Tranxending Vision

C1125 pre-war united front

C1125 pre-war united front

Late at night, the office of the Vico Co., Co., Ltd., was as dark as a deserted place. But it was an illusion. In an office where they could defend themselves against tank fire, a large group of Japanese were having a critical meeting.    


"President, Thompson has yet to return to his residence. The people who are keeping watch of him in District 51 say that he hasn't left District 51 at all." The trusted warrior from the Hattori family reported to Mei Hattori.    


Mei Hattori frowned, "Could he really be very busy?"    


Kenichi Yagyuu said: "We do not know that he is busy, but I do know that the Secret Gold is extremely important to our Great Japan Empire. This is an opportunity, why are you still hesitating?"    


Mei Hattori said: "Master Liu Sheng, I don't know why but I keep feeling that something is amiss."    


"What's wrong?" Magic Kotaro sneered, "Is it because those assassins killed so many people of your Gu Clan, you don't dare to leave this place anymore, right?"    


"Magic Kotaro, what do you mean?" Mei Hattori was a little angry, "My mother has already fallen into that person's hands, and almost all of the members of our Abdominal Clan have died. If your family were to become that person's target, and if I were to make such sarcastic remarks in your ear, how would you feel? "    


The person she was talking about, was clearly Xia Lei.    


Magic Kotaro shut her mouth. Even though she had a big and thick build, like Zhang Fei from the time of the Three Kingdoms, his thoughts were still very meticulous. Although the Hattori family was already in decline, Mei Hattori was still a core member of the Japanese high school, making enemies with her was not a good thing.    


"Bathrobe, is there any news of your mother?" said the wildflower.    


"No, the mastermind is Xia Lei, he has more money than our Hattori family has accumulated for hundreds of years, he does not care about money at all."    


"Bud Robe, to put it bluntly, if this is the case, I think your mother is probably in trouble now." Xiang Chuan Zhen Mu, a leading figure from the Gobi River, said.    


Tears rolled down from the corners of Mei Hattori's eyes. Half of what he said there was for her mother and the other half for the Japanese warriors. Every woman is a natural actor, and she is one of the most outstanding performers. If her tears could win over the sympathy of these people and hold them close to his side, then why not?    


"Zhu Yi, don't be sad. What you need the most right now isn't revenge, but a boost in your spirit. We need a wise and calm leader." Kenichi Yagyuu patted Mei Hattori's shoulder. He was not clear about what others were feeling, but he himself was moved by the Bud.    


A woman whose entire family was about to be annihilated. She was not defeated, and had still persisted on the front lines in fighting the enemy. Wasn't such a woman worth being moved and respected?    


Mei Hattori's tears had indeed received a very good effect, there were a few people who had targeted her with some words before, but now there wasn't any. Between these Japanese warriors flowed a sense of grief and indignation, as well as a common hatred.    


Mei Hattori wiped her tears, and said with a trembling voice: "For the future of our Great Japan Empire and Da He Nation, our Hattori family has already paid a heavy price. I do not wish for the same thing to happen to you, so Xia Lei must die! He's in Las Vegas right now, and he's ten times craftier than you think he is. That's why I'm so careful. "    


A large group of Japanese warriors did not have much of an impression of her words. None of them had fought with Xia Lei, so they did not know what kind of opponent he was. Xia Lei was powerful, Xia Lei was cunning, these were just ideas that Mei Hattori had instilled into them. They were all important figures in the warrior world of Japan, how could they admit that a Grand China was stronger than them?    


"But I believe that as long as we stick together and kill Xia Lei, obtaining the skills of the X Secret Gold won't be a difficult task. To show my sincerity, I decided to pay twenty million dollars for the operation. In addition, everyone who attended would receive one million dollars. However, you have to understand one thing. You are not working for me or the Hattori family, but for the Great Japan Empire and people of the Da He Empire. Just like you all, I am also a warrior who represents the Hattori family in battle. " Mei Hattori said.    


Using money to buy a person, Mei Hattori's mental attack was extremely beautiful!    


The Japanese warriors were no longer worried. Their whole families were almost all killed, yet they were still fighting and had spent so much money. What could they complain about?    


Although these people were all important figures in the samurai world, they were not in the samurai era. Many of them had been through a lot of hardships and had no money at all. Mei Hattori giving each of them the amount of one million was enough to move them. Therefore, when Mei Hattori offered a million dollars to everyone, although they had expressions that were like dirt on my face, they were actually very happy. Who would feel sorry for the money?    


After reining in the scene, Mei Hattori then shifted her gaze onto her person, "Let's talk about the situation along the way."    


The Hattori family's trusted warrior said, "Our people, as well as those from the Supreme Secrets, have scouted the entire route of 130 kilometers. They did not find any abnormalities, any suspicious people, or any ambush spots."    


Kenichi Yagyuu said: "So that means we've missed an excellent opportunity."    


Xiang Chuan True Wood also said, "Secret Gold X is very important to us, and its value to us Japan has already exceeded the value of killing Xia Lei. I think we should trade with Thompson first, and then discuss how to kill Xia Lei."    


