Tranxending Vision

C1136 trisomy

C1136 trisomy

In the human world, he was definitely a butcher who was covered in blood, but when compared to Zhu Huanyue, he was just a child soldier. No matter what, since he had come, he would have to meet her sooner or later. Xia Lei braced himself to drive over, but he had already slowed down.    


The National Guard's fratricidal battle had also ended. The machine gunner who had killed all his comrades put down the heavy machine gun and pulled out his gun from his waist. He then opened his mouth, took the gun muzzle and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.    




The machine gunner's body tilted and he fell off the car onto the ground.    


There was only one survivor on both sides, Zhu Xuanyue, and from start to finish, she did not even glance at the battlefield behind her.    


did not take off the helmet on his head because there was no need for that. Zhu Xuanyue had the same ability to see through opponents as he did, and he was even stronger than him. In fact, when he was still two kilometers away from Zhu Xuanyue, Zhu Xuanyue had already recognized him.    


At a close distance, the familiar smell, and the look in their eyes, Xia Lei suddenly felt like she had never left him before. He was still so close to her, so close that he didn't need to say anything. He could feel her feelings, all of them.    


No one spoke for a full minute. None of Xia Ye's mosquitoes dared to approach.    


In the end, Xia Lei couldn't take it anymore, and he broke the silence between the two. "Xuan Yue, you ?"    


It was easy to speak, but he didn't know what to say.    


"You lied to me!" Zhu Xuanyue suddenly curled his lips, looking like a little girl who was about to cry after feeling wronged.    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with surprise, because whether it was the video he got from the Rescue Institute Brothers or the video he saw with his own eyes, Zhu Xuanyue had greatly changed. She was not the child he was familiar with at all. If there was a demon lurking in her body, it was one that had awoken. But as he approached her, the demon lurking inside her seemed suddenly to fall asleep, and she was back in his old state.    


What was going on?    


For some reason, Xia Lei suddenly thought of the other two women, Serenity and Gu Kewen. From a physics point of view, the Zhu Xuanyue in front of him was actually a fusion formed from Tranquil, Gu Kewen and Zhu Xuanyue's energy state. How could she completely wipe away Serenity and the existence of Gu Kewen in this body? Unless she abandoned this body!    


From a soul point of view, both Serenity and Gu Kewen were women who deeply loved him. Gu Kewen's love was extremely strong, strong to the point of destroying herself. The peaceful love was as gentle as water. Although it was not as strong as Gu Kewen's love, her love that was gentle like water was like a clear spring that nourished their bodies.    


It seemed to be the answer to why she had undergone such a reversal.    


If she approached him, the portion of her body that belonged to Tranquil Water and Gu Kewen would be activated. Gu Kewen's love that was like raging fire and her love that was as tranquil as a clear spring; these were all factors that changed her. This was actually also the reason why she used to speak in Gu Kewen's tone in the past. It was also why she relied on him to stick to her like tranquility.    


"Say something!" Zhu Xuanyue looked to be in a hurry.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Do you have to say it here? If we don't get out of here, I'm afraid the main force of the United States will come. "    


"I want you to say it now!" Zhu Xuanyue was fuming.    


The first sentence was a peaceful mode, but this time, it was Gu Kewen's mode. Her personality was changing.    


"I did not collude with the black-robed man to harm you. He is my greatest enemy." Xia Lei made a short statement, "Whether you believe me or not, this is the truth."    


"I believe you." Zhu Xuanyue said as she walked to his side.    


Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief, "Let's get on the carriage, we'll talk after we leave this place."    


Just as he finished speaking, Zhu Xuanyue suddenly punched Xia Lei in the abdomen.    


Boom! *    


Bang! With a loud crash, Xia Lei's body was thrown out of the carriage by the huge impact, flying a few meters before slamming heavily onto the asphalt. The pain that came from being hit in his lower abdomen was so great that he nearly vomited. He crawled up from the ground, enduring the pain with great difficulty, while vigilantly watching Zhu Xuanyue.    


Without a doubt, the one who attacked him was Zhu Xuanyue herself!    


Why would she suddenly attack?    


This was not even a problem, because Zhu Xuanyue did not even need a reason to kill people!    


Zhu Xuanyue walked towards Xia Lei with anger written all over her face and her eyes were extremely cold.    


Xia Lei retreated, but did not pull out his spear. His opponent was Zhu Xuanyue, so he had no idea how useful the spear would be. More importantly, he still hadn't figured out whether she was an enemy or a friend. If Zhu Xuanyue just wanted to vent the anger in her heart and beat him up a few times, he could accept it. But if he shot at her, the two of them would be completely at loggerheads. He already had the black gowned person as her mortal enemy, so if Zhu Xuanyue was added to the mix, he wouldn't even have the slightest chance!    


"Calm down." Xia Lei said as he retreated. His speed was slower than Zhu Xuanyue's, and he was waiting for her to come closer. At the same time, he was also preparing for her fatal attack.    


