Tranxending Vision

C1164 Super Bodyguard

C1164 Super Bodyguard

For those who are asleep and unconscious, the passage of time is not felt.    


After an unknown period of time, Xia Lei's hands trembled, and then he opened his eyes. His clothes had returned to normal, but his body was still stiff. It was because of the cold. A bone chilling cold still remained in his body, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.    


However, when he opened his eyes and saw that his body was still inside, a huge boulder was immediately lifted from Xia Lei's heart. When he ate the last AE capsule, he was worried that there would be a chemical reaction, and that his body would disappear in a series of violent reactions. Now it seemed that this worry was unnecessary.    


Evolution was slow. Although he had already eaten the last AE capsule and fully evolved it, it was impossible for him to reach the pinnacle level of evolution with just a brush. It had a process. Although he wasn't sure how long it would take, he believed that it wouldn't be completed so quickly.    


Xia Lei struggled to get up from the ground before leaving the secret underground room.    


The sky was still dark. A full moon hung in the sky, emitting a faint but cold light. This light did not pay attention to illuminate the world.    


Xia Lei looked up at the moon in the sky. He didn't know why but he felt a sense of loneliness in his heart. He had five beautiful and sexy wives, four cute and cute children, as well as his brothers and sisters from the Zodiac Clan. They lived and died together. He had so much, he shouldn't have felt that way, but it had happened so suddenly.    


Was this feeling of loneliness a sign that he was about to leave his women and children, even this world?    


He did not know the answer.    


At this moment, he was truly very lonely.    


He returned to Tang Yuyan's room. The room's temperature and the elegant body fragrance that was being emitted from Tang Yuyan's body made him feel better. He slept on the bed, and Tang Yuyan, who had a big wet pillow, couldn't help but recall the things that happened with her again. His eyes were very gentle.    


Tang Yuyan had not awoken. She seemed to be having a wonderful dream, and the corner of her mouth still contained a trace of a sweet and satisfied smile.    


Xia Lei took off the clothes on his body, but he didn't go to bed. Instead, he went into the bathroom and turned on the spigot of the hot water.    


The hot water brought him warmth and took away the feeling of loneliness from his body. The temperature of the hot water also made him feel like a normal human being. This feeling was especially important to him.    


"Yawning ?" Suddenly, Tang Yuyan's voice came from outside the door, "Hubby, it's only four-thirty, what are you doing up so early?"    


Xia Lei stuck his head out of the water curtain, "I can't sleep, so I'm going to take a shower."    


"Why can't I sleep?" Tang Yuyan asked with concern: "Is it because I'm feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"    


Xia Lei said: "There's something wrong with my stomach, maybe it's because I drank that kind of soup."    


He needed a cover up excuse. Although the three whips soup Jiang Ruyi made for him was lying down, he still bravely carried this black pot on his back.    


It was a white lie, and he did not want his women to fall into despair before his doom. He wanted to leave them everything he had. This was also a lie of sadness and loneliness. He had to bear all of this alone, and no one would help him to share it.    


The next morning, the family gathered around a table to eat. The four children were drinking bottles of milk from the stroller, but the bottles contained not artificially produced milk, but their mothers' milk. The children of the Xia family had taken the breastfeeding route.    


Regardless of which of the four children it was, every day, they would improve, causing others to feel an obvious change within them. These changes are reflected in their body's ability to coordinate, to read and recite, and to adapt and communicate with others. Looking at his own child, Xia Lei's mood finally improved. He teased this one, and he and the kid laughed. The five women were also beaming. The family was harmonious and beautiful, and the atmosphere was extremely good.    


"Yuyan, I can see that you're having trouble walking. Don't work too hard. I'll do an analysis for you later. If you win, don't work too hard." Fan Fan said.    


"He can do the test so quickly?" Tang Yuyan was obviously very surprised.    


Long Bing laughed and said: "Fan Fan is our country's most outstanding bioengineering Master, the antidote you used is something she researched, no problem, I was also tested by her back then, the results were very accurate."    


"Then I'll be troubling you." Tang Yuyan said happily, he could not wait any longer.    


