Tranxending Vision

C1127 ambush

C1127 ambush

The midday sun was very strong.    


A lizard was hunting ants at the side of the road. Its tongue was very flexible, and every attack would bring it a harvest. Behind it was an endless desert, like a hot pan in the hot sun. Ahead of the road was a valley, where the producers' forests were thick, but it did not belong. This was because it clearly knew that it was a predator here and it would become food once they entered the valley.    


At one point, the lizard suddenly raised its head and looked in the direction opposite the entrance to the valley. A convoy of carriages was rapidly approaching them, and in the blink of an eye, they were right in front of them. Just as it was about to dodge, a cold light suddenly flew towards it. Before it could clearly see what it was, the cold light cut through its neck.    


The lizard's head flew up from its neck and rolled twice in the air before finally falling to the ground.    


Crash! * Magic Kotaro kept the chains in her hands. She was the one who threw the chains out the window and cut off the lizard's head.    


"Magic Kotaro, you are bored." said the wildflower.    


The Magic Kotaro snorted, "I can't kill Xia Lei, are you saying that I can't even kill a lizard?"    


"There are plenty of opportunities. Even if Xia Lei dies, there are still his children. The sashimi had said that his child was a huge threat, and that he couldn't stay. So, there will be a day when we go to Grand China to kill his women and children. "    


Magic Kotaro nodded her head, "Before, I had some prejudice against his, but now I admire her a lot. We need a leader like her. The Age of Warriors is over, but she has brought us into our own time. "    


She had wanted a Ferrari sports car for a long time, this time Mei Hattori had finally helped her to achieve her wish.    


In another car, Mei Hattori gazed at the valley in front of him. The complex terrain and dense forest gave her a strange feeling. For some reason, she felt uneasy again. After hesitating for a moment, she still grabbed the communicator and said, "Attention all, the valley ahead is a bit more complicated. Slow down a bit and be careful as you pass."    


A reply came through the communicator.    


The convoy slowed down as they entered the valley and continued their journey.    


A truck was coming from the opposite direction, moving very slowly.    


The truck driver blew his whistle. It was very rude.    


Mei Hattori pulled out his gun, hid it on the outside of her thigh and rolled down the window, ready to shoot at any time. Not only him, but the entire team seemed to be on high alert.    


The truck driver drove past the motorcade without stopping, heading in the direction of Las Vegas.    


Mei Hattori watched the truck leave from the rearview mirror and disappeared from her sight. She secretly heaved a sigh of relief and kept her gun. She mocked herself in her heart, "I seem to be too nervous, it's impossible for Xia Lei to be here, he's hiding somewhere in the east waiting for me to appear, but what he can wait for won't be me, it's the CIA, or the special forces of the United States. At that time, the United States military might already have sealed off the area of 100 kilometers to the east, right? Xia Lei, this time you won't be able to escape even if you have wings! "    


Then, she thought about her mother's clothing, which was Wendy. Her expression immediately darkened, and she felt a stabbing pain in her heart.    


The convoy continued forward.    


Five kilometers later, due to the terrain, the road appeared even narrower. On both sides of the road were dense forests and steep slopes. It was impossible to see what was happening in the forest. There was no sound of wind or birds or beasts.    


"Why is it so quiet here?" Mei Hattori said, that unsettled feeling growing stronger and stronger.    


Kenichi Yagyuu, who was in the same car as him, also seemed to be very vigilant, "It's too quiet here, this isn't normal."    


Mei Hattori suddenly grabbed her communication device and said: "Stop!"    


"Boom ~ ~ ~"    


The explosion happened at almost the same time as Mei Hattori's order, the intense explosion concealing her voice. The frontmost SUV was destroyed on the spot by an anti-tank flank mine on the roadside. Its body was torn apart alive, and all the people inside were turned into minced meat!    


The TM83 Anti-Tank Side Armor Mines could even kill a tank, let alone a civilian SUV. In front of it, a civilian SUV was the equivalent of a plastic electric car sold in a baby shop.    








Another three violent explosions resounded as flames shot up into the sky. Three more cars were blown up, and all the people in the cars were killed. The group of ten cars was instantly taken care of by half and their numbers were reduced by one and a half!    


Two explosions occurred in front of the convoy and two explosions occurred in the back. The road in front of them was blocked by the wreckage of the vehicles. The road behind them was also blocked by the wreckage of the vehicles. In only around two seconds, Mei Hattori and her convoy had fallen into a hopeless situation!    


"He's here! Get out of the car and fight! " Mei Hattori roared at the top of her lungs. Fear and ridicule swarmed through her mind and her mind was a mess!    


