Tranxending Vision

C1158 the ambition of my brother-in-law

C1158 the ambition of my brother-in-law

Although there were no bright red lanterns, no bright red wedding candles, and no wedding dress or ring, this still did not hinder Tang Yuyan's hearty, blissful happiness. However, if someone were to eavesdrop outside at such a crucial moment, it would be a huge disaster.    


The sound of footsteps outside the door made the two people who were fighting suddenly stop. Just like what happened on that night in the Wangda, little by little, damn little.    


After calming down, Tang Yuyan anxiously looked towards the door. She couldn't see the person outside the door, but as a woman who had practiced martial arts since she was young, she was also the head of the secret service in the 101st Bureau. She was very sure that someone had come through the door. Who was it? Maybe it was Zhang Yumei, maybe it was Tang Bochuan, or maybe it was Tang Yunhai, or maybe it was Tang Tianlong.    


Xia Lei also turned his head around and saw Zhang Yumei, who was tiptoeing towards the door.    


Zhang Yumei came to the door, and leaned her head against it. Her intention was obvious. She wanted to eavesdrop on the room. Two seconds later, she reached for the door handle.    


Xia Lei hurriedly climbed down from Tang Yuyan's body and pulled up the blanket covering him and Tang Yuyan.    


The door opened, and Zhang Yumei appeared at the entrance.    


Tang Yuyan couldn't help but admire Xia Lei's reaction. If they were even a second late, her mother would have already seen what she and Xia Lei were doing. If it was a normal situation, it wouldn't be a big deal. Aside from a little bit of awkwardness, there wouldn't be any other troubles since she was already Xia Lei's wife. But tonight's situation was different, because Xia Lei was probably still "unconscious".    


However, even if Xia Lei had a divine reaction, it still left a fatal flaw, and that was to pull out a piece of white lace from the same body, and then drop it on the ground beside the bed. And his own, the two crucial pieces of cloth were entangled together, just like how he was with Tang Yuyan just now.    


The situation on the bed, the situation under the bed, they all entered Zhang Yumei's eyes the moment the door opened. She reacted very quickly, "He ? You guys? "    


"He didn't wake up." Tang Yuyan braced herself and said: "He's still unconscious."    


"He's still unconscious? But you? " Zhang Yumei's finger pointed at the two crucial pieces of cloth on the ground.    


Tang Yuyan sighed. Recalling the grievances and pain she had suffered earlier, her tears started to uncontrollably flow and her voice trembled, "Mom, you did that, do you think he will forgive me?"    


"He will definitely forgive you. You are husband and wife, so he will not be so heartless. Besides, as long as you conceal it well, he will not discover you." Zhang Yumei walked over to the bedside. She didn't seem to really believe Tang Yuyan's words; she wanted to see Xia Lei's situation with her own eyes.    


"NO!" He won't forgive me. " Tang Yuyan stammered, "Y-you stole his AE capsule, he definitely won't forgive me. I'm doing this because I want a child, so ? "    


Therefore, she did not let Xia Lei off the hook even when he was unconscious.    


Zhang Yumei was also a woman, and was a woman who had two children. She naturally knew what Tang Yuyan was talking about. Her expression was a little awkward, but she insisted on walking to the bedside, gently lifted the blanket a bit, and saw Xia Lei's face.    


Xia Lei's eyes were tightly shut, his face completely red.    


Zhang Yumei said, "Why are you holding him? "He has to keep the air flowing. If something were to happen to him in our Tang Clan, it would cause our entire family to die."    


Tang Yuyan became agitated, "Since you know the risks and consequences of doing this, why are you still doing this?"    


"There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. There is always a price to pay for everything. Compared to what we can get from Xia Lei, no matter how big the risk is, we are willing to take it. "    


"You all ?" Tang Yuyan's mouth suddenly closed. But it wasn't that she was too angry at her mother's stubbornness to speak, it was that she felt a bad hand in her bed, and then a bad finger. She was afraid that if she continued, her voice would be very abnormal.    


"One day, you will understand that all of this is for the Tang clan, for the descendants of the Tang clan." "It won't be long before the Tang Clan becomes the strongest clan in the world. You'll see that. At that time, you'll know that all the risks we're taking are worth it."    


"Yes." Tang Yuyan bit her lips, the expression on her face also strange.    


"Do you understand? It's good that you understand. " Zhang Yumei's face revealed a trace of a smile, "In a few days, come back and kneel down to your grandfather. If you properly admit your wrongs, he will forgive you. "And your dad, you should apologize to your dad too."    


"Yes." A light snort came out of Tang Yuyan's mouth, and she bit her lips even more.    


"Well, do what you have to do. Your idea is good, and Xia Lei's child is also what we want ? " Zhang Yumei suddenly thought of something, "Is it okay for him to be like this?"    


"Get out!" Tang Yuyan erupted.    


"Alright, alright, I'll go." Zhang Yumei turned around and left, but then turned back to look at Tang Yuyan at the entrance, and said: "No matter what, you have to get the will that you have left behind. You have to get your grandfather and father to forgive you, but that thing is more important than anything."    


Tang Yuyan's tears flowed again, but her expression was still weird.    


Zhang Yumei sighed, left Tang Yuyan's room, and closed the door.    


