Tranxending Vision

C1154 guest Tang Family

C1154 guest Tang Family

Under the night sky, the capital was restless and restless. All sorts of desires were released as night fell, filling every inch of the city.    


Zhang Yumei had been busy since a long time ago, and when night fell, she had already cooked a sumptuous dinner. Now, all she had to do was wait for the guests.    


Facing a table full of good wine and dishes, Tang Tianlong did not even smile. He had already heard about the matter of Tang Yuyan and Xia Lei's hot kiss on the street from Tang Bochuan's mouth, and this caused him, as his father, to feel embarrassed.    


Zhang Yumei's face did not have a single trace of a smile. She was actually unwilling to cook this table of food.    


From the Tang Clan's point of view, this was not a happy occasion. The women of the Tang Family were respectable women, and the Tang Family was one of the top families in the entire country. Tang Yuyan was going to be a fifth brother to Xia Lei, how could this be respectable?    


In the eyes of ordinary people, Xia Lei's lovely wife group was something that made people jealous. However, in the eyes of the people of the Tang Clan, that was an unacceptable matter.    


"That kid still hasn't come?" Zhang Yumei said.    


Tang Tianlong replied: "No, to be honest, I would rather he didn't come."    


Zhang Yumei said: "In the past, I always thought that brat would be with my clan's Yu Yan. I could only imagine him living with four women and four children, and that made me feel uncomfortable. I really don't know how those women were able to endure being one husband served by four women. Just thinking about it makes me feel disgusted. "    


"Disgusting? I also feel disgusted, but for the sake of the Tang Clan, you must endure it no matter how uncomfortable it is. " Tang Yunhai's voice came from the door. He was dressed in Tang suit and was in high spirits. He had a walking stick in his hand, but it would be a mistake if anyone thought it was his walking tool. It was his weapon.    


Tang Bochuan also appeared at the door, and his expression looked very relaxed. He said with a smile: "Dad, Mom, this is already the twenty-first century, and not your era anymore. Things like this can't even be considered a big deal now. Isn't it safe for Xia Lei and his woman to live in such a small district? "    


"That is the preferential treatment given him by the country. This country gives him too much preferential treatment." Tang Tianlong said as he frowned.    


Tang Yunhai tapped the cane in his hand on the ground, "Yunhai, I'm older than you, but my thinking isn't as old as yours. Who was Fan? She is the Bureau Chief of the Bureau, his position is above yours, but she is willing to become one of Xia Lei's women, could it be that he can't compare to your daughter? "    


Tang Tianlong did not dare to retort.    


Tang Yunhai continued to speak: "After a few twists and turns, Yuyan has finally gotten together with that brat. This is considered a good thing for our Tang Family. I heard from an old friend that lived in that small district that every one of Xia Lei's children were extremely intelligent and could speak within a month. Our Yu Yan will definitely be pregnant with Xia Lei's child if he follows Xia Lei. He is an extremely intelligent child who has inherited the world's most outstanding gene. Isn't that a good thing? "    


Zhang Yumei flattered, "Dad, it's not that we don't understand this logic, it's just that we feel a little uncomfortable. "Don't worry, when that kid arrives, I won't speak carelessly." With that, she elbowed Tang Tianlong who was beside her.    


Tang Tianlong followed and said: "Dad, don't worry, I am someone who sees the bigger picture. I won't give that brat a hard time."    


"That's good. We should keep our eyes on the long term." Tang Yunhai said: "Yanyan will enter Xia Lei's door, become Xia Lei's woman, and then obtain the shares of the Rayma Group. The original shares of the Rayma Group are extremely important to us, and we would even have to depend on the Tang Clan for 100 years, or even 200 years, so we cannot afford to make any mistakes in this matter. "    


"I know, Dad." Tang Tianlong no longer felt uncomfortable in his heart.    


Zhang Yumei laughed and said: "Hearing father say that, today is actually a happy day for our family. At that time, we will drink a few cups and leave Xia Lei here to spend the night."    


Tang Yunhai nodded his head slightly, which was considered to be agreement.    


Tang Bochuan suddenly said: "Grandfather, Dad, Mom, today I noticed something."    


"What is it?" Tang Yunhai's gaze moved towards Tang Bochuan.    


Tang Bochuan remained silent for a while, before saying: "When I drove to find Yuyan, Yuyan had just received Xia Lei's kiss. Xia Lei held a necklace in her hands that she had worn on his neck the first time I saw him. It was just an ordinary necklace, not worth any money at all. But do you know? The Sacred Star chain that he gave to Shentu Tianyin was now worth one hundred and ten million, and the jewel necklace that he gave to Yuyan was worth fifty million. He could even give such a precious necklace to women, but he was wearing a worthless alloy necklace, it didn't seem to be worth more than a few dozen dollars. When I saw the necklace in his hand, I was confused. I thought he had given my sister a gem necklace worth fifty million yuan. Could it be that he wanted to give the gold necklace and the tens of dollars on his neck to my sister? That doesn't make sense, so I slowed down my car and used my lip language to read the conversation between Xia Lei and my sister.    


Zhang Yumei reprimanded: "Bo Chuan, when did you learn to do this? Say it! "    


Tang Yunhai also said: "If you have something to say, say it, Xia Lei will be here soon."    


Tang Bochuan smiled, "So the alloy necklace in his hand has an AE capsule inside."    


"Huh?" Tang Yunhai could not help but exclaim.    


