@ With two steps, his body suddenly jumped, his right leg was like a battering ram, rushing towards Xia Lei.    


His body weighed more than 200 jins. The force of his kick was terrifying. If this kick hit someone's chest, it was very likely it would break them all, piercing into their lungs and heart.    


However, under this thunder-like heavy leg attack, not only did Xia Lei not retreat or dodge, but instead, Little Tai Lang's right leg also counterattacked.    


Magic Kotaro's right leg was about to hit Xia Lei's chest, but Xia Lei suddenly leaned back. Magic Kotaro stepped on his chest and face with her right leg and moved behind him. In that instant, the blade in his right hand cut through the tendons in Magic Kotaro's right leg.    


Blood gushed out from Magic Kotaro's right heel. Xia Lei's body finally saw blood, but it was all the blood of the Crazy Demon Xiao Tai Lang.    




Magic Kotaro's body flew past Xia Lei's body, and when she landed, she lost her balance and fell heavily onto the ground. He struggled to get up, but he found that he could not complete even one simple movement. He had lost control of her hands and one foot, and he could not stand up on one foot. After that, he saw Xia Lei walk towards him as fear and despair filled his body and hatred filled her heart. But even overflowing hatred seemed meaningless at this moment.    


Xia Lei walked to Magic Kotaro's side. Without saying a word, he raised his blade and sliced off the tendons on Magic Kotaro's left foot. Now, even if he didn't kill Magic Kotaro, he would still be a cripple.    


"Do you have anything else to say?" Xia Lei said coldly: "Because I'm about to cut your tongue, I mean what I say."    


"Bah!" Magic Kotaro spat out a mouthful of blood at Xia Lei, "Grand China Pig!"    


Just as he finished speaking, the group within Xia Lei's hand was pushed into his mouth, and then, they were fiercely twisted. Blood immediately flowed out from the corner of Magic Kotaro's mouth. When General Xia Lei pulled out his blade, blood had already gushed out from Demon Sealing Sun's mouth.    


"Woo woo ?" Magic Kotaro wanted to scold him, but he was no longer able to make a sound, all that came out of his mouth was a vague sound of grief.    


"You can be considered a courageous person. You didn't beg me for mercy, so after cutting your little Ding Ding, I will immediately cut your throat to allow you to leave faster." Are you ready? " General Xia Lei moved his blade between Magic Kotaro's legs.    


I want to torture you and then kill you. This is what Xia Lei is doing right now, regardless of how one looks at it, the things he is doing are extremely cruel and brutal.    


Magic Kotaro's breathing suddenly quickened. He subconsciously wanted to crawl back, but right at this moment, the blade in Xia Lei's hand stabbed into the space between his legs, and then cut horizontally.    


"Wuu ~ ~ ~" Magic Kotaro cried out in pain.    


Xia Lei waved his right hand, and the incomparably sharp blade instantly slashed across Magic Kotaro's neck. Fresh blood spurted out from the neck of Crazy Demon Xiao Tai Lang. The spurt was as high as two meters, like a fountain made of fresh blood!    


Magic Kotaro, whose reputation was only second to Kenichi Yagyuu's, had fallen in a humiliating manner.    


Xia Lei picked up the blast assault rifle and the XL2500 sniper rifle he threw on the ground, then shifted his gaze towards a certain direction. A second later, he was on top of a redwood tree beside him.    


Sequoia americana is the world's tallest tree, some thousand years old can grow to 130 meters tall, equivalent to the height of more than 40 buildings. Although this redwood was not as old as a thousand year old tree, nor as tall as a hundred and thirty meters, it was still seventy to eighty meters tall, and stretched towards the sky like a pillar that supported the heavens.    


However, Xia Lei did not reach the highest peak of the tree, as it was completely unnecessary for him. When he reached a height of about fifty meters, he stopped and stood on a branch. Standing at a height of 50 meters, he was like a sniper who had climbed up the rooftop of a skyscraper. He could see everything within several kilometers of him!    


He quickly found the target he wanted to kill the most, Mei Hattori.    


In his line of sight, Mei Hattori was running deeper into the forest in a sorry state. In her hand was a gun. Her clothes had long since been torn to shreds by tree branches and thorns, revealing a large portion of snow-white tender skin. Mei Hattori was one of the most delicate women he had ever met, so how could her delicate skin withstand the thorns and branches?    


Xia Lei's brain gave him a set of data: Target 1543 meters, wind speed 5 meters per second, level 3 breeze, relative humidity 60%. When this set of data appeared, he raised the XL2500 sniper rifle in his hands. But just as he locked onto Mei Hattori's back and was about to pull the trigger, Mei Hattori's body was suddenly blocked by a very tall redwood. He waited for five seconds and still did not see her appear.    


