Tranxending Vision

C1126 Fu Buyayi's Abandonment

C1126 Fu Buyayi's Abandonment

10 AM in the morning.    


Mei Hattori dialed Thompson's number.    


"It's me, Mr. Thompson. When are you off work?" Mei Hattori went straight to the point.    


Thompson's voice came out of the phone, "Why are you asking me this question?"    


"I need a secure trading environment. I always believed that my place was a completely safe place. I've already prepared the cash you want. As long as you bring me what I want, we can complete the transaction. " Mei Hattori said.    


"Hehehe ?" Thompson laughed.    


"Mr. Thompson, what are you laughing at?"    


Thompson said, "Miss Yue Ya, I understand your thoughts, but I don't think your place is absolutely safe. Of course, for you, it's absolutely safe, but for me, it might be a trap. I want to trade within my control. "    


"You can completely trust me. My Hattori family does not even place several million dollars in our eyes."    


"Money isn't a problem for you guys, but if people from the Pentagon and the White House find out about this kind of deal, it's not a good thing for you guys in Japan. How can I be sure that you guys don't want to kill me after you get what you want?"    


"Mr. Thompson ?"    


"There are new buyers coming to contact me. You can continue to wait, but this is the only opportunity. I'll give you an hour to think about it. We'll agree to a new buyer in an hour. Just remember, you only have an hour. Goodbye. "    


"Mr. Thompson, wait ? "Hello?" Mei Hattori wanted to make one last attempt at persuasion, but Thompson had already hung up. She slammed the phone down on the desk.    


She thought that Thompson would give up on the idea of trading in Area 51 under the temptation of money, but she didn't expect another buyer to come in contact with him. If she did not go to the 51st area and insisted on doing business here, then Thompson might really think that she had set a trap here. After the transaction was complete, she would kill him and thereby facilitate the transaction between him and the new buyer.    


She had an hour to consider whether or not she should go. Thompson's time was not short at all. However, she had a feeling that something was wrong, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly what was wrong.    


"Go on, sashimi." Kenichi Yagyuu said: "I think it's impossible for Xia Lei to know about this transaction, moreover, he doesn't dare to set up an ambush at all."    


A large group of Japanese warriors all looked at Mei Hattori. This time, no one objected, they only waited quietly for her orders.    


Just then, there was a knock on the door, followed by a loud voice shouting, "President! "President!"    


Mei Hattori pressed her fingers on the keyboard and the office door opened. A Hattori family ran in with a panicked expression, "President ? This is bad! "    


Just when Mei Hattori was worrying that she could not find a place to vent her anger, she said angrily: "Bastard! What are you panicking for? Speak! What happened? "    


"I'm sorry!" The reprimanded family samurai lowered her head, "President, Madam ? She ? In the United States! "    


"What?" "How is this possible!?" Mei Hattori suddenly stood up with a surprised expression, unable to believe what she had just heard.    


The family samurai continued to speak, "President, this is true. The lady was in a small town a hundred kilometers east of Las Vegas, and the killer had her brought to the United States and had one of his men put a video file and some photos in here for us. "    


"Give it to me!" Mei Hattori roared.    


family samurai handed over an envelope to Mei Hattori.    


Inside the envelope was a piece of paper and an excellent plate.    


It said in English: Bring a hundred million dollars to redeem your mother, or I will cut off her head and hand it to you.    


The signature was a wrench.    


It was the mechanic's identification mark, and in all the ransom letters he had sent there was the mark of a wrench.    


Mei Hattori crumpled the letter into a ball and played the video.    


On the computer monitor was a basement with no doors or windows. The light was dim. Wendy's body only had a bra and underwear. Her body was covered in wounds and dirt. She was tied up like a dog and thrown to the ground. A man wearing a V-mask was standing behind Wendy with a fire axe in his hand, exuding a murderous aura. At the end of the video, he swung the fire axe at Wendy, but it didn't hit her, so he just did a frightening action.    


A ball of fury burned in Mei Hattori's heart, and her eyes were terrifyingly cold as well.    


"It must be that fellow Xia Lei. He's in that small town, and he had the assassin bring your mother to that small town. He laid an ambush there, waiting for us to get there!" Xiangchuan True Wood said.    


"Regardless of whether or not Xia Lei set up an ambush in the small town, we should still kill him! We've been waiting for him to show up, and he finally lost his patience. This is a chance to get rid of him! "    


"Yes!" This is the United States and not the Grand China, she will be facing not only us, but the troops of the United States, the CIA and the people from FA. Once they find out that Xia Lei is in that small town, that place will become Xia Lei's grave! " Magic Kotaro's voice was loud and unpleasant to listen to, giving people the feeling that it was the roar of a wild beast.    