Tang Tianlong said anxiously: "Bo Chuan, quickly tell me, is it the medicine that the previous lady of Lockheed Martin Corp, Folson, told me about?"    


Tang Bochuan nodded his head, "Yes, it's that medicine. I guessed that the AE capsule contained in the necklace and pendant was the last and only AE capsule in the world. Now that I think about it, that year, the CIA launched several operations in our country. Their target is actually the AE capsule in Xia Lei's hands. "    


Tang Yunhai suddenly thought of something, and said excitedly: "I remember now, every time I see Xia Lei, he would wear that alloy necklace on his neck. If it wasn't for the fact that he had such an important thing as an AE capsule, he would never have brought that necklace with him and never left his side. "    


Zhang Yumei said: "If only we could get that AE capsule, our Tang Clan has a large scale pharmaceutical company in Shu area, and also has a very advanced biological lab. If we could get that AE capsule, maybe we could mass produce it, at that time, what would we need Xia Lei for?"    


"If it works." Tang Bochuan's gaze shifted towards the sky outside the door, and his eyes shone with a fervent divine light. "At that time, let alone becoming one of the top great clans in Grand China, we might even become the strongest family in the entire world! Even the ancient families in Europe will be trampled by us! "    


The four people in the restaurant were no longer able to keep their calm. If the Tang Family had obtained an AE capsule, then their achievements would definitely be much greater than Xia Lei's. This was because the Tang Family had a foundation of a few hundred years, while Xia Lei was originally just a poor brat who was moving bricks on the construction site. If a poor, poverty-stricken kid could become a hero of the Grand China, then what about the Tang Family?    


But at this moment, Tang Yunhai's ears twitched, and he said: "Don't talk about this anymore. Yu Mei, go and bring me the box in my study."    


"Dad, you want ?" Zhang Yumei started to get nervous.    


Tang Yunhai said: "If I tell you to take it, then go take it. Don't ask why."    


"Okay, I'll get it right away." Zhang Yumei turned and walked out of the dining hall.    


Tang Yunhai said: "Let's go to the living room to see that brat."    


In the living room, Xia Lei placed a big bag of gifts on the table beside the sofa. He looked very calm, but Tang Yuyan, who was returning home, looked very nervous. After all, she was the one who was going to be separated from the Tang Family, not Xia Lei. Thinking of those faces, she felt uneasy.    


Xia Lei seemed to be able to feel the nervousness on her body, he grabbed her small and small hands and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."    


"Yes." Tang Yuyan replied softly.    


Xia Lei moved closer to her ear and whispered: "Have you forgotten what I told you earlier? I'm not asking you not to recognize them, it's just that... It's fine if you don't have economic and political connections. Do you understand what I mean? "    


Tang Yuyan nodded once as she felt moved in her heart. She could not resist burying her head into Xia Lei's embrace, burying her head into his shoulder. She breathed in the smell of him. It was real, it gave her a sense of security. And something that stimulates hormones. The feeling in his arms was very comfortable.    


"Yes, yes." The sound of an old man coughing suddenly came over.    


Tang Yuyan hurriedly let go of Xia Lei. She shifted her gaze to the door and saw Tang Yunhai, Tang Tianlong and Tang Bochuan.    


The three generations of men from the Tang Clan walked in.    


"Hehe, Xia Lei, Xia Lei, ah Xia Lei, the last time we met, you didn't even come into our house, what wind blew you over here this time?" Tang Yunhai found a topic to talk about.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Good day to Old Master Tang, good day to Uncle Tang. Un, Bo Chuan, good day to you too." After greeting him, he calmly took over Tang Yunhai's topic, "Old Master Tang, you know that I'm really too busy. The last time we parted ways, I had no one researching in Rayma Group. Well, that's not until now. When I have free time, I will come and see you. "    


"Hahaha ?" Tang Yunhai laughed, "You brat, you still know how to speak."    


"Not at all. Oh right, I bought some gifts for all of you. I hope you like them." Xia Lei said.    


Tang Yuyan then separated a big bag of gifts, took out a bag of tea and handed it over to Tang Yunhai, "Grandfather, this is the tea that Xia Lei has given you. This was a tea picked from an old thousand-year-old tea tree in the Tong Mu Village of the Wu Yi Mountain. The price of this tea was extremely expensive. Xia Lei dragged his friend and bought it from a few locals.    


However, Tang Yunhai casually glanced at it and casually threw the bag of more expensive than gold tea onto the tea table, then said indifferently: "En, alright."    


"Dad, this is the wine that Xia Lei bought for you, the old cellar that we bought from Maotai Village. It is much better than those bottles, I heard it tastes really good, I hope you like it." Tang Yuyan passed a jar of wine to Tang Tianlong.    


However, Tang Tianlong just looked at Tang Yuyan expressionlessly, and didn't even stretch his hand. When Tang Yunhai looked over at him, he reached out to take it, but only said lightly, "En, okay."    


Xia Lei gave Tang Bochuan a Rolex as its price was the most expensive. When Tang Yuyan passed the watch to Tang Bochuan, Tang Bochuan smiled and said, "Heh, Xia Lei, you gave me such a precious gift for no reason at all, even I don't dare to accept it. However, if you want to use these gifts as betrothal gifts, I will tell you that it is not enough. "    


Xia Lei smiled faintly.    


He was no longer the him of the past. He could tell at a glance who was laughing and who was putting on an act.    


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