Fan Fan Fan smiled. "A family, we're all sisters, there's no need to be polite."    


Tang Yuyan laughed, and did not continue to speak with any courteous words. She had already fallen in love with the atmosphere of the family.    


"Daddy!" Xia Fan suddenly threw the bottle in his hand onto the ground, then shouted, "Pick it up!"    


"You?" Xia Lei put down his bowl, with a stern face, he lectured his daughter, "You threw the bottle on the ground and you still want me to pick it up, do you want to die?"    


Xia Fan slapped the baby carriage's food tray with his chubby little hands and yelled even more cheerfully, "Pick it up!" Pick it up! "Pick it up!"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Fan Fan said, "Hubby, go and pick it up. Your daughter told you to pick it up."    


Xia Lei used his finger to point at Fan Fan Fan and glared at her. But after a second, he stood up and picked up the bottle that fell to the ground, placing it on the plate in front of Xia Fan.    


"Daddy is good." Xia Fan continued to pat his plate, "Feed the milk!"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


But just at this moment, Xia Long also threw away the bottle in his hand. "Daddy, pick it up!" "Daddy picked it up!"    


"Kid, you want to rebel?" Xia Lei pretended to be angry, "You want to hit me too?"    


Long Bing said: "You don't care about your daughter or your son, right?"    


Xia Lei was speechless.    


Not waiting for Xia Lei to pick up the bottle Xia Long threw down, Liang Jiayu and Xia Jianghe also threw away the bottle, shouting for their father to pick it up.    


Xia Lei was about to collapse. He was the head of the family, and he enjoyed all the pleasures of heaven and all the blessings of men, but he seemed to be the least of them. The ones with the highest authority and status were obviously his four little ancestors, followed by his five women, and then by himself. The case of the bottle picking up was an example of blood and tears gathering together.    


After he had finished messing around with his son and daughter, Xia Lei finally announced what he wanted to announce.    


"Wives, are you done eating?"    


"What do you want?" Fan Fan asked.    


Xia Lei said: "Let's go after eating our fill. Let's return to the Peaceful Mansion."    


"Return to the Peaceful Mansion?" Long Bing was surprised, "The danger has been averted?"    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Now that the danger is gone, it's time for us to return home."    


Liang Siyao laughed: "That's great, I don't want to stay in this place any longer, it would be better if we stayed."    


"I also think that our house is a bit more comfortable. It's best if we go back and stay." Jiang Ruyi said.    


The danger had been eliminated, but only Xia Lei knew how it was resolved, and what price he had to pay.    


"Ah Bing, wait for you to start your 15th life as a Knight. You two go first, I'll follow behind you." Xia Lei said.    


"Why not?" Long Bing asked.    


Xia Lei said, "I want to bring back the things in the basement. Those things cannot be with you and the children."    


Long Bing said: "Alright then."    


The five women cleaned up a bit before boarding Long Bing's fifteenth life. Tang Yuyan drove her military SUV by herself and left first.    


In the basement, Xia Lei packed everything up. Compass, World's Box, bronze valuable book, Battle and crystal skull. Then he left the basement with everything, got into a car, and drove away.    


As the car drove out of the small district, Xia Lei could no longer see the knight 15 that Long Bing had said was driving. Long Bing and Liang Siyao both knew what a ancient alloy box was, and of course they knew how dangerous it was, so they brought their children far away from them. Of course, they also knew that their husband was the only person in the world who was immune to ancient alloy box.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to drive into the fast lane to speed up, a black Toyota Land Cruiser suddenly drove past him. When the two cars passed by each other, Xia Lei saw a person seated in the front passenger seat of the Toyota Land Cruiser. And also at that moment, Xia Lei stiffened.    


In the passenger seat of the Toyota Land Cruiser sat a man in a black robe. He wore a black hood with a pointed top, which was pushed down so that his face could not be seen.    


The only one before history was him.    


The reason he came here was obviously to make sure that Xia Lei did not take the last AE capsule. And to Xia Lei, the only thing that had appeared before history represented that the super bodyguard he had hired was in position.    


The two cars drove past each other, but neither of them had any form of communication with each other.    


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