Xia Lei frowned. Using a sniper rifle in the forest would be difficult to avoid. He could easily kill any target at a distance of over 1500 meters, but in the dense forest, tree after tree obstructed his line of sight as well as the trajectory of the bullets. It was simply impossible to kill Mei Hattori in such an environment. One of the simple reasons was that the bullet would need a bit more than a second to fly, and looking at it, Mei Hattori would be able to jump over a tree, and that tree would also become her most loyal and reliable cover.    


"You won't be able to run away." Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart, he put away his sniper rifle and prepared to jump down from the tree to chase after the sprout.    




A gunshot rang out from the opposite hillside, and a woman screamed like a madman, "You're dead!"    


Bang Bang Bang...    


There was a series of gunshots.    


Xia Lei followed his, but discovered that Yasuya Khan was already blocked behind a rock by a woman, and did not dare to look up. Yasuya Khan seemed to have already exhausted all of his bullets and was currently in a rather awkward and dangerous situation. Yasuya Khan was the Sharpshooter of Zodiac Clan, but in this kind of environment, he needed to use up even more bullets to reach his normal level. That woman was clearly a ninja who was good at taking advantage of the environment. She had kept her ammunition all this time, waiting for Yasuya Khan to run out of bullets before rushing out to suppress Yasuya Khan with her firepower.    


Beside him, a Japanese warrior holding an MK17 assault rifle charged towards Yasuya Khan. He was only about twenty meters away from where Yasuya Khan was hiding, and with his current speed, he only needed five seconds to get past that rock and shoot Yasuya Khan down. However, Yasuya Khan was suppressed by the firepower of the lady and did not know that the Japanese warrior was charging towards him.    


The XL2500 sniper rifle in Xia Lei's hands was raised horizontally in an instant, and then he pulled the trigger.    




On the other side of the forest, the Japanese ninja, Baudolo Wild Milk Flower, who was using the MK17 assault rifle to suppress Yasuya Khan, fell to the ground at the same time as the gunshots rang out. A fist-sized hole appeared on her back.    


The suppression disappeared, and the Japanese warrior who was about to charge forward turned around to take a look.    


A bullet whizzed past and embedded itself into his head. Until his death, he still did not understand what had happened. He was like that, and so was the wildflowers.    


Yasuya Khan carefully poked his head out from behind the rocks. Then, he saw the Boduo Wildflower lying on the ground, as well as the Japanese warrior who had rushed to the bottom of the rocks. He was stunned for a moment and suddenly understood something. He gave a thumbs up to the forest across him.    


The battle on the opposite hillside had finally ended.    


Xia Lei did not retract his spear. His line of sight suddenly shifted to the place where he had hidden last night, the place where Kyoko Tsukino had caught the snake. With a glance, he saw Kyoko Tsukino and an old man standing in a small clearing in the forest. According to Kyoko Tsukino's description, he had determined the identity of the old man. He was Kyoko Tsukino's master, Kenichi Yagyuu.    


Kyoko Tsukino did not move, and neither did Kenichi Yagyuu. He didn't know how long these two had been like this. The feeling they gave others was that they had been staring at each other since yesterday until now.    


In this kind of situation, Xia Lei only needed to pull the trigger of a gun to solve the problem. But just as he was about to do so, he suddenly recalled the words Kyoko Tsukino said to him by his ear last night.    


At that time, Kyoko Tsukino, who was whiter than the moon, curled up in his embrace. She drew circles on his chest with her finger and then said in a very gentle voice, "Boss, my master will definitely come find me tomorrow, and he knows how to find me as well. "Don't interfere in the duel between him and me. Let him and me settle the problem between us in accordance with our tradition in Iharion." "    


"But ?" If you cannot defeat him, he will kill you. Do you want me to watch you die? " "No," he said.    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "I'm not afraid of death, what I'm afraid of is that if you help me, I won't be able to step into his shadow in the future. Promise me that this is related to my honor and my martial arts cultivation. No matter what happens tomorrow, you will not interfere in the duel between me and him, okay? "    


He nodded.    


This memory flashed across Xia Lei's mind as he put down the XL2500 sniper rifle.    


It seemed foolish to place yourself in a dangerous situation, whether you lived or died, without any help from others. However, there was always such a person in this world. Kyoko Tsukino was one of them. She had betrayed her homeland, her race, and her master.    


Xia Lei understood her, so he supported her.    


Xia Lei got down from the red fir tree and chased after Mei Hattori.    


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