Tranxending Vision

C1109 catenary meter

C1109 catenary meter

A pickup truck left the town and headed for Tijuana.    


Black Wolf, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at the town under the green straw hat from the rearview mirror. A cold smile appeared on his face.    


"Chief, are we just going to let that kid off like this?" The man driving the car said.    


"Let him go? "Hrmph." Black Wolf coldly snorted, "That is a hundred thousand US dollars. In addition to the fifty thousand we got tonight, we can earn one hundred and fifty thousand US dollars." When we get back, we'll bring the guys and some more people. We'll come back here again tomorrow night. "    


"Hahaha!" Laughter filled the car.    




The windscreen of the truck's driver's seat suddenly shattered. A bullet came from the front and struck the driver in the forehead. His forehead instantly exploded, and blood and brain matter sprayed out in large patches on the shattered glass, as well as on the bridge.    


"Damn it!" It must be the scimitar! " someone shouted.    


"That kid is plotting against us!" Someone scolded.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The car was still taxiing, and the sound of breaking windows began again. Bullets shot through the windows of the pickup truck and into the bodies of its occupants.    




The pickup lost control, crashed headfirst into a tree on the side of the road and came to a stop.    


Black Wolf pushed open the door and rolled out of the passenger seat. He lay prone on the ground, vigilantly observing everything he could detect. While he was looking for his target, one of his men crawled out from the back, holding a gun. He looked to be in a state of shock.    


"Boss, those guys want to kill us!"    


"Call someone!" Black Wolf was both frightened and furious, "You dare to start a war with our Tijuana gang, I want to massacre this town!"    


Black Wolf's men took out their cell phones and dialed in panic. However, before he could finish dialing the number, a bullet flew over and struck his palm, causing it to explode into pieces!    


"AHH!" Black Wolf's ten fingers were linked to his heart. He screamed miserably as he rolled on the ground.    


Bang bang!    


The black wolf shot two times in the direction of the bullets, then bellowed: "scimitar, do you know what you're doing? Our people know we're here, and if you kill me, our people will massacre this town! Let's go, let's pretend there's nothing... "Ahhh!"    


A petite figure suddenly leaped from the roof of the pickup truck. At that moment, a silver ray of cold light slashed past the black wolf's hand that was holding the gun. The black wolf's right palm, which was holding onto the spear, had been cut off. Together with the spear, it fell onto the sandy ground.    


A petite figure landed on the ground, holding an extremely sharp sword in her hand. Knife.    


Black Wolf subconsciously reached out his left hand to grab the broken palm and spear on the ground.    


The warrior that was Kyoko Tsukino was holding. The blade flashed as it stabbed into the left palm of Black Wolf, nailing the left palm to the ground.    


Black Wolf no longer dared to act rashly. He looked at the petite Eastern woman in front of him in fear. He had seen a lot of ruthless women, but compared to this one, those women were like little kids riding a carousel. This woman looked at him and he could feel the fear that came from the bottom of his heart!    


There were several people coming from other directions, four women and two men. The black wolf thought that Arnandez, the scimitar, was in charge of the ambush, but he didn't even see him. The people in front of him were all strange faces, and none of them were Mexicans.    


The two men and four women that appeared were Xia Lei and Yasuya Khan, as well as the female Knights of the Gray's and the Gray's.    


Xia Lei walked to the side of the pickup truck and looked at the black wolf that was lying on the ground, then said: "Xingzi, pull out your blade, he can't answer my question with his current condition."    


Kyoko Tsukino then called her warriors over. The blade was drawn from the left palm of the black wolf, but it was not returned to its scabbard.    


Black Wolf pinched his severed wrist with his injured left hand and said with a trembling voice, "You ? you ?" Who is it? Do you know who I am? "I am ?"    


Xia Lei said, "Heh, don't mention Tijuana's help, okay? There's one thing I want to understand. If you can help me figure it out, I'll let you go. If you don't cooperate, she'll cut you into pieces and feed you to the pigs. "    


"You, you, what do you want to know?" The black wolf's voice shook even more violently.    


Xia Lei threw the two photos onto Black Wolf's body, "These are the two pictures that you gave Hernandus. Tell me, who gave them to you?"    


"I, I ?" My boss is the leader of the Tijuana gang. " Black Wolf said, "These two are enemies of our Tijuana gang. We have their whereabouts, but they are in the United States. That's why we sent the scimitar to kill them."    


"Are you sure?" Xia Lei said.    


"I, I'm sure." Black Wolf said.    


Xia Lei glanced at Kyoko Tsukino.    


With just a glance, Kyoko Tsukino swung her blade and cut off the Black Wolf's remaining left hand.    




Xia Lei moved to Black Wolf's subordinate's side and said lightly: "Did you see what happened to him? It's still the same question. What do you know about it? "    


"I ?" Black Wolf's men subconsciously glanced at Black Wolf.    


Xia Lei said: "Don't worry, don't be afraid of him. If you can help me figure this out, you can leave here alive. If he can help me find out about this, he can leave here alive. Do you understand what I mean? "    


Two of them live, and this was what Xia Lei wanted. This was also why he wanted the two of them to live. What he wanted was that kind of instinct to compete for survival under the pressure of death. Under the instinct of survival, a man could even eat his own kind, let alone betray his own companions.    


Black Wolf's subordinate nodded, "I understand."    


"Then tell me, if you leave early, you'll be able to receive treatment as soon as possible." Xia Lei said.    


"Bastard!" Black Wolf angrily rebuked, "You dare!"    