Kenichi Yagyuu who was sitting on the sofa in the backseat pushed open the car door, and the moment the door opened, he rolled onto the ground like a hedgehog. Just at that moment, a bullet from a sniper rifle flew into the car through the gap between the opened doors. A Japanese warrior who was sitting beside Kenichi Yagyuu was shot in the head.    


Blood and brain matter spurted out of the car, covering the roof and windows in large patches.    


Mei Hattori also pushed open the passenger door and rolled down. The driver sitting beside her was not as lucky as she was. Just as he jumped off the car, a bullet flew over from the hillside and struck his head, blowing up a third of his head!    


After he got off the car, he kicked off the ground and his body shot into the forest on the right side of the road like an arrow that had been shot out of anger. Behind him, a few slower Japanese warriors were killed.    


Magic Kotaro rushed into the forest on the right side of the road at almost the same time as Kenichi Yagyuu. His body was like King Kong, but extremely agile.    


On the other side of the road, the Potomac and the Honolulu were rushing into the forest on the left side of the road.    


Soon after, the surviving samurai also entered the forest on the left and right side of the road. After all, they had 30 people, and they were all Japanese warriors. They were even more agile than the most elite commandos, and a few snipers could not kill all of them in a few seconds.    


The street was temporarily quiet. There were no gunshots, no screams of death.    


Mei Hattori quietly raised her head from between the two corpses, and her gaze landed at the direction of the valley entrance. The ambush just now was very brief, but she could determine that Xia Lei only had three or four people by her side. Otherwise, there wouldn't be only ten corpses on the ground.    


Mei Hattori's line of sight landed on a Toyota Land Cruiser at the back, and then on the terrain of the road. The Toyota SUV was still in good condition. As long as she could get into the SUV, she could drive it away from the burning wreckage.    


Just as she was thinking of this, a Japanese warrior who was lying on the ground suddenly got up from his dead body and ran to the side of the Toyota Land Cruiser.    


"Bastard!" Mei Hattori secretly cursed, and then raised her gun, preparing to shoot the person who robbed her car.    


The samurai quickly started the engine of the Toyota SUV, stepped on the gas pedal and hit the steering wheel hard, causing the car to instantly run across the road. Mei Hattori immediately lost the ability to shoot him. At that moment, she wanted to get up and rush forward to shoot down that cowardly guy, but when she thought about the snipers on her left and right, she suppressed that idea.    


She watched eagerly as the Japanese warrior turned the car around and charged through the burning wreckage toward the mouth of the valley.    




A gunshot came from the direction of the valley entrance.    


A bullet rammed into the driver's side of the Toyota Land Cruiser, then into the head of the fleeing samurai. Blood and brains blossomed, and the Japanese warrior in the car leaned over the steering wheel. The Toyota Land Cruiser lost control and crashed into a rock at the bottom of the hill.    




The front of the Toyota SUV was deformed and thick smoke billowed under the hood. It had completely blocked his escape route.    


There were actually ambushing troops at the entrance of the valley!    


Mei Hattori completely dispelled the thought of driving her car and escaped. She quietly took out his satellite telephone and prepared to cry for help. However, after taking out the satellite telephone, she realized that there was no signal at all. She suddenly felt that her actions were laughable. With Xia Lei's meticulous planning, why didn't he have any measures to hide her phone's signal when he was setting up an ambush here? It must have been activated when the first roadside bomb exploded!    


Mei Hattori left the two corpses and used her elbows and knees to crawl along the road. The burning wreckage of the vehicle and the Toyota Land Cruiser that had crashed into the rocks by the side of the road obstructed the sniper's line of sight at the entrance to the valley. This was the reason why she was still alive; she had to escape this place before the sniper could reach her target.    


The asphalt of the road was rough, and her elbows and knees were soon torn, hot and aching, and her full breasts, which inevitably rubbed against the hard, rough ground, felt like sandpaper polishing her milk. However, in her desire to survive, she completely ignored these pains.    


Crawl, crawl...    


The forest was right in front of his eyes, and Mei Hattori suddenly crawled back up, crashing head first into the forest. She had entered the forest on the right side, not just casually, but right now. This was because the strongest two people, Magic Kotaro and Kenichi Yagyuu, were right in the middle of the forest on the right.    


At the same time, at the entrance of the valley, a thousand troops walked out from the forest. He ran towards the forest on the left at the speed of the wind.    


He did not choose to do it casually, but to follow Xia Lei's tactics.    


Xia Lei did not need help, but Yasuya Khan and Sayimu needed help.    


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