All the Japanese warriors were excited, and there was also a surge of killing intent in the office.    


Then, when everyone was excited about this news, Mei Hattori had already calmed down. There was no expression on her face, and her voice didn't fluctuate at all. She looked at the family samurai who came to report, "When did you get this letter?"    


"Four minutes ago, as soon as I got it, I saw the contents of the letter. I sent people to chase him, but did not find the person who delivered the letter. " The family samurai said.    


However, Mei Hattori became silent again, she still looked as calm as ever.    


"Bud Robe, what are you hesitating for?" Kenichi Yagyuu could no longer hold it in, "Now is the time for you to make a decision, hurry up and make your decision! The time will not wait for us! "    


Mei Hattori ended her thoughts and silence, "Hand over this letter and the excellent news to the CIA, let them fight in the town, let's go to District 51."    


Everyone thought that Mei Hattori would bring them to that small town to kill Xia Lei, but they never thought that she would make such a decision.    


"Bud Robe, your mother ?" Kenichi Yagyuu did not continue, but his meaning was clear, you do not even care about your mother anymore?    


Mei Hattori said: "Master, I know what you want to say. If I could, I would rather face death in my mother's stead. But have you ever thought about why Xia Lei would send us news about my mother at this time? I understand his character very well, and I understand his strength even more. If he wasn't 100% confident, would he have revealed his position so easily? "    


"You mean, Xia Lei is not in that small town at all?" The voice of the Xiangchuan True Wood.    


Mei Hattori said: "Yes, I can use my head as a guarantee that he will definitely not be in that small town. He will definitely set up traps on the way to that town. If a large army appears, he will quietly retreat. If only we go, then he will make a move against us. "    


"If he makes the best move, I will personally wring off his head and dig out his heart in front of him!" Magic Kotaro was excited.    


Mei Hattori said: "Magic Kotaro, what I want to tell you is that there are a lot of people who have those thoughts in your head, but none of them are alive right now. Xia Lei, he is the world's most powerful sniper, he can kill any target at a distance of 3000 meters. If you want to wrench off his head, I swear, you will be killed even before I know where he is. "    


Magic Kotaro did not say anything, but she looked unconvinced.    


Mei Hattori's gaze swept across all the Japanese warriors, "I have decided, we will go to the 51st region to complete the deal with Thompson. Give this letter to the CIA people and have them rescue my mother. " Then, she said to the family samurai who brought the news: "Remember, you must explain the situation to the CIA and tell them not to use any large scale armies. It would be best for them to let some of the Asian faced special agents to take the lead and lure Xia Lei to take action. The special forces are on standby and are preparing to use helicopter gunships. Once there is a fire fight, they will immediately rush to the battlefield and have the National Guard of Nevada seal the area within a hundred kilometers. Only then can Xia Lei be captured or killed! "    


"Hey!" family samurai turned and left, her footsteps hurried.    


"But if you do that, your mother might be able to. will be killed. " Kenichi Yagyuu said.    


Two hot tears rolled down from the corner of Mei Hattori's eyes. Her voice trembled slightly, "Of course I know what will happen. If my mother died because of this, I wouldn't even plead for her to forgive me. But I know that everyone in Japan will remember her. She will become the hero of our Japan, because her sacrifice will be exchanged for Xia Lei's doomsday. She will also exchange for the technology of the X Secret Gold, allowing Japan to once again become a powerful military power, the overlord of Asia! "    


If all this is done, the value of Wendy's sacrifice will not be measured in money. Her memorial tablet will enter the Yasukuni Shrine, and her deeds will be recorded in Japanese textbooks, remembered by the Japanese for generations.    


Kenichi Yagyuu suddenly bowed towards Mei Hattori.    


All of the Japanese warriors also followed Kenichi Yagyuu as they bowed deeply towards him.    


"Let's go. If we act quickly enough, we might be able to witness Xia Lei's death with our own eyes." Mei Hattori said.    


"Hey!" A large group of warriors bowed in response.    


A few minutes later, a convoy of ten cars left the office of the Vico Corporation and headed northwest.    


The scenery outside the window flew by, Mei Hattori gazed at the scenery outside the window, her eyes were filled with tears, and she secretly thought in her heart: "Mother, please forgive my decision, because I am unable to save you from Xia Lei, but when you were captured by his people, I knew this would happen ? "Please forgive me, daughter ?"    


Tears welled up in his eyes.    


A trace of hatred suddenly flashed across her eyes, "Xia Lei, you think that I don't dare to let the CIA in on this, you're wrong! This is the biggest mistake you've ever made in your life! "    


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