"I ?" It was very difficult for Black Wolf's subordinates to dispel their fear of the Black Dragon in such a short period of time.    


However, just when he was frightened by the black wolf, it suddenly rushed and said, "It was a Japanese man who gave me these two photos."    


Realizing that he was being cheated, Black Wolf's men panicked. Before Black Wolf could finish his sentence, Black Wolf said, "That Japanese man gave us 500 thousand dollars and told us to spread this news in the newly built church in Mexico."    


"Japanese? "What does he look like?" Xia Lei asked.    


Black Wolf said, "It's a man. He didn't say his name, but I know what he looks like ?"    


Black Wolf's subordinate said, "He's about 175 tall. He has white hair and looks very old."    


Xia Lei glanced at Kyoko Tsukino.    


Kyoko Tsukino nodded, "It's him."    


The "him" that Kyoko Tsukino spoke of was Kenichi Yagyuu, a person that Xia Lei had never seen before. But from what Kyoko Tsukino had said, he could guess who it was.    


Kenichi Yagyuu actually took out a photo of Yan Fo and a member of FA in search of a gang in Mexico to spread the news, this was not a normal thing.    


No gang in Mexico can compete with the FA, which is headquartered in Mexico. How could a mafia dare to challenge FA's dominance of Mexico's dark world? The $500,000 commission was not a small amount of money, but for gangs with drug networks, this amount of money was nothing. It was not even enough to move the top figures of the Tijuana gang. But even if the higher ups of the Tynon Gang did not know about this matter, why did Kenichi Yagyuu make the Black Wolf find a newly built church to spread such news?    


"I, I'm done ?" Black Wolf's subordinate pleaded, "Let me go, I won't tell anyone about what happened tonight."    


"You're dead meat!" Black Wolf ferociously said, then with a pleading tone, he said, "I also told you the truth. Let me go, I'll pretend that tonight's events never happened."    


Xia Lei said: "I still haven't figured it out, why are you guys in such a hurry?" After a pause, he said, "Tell me, do the top brass of the Tijuana Gang know about this?"    


"I don't know, I really don't know, I swear!" Black Wolf said.    


"I don't know. I swear too." Black Wolf's men said.    


Xia Lei said: "Did he tell you why he went to the newly built church to spread this news? I'm sure you must have asked him that. "    


"I asked, I did." Black Wolf said, "But he didn't answer me. He said that as long as I do as he says, he'll give me another 500,000 dollars afterwards."    


"How many churches did you go to?" Xia Lei asked.    


Black Wolf said, "There are a dozen or so of them. We've all been to the newly built churches in Mexico. This is the last one here."    


Xia Lei said: "This place is right beside your lair, why is it the best place?"    


"I'm sending a shipment to Guatemala. I've made a route, and my starting point is not here. It started in Guatemala." Black Wolf said.    


"What did you do in other churches?" Xia Lei asked.    


Black Wolf said, "I will take out the photo and tell them that the person in the photo is an enemy of the Tijuana gang. They are in Las Vegas and I need a killer to kill them. Those churches are all ordinary conversations, except for the priests and believers, who are not like you here. I scared them and then I left. "    


"No, he's lying!" Black Wolf's man suddenly said, "That Japanese guy told us to record the situation of all the churches, especially when we meet with the people in the churches, and then send the video to Las Vegas. Then he will pay the remaining half a million dollars. "    


Xia Lei sneered, "Black Wolf, you're actually concealing such an important matter from me?"    


"No, no, no, I, I was just about to say it!" Black Wolf immediately tensed up.    


"Tell me!" Xia Lei's tone suddenly became stern, "Where does he want you to send the video to in Las Vegas?"    


"An office of a Japanese company." "I don't know the name of that Japanese company, but he gave me an address, 112 Gold Rush Road. He said that once I got there I would find him and get the rest of the half a million dollars. "    


"What else do you know?" Xia Lei asked.    


Black Wolf shook his head. "That's all. I've already told you everything."    


Xia Lei glanced at Kyoko Tsukino.    


Kyoko Tsukino suddenly waved her hand, and a cold light instantly slashed across the black wolf's neck.    


Blood spurted out of Black Wolf's neck. He wanted to howl, but no sound came out. Three seconds later, his brain lost its blood supply and entered eternal darkness.    


"Don't kill me, don't kill me, you promised ?" The voice of the Black Wolf's subordinate suddenly stopped. Kyoko Tsukino's Ousty had stabbed into his heart from under her armpit.    


This was just a game, just like "The Chainsaw Soul Shock". No matter how much you fought, you would still die.    


Xia Lei's eyes quickly swept across the corpses, and then he took down a wristwatch from a corpse's wrist. The wristwatch had photographic capabilities and stored videos of Black Wolf's crew.    


Kyoko Tsukino said: "He is in Hattori family's company, Mei Hattori is probably there too, we should go to that place to end everything."    


Xia Lei shook his head, "Then you've been tricked."    


"Huh?" Kyoko Tsukino was stunned on the spot.    


Xia Lei said: "Concatenation, I wonder if this was something your master thought of, or if Mei Hattori thought of it, the design is very ingenious, but they tricked the wrong person." He shifted her gaze to Giovanna and said: "Rescue Institute is no longer a secret. Tell our brothers and sisters to be careful, it's best to hide during this period of time."    


Giovanna nodded his head, "I will warn them again."    


With so many followers, who can guarantee that none of them are spies from the enemy camp? Furthermore, with such a large church beside the Peaceful Mansion, the Japanese, Americans and the FA's intelligence personnel were not blind.    


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