The moment the door closed, before Zhang Yumei's footsteps could get far, Tang Yuyan couldn't help but pull away from the blanket and slap onto Xia Lei's butt, crying as she said: "My family bullies me, and you also bullied me. My mother was here just now, and you, you actually ?"    


Xia Lei held her in his arms, "Since you're so beautiful, I can't help it. Did I bully you? Do you still want me to bully you again? "    


Tang Yuyan bit her lips and nodded. Then she closed her eyes and waited for the happiest moment to come.    


Xia Lei moved closer to his.    


Every minute of the wedding night was precious.    


At the same time, in Tang Yunhai's study, the three generations of Tang Clan men were staring at a small object, their eyes were filled with excitement.    


That small thing was the AE capsule that was stolen from Xia Lei's alloy necklace.    


What can a small AE capsule bring?    


The three generations of men from the Tang Clan were filled with endless fantasies. In their imaginations, the Tang Clan was already one of the top great clans in the world. A version of the Tang Family's Rayma Group? No, that was only the initial goal. They even wanted to conquer the entire world!    


Human desire is really a strange thing. Once it swells up, it will lose its rationality.    


"We actually got what Americans dream of getting. This is the fortune of the Tang family." Tang Tianlong sighed: "It must be that our ancestors showed their souls to protect us."    


Tang Yunhai said: "Don't be happy too early, Xia Lei's current contribution is something no one can compare to. If we were to be discovered by him, we will be facing his fury, and that requires a lot of wisdom to solve the problem."    


Tang Tianlong said: "If that evil being is willing to help us, the problem is not that complicated, but she..."    


Just then, Zhang Yumei appeared at the entrance of the study room and said: "Nothing, I just went to her room to talk to her."    


"What did she say?" Tang Tianlong asked anxiously.    


In Zhang Yumei's mind, the word "En" that Tang Yuyan bit her lips suddenly surfaced, and the corner of her mouth revealed a smile, "She agreed. In addition, she and Xia Lei ? On... "Same room."    


"Xia Lei woke up?" Tang Bochuan was shocked.    


"Nope." Zhang Yumei said.    


"No, Yuyan can still follow him ?" Tang Bochuan was unable to say anything; after all, the people standing in front of him were his mother, his father, and his grandfather.    


Zhang Yumei replied: What's there not to say? You're not young anymore, when are you going to let me and your dad carry a grandson? "    


A flash of melancholy appeared in Tang Bochuan's eyes, but he did not say a word. He liked Long Bing, but Long Bing was feeding her children to him now. What was even more hateful was that Xia Lei not only married the woman he secretly loved, he even married his sister!    


"Get down to business!" Tang Yunhai said.    


"Dad, what Yuyan is doing is also important." Zhang Yumei said: "She told me that Xia Lei might not forgive her, which means that he will not touch her in the future. But she wants Xia Lei's child. We all know how smart Xia Lei's children are. They all have Xia Lei's genes on them. Therefore, even if Xia Lei was still unconscious, she had to ? "Yeah, share the same room as him."    


"Hur Hur Hur Hur." Tang Yunhai laughed out loud, "In the end, he is still a woman of our Tang Clan. His blood is flowing with the blood of our Tang Clan, in the end, she still chose us. It looks like our risk won't be too great. That guy, Xia Lei, women are his only weakness. "    


Zhang Yumei said: "She already knows her wrongs, please do not make things difficult for her anymore, forgive her."    


Tang Yunhai said: "After this matter is over, let her take charge of the family's law. Disrespecting elders and disregarding family rules, these are not things that can be forgiven. "    


Zhang Yumei sighed lightly, and did not say anymore.    


Two hours later, a biological scientist arrived at the Tang clan. He was a biological scientist in the Tang Clan Pharmaceutical Company, and his expertise was strong. Tang Bochuan arranged for a private plane to let him fly to the capital, and then he came here.    


Tang Bochuan was very anxious, "Doctor Kang, take a look at this pill and tell me what it is."    


Dr. Kang, the biological scientist, then set to work. He carefully opened the capsule and placed it on top of a precise analytical instrument that he had brought with him.    


As the apparatus began to function, the people of the Tang Clan all began to think anxiously.    


"Is that useful?" Zhang Yumei could not hold it in anymore, and her voice broke the silence in the study room.    


Tang Bochuan replied, "Of course it's useless. If it was useful, the American AE Research Center would have copied it a long time ago."    


"Then why did you call Dr. Kang to analyze it?" Tang Tianlong also felt that it was strange.    


Tang Bochuan said: "I only want Doctor Kang's evaluation."    


"What assessment?" Tang Tianlong asked.    


Tang Bochuan said: "Doctor Kang will assess whether or not we have the ability to study this medicine, and whether or not we can replicate it. If not ?" His gaze moved to the capsule on the analyzer, his eyes flickered with a fervent divine light, "I'll eat him, I'll become someone like Xia Lei!"    


Tang Tianlong and Zhang Yumei could not help but look at each other.    


"Hahaha!" Tang Yunhai laughed, "Bo Chuan, I knew you would do this, but what I want to tell you is, if this is the case, it would be impossible for Xia Lei to take back his medicine. If we can't copy it, you eat it! You will forever evolve like Xia Lei, and you can lead the Tang Family towards glory! "    


"Thank you, Grandpa!" Tang Bochuan was very excited, he was already fantasizing about the taste of the AE capsule.    


It was at this moment that Dr Kang spoke up. "About that ?"    


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