The moment Zhu Xuanyue neared Xia Lei, the expression on his face suddenly changed again. The trace of anger disappeared, and his eyes were no longer ice-cold. There was an extra trace of gentleness that only women would have. Are you all right? Who hit you? "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Zhu Xuanyue approached Xia Lei and rubbed his stomach. Her movements were very gentle, and he said while rubbing: "Does it still hurt? Do you want me to blow it for you? " As she spoke, she actually lifted up Xia Lei's clothes to blow on his lower abdomen.    


Xia Lei did not disturb her, nor did he dare to. He was afraid that some inappropriate action would wake up the demon in her body.    


After blowing on Xia Lei's lower abdomen, Zhu Xuanyue suddenly saw something strange. She reached her hand over, grabbed onto a piece of hair that was tied up tightly, pulled it out with all her might, and held it in her hand as she asked with a smile: "Uncle Xia, what is this?"    


Xia Lei started to feel like he was going a little crazy, he could not care about anything else, he shouted fiercely: "Stop messing around! We have to get out of here! "    


Zhu Xuanyue hid that curved strand of fur behind her back, hung her head, and looked very wronged, "If you're not making trouble, then don't. Why are you being so fierce ?"    


Xia Lei walked towards the locomotive, stepped onto it, and then looked back at Zhu Xuanyue, "Are you coming or not? "If you don't leave, I'm leaving!"    


Zhu Xuanyue caught up with him and with a light leap, she jumped onto the back of the locomotive. She reached out her arms to embrace Xia Lei's waist, and placed her cheek on Xia Lei's back.    


She was so gentle and obedient, but whether it was quiet or Gu Kewen, no one knew.    


Xia Lei started up the engine and rushed past the checkpoint. The corpses and broken limbs on the ground reeked of blood. They had died because of Zhu Xuanyue, but Zhu Xuanyue didn't even bother to look at them. There was no pity, no feeling, not even a trace.    


After driving for a distance, Xia Lei left the main road and entered a small rural road to continue forward. He didn't have a light at all. He was driving with his night vision. This was done to avoid detection by US aerial reconnaissance forces. Zhu Xuanyue had destroyed a checkpoint of the National Guard. Even if no one reported this to them, the National Guard would still find out soon. As for him, he also wanted to have a good talk with Zhu Xuanyue.    


Zhu Xuanyue, who was riding on the carriage, was not quiet at all. She hugged Xia Lei's waist, and sometimes used her fingers to scratch his navel. Xia Lei did not laugh, but she continued to giggle non-stop. When she wasn't doing this, she would rub his face against Xia Lei's back like a mischievous kitten.    


Xia Lei endured this kind of harassment all along, controlling the Haley Breaker and dashing through the darkness. An hour later, he and Haley the Breaker were 150 kilometers from the scene of the incident. When he finally stopped, he was next to a piece of corn. After he got off the car, he loaded the cart into the corn field.    


After placing the car down, Xia Lei turned around to look at Zhu Xuanyue who was standing by the side of the field. He saw Zhu Xuanyue staring at him coldly, his eyes filled with rage. This kind of gaze scared him. In his heart, he also had a very strong feeling that the demon hiding within Zhu Xuanyue's body had awakened again.    


"What did you bring me here for?" Zhu Xuanyue walked towards Xia Lei with an angry look on his face.    


Xia Lei said: "With so many people dead at the checkpoint, the Americans will definitely investigate. We have to ?"    


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Zhu Xuanyue suddenly punched at his lower abdomen. However, this time, he was prepared. He pressed down with both hands and blocked Zhu Xuanyue's fist in time. But even though he blocked it, the impact from Zhu Xuanyue's fist still knocked his body off the ground, and he flew for two meters before falling down. He felt as if the bones in his left and right hands were about to shatter. The moment her fist collided with his, he felt as if he had been struck by a car, and not a woman's fist!    


"Answer my question!" Zhu Xuanyue roared from Xia Lei.    


He was simply unreasonable!    


Zhu Xuanyue suddenly took a step forward, and in the blink of an eye, she was already in front of Xia Lei.    


"Quiet!" Xia Lei suddenly roared.    


Zhu Xuanyue was startled for a moment, her eyes became gentle, and she let go of her fist.    


"Quiet!" Xia Lei followed: "Do you still remember me? I am Xia Lei, Xia Lei. "    


Zhu Xuanyue did not speak, she only looked at Xia Lei with tender eyes.    


"Do you remember our White Huns Tribe in Afghanistan? You and a few experts were trapped there, so I'm here to save you. Do you remember? " Xia Lei tried to use the past to recall her memories.    


"What are you talking about?" Zhu Xuanyue's eyes were filled with confusion.    


Xia Lei continued, "Also, this is our first time meeting in Hai Zhu, please find me to fix the compass for you."    


With the existence of Serenity and Gu Kewen, especially Serenity, her existence would be even more distinct, because she had participated in the "Reincarnation Experiment" as a living being in that laboratory in India. If he could wake her up, she wouldn't hurt him. This was also the reason why he did not wake Gu Kewen. Gu Kewen's love for him had reached its peak, but her hatred for him had also reached its peak.    


The wind rustled the corn. Xia Lei's story was just written like this. The scene music slowly progressed, the peaceful past, and everything that had happened was slowly narrated by his mouth ?    


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