Tranxending Vision

C1141 AE Research Center

C1141 AE Research Center

In Thompson's office.    


"Mr. James, you have to finish this as soon as possible. The faster you leave, the better." Thompson sounded like he was begging. If Xia Lei was found out and brought out, he would also be finished.    


However, Xia Lei acted as if he did not hear anything. He operated Thompson's computer and quickly played the surveillance video for the AE Research Center. However, what he called up was only external surveillance video, not internal video.    


Thompson also saw the surveillance video that Xia Lei called out, and said: "It's useless, the AE Research Center's interior is a separate monitoring system, even I can't see it."    


Xia Lei said: "It's independent, that is to say, you can't see what's happening inside?"    


Thompson nodded his head, "That's the theory."    


"Bring me there." Xia Lei said.    


"Huh?" Thompson's head was big, as if he was extremely unwilling.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "Don't forget that we are in the same boat. I'll travel alone, if I am discovered, will you be able to distance yourself from us? Only if you cover for me will I be safer. "    


"But ?" Thompson braced himself and said, "Although AE Research Center is in Sector 51, it has always been an independent organization. I don't have the authority to bring you in. If we break in, the CIA and the Pentagon will know soon enough. "    


"You need an excuse to enter, and that excuse is ready-made."    


"What is it?"    


Xia Lei said: "Aren't the people from Lockheed Martin Corp here? They just gave you a permit. Don't you know how to do something about it? He would pick out any flaws and bring his men in to check. Even if the Pentagon knew, you could call it doing your job. "    


Thompson thought for a moment, "Alright, you drive. I will pick out the faults on the road."    


Just as Xia Lei was about to get up, an Asian female soldier suddenly appeared on the monitor. The image in the video was very blurry, but it was not an issue for Xia Lei at all. The moment he saw the Asian female soldier, he saw her face clearly. She was none other than Zhu Xuanyue!    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with surprise, and he said secretly: "I spent such a huge amount of effort to infiltrate District 51, but she swaggered in. Although she can control people's thoughts, he can't control the computer programs, not to mention the system in Sector 51 is connected to the Celestial system, how did she get in?"    


Xia Lei suddenly shifted his gaze to a map of District 51 that was placed on the desk, and then looked at the direction behind Zhu Xuanyue. He was stunned for a moment. Zhu Xuanyue came over from the helipad.    


Thompson also came closer, he also saw the Asian female soldier and asked: "What does this female soldier want to do?"    


Xia Lei said: "Don't worry about her, cancel the previous plan."    


"Cancel?" Thompson was obviously surprised. Although he was eager to go to the AE Research Center to take the risk, he was worried about what actions Xia Lei would take.    


In the monitoring screen, Zhu Xuanyue walked straight towards the alloy door of AE Research Center. No one asked her anything, and one of them opened the door for her. After opening the door, Zhu Xuanyue walked straight into the AE Research Center.    


"This... "What's the background of this woman?" Thompson was dumbstruck as he looked at the monitoring screen on the monitor.    


Xia Lei said: "You should stay here and prepare. I will leave in an hour."    


"You're going to AE Research Center yourself?"    


"Yes, I'll go by myself." Xia Lei walked towards the door without any additional explanation.    


Thompson shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, I will prepare it now."    


Leaving Thompson's office, Xia Lei relied on the map network AE Research Center that he memorized to walk towards him. He avoided all the surveillance cameras and all the patrolling soldiers. With his eyes and ears, he had absolute control over everything within two kilometers. Only if he discovered someone else, they would not be able to detect him.    


Ten minutes later, Xia Lei arrived at the circular structure of the AE Research Center.    


The four armed guards stood erect in the doorway, looking straight ahead.    


Xia Lei's eyes locked onto one of the guards and awakened his scanning mode. A set of data quickly appeared in his mind: heartbeat: 50, brain activity: 1%.    


His heartbeat was only 50, a normal heartbeat that only occurred when he was asleep. However, these four guards were on duty, so under normal circumstances, they wouldn't have such a heartbeat. Furthermore, their brain activity was only 1%. This was not a figure for sleeping, but a figure that had already become a living corpse.    


This was obviously Zhu Xuanyue's handiwork.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze and walked over. He pulled out a pass from one of the guards, opened the alloy door, and walked in.    


Behind the alloy door was an empty antechamber. There was only a row of chairs in the large antechamber and a front desk clerk, but since it was night, there were no staff there at all.    


The front hall today was a corridor, and the two sides of the corridor were office areas. Xia Lei's line of sight quickly completed the scouting, and the office areas on both sides of the corridor were only normal office areas, with no one working inside.    


There was a control room at the side of the office, but when Xia Lei shifted his gaze to that place, he realised that there were a few people lying around inside. There was no blood on their faces, and their hearts were not beating. This was obviously Zhu Xuanyue's doing. She killed all the guards in the control room and ate a little 'midnight snack'.    