"Yeah." Bo Duo Ye Hua said, "Thompson also said that he doesn't lack buyers. If we miss this chance, if he sells the secrets of Secret Gold to someone else, our losses would be incalculable."    


Magic Kotaro who was always against Mei Hattori also said: "Thompson is a Brigadier General of the United States Army, it is impossible for Xia Lei to bribe him to collude with him to frame you. I can even say that Xia Lei doesn't even know who Thompson is, how could Xia Lei do anything about this?"    


Everyone was in favour of going to the 51st region to finish the trade with Thompson, so everyone's gazes were focused on Mei Hattori. This kind of thing, would always be left to Mei Hattori to decide.    


Mei Hattori remained silent for a while, before saying: "I'll make another appointment with Thompson tomorrow. If he insists on going to District 51 to trade, then we'll wait for him to come back, and finish the deal in Las Vegas."    


"Bud Robe, what do you mean by this?" Kenichi Yagyuu was puzzled.    


Mei Hattori said: "He's on duty tonight, is he still on duty tomorrow night? He was a brigadier general and could only be on duty two or three times a month. It was impossible for him to be on duty two nights in a row. He's not on duty, but he's still insisting that we go to District 51 for a deal, so there's a problem. Also, his income wasn't that high. He said he could get three million dollars, which was a lot of money for him. He should have come to us on his own initiative, not repeatedly asked us to trade in Area 51. "Think about it. He was risking his country to make this deal. Under normal circumstances, he should have stayed away from area 51. Why did he insist on staying in area 51?"    


The degree of her meticulousness was truly terrifying.    


"Didn't he say it was outside District 51 and not inside?" I think he was trying to protect himself, too. No one dared to fight near Area 51, which was his turf. Xia Lei would not be stupid enough to make a move there, right? Even if he succeeds, he won't be able to escape. "    


If you analyze the same thing from a different angle, you get different results.    


Mei Hattori said: "Let's do it like this, I will give him a call tomorrow, I will scout his words before making a decision. I know you want to make this deal for Japan, but if we are too impulsive, it is very easy for us to fall into the enemy's trap, and we only have one chance, so we can't make any mistakes. "    


With that, the large group of Japanese warriors left, leaving only Mei Hattori in the office. She woke up the computer on her desk and looked at the satellite map. After a while, she muttered to herself, "Xia Lei, where are you? Didn't you want to kill me? Why not? Your goal is the shepherd's plan, but why don't you act? Are you trying to be patient with me? I tell you, I'm more patient than you are ? "    


Seventy kilometers away, Las Vegas is in a valley on its way to District 51.    


Climbing onto a hillside, Xia Lei stopped in his tracks. He only needed to glance at the road at the foot of the mountain to get a set of data: 511 meters above sea level, 593 meters in straight line, 3.5 meters per second wind speed, and a level 3 breeze. Without a doubt, this was an ideal sniper spot.    


"Here it is." Xia Lei said.    


Kyoko Tsukino, who was with him, also stopped in her tracks. She switched on the tactical flashlight in her hand and shone it towards the other side, then turned it off and switched it on once more. This was the agreed upon light signal. She was explaining to Yasuya Khan and Sayimu that she and Xia Lei had already found the sniping spot, and it was right in front of the light.    


A few seconds later, a light also came from the other side, shining down twice like before. Sayimu and Yasuya Khan also found their position, their height and position was also around the same as here.    


The Thousand Army was moving alone, and he was in the jungle at the foot of the mountain. If Mei Hattori's convoy appeared, he would follow Xia Lei's orders and awaken those TM83 antitank side armored mines. Afterwards, he would sneak towards the entrance of the valley and cut off the Japanese's retreat path from the back.    


After they exchanged light signals, Kyoko Tsukino untied the equipment on her back and said casually: "We're already in position, but what if Mei Hattori doesn't come?"    


Xia Lei was full of confidence, "Believe me, if her mother wasn't executed in another place, she wouldn't have come. But tomorrow, as long as she receives her mother, she will be executed in another direction, she will definitely come here."    


"I believe you." Kyoko Tsukino walked towards the forest at the side.    


"Where are you going?" Xia Lei asked.    


"I'll go relieve myself. Watch out." Kyoko Tsukino said and then entered the forest.    


Xia Lei nodded his head speechlessly. In his mind, he also couldn't help but draw a vivid picture of a female disciple's Shh. Sometimes it's not a good thing to have a brain that works too well.    


Less than a minute after Kyoko Tsukino entered the forest, he screamed, "Ah ? The snake! "    


Xia Lei sighed, he did not move.    


How could a ninja, who could not even blink, be afraid of a snake?    


"Aiyo, I've been bitten!" Kyoko Tsukino's voice.    


Xia Lei could not hold it in and ran inside.    


"Where's the snake?"    


"It's on you."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


He suddenly felt that there was a very grave mistake in his battle strategy's layout, and that he should be with the Indians or the Iraqis, and not Kyoko Tsukino.    


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