Everywhere Zhu Xuanyue went, there were really not even chickens and dogs left!    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze from the control room and continued observing.    


There was an elevator next to the entrance to the corridor, but information about the retina, fingerprints, and pass was needed to get in. He looked through the elevator shaft and saw that it was an elevator going down. There was another underground space under the circular building. Clearly, that was the real AE research center. All the confidential experiments were conducted in the underground space.    


"Zhu Xuanyue can't possibly have a pass? She can't control the Celestial system either. There must be another way for her to take the elevator. " Xia Lei then moved her gaze to the ground, and a series of footprints appeared on the surface of the tiled floor.    


When Zhu Xuanyue walked over from the helipad, her feet were unavoidably covered in dust and soil. These things had become traces of Xia Lei tracking her. Of course, normal people would not be able to see such scars, so Xia Lei used his microcosm.    


Zhu Xuanyue's footprints extended towards the office. Xia Lei followed her footprints and walked forward, finally arriving at a room. Zhu Xuanyue's footprints extended inwards, and Xia Lei also pushed open the office door and walked in.    


The office was Alec's, with his nameplate on the desk and a picture of him with the former President of the United States on the wall.    


Zhu Xuanyue's footprints extended all the way to the front of a bookshelf.    


Xia Lei arrived in front of the bookshelf, and in his line of sight, a woman's handprint appeared at the side of the bookshelf. Xia Lei placed his hand on top of the woman's palm and pushed her off to the side. The bookcase slowly moved aside, revealing a staircase.    


There was no code requirement, no electronic device that needed to be plugged in. It was just a staircase that led to the underground space.    


Xia Lei was confused, "Such a tight place like this, Alec's office actually had such a plan. Is it a safe passage in an emergency, or what?"    


He hadn't seen the staircase in the front hall, but how could such an important research center not have stairs? If there was a power outage or a fire, how would the people in the underground space escape? Therefore, the possibility that this staircase was a hidden emergency safe escape route seemed to explain why it did not have complex identification equipment, because in an emergency situation, how could an escapee have the time to enter a password and check their fingerprints and retina?    


But the problem was, how did Zhu Xuanyue know of such a hidden and safe passage?    


Xia Lei thought of two possibilities.    


The first possibility was that someone had told her.    


The second possibility was that her clairvoyance had already reached quite a terrifying realm, and she was able to see the safe passage hidden in this office with a glance. But Xia Lei knew that he still couldn't do this.    


It was possible for either of these two possibilities, but Xia Lei didn't think too much about it. He entered the stairs behind the bookshelf, lowered his footsteps to the lowest level and carefully walked down. There was light on the stairs and there were also the footprints left by Zhu Xuanyue.    


When they were about to go down the three story staircase, the exit came into Xia Lei's line of sight.    


There were two corpses of armed guards lying at the exit of the stairs. Their brains had already withered and rotted, obviously becoming Zhu Xuanyue's snacks.    


The two armed guards were obviously the guardians of the staircase, and their existence also proved that this staircase was a safe passage in an emergency. Although he didn't need to check his identity and enter his password, it was prohibited under normal circumstances.    


Xia Lei walked out from the stairs, his position was only on a circular corridor. Below him was a huge underground space. Six faceless samurai statue s were placed in six different locations in the underground space, forming a hexagram. Around the six faceless samurai statue s, there was an uncountable amount of research equipment. Some of the equipment was in a working state, while some were in a closed state.    


All of these were what Xia Lei saw when he used his left eye to look at the ground beneath his feet. He simply did not dare to stand at the edge of the corridor.    


Xia Lei also saw Alec, Kirsten and his two female bodyguards, Charlotte and Eva, as well as the senior intelligence officer Corns who was from Israel.    


In the end, he saw the person he did not want to see, Zhu Xuanyue.    


The female soldier dressed Zhu Xuanyue had already walked down the circular corridor, she was passing through the experimental area and was walking towards the few people. The men hadn't noticed her, and they were still talking about the shepherd's plan.    


Their voices clearly travelled to Xia Lei's ears.    


"The materials of these six statues are not any of the materials in this world. We've compared all the comparable materials, none of them are similar, so we can be sure that they are not composite materials." Alec's voice.    


Kirsten said, "Mr. Alec, our plan is to melt them all. Why not execute our plan?"    


Alec said, "We know the plan of the Lockheed Martin Corp, but ? Melting them was the last step, and now was not the time to do so. It's amazing how they can interfere with signals, and if we melt them down without even figuring that out, we may never find out. "    


But at this moment, Corns suddenly shouted, "Who are you? Why are you here? "    


Zhu Xuanyue was discovered.    


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